Loopy Pro App Tutorial: The Canvas & Groups

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 38

  • @ricnev
    @ricnev Год назад +9

    85 views and only 7 likes! C'mon, Guys!!🎊 JPM really giving us some great insights into the wonderful features of Loopy Pro. Michael Tyson and A Tasty Pixel have really knocked it out of the park with this app - and have you seen the Roadmap!

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад

      Thank you so much 🙏
      It’s climbing in views now!!

  • @stapeling
    @stapeling Год назад +3

    As a digital architect i'm thoroughly impressed by the way every aspect seams to be based on simple core principles, enabling to plot every imaginable feature in a logical context, making it very intuitive.
    As an color-addict, I love the UI.
    As a saxophonist (one-note-at-a-time kind of guy), Loopy Pro is way out of my league. I guess I need to practice....

  • @linzkirk
    @linzkirk Год назад +2

    This is amazing. I got loopy pro 2 weeks ago, coming from the Boss RC600 and before that Ableton. Loopy Pro is so powerful, easier to use live than Ableton, being able to overdub audio clips is amazing, and can't believe it's still not possible in Ableton. The canvas is insanely good. I'm mainly a guitar looper, but I have years of music production experience, with virtual instruments, synths and samplers. So loopy pro links it all together for me. I watched a lot of your vids for Boss RC products and now loopy pro. great channel, great tutorials That pixel is very tasty

  • @letitplay933
    @letitplay933 Год назад +2

    I’m just about to start EP6; this is exactly what I needed. Thanks JP!

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад +1

      More than welcome. 🙏

    • @andrewharman6861
      @andrewharman6861 10 месяцев назад

      Me to but one problem is once you make your personal loopy canvas it’s completely confusing to me how you save it as a template ? I thought this would be very important conclusion of this section

  • @stapeling
    @stapeling Год назад +1

    Thnx again, these tutorials are a huge help to getting up to speed!

  • @TonyLiveTV
    @TonyLiveTV Год назад +1

    I’ve been using LP for a long time now and it is one of my favorites. Your videos are great JP. One suggestion is to add a mouse to your iPad so viewers can see what you’re clicking on.

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад +1

      That’s a great idea.. for the next ones, I’ll be doing that. 👍🏻 😊

  • @yvesbajulaz
    @yvesbajulaz 10 месяцев назад +1

    great tutorial

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  10 месяцев назад

      Thanks 🙏 Here’s the link to the series: ruclips.net/p/PLO36LpORUSaYsDmWvl2tqZr3flIVH2ffl&si=lL6aLVcahki4Pwat

  • @LanceMcKnightMusic
    @LanceMcKnightMusic Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for all the tutorials!
    Do you have a tutorial on the best practices for sound library and sample/one shot organization and work flow for plugins etc.?

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад

      I don’t have a video on this.. but that’s a great idea! 👍🏻

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад

      You can always try this one as a starting point.. but watch this space for a workflow video: ruclips.net/video/GJH5Xk_KhqA/видео.htmlsi=1F0gDY8PtPIcrIoo

  • @IceHokku
    @IceHokku Год назад +1

    Thank you so much!

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад +1

      You're welcome! Checkout the full series here: ruclips.net/p/PLO36LpORUSaYsDmWvl2tqZr3flIVH2ffl

  • @TheSemtexCow
    @TheSemtexCow Год назад +1

    Hi JP, great video series, each tutorial makes Loopy Pro seem more and more complete.
    I watched Jades recent vid on the different iOS audio standards.
    Is Loopy Pro compatible with all the iOS standards as well as AUv3?
    Auto clip slicer ❤, wow 🤘🤘
    Waiting impatiently for MIDI out loops and duel screen information 😂.

    • @linzkirk
      @linzkirk Год назад +1

      Yes, its amazing with AUv3

    • @TheSemtexCow
      @TheSemtexCow Год назад

      @@linzkirk yeah thanks, 6 months on I got half a clue now buddy 😁

  • @AwayWithWordsMusic
    @AwayWithWordsMusic Год назад +1

    Is there a way to “lock” one track to all groups? For instance I play a simple guitar intro in the first clip. For the second clip record a percussion that will carry over into every group (without re-recording it for each group)? Thanks

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад +1

      Hey 👋
      So the way to think of it is the other way round.
      Create your groups but then have a loop or two that are not grouped. This would be your percussion and if it’s not grouped, it will play independently whilst the groups play. 👍🏻 👍🏻

    • @AwayWithWordsMusic
      @AwayWithWordsMusic Год назад +1

      @@JohnPaulMusicUK thank you! Ok this is starting to make sense to me. (Thanks for all your ongoing Loopy Pro videos!)

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад

      More than welcome 🙏

    @JAPEMONEY Год назад

    Hey is there a quick shortcut to getting the canvas to fill the entire space ~ without gaps? I’ve had my current template only using most of the centre of the screen while missing the tops and bottom(iPad pro 2019)Thanks for the tut - japeizm

  • @yoyoyuyu234476
    @yoyoyuyu234476 Месяц назад

    So if I want a verse to be 3x 8 long, I should have one clip in the verse group of 24 bars and after that it will switch to chorus?

  • @tonydrake821
    @tonydrake821 Год назад +1

    Have you used the AirTurn bluetooth pedals with Loopy Pro?

    • @JohnPaulMusicUK
      @JohnPaulMusicUK  Год назад

      I don’t have an air turn but the similar one I have is the IK multimedia blue board and I have recently got the Boss FS-1-WL and they both connect and work no problem so I think the AirTirn will not be an issue. 👍🏻

    • @adamhaze8477
      @adamhaze8477 Год назад

      I use the BT200 6 button AirTurn foot switch and it works just fine.

  • @jasonsmith112
    @jasonsmith112 23 дня назад

    On 16 pad can I assign one of the notes to do a note repeat when touched i want to switch from 1/8 notes to 1/16 with a dedicated button . Is this possible?

  • @antoinenioi6863
    @antoinenioi6863 Год назад

    Hi John thanks for your video ! I have a trouble in canvas mode because I don’t have the pencil in the middle of the widget and I dont have the customize possibility in the slicer widget !! Can you help me thanks

    • @antoinenioi6863
      @antoinenioi6863 Год назад

      Sorry John I expressed myself badly ! My problem is in canvas mode when I open the slicer widget to edit I don’t have the tab « customize « below the window and I don’t know why ! My iPad is on the last version iOS … iPad M1 Pro ! Did I forget to set u something ? Thank you very much for your kindless

      @JAPEMONEY Год назад

      @@antoinenioi6863have u selected what clip u want it to slice first? Set that clip in the ‘target’ option - just an idea

  • @Keyaar1978
    @Keyaar1978 9 месяцев назад

    Can i download these factory sample projets? I have overwrite them, as i didnt know the saving project procedure. You have to duplicate before renaming. Otherwise you will ovwerwrite the project with just a simple renaming.

  • @RashithaMaduranga2022
    @RashithaMaduranga2022 11 месяцев назад

    How to set auto record for other loops after 1st loop recorded ?

  • @BARUS-ip7jn
    @BARUS-ip7jn 2 месяца назад

    How to resize font on the canvas?

  • @vio4jesus
    @vio4jesus Год назад

    What about a keyboard widget? (I'm certain I'm not the first to ask)