I grew up going to an mall arcade in Hawaii that had this and some other Japanese games in it, I’ve never been to a better arcade since. Thank you for posting and keeping this game alive.
I'm constantly practicing so that we can go to the speedrun event. Next time I'm going to make a video with a faster time so that I can finish on Umeda.
14:18 슈퍼 경시총감으로 승진하며 화려하게 마무리 ^_^b
의도한 것이 아닌데, 아주 우연하게 최고의 마무리를 지을 수 있었습니다. ^^;
I grew up going to an mall arcade in Hawaii that had this and some other Japanese games in it, I’ve never been to a better arcade since. Thank you for posting and keeping this game alive.
Impressive shooting and dodging skills, enough to impress even a real police officer. I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us next time!
I'm constantly practicing so that we can go to the speedrun event.
Next time I'm going to make a video with a faster time so that I can finish on Umeda.
@@Janet-vc2 Gook luck then officer!
신주쿠, 오사카, 고베, 삿포로 스테이지는 모두 실제로 가봤던 곳이여서 감회가 남다르네요
私もまだ8分ほどの実力なので、ノーミスで進めるのは難しいです。 故意ミスを発生させ、時間を稼ぐ方法で何とかクリアできるように戦略を立てましたので、この方法で進めれば時間が足りなくなることはないと思います。 1CC達成を応援します。
How come the first game got ported but not this one?
This game uses a dongle. (encryption key)
That is different from 1.
@@Janet-vc2 Dongle? That’s why?
That must be the greatest game as the North and South American arcade game
I've seen like this but more polished graphic but i don't remember, overall good gameplay.
Pink Cop Girl again
I prefer to play as the SAT member. I am a big fan of rapid fire weapon equipped characters.
When going through another route, I will try that character.
SAT's main weapon, Full-Auto SMG that holds 12 rounds.
이것도 나레이션이 타나카 노부오인가요?
작년에 돌아가신...T.T 코바야시 키요시입니다.
2nd ain't that bad y'know?
원코인 클리어
저도 해보고 싶은데
기판을 구할 수가 없네요.
현재 이베이에서 판매중인 물품이 두 개 있습니다만, 캐비넷이라서 여기 들여오는 것이 난제라고 생각합니다.