Drawing a hypercube Bob Ross style

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @tibees
    @tibees  2 года назад +5524

    shoutout to the remnants of past hypercube attempts lingering on the board

    • @TitularHeroine
      @TitularHeroine 2 года назад +153

      Remnants of attempts?? The nostalgia of happy accidents.

    • @cletuswyns
      @cletuswyns 2 года назад +22

      They’re in hyperspace

    • @Alive6371
      @Alive6371 2 года назад +10

      Love you, Tibees ❤️

    • @francom6230
      @francom6230 2 года назад +6

      You are a wonderful human.. a wonderful film.. "Cosmos Carl Sagan" - 4th dimension"

    • @adamwmcdwrmott
      @adamwmcdwrmott 2 года назад +6

      Tibees the more dimensions the more axis there are on a co-ordinate plane that cross looking thing. The more dimensions increase and increase until it becomes a circle. Or pi and extends up until infinity but there becomes a point in which any further dimensions are negligible other wise known as where we draw the line

  • @surcettinr2600
    @surcettinr2600 Год назад +10251

    You're like a kindergarten teacher from the future

  • @zosmae
    @zosmae Год назад +2109

    you're the Bob Ross of mathematics disguised as a Disney Princess

    • @MerryLeafField
      @MerryLeafField Год назад +30

      I came here to say that she’s taking Bob Ross to the fourth dimension.

    • @Aliveapologetic
      @Aliveapologetic Год назад +7


    • @danlightened
      @danlightened Год назад +2

      I was about to comment that (due to her soothing voice) even before she said the Bob Ross quote.

  • @Steampuke
    @Steampuke Год назад +3239

    Calmest person to ever make me have an existential crisis

    • @missjddrage1111
      @missjddrage1111 Год назад +32

      Very true. But who better than a woman with a sweet voice to tell you some of the scariest view points of existence.

    • @theredbread9584
      @theredbread9584 Год назад +5

      The feeble minded will fall

    • @armins.601
      @armins.601 Год назад

      ​@@missjddrage1111I believe 4d creatures exist and it's all well regulated by God so we can coexist

    • @ammarel-husseini3590
      @ammarel-husseini3590 Год назад


    • @blackthorne-rose
      @blackthorne-rose Год назад +3

      that's the funniest thing I"ve heard all day! beware she's just every so slightly devilish! lol...

  • @Egryn
    @Egryn Год назад +701

    No mistakes in math, only happy accidents.
    Said no chemist ever.

    • @martinlutherbling424
      @martinlutherbling424 Год назад +31

      Oh... they've said it... but only while wearing a pair of wings !

    • @julianbrelsford
      @julianbrelsford Год назад +9

      I think Teflon and Febreeze were each discovered while trying to do something else entirely.

    • @arishemthejudge6780
      @arishemthejudge6780 Год назад +1

      there was this dude who lost 2 fingers and an eye but kept on performing reactions lmao

    • @Egryn
      @Egryn Год назад

      @@Koji-888 LSD was created while looking for a respiratory stimulant.

    • @TELBOYO10
      @TELBOYO10 10 месяцев назад

      Channeling her inner Bob Ross.

  • @upland77
    @upland77 Год назад +141

    This video finally explained the tesseract hypercube in a way that I understand. Thank you!

    • @JBplumbing12
      @JBplumbing12 Год назад +7

      The 4D depiction is more noticeable if you extend the distance between the two 3D cubes, so that you have a rectangular 4D tesseract hypercube with a 3D cube at both ends.

  • @sabersketchstudios6988
    @sabersketchstudios6988 2 года назад +3146

    Imagine a Bob Ross style AP calculus tutorial

  • @kavinkumar7829
    @kavinkumar7829 Год назад +6149

    A 4D object drawn by a 3D creature in a 2D surface 💀💀💀

  • @David-Ray
    @David-Ray Год назад +110

    She's literally the only one who's actually played 4d chess

  • @TheBogyy
    @TheBogyy Год назад +81

    she's a treasure...

