  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3,7 тыс.

  • @Alanwalkermusic
    @Alanwalkermusic Год назад +20527

    Huge congratulations to you Vikk & Ellie ❤️

  • @travisfoster4161
    @travisfoster4161 Год назад +4089

    How has Vik had the biggest glow up and yet he remains the most modest down to Earth awesome guy. Big love and respect to Vik.

    • @Jack_hopkins
      @Jack_hopkins Год назад +125

      Something I love about vik is that he never let money change him

    • @travisfoster4161
      @travisfoster4161 Год назад +76

      @not.hopkins8144 100% still so humble and modest. He looks pretty great. He's very smart. He is rich and nothing has changed. He makes a vid and you feel its through same quality Vik.

    • @mbsplayz9940
      @mbsplayz9940 Год назад +1

      Cus not anyone is ksi

    • @memerified
      @memerified Год назад +1


    • @RaindyNap
      @RaindyNap Год назад +9

      @UnboundClub dude chill, no need to compare people.

  • @YouTube
    @YouTube Год назад +3847

    congratulations Vikk and Ellie 💞💞

  • @nt_61928
    @nt_61928 Год назад +3372

    I’m honestly so happy for vikk, love this man since the pack days and continued to love him to date. Congrats man you deserve it. Still remember the amount of joy seeing vikk win Warzone Wednesday during Covid. Goated

    • @MrHaqOfficial
      @MrHaqOfficial Год назад +21

      its a bit sad sidemen coming to an end

    • @delinquent6241
      @delinquent6241 Год назад +2

      and now the pack is back.

    • @ACE25-
      @ACE25- Год назад +13

      @@MrHaqOfficialit’s not coming to an end tf

    • @Z14D4
      @Z14D4 Год назад +2

      @@MrHaqOfficial I loved your omegle video 🤣

    • @MrHaqOfficial
      @MrHaqOfficial Год назад +13

      @@ACE25- i reckon another 2 years and theyll stop

  • @ChrisDaArtist
    @ChrisDaArtist Год назад +3472

    Vikk is just catching W's

  • @shadoxir
    @shadoxir Год назад +1866

    The growth of each Sidemen can bring a tear to a man's eye....
    So happy for you Vikk!

    • @adityakrishna11
      @adityakrishna11 Год назад

      Except Josh and Toby

    • @CategoryFive5
      @CategoryFive5 Год назад


    • @johnnywick1110
      @johnnywick1110 Год назад

      youre a woman thats why

    • @Reaper_ginger
      @Reaper_ginger Год назад +15

      @@adityakrishna11Tobi has a studio now and a record label I’m pretty sure. Josh and Simon are the ones really keeping the RUclips content going consistently outside of Sidemen, and Harry is being Harry

    • @edwardcullen3251
      @edwardcullen3251 Год назад +3

      He's not good looking, and he's Indian. Indian men are the least desired.
      She's attractive, but not THAT attractive. And fairly flat chested.
      In 'real life tinder' videos, he gets rejected. By every girl.
      If it wasn't for his money and status, he would be marrying some immigrant desi from some rural village in India

  • @kerstin555
    @kerstin555 Год назад +908

    Seeing the ring on your finger and hearing you call Ellie your wife is so wholesome. Congratulations and I'm so happy for you both

  • @mayhem2376
    @mayhem2376 Год назад +1121

    its so wholesome watching all the sidemen grow, congrats vik, ps Malta was such a pretty choice

    • @ayaan9097
      @ayaan9097 2 месяца назад +1

      Fr viks glow up is crazy

  • @Steve_Eugene
    @Steve_Eugene Год назад +143

    Vik's got Sidemen, Sideplus, The Pack, Music, and his own channel. Not to mention a wife and dog too. I pray you don't burn out man, keep going strong.

