@The Screams Yes, but this genocide was different to other genocides like the Holocaust and Rwanda etc. There wasnt such a clear distinction between perpetrators and victims. Each family probably had both Khmer Rouge members and their victims in it. Probably why the country prefers to just forget about it.
@@jonhart7630 I dont agree with that... In Rwanda, the perpatrators KNEW the victims and most of them were part of the same families. Lots of interethnics couples at that time, which cost countless lives sadly. People died because of their family members who either denounced, or killed them with their own hands. Your closest neighbour would become the most zealous murderer. This genocide epitomizes the desintegration of the family unit and social links, both of which played a crucial part into reaching this dealdy efficiency in the genocide. Theres a lot of very interesting academic work on this matter. The astounding part of that is that many victims have gone back to their villages, and they since have been living next to the ones who gruesomely claimed so much lives in their own family. That's a similarity to what some Cambodians might still be experiencing to this day. But at least in Rwanda, people do admit the killings. And lots of them faced prison. But - and I'd like to be proved wrong - so far, I havent seen any former khmer rouge soldier take any kind of responsability for their actions, they all blame the regime for it. But, did the regime tell them to throw children in the air and stab them with some kind of sword? Did Angkar tell them to pull an innocent mans heart out -while still alive- and laugh about it ? The KR leaders are part of like, 50% of the issue. The remaining 50% have not even started to be adressed yet. They will quite likely never be. The fact that you can commit so much atrocities and get away with your sick and twisted brain is beyond me. Serial murderers get life sentences, why wouldn't they ? The mechanisms differ, but the results are the same. I feel terribly bad for local victims who still have to breath the same air as these "people".
Wow she knows how to cry. Wonder if she cried for the people that were brutally slaughtered by her and her evil group. This world is so fucking unfair!!
She isn’t a U.$. bomber, Lon Nol traitor troop, or Vietnamese invader. She committed no atrocities. Quite the opposite, she fought for national sovereignty, and is a hero by those standards.
I am happy she still alive throughout the difficulties. She didn’t have a good education and place that’s why the corruptions used her as she bear their children and she lost her own children. I hope her learn from her mistakes that she didn’t know she served her enemy that against her own people. I hope she serve her own people of Cambodian. She should learn pol pot was the enemy of Cambodian people that was why his armies and him force village people to recruit them to fight Cambodia government. Former Khmer Rouge should learn from their mistakes that they shame7their own people who tried to teach them good things.
This is a hidden story of one of some Khmer women. Althought what regime or political side she was serving, she is one of many strong Khmer women who leaded many meaningless struggles in life for nothing !. However, it's was not her fault, it's just her destinity to be born in this soil. I do not hate her title, but on the contrary I even admired what she can mange her life for surviving in such horrible society. Thank you for letting us hearing your story.
It had nothing to do with US interests or Vietnamese ones it was a group of Communist Leftist "Progressive Democrats" that murdered innocent people & tortured a nation because of their depraved ideology & these kinds of people are in the process of doing it again this time in the USA
We will never understand ...the soles that where lost for nothing....makes you wonder how this could happen and y....there is no answer....no right or wrong....kill or be killed...I love Cambodia...and fill so sorry...
@@victoriapruitt1209 Oh shut up you fuckign Trump Dummy twat. It was your orange messiah that rose to insurrection not at all unlike what the KR did in the 1970's.
1980 I'm in Khao I dang refugee camp 🏕 Thailand 🇹🇭 😢
ខ្មែរក្រហមក៏ចេះស្រណោះ ស្រក់ទឹកភ្នែកដែរហ្ន* ពេលពួកវាកំពុងកាន់អំណាច វាបានធ្វើបាបពលរដ្ឋ បង្អត់បាយគ្មានត្រាប្រណីសោះ" អត់ចេះគិតអីបន្តិច រូបគេរូបយើង "មានពេលខ្លះគ្នារកបានម្ហូបអាហារត្រីសាច់បន្ថែមតិចតួចដើម្បីបង្គ្រប់ជីវភាព ពួកវាមកដកហូតរួចចោទថាខ្មាំងបំផ្លាញសហករណ៍ទៀតផង។ខ្ញុំហួសចិត្តឃើញមីងនេះ គាត់នៅសរសើររបបខ្មែរក្រហមដែរ (បើរបបខ្មែរក្រហមល្អ ម៉េចមិននាំគ្នា ដឹកនាំ គ្រប់គ្រង ធ្វើតាមខ្មែរក្រហមទៀតទៅ) វាមានមនុស្សយ៉ាងហ្ណឹងទើបពួកខ្មែរក្រហមបិទសាលារៀន ចាត់ទុកអ្នកចេះដឹង អ្នកបានរៀនសូត្រជាសត្រូវ ។
Do any of these people ever admit to personally killing anyone?