  • @LordToxygene
    @LordToxygene Год назад +867

    Her calm aura reminds me of a friend I had in college that was super soft in all her actions. We'd eat lunch together and just being around her was uber calming.

    • @nickv1008
      @nickv1008 Год назад +22

      Sounds drug induced, but she was able to still draw squares. That takes concentration.

    • @khadijaking711
      @khadijaking711 Год назад +6


    • @6pac.
      @6pac. Год назад +18

      ​@@nickv1008 Bro don't ruin it for us 😭

    • @nickv1008
      @nickv1008 Год назад +5

      @@6pac. When I was young, I had a rough time in math, I told my teacher that 1+1=3

    • @ev-ezaye3580
      @ev-ezaye3580 Год назад +3

      ​@@nickv1008 well that math theory could be proven right if we did have a great comprehension of the 4th dimension! 😂😂
      But alas, we're just mere 3D creachs! So to 3D formulæ we are subjected to!

  • @thewebheadgt
    @thewebheadgt Год назад +792

    Rapunzel teaches Dimensions now huh?
    Really turned her life around.

    • @torduc22
      @torduc22 Год назад +44

      Rapunzel must have found her passion in studying math after returning to her family and royal castle - she did miss out on all her education while she was locked away in that tower since birth, after all

    • @FreddieHg37
      @FreddieHg37 Год назад +31

      "The Multiverse is a concept of which we know frighteningly little"

    • @Mike-rw1jw
      @Mike-rw1jw Год назад +25

      "happy little 0D point"
      "friendly 2D square"
      "Mr.Cube" ,
      "done by a 3D creature",
      "no mistakes in math, just happy accidents"
      awesome !

    • @fahimshahriar2441
      @fahimshahriar2441 Год назад +5

      😂I was thinking the same. She speaks so softly 😅

    • @LiquidDaylight
      @LiquidDaylight Год назад +6

      Came to make a Rapunzel comment but I couldn't top this one. 😆

  • @manjulajaiswal8099
    @manjulajaiswal8099 Год назад +868

    "no mistake in maths, just happy accidents"
    I did got zero for doing many happy accidents that made me unhappy.
    edit: I got 100(likes),may be she is right

    • @richardarmed4847
      @richardarmed4847 Год назад +10

      ....and zero for English, I guess?

    • @nickv1008
      @nickv1008 Год назад +23


    • @alexanderphilip1809
      @alexanderphilip1809 Год назад +10

      ​@@richardarmed4847 not her first language.

    • @TheNoiseySpectator
      @TheNoiseySpectator Год назад +6

      ​@@nickv1008 ... No, it isn't. 🙁
      And, there are plenty of mistakes in math that make your answer wrong.
      That is what makes math, "Math".
      There is never any ambiguity about if answers are wrong or right. No room for artists interpretation. ✔️

    • @nickv1008
      @nickv1008 Год назад +3

      @@TheNoiseySpectator How could you tell if its face was looking away from you. YOU LIED.

  • @cheesedmacaroni
    @cheesedmacaroni Год назад +10

    "Drawn by a 3D creature" haha almost got us there, we all know she came from the 4th dimension with all her wisdom

  • @strahlungsopfer
    @strahlungsopfer Год назад +6

    I always feel comforted by your concerned eyebrows

  • @j.watson8601
    @j.watson8601 Год назад +1278

    I want her to break character for just a second and shout "SHUT UP BIRDS!" And transition back like nothing happened

    • @williamswayuk
      @williamswayuk Год назад +67

      The birds are soothing

    • @monaskulll
      @monaskulll Год назад +16

      Hahahaha 😂

    • @incognito__00
      @incognito__00 Год назад +50

      She loves nature and apparently truly admires it. You can feel that by her voice

    • @shreyaaashree
      @shreyaaashree Год назад +9

      tf- birds literally are soo soothing

    • @justinwall5249
      @justinwall5249 Год назад +2


  • @immanuelrodjan1851
    @immanuelrodjan1851 Год назад +426

    She's speaking the way my therapist is speaking and now my trauma's popping into my mind again💀

    • @kareljanda3399
      @kareljanda3399 Год назад +63

      Those 4-dimensional truamas can be tricky to overcome. Be well!

