Alexandra Savior - Cupid [Live at The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA - 17-04-2016]

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @ClimateDude
    @ClimateDude 8 лет назад +244

    Seriously how much unawareness of ones social environment does a person has to have in order to talk that loudly during a concert. I mean sure this is 'just' the support act and not the band they came to see, but there is this amazing young lady on the stage giving her best to tune the crowd in for the upcoming gig and all these people do is acting in a rude and obnoxious way, like they are the center of the universe. Absolutely mind boggling!

    • @juliaanfloress
      @juliaanfloress 2 года назад

      calm the fck down, they can do whatever they want

    • @yussefcheaitou
      @yussefcheaitou Год назад +2

      being unaware and careless happens to everyone, but for some it's just default

    • @6fejmk
      @6fejmk Год назад +3

      yeah I know, black women

  • @kiwifruit138
    @kiwifruit138 8 лет назад +81

    she sings like an angel

  • @dinosaur5647
    @dinosaur5647 5 лет назад +38

    1:33 that little Alex turner arm movement

  • @Benjamin-rq5ju
    @Benjamin-rq5ju 8 лет назад +101

    Can everyone just shut the fuck up and listen to her beautiful voice.

    • @marx.n.cocacola
      @marx.n.cocacola Год назад

      yes it is so annoying she sings her heart out and they're just talking like wtf

  • @alannequiz
    @alannequiz 8 лет назад +34

    Damn... I haven't heard a voice like that in such a long time.

  • @okayokay4014
    @okayokay4014 5 лет назад +28

    she’s so underrated

  • @pablezrocks
    @pablezrocks 7 лет назад +10

    I was there, and I absolutely loved her set!!

  • @disfibulator
    @disfibulator 7 лет назад +53

    Hmmm... What's going to be important longer, the music or some idiots' overly loud conversation? WHEN YOU ARE AT A CONCERT, LISTEN TO THE MUSIC. I hate when people make Americans look rude, but to be honest, this kind of rudeness exists. I'm probably just so ticked off because I know there is an album coming out and I am impatient to hear it.

  • @moonshakemusic1150
    @moonshakemusic1150 8 лет назад +25

    Can't wait to hear what she comes up with! I've had this on repeat - you can hear those slick-backed Tunerisms within it...

  • @NinaBaklachyan
    @NinaBaklachyan 8 лет назад +44

    You know I might sound old, but these things are about people's upbringing. People think that acting like this is a part of their rights, their freedom of thought/action, whatever that might be, or whatever the hell they might be thinking, but it's nothing but a vulgar and disrespectful behaviour.

  • @aelamedicis5340
    @aelamedicis5340 8 лет назад +10

    Really talented. I can't wait to ear the entire album!!

  • @AnwarAmzah
    @AnwarAmzah 8 лет назад +7

    waiting for studio version! really can't wait!

  • @Antreus
    @Antreus 8 лет назад +4

    Great grooves.

  • @elenaa-6
    @elenaa-6 Год назад


  • @ManuelRamosMX
    @ManuelRamosMX 8 лет назад +144

    I feel that Alexandra is like the woman version of Alex Turner

    • @sneakndmolishtv2779
      @sneakndmolishtv2779 Год назад +4

      I am late to this comment but Alex Turner helped write and produce this song and album! They were also on the same record label at the time

  • @marciofellipe
    @marciofellipe 4 года назад +1

    Amazing vibes! 😍

  • @jbsjdbsibja9441
    @jbsjdbsibja9441 Год назад


  • @serenakillion7008
    @serenakillion7008 8 лет назад +2

  • @ishhh7707
    @ishhh7707 2 года назад

    thanks of god this video excist, gives me emotional stability

  • @Chesslucasbrasil
    @Chesslucasbrasil 7 лет назад +17

    Algum Br que curte ?

  • @deannaroszlin2521
    @deannaroszlin2521 2 года назад +1

    ok but who's 1:58 ???? literally the cutest guy I've seen this week at least

  • @haydarakyol116
    @haydarakyol116 2 года назад +1

    Filled in the hole in the road
    We were speaking in code
    Stuck in fantasy mode
    Who never really liked
    Coming back down to Earth
    It's not that it hurt
    It was just so much worse
    With anyone but you
    Know a shortcut
    A sure shot
    I forgot
    How it ought to feel
    I don't know what to do
    It's a whole lot
    To hold back
    You know that
    Cupid shoots to kill
    There's a mysterious force
    It sinks in it's claws
    Pulls me closer to yours
    Some cosmic business
    Illuminating allure
    What are we waiting for
    Never hated you more
    Why does nobody but you
    Know a shortcut
    A sure shot
    I forgot
    How it ought to feel
    I don't know what to do
    It's a whole lot
    To hold back
    You know that
    Cupid shoots to kill
    Know a shortcut
    A sure shot
    I forgot
    How it ought to feel
    I don't know what to do
    It's a whole lot
    To hold back
    You know that
    Cupid shoots to kill

  • @johno.r.7074
    @johno.r.7074 2 года назад +1

    Con ganas de decirles: CÁLLENSE ALV. 🙃

  • @juaniturrizaga3527
    @juaniturrizaga3527 8 лет назад +2

    "Felt in a hole in the road", "Fell in a hole in the road" or "Feel in a hole in the road"?

  • @johnf.r6658
    @johnf.r6658 8 лет назад +2

    from what album is this song ?

    • @royalblood9437
      @royalblood9437 8 лет назад +9

      The album's not out yet. All that's known for now is that it will be called Strange Portrait ;)

    • @hamzaahmad1224
      @hamzaahmad1224 6 лет назад +5

      Belladonna of sadness

  • @eshagollapalli2433
    @eshagollapalli2433 2 года назад

    You can tell Alex turner also helped write this song

  • @inconcert
    @inconcert 8 лет назад

    How'd you find the title?

  • @dayse2010
    @dayse2010 Год назад +1

    But youuu

  • @MysteriousStranger08
    @MysteriousStranger08 8 месяцев назад

    Live version is good, such a shame people were talking