No, because its a Vietnamese lie
@The Screams Yes, but this genocide was different to other genocides like the Holocaust and Rwanda etc. There wasnt such a clear distinction between perpetrators and victims. Each family probably had both Khmer Rouge members and their victims in it. Probably why the country prefers to just forget about it.
@@jonhart7630 I dont agree with that... In Rwanda, the perpatrators KNEW the victims and most of them were part of the same families. Lots of interethnics couples at that time, which cost countless lives sadly. People died because of their family members who either denounced, or killed them with their own hands. Your closest neighbour would become the most zealous murderer. This genocide epitomizes the desintegration of the family unit and social links, both of which played a crucial part into reaching this dealdy efficiency in the genocide. Theres a lot of very interesting academic work on this matter.
The astounding part of that is that many victims have gone back to their villages, and they since have been living next to the ones who gruesomely claimed so much lives in their own family.
That's a similarity to what some Cambodians might still be experiencing to this day. But at least in Rwanda, people do admit the killings. And lots of them faced prison. But - and I'd like to be proved wrong - so far, I havent seen any former khmer rouge soldier take any kind of responsability for their actions, they all blame the regime for it. But, did the regime tell them to throw children in the air and stab them with some kind of sword? Did Angkar tell them to pull an innocent mans heart out -while still alive- and laugh about it ? The KR leaders are part of like, 50% of the issue. The remaining 50% have not even started to be adressed yet. They will quite likely never be. The fact that you can commit so much atrocities and get away with your sick and twisted brain is beyond me. Serial murderers get life sentences, why wouldn't they ? The mechanisms differ, but the results are the same. I feel terribly bad for local victims who still have to breath the same air as these "people".
Just keep having kids until something sticks I guess.
គំនំដែលមិនអាចបំភ្លេចបាន ពួកខ្មែរក្រហមសម្លាប់ឪពុកខ្ញុំ បំផ្លាញគ្រួសារខ្ញុំ
សំណូមពរក្រុម Bophana Center សូមមេត្តាធ្វើបទសម្ភាសមនុស្សខ្មែរចាស់ៗ
ដែលនៅរស់រានមានជីវិត អំពីបទពិសោធន៍ជីវិត
ដើម្បីអោយកូនខ្មែរជំនាន់ក្រោយៗបានស្វែងយល់ដឹង អំពីជីវភាពទំនាក់ទំនងសង្គម
ពីប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត ភូមិសាស្រ្តក្នងជំនាន់របបមុនៗ
នាងឯងថាអត៉បាយអត់ទឹក៣ខែពិបាក ចុះនាងឯងឲ្យពួក១៧មេសាអាញ់ហុតបបរ អង្ករ២កំប៉ុងគ្នា១០០នាក់រហូតដល៉៣ឆ្នាំ ៨ខែ ២០ថ្ងៃ ហើយប្រើឲ្យធ្វើការធ្ងន់ៗហួសកម្លាំងរហូតដល់ងាប់ស្អុយពេញព្រៃនោះ នាងឯងយល់យ៉ាងណា.?
She suffered almost everyone else under the Killing Field, but didn't see the evil in the regime.
អាណិតអ្នកគ្រប់គ្នាដែលកើតនិងធំដឹងក្តីនៅពេលស្រុកកើតសង្គ្រាម ដែលគ្មានជម្រើសទេ ត្រូវតែចូលទាហាន ទាំងសងខាង...
Voices of Khmer Rouge: Interview 1: A good law must bite both sides.