    • @doms.6701
      @doms.6701 Год назад

      That's why therapy is bad😂

    • @vastpiano5552
      @vastpiano5552 Год назад +3


    • @blackthorne-rose
      @blackthorne-rose Год назад +1

      Wow... you should pay more attention... she's the living cure for trauma.

  • @SergeySuper_Silver
    @SergeySuper_Silver 2 года назад +1750

    That's really impressive how we draw 4D objects on a surface!

    • @animesloversunited9069
      @animesloversunited9069 2 года назад +32

      All thanks to drawing and consciousness

    • @potato686
      @potato686 Год назад +71

      we made a 2D refference of a 4D objects

    • @ataharkaif4244
      @ataharkaif4244 Год назад +1


    • @surrealdynamics4077
      @surrealdynamics4077 Год назад +74

      It's a 2d projection of a 3d projection of a 4d object, I think...

    • @slowcuber_aze
      @slowcuber_aze Год назад +1

      ​@@surrealdynamics4077 i get it in third time lol! Pretty complex and simple at the same time

  • @haze_lee
    @haze_lee Год назад +52

    you explain the 4th dimension in less than 30 seconds easier than the one who explains it in a 30 minute video

    • @stclairdavey
      @stclairdavey Год назад +1

      I'm still trying to understand how her 4d is still not 3d.....maybe it needs a 30min vid to explain what she is not communicating ❓️

    • @tammypelletier3195
      @tammypelletier3195 10 месяцев назад

      I think because the line is 1D, the square is 2D when she does the adjoining cube and connects it becomes 3D depth...because it has a space and then when the space in the middle of it is taken up by another 3 D cube. After putting all the lines together, it becomes 4d
      A line.. a square, a cube and then a cube within a cube 😜

  • @scottvandiver9101
    @scottvandiver9101 Год назад +4

    You are the only RUclipsr ive subbed to on the first video I've seen. Honestly in the first 20 seconds. I often struggle with the "If you can't explain it to a five year old . . .," problem. This helps.

  • @Demi305
    @Demi305 2 года назад +890

    "No mistake in maths, just happy accidents"
    Now that's one beautiful quote! 😍👍

    • @billysitompul2704
      @billysitompul2704 Год назад +45

      Bob Ross must be proud

    • @bran_rx
      @bran_rx Год назад +47

      tell that to my calculus professor

    • @DimarisPlays
      @DimarisPlays Год назад +24

      Math teacher: "Me giving F is the happy accident."

    • @FlinnGaidin
      @FlinnGaidin Год назад +13

      Maths was no happy accident for me in highschool...

    • @sushi_17
      @sushi_17 Год назад +6

      Happy accidents that hospitalized me for 4 years

  • @piotrmroczkowski2324
    @piotrmroczkowski2324 Год назад +33

    Your voice is like a balm. So soothing. Sooo calm...

  • @user-EARROR
    @user-EARROR 2 года назад +304

    I'm doing phd in dimensions 😍

    • @lyrimetacurl0
      @lyrimetacurl0 Год назад +9


    • @dragonmartijn
      @dragonmartijn Год назад +12

      Can you tell me something about the dimension where angels reside?

    • @norgeek
      @norgeek Год назад +2

      voluntarily?! 🤯

    • @michaelwerkov3438
      @michaelwerkov3438 Год назад +19

      ​@@dragonmartijn you spelled angles wrong

    • @jonahjerryson4913
      @jonahjerryson4913 Год назад +12

      ​@@michaelwerkov3438 he didn't, he actually wanted to know where angels reside.

  • @brianarbenz1329
    @brianarbenz1329 Год назад +3

    OMG she said “happy little” zero dimensional point! She really is a Bob Ross of physics. Nice to keep his tradition alive. 🥰

  • @nathanielallison1999
    @nathanielallison1999 Год назад


  • @joshgaston7839
    @joshgaston7839 Год назад +63

    When that 4D hypercube passes through our 3 dimensional space, all you'll see is a cube.

