Avernus is a genuinely overhated level. It serves as a proof that videogame communities often don't actually have their own opinions, and just try to stick with what the "cool kids" say.
Lol this is a proof of my statement. Fixed hitboxes actually aren't that much of an issue according to top players. It's just that some youtuber said that they suck so now everyone just brainlessly repeats that.
@@APPLP1E as a decent player I can definitely say that fixed hitboxes are generally a negative, but from what I hear they aren't that bad in avernus specifically. Other levels with fixed hitboxes like Tartarus though, are notorious for being awful because of them. Just like everything else in this game, it can be good or bad depending on the creator/player.
Friend.... That's great! There are few people like you, and this is your pride! You are one of the best creators! I wish you good luck in developing your skills in created
Man if you could create a part like this in my level Infernochasm which combines Infernal Abyss and Avernus, that would be so sick. Was trying to find decorators for a while now, and its a bit of a shame that no one could decorate it, since me and my friends playtested it for a while and it ended up being incredibly fun.
avernus? nah we got a furnace
Wouldve been way funnier if you said "Nah we got a stove"
@@Sonicwavejumpscares the minecraft nether as a gd level
sdslayer's mom reference
That’s crazy
Dang I can see Avernus remake before I become a grandpa that's crazy finally 😭🙏
Bro hasn't seen amethyst (I'm certainly wrong)
@@Deegonbeefon i thought that was golden remake
@@Deegonbeefon yea you are wrong amythest is a golden remake
But there's a Avernus remake in the works
I love your remake of Aeternus. Grate Job!!
Aeternus??!!! wrong level!!1!!
@sSuperiorFlame?! WRONG ACCOUNT!!
@sSuperiorFlame get better humor.
@@XYBillion No fun allowed
You cooked! This is really coming together very well!
Commented 5 minutes ago, video out 8 minutes ago 🤨
My brother you didn't even watch the video
@north_87 I watched some of his streams and I know how it looks
@AliBilalAbdallah fair enough
0:21 dont worry Vit, I am those who know💀💀💀
DMDokuro best composer
@OctoTacoCatZilla Absolutely, he's probably one of my favorite artists‼️
Absolutely love your building style. Your a huge inspiration to me in the creating field. Looks amazing and cant wait for nullscapes.
back to back my verifictions(this vid and the next one), gosh just say your a fan 🥱🥱🥱
ello zoik
Sup zoink
hello yoink
the groinkler
Ey zonk!
YOOO that Aeturnus remake is fire 🔥 🔥🔥🔥
7:40 she's in love with the concept
definitely your best work imo, keep it up
Hyped video with success 👌
Uhm actually it's success not "sucess" 🤓☝️
@Sockestic Sorry sir, i'm not english sir 😔
Yo siento, Yo creo tu fuera ingles
Mr Brazil man truly cooked!!! Great stuff vitamin person :D
Avernus is a genuinely overhated level. It serves as a proof that videogame communities often don't actually have their own opinions, and just try to stick with what the "cool kids" say.
google fixed hitboxes
@damzelisx9678 allegedly they aren't that significant according to the victors
Lol this is a proof of my statement. Fixed hitboxes actually aren't that much of an issue according to top players. It's just that some youtuber said that they suck so now everyone just brainlessly repeats that.
@@APPLP1E as a decent player I can definitely say that fixed hitboxes are generally a negative, but from what I hear they aren't that bad in avernus specifically. Other levels with fixed hitboxes like Tartarus though, are notorious for being awful because of them. Just like everything else in this game, it can be good or bad depending on the creator/player.
FINALLY! now avernus is actually looking good
i love how you put so much effort in your videos
9:04 Waboo would be proud
Omg your deco style is so good bro keep up the great work ! Cant wait for remaking nullscapes video ❤
“This is your yearly dose of vit12” -🤖
I can't wait for my great grand children to play the finished level!🥰
I never play extreme demons, but this level is a exception, keep the progress vit, I love it so far
Make Yatagarasu!
I love your videos and design👍
This is so good if pockewindfish put effort like this
Let’s goooo! New video!!!
looks incredible! also maybe acu remake next?
Friend.... That's great! There are few people like you, and this is your pride! You are one of the best creators! I wish you good luck in developing your skills in created
finally this remake lets gooo
avernus gp might be bad but it looks amazing (visually)
When you use Vit12 video for reference for your hell art level.
