  • Опубликовано: 11 фев 2025
  • Welcome to DRAFT MASTERS, our recommended Duel Masters Drafting Format!
    Background & Rules:
    1. The current Draft has a total card pool of 400 cards. 20 unique cards per civilization and 4 copies each.
    2. Cards are divided into three tiers - A, B and C. We draft through one tier at a time to give every player comparable chances of drafting strong cards.
    3. To draft, 10 random cards from a given tier are revealed. The first player in the rotation (choosing first) takes a card for their deck and the successive players in the rotation follow (choosing in a circular fashion).
    4. When everyone in the rotation has taken one card from the revealed set, any leftover cards are scrapped and an additional 10 are revealed.
    5. The person who picked second last reveal now chooses first. Going around the circle, this means the person who picked first last reveal now chooses last.
    6. Repeat the above until the card supply has run out and everyone has built a deck of 40 cards.
    A Tier:
    Light = Holy Awe, Aeris Flight Elemental, Mist Rias Sonic Guardian, Kolon the Oracle, Pala Olesis Morning Guardian
    Water = Aqua Surfer, Aqua Hulcus, Energy Stream, Emeral, Spiral Gate
    Darkness = Terror Pit, Locomotiver, Lost Soul, Death Smoke, Photocide Lord of the Wastes
    Fire = Twin-Cannon Skyterror, Burst Shot, Magmarex, Searing Wave, Pyro Fighter Magnus
    Nature = Faerie Life, Bronze-Arm Tribe, Barkwhip the Smasher, Natural Snare, Dreaming Moon Knife (OCG)
    B Tier:
    Light = La Ura Giga Sky Guardian, Sol Galla Halo Guardian, Larba Geer the Immaculate, Syforce Aurora Elemental, Diamond Cutter, Moonlight Flash, Bonds of Justice, Emerald Grass, Magris Vizier of Magnetism, Miele Vizier of Lightning
    Water = Hunter Fish, Saucer-Head Shark, Brain Serum, Aqua Guard, Crystal Lancer, Eureka Charger, Pekotan (OCG), Illusionary Merfolk, Teleportation, Phantom Fish
    Darkness = Bloody Squito, Ghost Touch, Horrid Worm, Chaos Worm, Proclamation of Death, Masked Horror Shadow of Scorn, Gigaslug, Necrodragon Giland, Mongrelman, Swamp Worm
    Fire = Tornado Flame, Comet Missile, Rumble Gate, Meteosaur, Rothus the Traveler, Divine Machine Armor Valborg (OCG), Phantom Dragon's Flame, Immortal Baron Vorg, Mini Titan Gett, Hypersprint Warrior Uzesol
    Nature = Shaman Totem (OCG), Burning Mane, Torcon, Crow Winger, Storm Wrangler the Furious, Rumbling Terahorn, Cannon Shell, Dimension Gate, Muscle Charger, Essence Elf
    C Tier
    Light = Solar Ray, Dia Nork Moonlight Guardian, Logic Cube, Draco Barrier, Senatine Jade Tree
    Water = Flood Valve, Hypersquid Walter, Hunter Cluster, Riptide Charger, Aqua Bouncer
    Darkness = Gregorian Worm, Dark Reversal, Bone Spider, Critical Blade, Wailing Shadow Belbetphlo
    Fire = Brawler Zyler, Crimson Hammer, Bombat General of Speed, Volcano Charger, Ruthless Skyterror
    Nature = Might Shouter, Innocent Hunter Blade of All, Mana Nexus, Vine Charger, Cavern Raider
    We release Duel Masters TCG (クラシックデュエルマスターズ, 聖拳編 環境) and Duel Masters Plays (デュエル・マスターズ プレイス) videos every week!
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