    • @TheVelvetTV_Riesenglied
      @TheVelvetTV_Riesenglied Год назад +9

      or an octahedron, if it is passing through sideways...

    • @NickGecko
      @NickGecko Год назад +3

      ​@@timmaemura3215I think we should distinguish space dimensions from time ones

    • @NickGecko
      @NickGecko Год назад +4

      @@timmaemura3215 in that case we would probably observe things have weird behaviours, things that appears and disappear casually or anything similar. I'm skeptical in believing more than 3 space dimensions at the moment, but who knows.

    • @martinlutherbling424
      @martinlutherbling424 Год назад +4

      In the last couple of years scientists have come to the conclusion that space and time are the same thing. That's why they now refer to it as "space-time."

    • @martinlutherbling424
      @martinlutherbling424 Год назад +5

      I think the fourth dimension ( space-time ) is motion in all directions or manifestations. To see that cube in the 4th dimension we would be seeing ALL sides of it inside and outside as it appears at ALL times, past present and future. Kind of like looking through a kaleidoscope. To see ourselves in the 4th dimension we would see ourselves walking around, sleeping, working, doing everything in the past, present and future.

  • @ErectusEnormous
    @ErectusEnormous Год назад +100

    "No mistake in math, just happy accident"
    Is what I'm gonna say to my math teacher from now on

    • @Tony-iu7sw
      @Tony-iu7sw Год назад


    • @ErectusEnormous
      @ErectusEnormous Год назад

      @@Tony-iu7sw Math

    • @SlydogFPS
      @SlydogFPS Год назад

      You saw it on the internet, so it had to be true 👍

    • @Tony-iu7sw
      @Tony-iu7sw Год назад

      @@SlydogFPS the conundrum is that your sarcastic remark is to downplay the information provided by this RUclips video, yet your sources provided are "trust me bro" ON the internet

    • @khadijaking711
      @khadijaking711 Год назад


  • @Ravi_Tej
    @Ravi_Tej 2 года назад +96

    Your voice is so soothing to hear.

  • @OmnipotentNoodle
    @OmnipotentNoodle Год назад +4

    I adore how shes leaning into the bob ross comparisons ^^💜

  • @neildennis7294
    @neildennis7294 Год назад +8

    There are no mistakes, just happy extra dimensions.

  • @msson4818
    @msson4818 2 года назад +153

    No mistakes in mathematics only happy accidents! I love your phrases!

    • @slowcuber_aze
      @slowcuber_aze Год назад

      Heh, Master Oogway said that

    • @sweetfreeze5528
      @sweetfreeze5528 Год назад +2

      My math teacher in high school could have benefited from her theory.

    • @vanilla-plus
      @vanilla-plus Год назад +11

      She's imitating Bob Ross son :)

    • @trumpatier
      @trumpatier Год назад +5

      Bob Ross's phrases.

    • @ehekkert
      @ehekkert Год назад

      I assume she said that as she realised she made a mistake.

  • @wingy200
    @wingy200 Год назад +9

    Your voice is so incredibly soothing just like Bob.

  • @lightdark00
    @lightdark00 2 года назад +15

    It really needed some happy little clouds at the top.

  • @ketsuekidahlia
    @ketsuekidahlia Год назад +1

    I can see the squares going in and out of each other! I actually began drawing it for myself... every time I notice something new! 😃

  • @ivyssauro123
    @ivyssauro123 Год назад +94

    The idyllic scenary, her calming voice paired with her absolute despair and suffering look to her eyes gives these videos such a VIBE

    • @Sporkmaker5150
      @Sporkmaker5150 Год назад +22

      She's peered into the fourth dimension and glimpsed horrors beyond comprehension.

    • @ivyssauro123
      @ivyssauro123 Год назад +23

      @@Sporkmaker5150 The fourth dimensional beings stole her gems

    • @Sporkmaker5150
      @Sporkmaker5150 Год назад +9

      @@ivyssauro123 Yeah and she had them hidden in a really, really safe place too.

