I really think they ignored the price just for the label. No matter the quality, nothing on this planet is worth $15,000 a bag. But I spent 200 on a super treasure from *regbags* and I no longer blame people who buy fakes.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable*hotdups* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
What do you think of the Coach Eliza? What other bags should I review next?
I really think they ignored the price just for the label. No matter the quality, nothing on this planet is worth $15,000 a bag. But I spent 200 on a super treasure from *regbags* and I no longer blame people who buy fakes.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable*hotdups* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.