  • @haridaspalleeri6765
    @haridaspalleeri6765 Год назад +289

    Congrats to both Vikk and Eliie! Absolutely surreal to have seen your journey for over a decade

  • @andrewgriesel1049
    @andrewgriesel1049 Год назад +680

    It's so beautiful how the Sidemen are one by one going into the next stages of their blessed lives. May each of them achieve the happiness that they so thoroughly deserve 🙏❤

  • @andersvassli2349
    @andersvassli2349 Год назад +180

    Making a song with Alan makes you a certified Norwegian Vik! Congrats on the awesome wedding!!

  • @Tomographic
    @Tomographic Год назад +802

    Awesome to see you find your own path with the music, Vikk. What a journey! Congrats to you and Ellie 🧡

    • @Floatakz
      @Floatakz Год назад +3

      bro your PUBG vids were the best man ty for being in my childhood

    • @MrCr7sewi
      @MrCr7sewi Год назад


  • @akiokono3487
    @akiokono3487 Год назад +618

    Congrats Vikk! As someone who has been around since those GCSE days (mostly trying to find good lines for cod lmao) it is awesome to feel like I have grown up with you. You are an inspiration to a lot of us and I'm glad I've always stuck around! Here's to a happy and event filled life to you and the missus! We love you Vikk!

    • @TheFunnyDictator
      @TheFunnyDictator Год назад +3

      What's GCSE?

    • @--_-Shinigami-_--
      @--_-Shinigami-_-- Год назад +9

      @@TheFunnyDictator UK exams you take at the age of 15-16

    • @AdumLundeen
      @AdumLundeen Год назад +11

      @@s7ed_j not everyone who watches vikkstar is from the UK

    • @arcynixz
      @arcynixz Год назад +3

      @@TheFunnyDictator End of school exams in the UK pretty much, qualifications for standard jobs and for which college courses you can get into. (college in the UK is different)

    • @TheFunnyDictator
      @TheFunnyDictator Год назад +1

      @@arcynixz Why so?

  • @SuperInfamous34
    @SuperInfamous34 Год назад +126

    So crazy seeing how Viks life has progressed from watching him back in 2013-14. Im really happy that hes in a place now where hes having fun and enjoying life to the fullest. Keep thriving and doing you brotha! Cant wait for the music drop im super hyped, congrats on the marriage, the brand drops and always love and support to my favorite sideman!

  • @beta_sturniolo
    @beta_sturniolo Год назад +469

    Honestly such an inspiring guy. This is why you're one of my favourite Sidemen, you're humble, and you always want to better yourself or learn something new. Your success in everything you do is so incredibly deserved. Congratulations on the marriage, wishing you two the best. 💜

  • @PhotonVirus
    @PhotonVirus Год назад +273

    It's mad seeing all these guys grow up and settle down. It feels like yesterday when they were all twigs living with their parents😂❤

  • @gmd375
    @gmd375 Год назад +147

    It's wild how far Vikk has come. I feel old watching these boys grow up but it's very heartwarming to see!

  • @calebbasssinger
    @calebbasssinger Год назад +591

    Absolutely impressive man. Watching you for these last… 11 years or so has been a journey. Now you’re married and I’ll be following soon. So glad you’re doing well. It’s been surreal seeing you grow as a person all this time. All the best for you, your family and your future. Thanks for being a class act through half of my life.

  • @shayayya
    @shayayya Год назад +166

    I’m honestly so happy for vikk, love this man since the good old days and continued to love him to date. Congrats man all love

  • @GasquatchGutty
    @GasquatchGutty Год назад +613

    Man. I feel like I’ve grown up with this guy on YT and it’s so bless to see him doing so well and achieving beautiful things in both his work and personal life. Truly amazing, tell the duck story 🙃💕

  • @maestrocIose
    @maestrocIose Год назад +745

    im so proud of you vik the last ten years have been a amazing journey. 😢 this is such a lovely video

  • @TheFosseArmy
    @TheFosseArmy Год назад +268

    Congrats to vik! I’ve been watching the sidemen for since I was in school and seeing them grow up and it’s genuinely heartwarming seeing them thrive still!

