Q & A with Dr. Hugh Ross in Person

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Dr. Hugh Ross, the founder of Reasons To Believe came to Toronto to speak at a conference. While here he came to the Toronto Chapter for a special meeting. He gave an update on the amazing growth of RTB: the start of RTB Asia-Pacific, headquartered in India and RTB Africa, headquartered in South Africa. During the rest of the meeting, Dr. Ross answered people's questions.

Комментарии • 50

  • @CN-ds3vc
    @CN-ds3vc 3 месяца назад +2

    God given knowledge, humble at heart, wise, a true Christian for the glory of our Creator.

  • @KrazyK444
    @KrazyK444 Год назад +5

    Very well done Dr. Ross! Your insight into the nature of spacetime has all but proved the validity, truth, and sheer awesomeness of the word of God. Such a keen analysis of the mystery of life and nature is more than rare to come by, both today and in days passed. It is amazing, yet sadly understandable, how difficult it is for humanity to simply believe in Jesus our Lord, and to trust His truth. You make this happen in a simply elegant manner, and I can only hope that those who are willing to listen and learn come to realize the gravity of your words. God bless you and all those who are deserving.

  • @malasookraj1928
    @malasookraj1928 Год назад +2

    I love listening to Dr Ross.powerful Godly man.ive learned alot watched the other video of space time and the Trinity he explained help me hv a better understanding

  • @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan
    @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan Год назад +3

    & again! Dr. Ross deserves more responses ⚠️

  • @tamaradeeks2707
    @tamaradeeks2707 Год назад

    THANKYOU!!! I love ALL of what you teach us 🙏,& I listen over & over & at night 🙋‍♀️🦘

  • @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan
    @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan Год назад +2

    Analytics & respect.

  • @MutsPub
    @MutsPub Год назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan
    @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan Год назад +1

    Same. ✝️

  • @andreanittel2240
    @andreanittel2240 Год назад

    I always enjoy listening to Hugh but the sound was very poor- very hard to hear any questions- A microphone would have helped a lot....................

  • @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan
    @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan Год назад +1

    #10 Subscription ✔️

  • @sanjosemike3137
    @sanjosemike3137 Год назад +1

    My wife is a second generation Holocaust survivor. For years I was an atheist. But I came back to God because of the new science.
    She is presently reading a very graphic Holocaust documentary. She is VERY ANGRY AT GOD for abandoning Jews and ignoring the Covenant.
    I want to get some help here. I’m sorry but “Biblical quotations from Jesus’ statements will mean nothing to her, because she is not a Christian.
    You need to offer more than Bible quotes here.
    Perhaps Dr. Ross has some suggestions.
    Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
    Retired surgeon

    • @rtbtoronto
      @rtbtoronto  8 месяцев назад

      Hi Mike - sorry for taking so long to reply to you. Your wife has a difficult memory to deal with. I have not been able to find a compassionate answer to her question until today. Ken Samples who is an associate of Hugh Ross wrote a response that may help your wife. Read it here:

    • @sanjosemike3137
      @sanjosemike3137 8 месяцев назад

      @@rtbtoronto Thanks for getting back to me. I read the reply and (unfortunately) it does not seem to answer the most asked “Holocaust question.”
      It is probably unreasonable to expect an “earthly” answer. I have often thought that perhaps if my wife’s father or mother appeared to her, say in a dream, this might provide her some peace.
      Now with the infection of anti-Semitism in the colleges and in Europe, over the Israel War, this causes her enormous stress.
      We have been married for 56 years. I do what I can to provide her solace, but this is, unfortunately, beyond me.
      Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

  • @whyaskwhybuddry
    @whyaskwhybuddry 11 месяцев назад

    @RTB Toronto, Can Dr Ross answer what God did with the plants for one million years until He got around to making the Sun and two million years until He made insects and birds? Suspended animation?
    I've never heard the Old Earth logistic explanation for this.
    Plants need both in order to thrive. I can put a plant in the dark for 96 hours and it would not be harmed.
    Plants require insects and birds to spread pollens and seeds around.
    If God waited 2 million years to create birds, how did the plants survive?