    • @blackthorne-rose
      @blackthorne-rose Год назад +1

      Finally someone else points out the anomoly of her eccentric aura... great lady - she will go far. And incidentally ... it's not despair. It's pity.

  • @GrimFowler
    @GrimFowler Год назад +16

    This is amazing
    The calm satisfaction of Bob Ross, but im learning some heavy stuff with ease

  • @PushingThroughThePain
    @PushingThroughThePain Год назад +97

    I can't believe that my weird junior high cube drawings were actually called hypercubes this whole time! I WAS thinking 4th dimensionally...
    Also, I really enjoy your mellow demeanor. Very calming 😌

  • @duggydo
    @duggydo 2 года назад +186

    Your hair has taken on a life of its own. It will soon be to the ground! 👍

  • @hamster8449
    @hamster8449 Год назад +4

    This is the trajectory of the cube movement. The images of each moment of time are superimposed on each other and connected by lines along the vertices.
    You have connected the past of the cube with the present of the cube with the future of the club in one space (drawing).

  • @tacitozetticci9308
    @tacitozetticci9308 Год назад +1

    this is some bob ross level stuff with all the happy little things living wherever you say

  • @SacredSecret
    @SacredSecret 2 года назад +21

    I could learn so much more if I were a student in your class. You are a great teacher and very welcoming.

  • @Nofxthepirate
    @Nofxthepirate Год назад +6

    Your videos on the 4th dimension are the most intuitive I've ever seen!

  • @jeremylanier4743
    @jeremylanier4743 2 года назад +27

    When things magically pop up in the fourth dimension.

  • @allicurus2850
    @allicurus2850 Год назад +2

    She has a great ability to draw accurately freehand.

  • @jeremysargent5037
    @jeremysargent5037 11 месяцев назад

    Thats the best explanation I've ever seen of how you can draw or imagine a 4D hypercube.

  • @nirmalsuki
    @nirmalsuki Год назад +347

    Mom, why is this supermodel teaching me math?

    • @thomasrainsford4944
      @thomasrainsford4944 Год назад

      "So you'll pay attention yer fecking idjit."

    • @stevejoshua9536
      @stevejoshua9536 Год назад +78

      Because your school's math teacher is woke, and obsessed with multiple dimensions of gender experimentation.

    • @calisto2735
      @calisto2735 Год назад +89

      ​@@stevejoshua9536I don't even know what that means or what does it have to do with anything, but i know u sound EXTREMELY salty for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @Mathematikgenie-cm4vq
      @Mathematikgenie-cm4vq Год назад +8

      Weil Mathe toll ist.

    • @honestyknowsbest
      @honestyknowsbest Год назад +13

      Bro if you think THAT is a super model, I genuinely feel absolutely terrible for your soul.

  • @mafp22w
    @mafp22w 2 года назад +15

    Thank you for sharing with us. Such a beautiful and inspiring woman.

  • @FamilySmith
    @FamilySmith Год назад +1

    Best explanation of this I have ever seen! I promise you!

  • @b.994
    @b.994 Год назад +1

    This channel makes me calm...and confuse..in a pleasant way☺️

  • @davidcross1259
    @davidcross1259 Год назад +6

    This is the most soothing thing ever!

  • @ChocoTacoMan
    @ChocoTacoMan Год назад +5

    Such a wonderful, pleasant voice explaining absolutely mind-melting concepts.

  • @fleurdelice777
    @fleurdelice777 2 года назад +15

    mr. Cube 😭😭 i can't, that's too sweet

  • @ImNotMrNooby
    @ImNotMrNooby Месяц назад +1

    That does exactly represent how a 4s cube would look like, if you put 2 cubes next to each other (on the same *x* axis) and connect their outerlines (edges)
    The connections between them didn't give a new direction, it's still a 1d direction
    And if we put them one on top of eachother (on the same *y* axis) and connect their edges we also wouldn't get a new dimension cuz the lines of the parts we connected are in a y axis or 2d
    And if we put them diagonally with one being smaller than the other (same *z* axis) and connect their edges, the edges also don't display a new direction/axis cuz it's just a Z axis.
    Our brains can't comprehend that unknown direction/axis we have to use to turn cubes into 4d shapes.