    • @MrHaqOfficial
      @MrHaqOfficial Год назад +5

      i reckon another 2 years before they stop

  • @alicia4830
    @alicia4830 Год назад +192

    You seem to have genuine and good people around you that support your interests! Ralph is adorable

  • @jennaashley4349
    @jennaashley4349 Год назад +393

    Congrats! So happy for you Vik. I’ve been here since 2013 and I’m so happy to have seen you grow so much.

    • @rajveerkanojiya2985
      @rajveerkanojiya2985 Год назад

      I think vik recorded this video in 2022???

    • @MrHaqOfficial
      @MrHaqOfficial Год назад +5

      been here since 2025🔥🔥💥💥

    • @crossbone7698
      @crossbone7698 Год назад +1

      ​@@rajveerkanojiya2985are you alright?😂😂😂

    • @Z14D4
      @Z14D4 Год назад +1

      @@MrHaqOfficial your omegle video was too funny🤣

  • @londonisforeverblue1022
    @londonisforeverblue1022 Год назад +152

    10 years ago i was just a kid watching you play games and now i'm in uni, soo glad i was part of the journey, congrats vikk much love my guy!!

  • @paulsuyam
    @paulsuyam Год назад +243

    Congratulations Vikk! I’ve been watching you since I was 12/13 and i’m 26 now and I also just got married! Keep killing it man! Wish you all the best and more! 🎉

    • @willewiking98
      @willewiking98 Год назад +2

      congratulations on your marriage

    • @GustoFormula
      @GustoFormula Год назад +1

      the Scalper montages were my favorite thing :')

    @MRBLASTOISE99 Год назад +81

    So happy for Vikk, and to see where he has come, i remember watching him in the pack days and to see him now is amazing. Wish you the best and keep being yourself.

  • @LuffySHC
    @LuffySHC Год назад +81

    extremely happy for Vikk, been following him for so long and so happy to see how far he has grown!! Wishing you all the best Vikk!!

  • @glocxzy4346
    @glocxzy4346 Год назад +19

    Crazy how time flies, to see the sidemen go from some teens having fun on the pitch to becoming married... Wish u the best bro!!

  • @felicitae
    @felicitae Год назад +320

    this honestly warms my heart so much. i'm so happy for you vik, you deserve the absolute best 💕 can't wait for everything more to come!

  • @Hal123
    @Hal123 Год назад +311

    Big congratulations Vikk and Ellie!! Wishing ye the best together 🫶🏼

    • @MrHaqOfficial
      @MrHaqOfficial Год назад +2

      sidemen are coming to an end😢

    • @Hal123
      @Hal123 Год назад +3

      @@MrHaqOfficial don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened 🥲😪

    • @MrHaqOfficial
      @MrHaqOfficial Год назад +3

      @@Hal123 i wasnt gonna cry mate but yh

  • @dysfunctionallyvibing
    @dysfunctionallyvibing Год назад +22

    its been crazy watching the sidemen especially vikk for so long, and now seeing them go further with their lives, marriage, babies etc. so much fun to watch i feel as ive grown up with them though i turn eighteen in a year or so. anyways, vikk and Ellie are a beautiful couple congratulations!

  • @PoliAstroN
    @PoliAstroN Год назад +259

    Most wholesome creator on RUclips. Always has been.
    Congratulations on the marriage! 🎉

  • @1Bonezy1
    @1Bonezy1 Год назад +138

    So proud of what Vik has achieved over the years. He deserves this, congrats! 🥳🥳

  • @cassie9256
    @cassie9256 Год назад +210

    Congratulations Vik! Happy for you and all your success ❤

  • @sparkz2246
    @sparkz2246 Год назад +77

    Congratulations Vikk, as a community we are very happy for you two

  • @TheSafeFellaOfficial
    @TheSafeFellaOfficial Год назад +94

    We’re all happy and proud of you Vik! Congratulations 🎉

  • @zveg5611
    @zveg5611 Год назад +14

    Been here 10 years. Insane how part of my childhood as a 6 year old was watching you and still is today!