PVZ background music goes fireee
Bro avercooked 🔥🔥🔥
Avernus+cook = avercook
Good to see you Vit 12! Love your videos ;)
avernus definetly is a level people hate
Avernus is actually a good level and not cuz the maker of the level wanted it to be a top 1 doesn’t mean that it’s bad
Vit 12 always cooking 🔥🔥
Aeternus next 🗣🔥
Yay avernus my fav. Top 3 demon
Its not top 3 im afraid
@Mateuszorsomethingidk it was before nullscapes was top 3 i think
I wish you did my idea (the end of avernus to the nullscapes part as a transition) but other than that looking great!
This turned out SO good Vit! It has a very gloomy vibe to it, nice stuff :D
pls do anathema that would be pretty cool I think
Bro you cooking with this upload schedule
Um dos levels mais bonitos que já vi e tu redecorando ele blz vitaldoze
i just love ur deco how do you do this
good remake, also make anti - cbf jumpscare, that would be funny tho
Avernus? Nah we got Amogus
This is your daily dose of the greatest videos
He remembered his yt password lets goo.
Its wasn't that long come on 😭
Vit12 posted again? Chat is this real!?? (Great aeternus remake btw)
Daily dose of geometry dash is my favourite youtuber
Vit12 Really cooking 🗣️🔥
bro cooked fr fr fr 💀💀💀
Avernus is such a fire level (literally)
4:23 someone is me fr fr
I just beat the ultimate demon recently. Can't wait to play this one!
Bro avernus has beautiful decoration in my opinion
10:58 why there is a empty space in the middle of the part bro, I don't think it's good idea to leave it like this
thank you for remaking aeternsu! really means a lot to the community
Good cooking vit fr 🔥
Bois wake up, vit just uploaded🗣️🔥💯
Man if you could create a part like this in my level Infernochasm which combines Infernal Abyss and Avernus, that would be so sick.
Was trying to find decorators for a while now, and its a bit of a shame that no one could decorate it, since me and my friends playtested it for a while and it ended up being incredibly fun.
“I don’t think this deco is really good”-vit12 as he proceeds to make a masterpiece
weekly level remakes now? LETS GOOO
this deco is sick, but im curious why did u do the 3d on 1 side of the block in the middle part and in the last part on the other side
Menace next ? Banger incoming if yes :D In facts, banger already, nvm. Menace needed still
cool aeternus remake! it's not the most faithful (its a bit too orange in colour for an aeternus remake) but its cool nonetheless!
We got avernus remake before GTA6
Great work btw
don’t you mean aeternus
Love the abel remake (get it because the names are similar)
I fell out of my bed once I saw this vid. Not becausee it's good,but because vit12 actually kept some kind of a schedule for once
You imply that it’s not good, is that so?
6:22 oh hell no
Bro singlehandely made an Avernus thing WAY better than Avernus itself 🦸♂️🔥🔥
Can't believe making singular pillar made Vit traumatized
Make it start with the ultimate demon jumpscare (the old extreme demon you made)
-"Vit12 why aren't you uploading?"
-"Dude you got 2 videos in a week don't expect another video for 4 months"
The feeling when the only comment you commented in the live chat that's on the video is "what's this song at the background??"
yay tbh idk really what to say i mean you interpeded my making a plat level so idk breh
YAAAAY NULLSCAPES, Iam that guy who suggested it to you and iam happy that I helped you. I love u vit :D
Do a avernus remake, thats a very good idea
I love the zoink part
I love the 3d in the first part
Also we all noticed the normal face in the lava
Wake up honey vit just posted!
black blizzard remake when?
Vit still uploading slower than the time it took me to get arrested 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥
Vit12 Good remake Levels
New video new smile❤
I wanna see you create a robtop level like stereo madness into a rate worthy level.
4:30 Zoink cooked him harder than The zoink in the lava
vit uploaded again this is a miracle
This is SO COOL ❤❤❤
How many parts are left?
like 3
This is your weekly dose of geometry
I really want to see The Ultimate Demon remade :)
This looks so cool i hope someone verifying this
Congratulations, its the same thing but good
Nice demake of acheron (jk good job)
Hey VIT12, this is such a sick level. I can’t wait to play it! Great job 😊 P.S, how the hell do you make this?!