    • @rtbtoronto
      @rtbtoronto  11 месяцев назад

      Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" includes the Sun and the Earth. i.e. about the same time (the Sun came first -4.6 billion years ago and then the Earth-4.5 billion years ago). In Gen 1:2 the point of view changes from up in space to the surface of the earth. The rest of the events are described from the point of view of an observer on the surface of the ocean, looking up. The early Earth had an atmosphere full of dust and clouds, so that on the surface it was dark. On 'day' 1 when God said 'Let there be light' the dust had settled to the point where you could see some light from the Sun. When it says 'day' in english it is translated from the hebrew word 'yom' which can mean a 24 hour day or a long period of time. Because of the context, in this case it means a period of time. On 'day' 4 the atmosphere became clear enough so that you could see the Sun and Moon. Plants appeared on 'day' 3 and had only the light shining through the clouds, but that is enough for them to survive. Plants producing oxygen helped to make the atmosphere transparent. Regarding plants needing insects to spread pollen, there are some plants (such as ferns) which reproduce with spores and don't have flowers or seeds. Also phytoplankton are single-celled plants.

    • @whyaskwhybuddry
      @whyaskwhybuddry 11 месяцев назад

      @rtbtoronto "Yom" is also followed by "Evening and Morning" which means an ordinary 24 hour day.
      The problem with your "dust" statement is that Genesis 1 CLEARLY says that the land was created underwater and the raised up. So there would be no "Dust".
      Secondly, if God created the Sun before Day 4, why would He need to create it again on Day 4?
      Your interpretation just doesn't square with the plain reading.
      To get an "Evening and morning" all you need is the Earth spinning under a light source.
      Humans build homes like God built the Universe. We set up a temporary source of electricity for machines to construct the frame and get to "Dry In" and then power drop lights to run wires and plumbing inside the home.
      Once the Electricians have gotten their work certified, the home is set up to the permanent source of power.
      I can see God sending Jesus, "The Light of the World" to be that temporary source of "Let there be light" while the infrastructure is set up.
      God could also have opened up a "Window of Heaven" to shine Heavenly Light on the project.
      I heard Dr Ross say to Dr Lisle in a debate that another source of light would have caused a gravitational field which we could detect. That is only if Dr Ross makes the False Assumption that God's initial light source was a mass like a star.
      When men hang drop lights over their work, it never creates a "Gravitational Field".
      Genesis doesn't require a Sun to be fully functional before Day 4.
      The last thing that humans add to our home construction are the humans who will occupy the residence.
      While I acknowledge the "Spores" comment, the majority of land plants eaten by the Animal Kingdom are seed/flower varieties.
      So the plants that do have flowers and seeds would die off in the 2 million years you say it took for God to create insects and birds.
      You didn't solve the original problem, but only added to it.
      The Logistics of Genesis 1 only makes biological sense under a 96-hour Timescale....C02/O2 Gas exchange, spreading of seeds and billions of other symbiotic relationships.
      You are adding to the Bible. Genesis says nothing about "Clouds" until much later.
      You are also accepting the Evolutionary assumption that First Earth was void of oxygen and that the plants created all of it.
      I don't see evidence for that.

  • @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan
    @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan Год назад

    🍒 July 31'2023@23:25_EDT.

  • @MikahEternal
    @MikahEternal Год назад

    I was open to an old age universe and wanted to hear it defended by a professing Christian. So I bought your book, “Why the Universe is the Way it is.” Now, don’t get me wrong, the universe is finely tuned, but I was not persuaded, by your reasoning, that the universe is 13.8 billion years old, and here’s why. As I was reading, i began asking a very simple question. How long will God need to build the new heavens and the new earth? Designed to last forever, will he need a trillion years? One billion trillion trillion trillion years? It’s a silly question to ask, isn’t it? If he’s able to make a new creation instantly, it’s just as silly to think he had to wait around billions of years till things were just right for advanced life.
    I don’t believe science has the answers yet. I’ll wait for next revolution that discards with what we think we know now, and can answer the only real difficult question that poses a problem for young earth creationists, why the light from these distant stars is taking billions of years to reach us.
    Also, you need to reevaluate your understanding of the gospel. The last few chapters of the book you repeatedly claimed that anyone “willing” to choose God can be saved. That’s just so false. “There is none that seek after God.” And the worst part is where you made the, “God is a gentleman” argument, and will not force anyone to believe and repent. No one would be saved if this were true. You obviously don’t believe in the doctrine of election, and I would even venture to guess that you hate the idea.