  • @crockoreptile
    @crockoreptile Год назад +99

    So proud of you man, I remember when I started watching you 10 years ago in a Pixelmon coop series with Ali-A, and now you’re married!!!
    Sending much love

  • @gibyoshi
    @gibyoshi Год назад +44

    Been the best for years and he's still trying to be better and better. Real G Vik. Congrats on the steps you've taken till now and good luck on the future endeavors.

  • @drasgwegian
    @drasgwegian Год назад +12

    Man I grew up watching your channel, it’s absolutely wild that you are getting married now, much love man, congratulations!!

  • @DonisGP
    @DonisGP Год назад +54

    Honestly I'm so happy for you Vikk! Been watching since 2013 when you were in the Pack then when you joined the Sidemen. You deserve everything you have Vikk! Congratulations on your marriage! ❤ Looking forward to the new song with Alan Walker 👀🔥

  • @magicapple3914
    @magicapple3914 Год назад +180

    Huge congratulations Vikk and Ellie❤️
    You guys are gonna be an amazing family in the future❤️

  • @Shreklover420
    @Shreklover420 Год назад +25

    Congrats! I think you have had the BIGGEST glow up in the sidemen. Wish both of you health and prosperity.

  • @abrarasef9931
    @abrarasef9931 Год назад +114

    I'm so happy for you vik!! Its been a wild ride, I've been enjoying your content for so long that i don't even remember, we basically grew up together thats how long it's been. So proud of your success, hope you have a long lasting and healthy marriage!!!

  • @orangecatdad
    @orangecatdad Год назад +7

    everyone is so proud of you man. way back to the cod trickshot and early pack days to now being married and having a little family with ralphstar. hands down the best youtuber theres ever been, love you

  • @haaaasaan
    @haaaasaan Год назад +44

    It’s been such a honour seeing you all the way Vik! ❤️ hundreds of thousands of congratulations 🥳. Much love ❤️

  • @gopalchellingi
    @gopalchellingi Год назад +36

    i remember watching the sidemen olympics on W2S' channel thinking wonder where these guys will be in a few years. Good stuff Vikk, can't get better than that

  • @denniswierstra3856
    @denniswierstra3856 Год назад +73

    I don’t comment on videos, but this time I just have to. I have followed you for 10 years now, and like many people, I grew up with you. It’s weird to be so close to someone’s life while never meeting them. Seeing how you have grown as a person is really inspiring. Keep up the great work man, and keep being yourself!
    Oh and btw, congratulations on the wedding bro😉
    - A random proud fan

  • @Gollybone
    @Gollybone 9 месяцев назад

    Fellow 90s kid here, thrilled to see how far you've come since Hunger Games, UHC and Battle-Dome! It's incredible to see your growth and passion for life, and the fun you've been having in Sidemen; didn't know you were big into electronic music, too! Well done on having the courage to follow your heart and interests, it feels you're creating a truly exceptional and fulfilling experience, and you deserve no less. Many happy returns, MrHD!

  • @GianEditss
    @GianEditss Год назад +32

    Congratulations Vikkstar! My favorite Sideman ❤❤

  • @Classified1
    @Classified1 Год назад +17

    Congrats man extremely happy for you. One of the most wholesome people in the sidemen and most humble.

  • @litjarred
    @litjarred Год назад +22

    The rare Vikkstar videos are always bangers!

  • @loganrose4817
    @loganrose4817 Год назад +27

    what a legend. seeing this man grow and the rest of the sidemen too, big up 💪🏻

  • @marionkarimo7464
    @marionkarimo7464 Год назад +16

    so deserved man, such a humble guy. Congratulations on everything Vik much love brother

  • @alexafermin4140
    @alexafermin4140 Год назад +19

    So incredibly happy for you, I've grown up watching your videos and to see all that you've accomplished there are no words to describe. You deserve it!