  • @jarrettjb
    @jarrettjb Год назад +1

    Her voice - she’s using a technique called “late night FM radio DJ” and it’s very effective in many situations.

  • @KandisG
    @KandisG Год назад +8

    The Bob Ross of the 4th dimension.

  • @asecretone
    @asecretone Год назад +6

    Here's to her getting into the Shorts algorithm 🤞

  • @sirajtayyabkhan6820
    @sirajtayyabkhan6820 Год назад +4

    Waaaow! I always wondered how I would draw that 4D shape. And you did that.

  • @Gratzfamily16
    @Gratzfamily16 Год назад +2

    She can teach me anything. Her voice is relaxing and retainable

  • @artsome
    @artsome Год назад

    you have such a sharp mind to explain such concepts with ease

  • @josephstevens9888
    @josephstevens9888 2 года назад +4

    Mr. Cube is freaking me out when he travels to the 4th dimension!

  • @TravellerZasha
    @TravellerZasha 2 года назад +4

    Reminds me of the movie flatland. This movie got me interested in math and school again after years of depression.

  • @cliffp.8396
    @cliffp.8396 2 года назад +6

    Love your tutorials

  • @vixeondaniels8886
    @vixeondaniels8886 Год назад +1

    Caught her Bob Ross reference ❤😮❤

  • @FeverDreamRemix
    @FeverDreamRemix 10 месяцев назад +1

    I've seen the hypercube in the sky just north of Detroit

  • @ayushmk25
    @ayushmk25 Год назад +13

    Science asmr 😭

  • @christopher6323
    @christopher6323 2 года назад +7

    What's the length of your hair in Planck units?

    • @benschwartz6565
      @benschwartz6565 Год назад +2

      As Carl Sagan would say, "millions of billions"

  • @michaelmartin8337
    @michaelmartin8337 2 года назад +20

    Happy accidents? I say a happy 4 dimensional visual tutorial
    Thanks Toby👋😁

  • @edwardwallis9748
    @edwardwallis9748 Год назад +1

    She’s probably terrifying when she’s mad. Can you imagine getting called out by her in class? “Tommy, you’re not a mistake, just a happy accident.”

  • @rickygonzo2781
    @rickygonzo2781 Год назад +1

    Your videos are so calm and soothing

  • @arhash1925
    @arhash1925 Год назад +17

    It’s so relaxing and for some reason calm my mind. Thank you. 🙂

  • @hanksmith4065
    @hanksmith4065 Год назад +5

    This gal is absolutely gorgeous

  • @SireRose
    @SireRose Год назад

    Really have a hard time wrapping my head around this kinda stuff. Your approach to it, is really inviting. I look forward to binging your videos :)

  • @iyraspusjfzifzocyoyxyoxyoxoy
    @iyraspusjfzifzocyoyxyoxyoxoy Год назад +1

    my mind blew when she drew that square

  • @davinder_sasan
    @davinder_sasan Год назад +6

    I can hear you 24*7*365 ...
    Your voice is so clam 😍

  • @jeremylakenes6859
    @jeremylakenes6859 Год назад +8

    I told the cop I didn’t stop at that two dimensional stop sign because I’m a three dimensional creature.

    • @mvikas1995
      @mvikas1995 Год назад +2

      Or it was just a happy accident

  • @SteveAbrahall
    @SteveAbrahall 2 года назад +8

    Send Mr Cube to the 4 th dimension! Love this - just happy accidents. :-)

  • @themohiru
    @themohiru Год назад +1

    There's something hypnotic about the way she sounds...