ពួកតាកែវនារតី ចិត្តសាហាវណាស់ ខ្ញុំចង់ចាំមិនភ្លេច ពលពតសម្លាប់ឪពុកខ្ញុំ ធ្វើឲ្យខ្ញុំព្រាត់ប្រាស់ ឪពុក ម្ដាយ បងប្រុសបងស្រី 4នាក់ ព្រមទាំងក្មួយក្មួយ ខ្ញុំមើលទឹកមុខគាត់គ្មានបាតក់ស្រុត និយាយទាំងញញឹម សុទ្ធតែជាពួកបាតដៃប្រឡាក់ឈាម
ពេលកងទ័ពវៀតណាមវាយចូលអូរសោមខ្ញុំក៏នៅទីនោះដែរតែខ្ញុំមិនបានរត់គេចតទៅទៀតទេ។ ព្រោះខ្ញុំជាប្រជាជន១៧មេសា ទី២ ខ្ញុំឈឺគ្រុនចាញ់និងកើតលឿង ។ខ្ញុំអស់សង្ឃឹមក្នុងជីវិត (ខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៏ថាខ្ញុំនឹងត្រូវស្លាប់ក្នុងពេលដ៏ខ្លីខាងមុខ)ខ្ញុំត្រូវសំតេចចិត្តនៅឲ្យយួនចាប់ទោះជាខ្មែរក្រហមបានឃោសនាថាយួនចាប់ឈ្លើយសឹកដោតកែងជើងក៏ដោយ។ ប៉ន្មានម៉ោងក្រោយមកខ្ញុំបានឃើញកងទ័ពវៀតណាមដើរជាជួររួមជាមួយរថក្រោះ2គ្រឿងផង។ ពួកគេបានសួខ្ញុំជាភាសារវៀតណាម ថាខ្ញុំជាប៉ុលពតឬ?(ដោយគេឃើញខ្ញុំស្លៀកខោអាវការគីពណ៍ត្រួយចេកក្រមាក្រឡាល្អិត(ក្រណាត់របស់ចិន)ដែលខ្ញុំយកបានពីឃ្លាំងភស្តភាររបស់កងឈ្លបដែលបានកាប់ចំការក្បែរកងចល័តតំបន់៣៦យើងនៅវាលថ្មដាស្រុកជីខលើខេត្តកោះកុង។ទាហាននោះសំឡុតរកបាញ់សម្លាប់ខ្ញុំ។ នេះជាលើកដំបូងបំផុតដែលខ្ញុំបានឮពាក្យថាប៉ុល ពត។ ក្រោយមកខ្ញុំក៏បានដឹងថាពួកវៀតណាមប្រើពាក្យប៉ុលពតជំនួសឲ្យពាក្យខ្មែរក្រហម។ មួយសន្ទុះក្រោយមកមានស្រីមេម៉ាយ៣នាក់មានម្នាក់ឈ្មោះចែមួយគាត់មានកូនស្រីតូចម្នាក់ ។ អ៊ំស្រី២នាក់ទៀតមានកូនម្នាក់ប្រុសមួយកូននោះម្នាក់ឈ្មោះធឿន និងម្នាក់ទៀតឈ្មោះចន្ថាគាត់ជាសាច់ថ្លៃនិងគ្នា។អ្នកទាំងបីឃើញខ្ញុំគួរឲ្យអាណិតគាត់ក៏ធានាខ្ញុំឲ្យចូលក្នុងភូមដែលវៀតណារំដោះបានជាមួយគាត់។មីងម្តាយចន្ថាសួពីប្រវត្តិខ្ញុំហើយគាតក៏សុំខ្ញុំជាកូនធម៌ហើយបានប្តូូរឈ្មោះថ្មី្យខ្ញុំថា សុខា។ ខ្ញុំរក្សាឈ្មោះនេះរហូតដល់សព្វថ្ងៃដើម្បីរំលឹកគុណដល់ស្រ្តីដែលខ្ញុំមិនស្គាល់ឈ្មោះជួយសង្គ្រោះជីវិតខ្ញុំ។ជាមួយគ្នានេះដែរគាត់ក៏រើសបានទារកដែលប្តីប្រពន្ធកម្មាភិបាលខ្មែរក្រហមបោះបង់ចោល តែក្មេងនោះបានស្លាប់ដោយដាច់ទឹកដោះនិងច្រាំងអណ្តាត។បានមួយថ្ងៃវៀតណាមកក៏ជន្លៀសពួកយើងមកលៀចពេលខ្លះក៏ដើរពេលខ្លះក៏មានរថយន្តជិះ។ពេលមកដល់លៀចស្ត្រីទាំង៣ សំរេចចិត្តធ្វើដំណើទៅមុខដោយមធ្យោបាយផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនព្រោះគាត់នៅសល់មាសបន្តិចបន្តួចនៅក្នុងខ្លួនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ តាំងពីពេលនោះមកខ្ញុំមិនដែលបានឃើញអ្នកម្តាយចិញ្ចឹមខ្ញុំទៀតហើយ។ លើកលែងតែចែមួយខ្ញុំបានឃើញគាត់២ ឬ៣ ដងនៅផ្សាទឹកថ្លាក្រុងភ្នំពេញ។