  • @schalice34
    @schalice34 Год назад +7

    Watching this guy when I was about 6 to now about to turn 19 this guy has made my childhood, vikk brother congrats on the entirety of your career and life so far and keep doing what your doing

  • @rainyweather4579
    @rainyweather4579 Год назад +13

    Congratulations Vikkk!!!!!. Been watching since i was a kid and now to see you getting married is truly unbelievable .

  • @lippyandkittymsp6449
    @lippyandkittymsp6449 Год назад +1

    mental how you’ve went from update videos of your GCSEs to getting married

  • @lilyrackles
    @lilyrackles Год назад +20

    congratulations vik and Ellie !! I’ve been here since 2016 and it’s amazing to see how far you have gone xx 💕

  • @ProofArcher
    @ProofArcher Год назад +14

    The amount of things you work on simultaneously is crazy. Congrats on the collab and the wedding!!❤

  • @yeta.
    @yeta. Год назад +1

    Alan Walker being the DJ at your wedding has gotta be one of the most goated flex's of all time ngl

  • @MrHammer234
    @MrHammer234 Год назад +15

    Love you Vik! Been watching you and the lads for years! Congrats to you and Ellie! You've come so far Man its crazy

  • @Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu01
    @Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu01 Год назад +49

    12 years of amazing content from an absolute champ, this guy deserves the best of it, congratz.
    Also, Zerkaa is getting caught up by all his lads. 💀

  • @adamwadee
    @adamwadee Год назад +1

    that reflexion in your glasses did my sweed in lol

  • @dwaynne_way
    @dwaynne_way Год назад +20

    Congratulations to you and your wife 🎉 here's to many years of happiness and bliss. The Sidemen have gone through some huge moments the past couple of years, Ethan's a dad, Simon married and now you Vik.

  • @whoishamza7052
    @whoishamza7052 Год назад +17

    Vik im glad you made it this far and im so happy for you as an og fan ❤

  • @khaylanlalla4164
    @khaylanlalla4164 Год назад +11

    Vikk is the definition of a successfull life!

  • @jacksonkrueger5898
    @jacksonkrueger5898 Год назад +23

    CONGRATS VIK 🎉 you deserve to be happy after all you have done

  • @zinstan4298
    @zinstan4298 Год назад +19

    Congrats Vikk❤.. You deserve everything on your way. Much love

  • @vachanshenoy
    @vachanshenoy Год назад +14

    I’m soooooo happy for vik man like seriously I’m really proud of this man. Since the time I started to watch which was in 2013 he is just been growing and growing. Luv you sooo much vik❤

  • @gtprox8971
    @gtprox8971 Год назад +11

    Been watching you since I was 15, I turned 24 this year and you've come such a long way vikk and I can't wait to see what else you'll be doing! Congratulations on the marriage!

  • @sidharthrao9005
    @sidharthrao9005 Год назад

    Vik has taken no L's these past couple years. So proud of you Vik!

  • @huh5950
    @huh5950 Год назад +20

    Let's go Vikk🔥🔥 Congrats on the Marriage, Congrats on the song and I'm waiting for the new game you can go all in on💪🏾💪🏾

  • @valtleap
    @valtleap Год назад +10

    legend. absolute goddamn legend. proud to see you come this far bud. always been my favourite sideman

  • @rosiebrunton
    @rosiebrunton Год назад +14

    always been my favourite sideman, humble, wholesome and loving, congrats to you vik, you deserve everything ❤

  • @Jam-iv6xz
    @Jam-iv6xz Год назад +4

    Very excited for the Better off alone track. Love all those artists you named, can't wait!

  • @elis6299
    @elis6299 Год назад +10

    Well deserved life after years of hard work from you Vikk, congrats! Started watching in 2013. Watched daily from 2013-2018/19. Started watching again in spring 2023. Full circle!