    • @rtbtoronto
      @rtbtoronto  Год назад

      Its not a matter of how much time God "needs". God could have made this universe as fast or as slow as He wanted. What is important is how long did He actually take? All the evidence indicates He took 13.8 billion years. How much time it will take to make the new creation does not matter either - He will make it at whatever speed He chooses.
      You are right that "There is none that seek after God." So God works by putting us in situations where we become "willing" to choose God. From our point of view it looks like we chose God, but He sees the bigger picture that without certain events in our life we would never have chosen Him. So there is both free will and predestination (same as election). Hugh Ross would agree and you read more details in his book "Beyond the Cosmos".

    • @MikahEternal
      @MikahEternal Год назад

      ​@@rtbtoronto I still think we are missing information that is yet to be discovered. The evidence "now" seems to suggest an old earth. I always use the example of Einstein's day (particularly with atheists who think they've got it all figured out), that science thought we had pretty much understood everything about the universe with just a few pesky details to work out. Then Einstein comes along and turned that thinking on its head. Then came Quantum mechanics. God always seems to "up the ante," doesn't he?
      The only situation he puts a believer in before God saves them is to quicken them. He gives them eternal life, then they have no choice but to respond, but that's only because God has already saved them. God has obligated Himself to save those named in the book of life from the foundations of the world. He died for them. He's not leaving it up to them to decide. He "puts no trust in his saints." God "drags" (literal Greek) His people into the kingdom of heaven, sometimes "kicking and screaming "(for example, Naaman).

    • @petertaranto8192
      @petertaranto8192 Год назад

      The universe is over 13 billion years old, why god has waited all this time to create humans is because he's been creating other life in the universe that we're not aware of and maybe we are just one of his latest creations

    • @MikahEternal
      @MikahEternal 11 месяцев назад

      @@petertaranto8192 Fine. If you want to believe those things, I’m ok with that. The big problems here are the things Hugh believes and says about the nature of salvation. God is never described or depicted as a “gentleman.” He doesn’t just leave alone those whom he died for. That would be a total failure on his part because, “there is none that seek after God.”

    • @Mr196710
      @Mr196710 4 месяца назад

      Why apply your measurement of time with God's measurement? Could they differ?

  • @jcbquark8037
    @jcbquark8037 11 месяцев назад

    Tell me this Hugh Ross is not the best science/Christian ambassador! Just the idea of using CHAT GPT was worth listening

  • @ciscodealmeida8541
    @ciscodealmeida8541 Год назад +1

    There are 33 levels of Consciousness or Dimensions

  • @mynonameyt
    @mynonameyt 8 месяцев назад

    This is a man who believes in the Bible…
    As long as it doesn’t conflict with secular science.

    • @rtbtoronto
      @rtbtoronto  8 месяцев назад

      His point is that, since God created the universe and since He also wrote the Bible, it means that the facts of nature and the words of the Bible come from the same author. This means that there will be no contradictions. Science is based on the interpretation of the facts of nature and sometimes that will conflict with the Bible. But that means scientists must check their interpretations (i.e. their theory) and see if they've overlooked anything. True science will never conflict with the Bible. You will notice that as science refines its theories, apparent conflicts have become fewer and fewer.

    • @djsarg7451
      @djsarg7451 2 месяца назад

      Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
      Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
      Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

  • @notsure4508
    @notsure4508 2 месяца назад

    WTF RUclips deliberately lowers the sound on program and commercials blast, we should sue for hearing damage

  • @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan
    @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan Год назад

    Repetitive CommentsToEnhanceChannelsData?

    • @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan
      @Jesuswinsbirdofmichigan Год назад

      @gerardmoloney433 as I stated; ANALYTICS (matter)! Ever comment is counted & therefore increase the value/relative in the RUclips community. Hence increasing "it's" chances of getting more views; somehow.

  • @ciscodealmeida8541
    @ciscodealmeida8541 Год назад

    The Lords of Elohim are 12 males 12 Females they create under God all Matter creation throughout the Universe, so if for some people Elohim is God then they already have 24 Gods lolololol

  • @ciscodealmeida8541
    @ciscodealmeida8541 Год назад

    Ross since you know so much, you should know by now how to control the Elemental life ! can you? because God did say we should. if you cant then re check all your understanding because talk is cheap

    • @08453300222
      @08453300222 Год назад +1

      And your credentials are? Prof?

    • @KrazyK444
      @KrazyK444 Год назад +1

      You clearly don't understand what the man is saying. Listen to him a few more times.

    • @SamytheGreek
      @SamytheGreek Год назад +1

      Such comments are even cheaper.

    • @djsarg7451
      @djsarg7451 2 месяца назад

      Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
      Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
      Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.