Khlong Yai not Clang Yak
លត់ដំនឿយហត់ក្នុងរបបប៉ពតខ្លាំងណាស់ មុខមាត់គាត់នៅស្អាតប៉ុណ្ណឹង បើនៅពីក្រមុំពេញរុបរាងមិនដឹងស្អាតប៉ុនណា។ នេះហើយមកពីវាសនា កើតចំពេលប្រទេសកើតកលយុគ ។គាត់ប្រហែលជាក្រុមនារីទ័ពខ្មែរក្រហមដែលខ្ញុំបានឃើញ ពេលខ្ញុំុចេញពីភ្នំពេញ ថ្អៃ៨មេសា គឹមាននារីខ្លះស្អាតៗមិនចាញ់អ្នកក្រុងប៉ុន្មានទេ ខ្លះស្លៀកពាក់ខ្មៅសុទ្ធ ខ្លះស្លៀកពាក់ពណ៌ទឹកប៊ិច ជួតក្បាលក្រមាក្រហម ឬក្រមាខៀវស គ្រាន់តែកាយវិការរបស់ពួកគាត់ដូចជាកាចសាហាវបន្តិច៕ គឺទ័ពនារីៗទាំងនោះគេឲ្យត្រួតពិនិតចាំចាប់អ្នកណាដែលគេយល់ថាជាទាហានលន់ណុល ដោយចងនឹងខ្សែចេសហុងសំរាប់ដេរខោអាវ រុំតែ៣ឬ៤សសៃ ហើយគាត់គ្រាន់តែប្រាប់ថា កុំឲ្យដាច់៕៕ ពេលនោះខ្ញុំភ័យណាស់ព្រោះខ្លាចគេមើលច្រឡំថាខ្ញុំជាទាហាន ។ ពេលបានឆ្លងផុតកុងត្រូលនារីនោះខ្ញុំរំភើបអរហើបជើងពីដី។អ្នកដែលចេញពីភ្នំពេញដទៃទៀតក៏មានអារម្មណ៍មិនខុសពីខ្ុំដែរ គឺនៅតាមផ្លួវចាប់ពីត្រង់ចំណុចច្រម៉ុះជ្រូច ត្រង់ការាសសាំងក្បាលថ្នល់សព្វថ្ងៃ ទៅ ម្នាក់ៗភ្នែកនៅកញ្ចឹងករ។ ប៉ន្តែរឿងនេះជាកំហុសឆ្គងរបស់អ្នកដឹកនាំថ្នាក់កំពូល សូមប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរទាំងអស់ កុំចងគំនុំនឹងអ្នកថ្នាក់ក្រមតូចតាចអី ត្រូវរាប់អានគ្នាឡើងវិញ ហើយធ្វើយ៉ាងម់េចកុំឲ្យមានរឿងបែបពីឆ្នាំ៧៥ ដល់ឆ្នាំ ៧៩ កើតឡើងម្តងទៀត។ អ្នកដែលសម្ភាសនេះ ក៏មិនគួរអាឡោះអាល័យ របបខ្មែរក្រហមដែរ ព្រោះថាតាមការរៀបរាប់អ្នកក៏មិនបានរស់នៅសុខស្រួលអ្វីទេ ជាស្រ្តី ត្រូវគេប្រើឲ្យលីលែងធ្ងន់ៗ ដើររាប់សិបគីឡីមែត្រ ឃ្លាតឆ្ងាយគ្រួសា បើតាមរូបរាង មុខមាត់អ្នក បើកុំមានសង្គ្រាមសមតែមានប្តី មានជីវភាពល្អប្រសើរ ឬអាចក្លាយជាលោកស្រី ឬលោកជំទាវផងក៏មិនដឹង។
រូបវានេះមិនថាស្អាតស្រស់ប៉ុណាទេ ចិត្តពួកវាជាសត្វនរក បើសឹនអ្នកមើលឃើញពួកវាសំម្លាប់មនុស្សជាទីស្រឡាញ់ស្លាប់យ៉ាងវេទនានោះអ្នកនឹងមានអារម្មណ៍ជាមួយពួកវាយ៉ាងណា?