  • @abhisarkarmakar785
    @abhisarkarmakar785 9 месяцев назад +1

    oh so now shes finally accepting how shes the bob ross of maths

  • @timobatana6705
    @timobatana6705 Год назад +23

    I need a woman in my life with this level of powerful calm, and peace. It's the only thing to counter my chaotic, extremely unnecessarily energetic lifestyle

    • @niikoeofficial
      @niikoeofficial Год назад +8

      Nah. Work on bettering yourself instead of relying on someone else to “counter” you.
      -Stay Safe

    • @justsayin3600
      @justsayin3600 Год назад

      Get a dog 🐕

    • @valberm
      @valberm Год назад +1

      Go your own way

    • @sarahwatson1043
      @sarahwatson1043 Год назад +2

      You shouldn't put on a woman what you need to learn on your own. It's not a partner's responsibility to be counter to your energy. You need to learn to do it on your own and then you can be a better partner to your GF or BF. Two incomplete people shouldn't get together thinking they will complete each other. You need two complete people to make a whole relationship. You are not thinking in a healthy enough way to even be in a relationship. Start out with some therapy and work on you THEN down the line beginning to look for a partner.

    • @averagefpv9449
      @averagefpv9449 Год назад

      I need a woman in my life with this level of powerful calm, and peace to counter the woman in my life who is bat 💩 crazy! 🤣

  • @imagomonkei
    @imagomonkei Год назад +5

    This is so soothing. I forgot it was on repeat.

  • @SpasticHatchet
    @SpasticHatchet Год назад

    The drawing of the cube is like the projection/shadow of 3D onto 2D, the drawing of a hypercube is like the shadow of a 4D cube onto 2D. We also have 3D models which are like the shadows of hypercubes into 3D

  • @BiggieBobThornton
    @BiggieBobThornton Год назад +1

    Her voice IMMEDIATELY triggered my asm response.

  • @ddrew1973
    @ddrew1973 Год назад +1

    I could listen to her all day

  • @AndrewPa
    @AndrewPa Год назад +1

    what a voice ! Ready to listen to author every time when under stress to calm down

  • @JohannesRichter87
    @JohannesRichter87 10 месяцев назад +2

    She's Painting with Physics.

  • @jbach1738
    @jbach1738 Год назад +1

    how did I only just find your videos today? you are absolutely lovely, and the way you explain these things is so accessible. I'm officially hooked.

  • @rafaelbeitinger8265
    @rafaelbeitinger8265 Год назад +1

    Currently the most entertaining and calming channel on here

  • @guillermoemiliomariaibanez339
    @guillermoemiliomariaibanez339 Год назад +1

    Amazing creature!

  • @roycethefox
    @roycethefox Год назад +1

    all of this lady's videos are getting recommended to me, since I keep having to watch them over and over again, since I can barely grasp this concept

  • @RatClowns
    @RatClowns Год назад

    Man your channel is inspiring me to get back into science, the visual aspect and calm tone actually lets me understand this stuff!!

  • @darthalghul6338
    @darthalghul6338 Год назад +1

    So Rapunzel studied some string theory in her Tower before being saved

  • @zukodude487987
    @zukodude487987 Год назад +1

    I did this all day in school into my math notebooks.

  • @gefginn3699
    @gefginn3699 Год назад +1

    I'm happy if you are also happy. 💛

  • @toyomade
    @toyomade Год назад +1

    Dude.. after the second cube is added, it forms the Star of David.. also known as a merkaba… speculated to be a light vessel capable of galactic and dimensional travel..
    Huber cubes are not new to me but that symbol appearing certainly is and to me, is not a coincidence.

  • @DarenMiller-qj7bu
    @DarenMiller-qj7bu 9 месяцев назад +2

    You're so pretty it makes me sick. ❤😂

  • @Tom-sp3gy
    @Tom-sp3gy Год назад

    Fantastic ! So creative and logical yet logic defying at the same time !!!

  • @nuru666
    @nuru666 Год назад

    I don't know what's more impressive, you drawing a hypercube like it's not hard, or that Rapunzel action

  • @atlanciaza
    @atlanciaza Год назад

    I think you have just given me a massive insight into matter, thank you.

  • @jonmcmurray9510
    @jonmcmurray9510 Год назад

    My new favorite youtuber. As an artist your videos have helped me with conceptual visualization. Priceless

  • @BikianaBiswas
    @BikianaBiswas 11 месяцев назад

    Ah! Real good demonstration! Simple, elegant & comprehensive. ❤Thanks Tibees.