  • @nateb188
    @nateb188 Год назад +2

    Bless up vik and his wife, but vik and Alan walker making a song?! I am hypeeeee for that!!! But watching vik go from a cod bro to a fucking legend has been amazing. Love vik

  • @XGRZOfficial
    @XGRZOfficial Год назад +15

    Congrats Vikk and Ellie!! Proud of you both!!

  • @pixwalker9739
    @pixwalker9739 Год назад +14

    congratulations vik!! you deserve nothing but the best, i hope you have an amazing life with your wife, wish you nothing but the best ❤️❤️

  • @flamedemonwolf2921
    @flamedemonwolf2921 Год назад +3

    Crazy to see how far this man has come i was there back in the pack days when the pack was just starting out and seeing him now is crazyyyy

  • @evanelko9481
    @evanelko9481 Год назад +34

    Congrats Vik! So happy for you both, you deserve it🎉

  • @zbgamer4968
    @zbgamer4968 Год назад +11

    Man you are just a living example that everyone can make it. I wish you the best marriage life. Btw Huge congratulations.

    • @javindersingh1139
      @javindersingh1139 Год назад +2

      This sounds like lowkey dig at Vik instead of a congrats 😂. "If Vik can make it, anyone can" supposing everyone else > Vik

    • @zbgamer4968
      @zbgamer4968 Год назад

      @@javindersingh1139 chill bro it wasn't a dig

  • @jnickerz
    @jnickerz Год назад +3

    Congrats vik! used to play with you all the time and talk on skype a bunch, helped you with your “team” series and helped record some scalper montage stuff for you, even have a-couple videos with you that are privated 😅 because the world doesnt need to see that 😂 everything changed for the better when you joined the sidemen been great to see you grow the way you have and to watch your journey! Doubt you’ll see this but was awesome to of known you before life got crazy take care!

  • @datguyjake3169
    @datguyjake3169 Год назад +3

    Started watching Vikk back in 2014, it's been a long time and he's getting better and better. Anyways, congrats VIKK!

  • @alanahaughin4186
    @alanahaughin4186 Год назад +4


  • @muaythaikira
    @muaythaikira Год назад

    ayo Vik moving mad my guy! congrats on the wedding, Circulr and music !

  • @lonelyakuma
    @lonelyakuma Год назад +10

    I can feel the joy you have for your personal life, your projects, and your main work with the Sidemen, I love seeing you happy man!!! 😁 You work fucking hard, you deserve all of the good in this life!!! 🙏♥❤❤ #WalkStar 🚶⭐

  • @dpmarveljesus
    @dpmarveljesus Год назад +21

    Congratulations to my fellow Indian, much love ❤. From COD streams to DJ sets, you deserve it.

  • @Ughhcesar
    @Ughhcesar Год назад +1

    Seeing my childhood hero getting married hit different 🥹 congrats 🎉

  • @beinerthchitivamachado9892
    @beinerthchitivamachado9892 Год назад +5

    It's so beautiful to have grown up with the boys. Seeing them all progress in life and even doing their own thing.

  • @Szym0nS1
    @Szym0nS1 Год назад +7

    So happy for Vik he’s such a gent what a kind human being he really is❤️

  • @PotentPotable5
    @PotentPotable5 Год назад +1

    So “Tan Suits” are the way to go for Sidemen weddings. Congrats Vikk🥂

  • @peachy_sims9024
    @peachy_sims9024 Год назад +5

    Congratulations Vik & Ellie!! 🥳🎉and congrats to Vik with all his recent great achievements! Loved to see the journey from the beginning to now

  • @Chris.Jackaman
    @Chris.Jackaman Год назад +4

    So for happy for you guys. Been a hell of a ride, can't wait for the things to come

  • @jorgecorral709
    @jorgecorral709 Год назад

    You using Tobi’s studio is so wholesome! 😭😭

  • @yukinofox4233
    @yukinofox4233 Год назад +5

    Couldn’t be more prouder and happier for him, congrats Vik!!!

  • @SimeonBird-kq3gz
    @SimeonBird-kq3gz Год назад +12

    Mad happy for you Vik wish you both all the best for the future