Wow she knows how to cry. Wonder if she cried for the people that were brutally slaughtered by her and her evil group. This world is so fucking unfair!!
What do we really know about the Khmer Rouge? 🇰🇭🤔
3 millions daeth in 3 years
Piro no tulun pinatai nu di maso kopo poinsuang do kmer Rouge io umandak. Olumis Kono daa nga bakas koid kmer Rouge.
មុខនេះ កាពត សុត្ធ គ្មាន ការទុក្ទព្រួយ ទេ
No mention of the atrocities she committed...??
She isn’t a U.$. bomber, Lon Nol traitor troop, or Vietnamese invader. She committed no atrocities. Quite the opposite, she fought for national sovereignty, and is a hero by those standards.
@@yazhajohnson254 she's a hero my ASS.They all stupid kill own people.remember not a vietnamese that kill khmer?
@@damreythom2 mavvacagher
Sad story . I know I know 😿
ជីវិតគ្មានលំបាកស្អីទេ គាត់ជាកូនចៅតាម៉ុកក្នុងរបបខ្មែរក្រហមលំបាកតែប្រជាជនទេ គាត់លំបាកទេពួកវៀតណាមចូលមកវ៉ៃជាមួយទ័ពខ្មែរក្រហមទេ គាត់លំបាកព្រោះគាត់ជាទ័ពខ្មែរក្រហម
I am happy she still alive throughout the difficulties. She didn’t have a good education and place that’s why the corruptions used her as she bear their children and she lost her own children.
I hope her learn from her mistakes that she didn’t know she served her enemy that against her own people. I hope she serve her own people of Cambodian.
She should learn pol pot was the enemy of Cambodian people that was why his armies and him force village people to recruit them to fight Cambodia government. Former Khmer Rouge should learn from their mistakes that they shame7their own people who tried to teach them good things.
This is a hidden story of one of some Khmer women. Althought what regime or political side she was serving, she is one of many strong Khmer women who leaded many meaningless struggles in life for nothing !. However, it's was not her fault, it's just her destinity to be born in this soil. I do not hate her title, but on the contrary I even admired what she can mange her life for surviving in such horrible society. Thank you for letting us hearing your story.
Actually it is her fault 10000% she came from a rich family & chose to join that ideology & never had a change of heart to this day.
No one cares about opinions. Or yours They don’t exist in fact . She killed and (likely) raped people.
Where there is US interest there is killing, torture and separation etc etc even today 😭
It had nothing to do with US interests or Vietnamese ones it was a group of Communist Leftist "Progressive Democrats" that murdered innocent people & tortured a nation because of their depraved ideology & these kinds of people are in the process of doing it again this time in the USA
@@victoriapruitt1209 You stupid fucking brainwashed Trump Dummy. You lost, get over it.
The US could have helped Cambodia but the Congress would not have aloud it. Instead no one did nothing for 4 years.
កំពូលនារីក្លាហាន មហាលោតផ្លោះ មហាអស្ចារ្យ
you should not kill each other, but you did, more than 2 million people were killed by you- the Evils
We will never understand ...the soles that where lost for nothing....makes you wonder how this could happen and y....there is no answer....no right or wrong....kill or be killed...I love Cambodia...and fill so sorry...
It is going to happen again under the BIDEN REGIME in the USA now. It's the depraved ideology & the propaganda that brainwashes people.
@@victoriapruitt1209 Oh shut up you fuckign Trump Dummy twat. It was your orange messiah that rose to insurrection not at all unlike what the KR did in the 1970's.
Mimang kamu jahat.
How many khmer people you had killed???
Maybe 57
over two million Cambodians and hundred thousand Vietnamese
She looks evil
Kamu jahat Khmer Rouge.
She is kmere Rouge soldiers she isn't like me she has food to eat she not like me