Mencius once said : "Which is more enjoyable - to enjoy something all alone or share with other people? " the ability to possess an authentic masterpiece and also allow others to enjoy, it gives a collector the most happiness.... Brovo and salute to 華夏TV, you have produced a wonderful video for the possible millions of people to watch especially during this horrible pandemic time. 🙏🏻🙏🙏🏾🥳🎊🎉
In order to enjoy watching this video properly it's best to increase video resolutions to 1080p to visually see the line strokes and various color combinations clearly which is awesome and extraordinary beautiful 🎊🎉🎈
張大千與畢卡索合稱"東張西畢",這不僅是對他的藝術生涯的肯定, 同時也是中華民族的驕傲
@@henrywarden8680 👍🏻👍👍🏽🙂
@@henrywarden8680 🤙🤙🏼🤙🏽
@@henrywarden8680 👍🏻👍🏽👍🏼
@@henrywarden8680 👏🏾👏👏🏼🎈
OMG😮😮😮 What a wonderful world of Chang Dai-chien's rich minerals colorful paintings display🎉🎉🎉
@Splendid 🎉🎉🎉
He is one of the few knows the secrets of applying mineral color on the Chinese painting.😮
@@johnnyq8970He is the best painter among his peers😮
Among best of the best🧏🏼♀️
@@henrywarden8680 知難行易也是呀!
@文英。Hua Xia again and again produced another great video presentation on Chang Dai-Chien masterpieces in his prime during the 40's.👏🏼👏👏🏾👍
Brovo to 華夏衛視 👍 📹 🎥 📻 📸
@@angelamu5355 恭祝華夏衛视🎆
@@bobyang3045 👏🏼👏👏🏾🎊
@@bobyang3045 ✨🎇🎆🎈華夏TV
@@bobyang3045 👍😇🙂
@@wenhansu5886 👏🏼👏👏🏾👏🏾
@@henrywarden8680 之故徐悲鴻曰: 嗚呼,大千的画美也!
@@franceswu8229 🌈🥳💃
Mencius once said : "Which is more enjoyable - to enjoy something all alone or share with other people? " the ability to possess an authentic masterpiece and also allow others to enjoy, it gives a collector the most happiness....
Brovo and salute to 華夏TV, you have produced a wonderful video for the possible millions of people to watch especially during this horrible pandemic time. 🙏🏻🙏🙏🏾🥳🎊🎉
@Henry 👏👏👏👍
@@huaxiaTV123 keep up the good work👌
@@huaxiaTV123 很喜歡這次製作的影片拍攝及解說內容,畫面好美喔!🌈🎊🎈👏🏻
孔子曰:"知之者不如好之者 好之者不如樂之者"凡對事物之樂之者,必具深䆳之探討,堅強的毅力,而構成其高邁之氣魄。張大千等人就是此類型之典范人物!
@@馬成天 🙂
@@馬成天 👌🏻🎆🌺👏
@@shawnlin6596 🦄🧏🏼♀️🈴️
In order to enjoy watching this video properly it's best to increase video resolutions to 1080p to visually see the line strokes and various color combinations clearly which is awesome and extraordinary beautiful 🎊🎉🎈
@It will bring out more colors to the painting 🎆🎊🌺
@mineral pigments make big difference in painting 🖼 presentation.
That's why mineral pigments are so expensive 😢
@@johnnyq8970He is one of the few people who has learned the secrets of applying Dunhuang mural’s mineral pigments painting style😮
徐悲鸿大師曾說: 敦煌壁画頂上的飛仙亦無上美妙, 淩驾西歐古代作品也.㊙️
@@meimeei1638 🎆
@@馬成天 👌
@@meimeei1638 敦煌顶上之飛天美極了🧚🧚♀️🧚♂️
Great presentation 👏🏾
張大千要求他畫的畫必需有三美: 曰大,曰亮,曰曲。即要大器亮眼深度的美作,貴台展現的多為此類型作品也,嘆為觀止😊
@Bob @ the English translation is not really accurate and reflected what is really means. Is it?🤔
@@shawnlin6596 🥳😄🙃
@@henrywarden8680 Google translate on your message was terrible. They missed at least half of the comments 🙅🏻
@@meimeei1638 😎
all fake, the color and the brush stroke is not right.