Ke rawa vei Paula me vakamacala taka talega na Yaca ni vanua e tolu. Ko tikopia, voleka I samoa, cikobia/vanualevu, kei Cikobia I vanuabalavu. De dua na I Sema vaka Polynesia.
For those of us who can't follow this and related really-important videos by Prof Geraghty, would you please provide amended copies with English subtitles?
Really Tonga has the most Lapita sites in all Polynesia even the oldest tatau instrument found in the Ancient fortress village of Pea Tongatapu 2700 years old 700BCE made of human bones Fitiula wasn't born yet Manuka originally from Fisi Namuka which is Nomuka in Ha'apai and Manuka in Tongatapu brought to Ha'amoa Hahake by Ancient Tongan Navigators Ha'a Maui Tonga Fusifonua and Tavatava o Manuka as Tuimanuka Titles also named Savaihi in Ha'amoa Havaihi in Hawaii big Sacred Islands as Vaihi Continent Pulemelei Siaheulupe were built by 23rd Tuitonga Momo Talafata 2 1100AD similar to Talietumu in Uvea built by Kau'ulufonua Takalaua 1200AD Talakaifaiki 3 beginning of Havea Malietoa Titles so when was Satiailemoa the first Tuimanuka started with 40 Chiefs Titles and 54 Tuitonga Supreme Titles Timeline Last Tuimanuka Matelita 1890 Last Tu'itonga Laufilitonga 1826 with all evidence found in Tonga as the birth place of Polynesia Early intermarriage of Tonga and Fisi Otulau but we are not black Melanesian 😊
Tongatapu Island has most Lapita sites in Polynesia even Tatau Instrument made of human bones 2700 years old in the Ancient fortress village of Pea Tongatapu Futuna and Uvea villages 90 percent names by Ancient Tongan Navigators 😊
No because you're gonna get angry and start talking about Ma'afu and Tu'i Tonga lol jokes read the description he pretty much talks about that but very stretched out.
@@tenoa8637 I don't mind a little anger because history is solidify if I like it or not lol. I want to understand Fiji's perspective and the history behind. It's for my understanding comparing to our neighbor Samoa 😆
@@josemacbeth1641 he is generally talking about Fiji's ancient connection with the other ancient Polynesian kingdoms, the way immigration between the hundreds of islands in the Polynesian triangle has largely influenced all our languages, how it developed in Fiji and spread as far as Tahiti and Cooks, which are the most similar to Fijian.
@@keyboardemperor3540 I totally agree due to the trades that was made between Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. What I want to know is the Pulotu empire and what is your knowledge of the Tui Manua Empire if there was one. Samoans are claiming we Tongans came from the Tui Manua in Samoa but our Tongan history points to a Island we called Pulotu in the Lau Group.
@@josemacbeth1641 I can't really say too much on the subject as my knowledge extends as far is the late 1500's of Fiji but still a little obscured due to there being multiple theories by traditional folk and academics alike. There were 3 empires, they all met in the middle of the ocean, The Tongan empire held the littlest islands, but they were powerful and would sail to neighbouring Samoa and Fiji for trade. Our ancestors never fought, they were all a peace loving people, not so much the Fijians because they had possessed the biggest and most beautiful land in the region, so with the larger population and growing, there was bound to be civil wars and just a leaderless land, very cultured people but didn't want 1 rule, although some chiefs of notable provinces like Navosa, Cakaudrove, Naitasiri were ruthless warlords with large territories. But generally the Tongans traded with Fiji, with Samoa I'd assume there was some feud but idk. I can say the province of Cakaudrove and Macuata has had many interactions and traded with the Manua empire for hundreds of years and it loosely echoes in the island of Cikobia, the closest Fijian island to them. A few theories checks out like mine here, which has been relaying in my family for generations since before the British
@@jmjm1920You clearly haven't seen Fijians, Fiji have always been referred to as brown but grouped in Melanesia. However the culture, language and way of life is Polynesian. Which is why Fiji is both Polynesian and Melanesian
Please,don't try to explain something like the Burotu origins if you don't know. Pulotu known by Tongans nd Samoans linked to the underwater paradise nd a dark place where their souls goes to in Fijis underworld, when they die.First the name Matuku only linked to dry land on the island of Matuku in Lau,also that Matuku at Waimaro i wai near Korovou,Tailevu nd a place in the Wainimala highlands of Naitasiri as Rairaimatuku..No name refers to Matuku which links to the underwater or underworld..Also the name Kula which is on Burotukula is not only about the Kula birds,as elders used to say,that everything about Burotukula is good to see in the eyes,they were all reddish gold in colours..not only the kula birds..Something we knows about the garden of Eden as mentioned in the Bible.Which is Biblically explained in a few verses across the Bible that its located in the Oceanic wilderness of the east,where the Sunrises nd sets(Fijis underwater location)..How can you classify the Burotuans as 2nd lot of settlers in Fiji when Tongan mythology, linked them to the beginning??..And Burotus beautiness is similar to what is written in the book of Genesis about Eden garden. So that means Burotukulas settlers have to be among the first settlers of Fiji or 1st settlers of the earth. And according to Fijians widely accepted mythology, all humans originated from Vuniivilevu. We all know the story of Noah nd his family who boarded the Ark during the flood nd that journey which ended on Mt Ararat.But in Fiji our story also started in Fiji after the flood through Catanatamani l/Lutudra or Tui Waicalanavanua l...Who was recorded by the Tuku2 raraba makawa k Viti that Catanatamani l fathered the Fijian race right after the flood. As the Tongan mythology says that Pulotu, Vahanoa (ocean) nd Lagi(heavens) all existed from the beginning. Which links to Fijis mythology in regards to Vuniivilevu near Moturiki..Where Ratu mai Bulas'(Chief of Life-God Himself) garden used to be watchover nd dressed by the Tamanaivi(Atama n Ivi/Adam and Eve)from the beginning..It also still has its own spiritual guardian Cherub today, who holds a flaming sword to ward off intruders who wish to steal from the garden of God(,Vuniivilevu). And there are names on Moturiki like Vusonitoakula(Golden feather of Kula birds or kula roosters),Laqerekula(reddish golden gravel),Mocemocenikula(where kula birds slept) nd Waikula(golden water because of the stones sparkled from under its crystal clear waters),Tamanitoakula(father of reddish gold Roosters),Cakaukoula(golden reef)..,Nakoronawa(floating village),Nawaqavanua (land that moved like a boat).. And several names of Vanuakula existed in Fiji nd the Pacific as Fonuakula,Fenuakula,Whenuakula,Enuakura.They all know that its in Fiji,nd a specific one known by PNG old settlers as Enuakura which they knew that it locates somewhere between Viti Levu nd Samoa. That clearly describes Vuniivilevu,where the name Vanuakula(Vunilagi, Vanuayalewa n Davetalevu)is also known in the past.
Sorry your argument sounds pretty far fetched, stop linking the bible stories to Polynesian culture. That's a totally different fairytale regarding middle easterners.
@@cerulean739 did you know that why Fiji's minerals ie,diamond,oil nd gas, bauxite,iron ore,kerosene,gold..etc always vanished away whenever the Fiji government tries to sniff in when there is a find??.The sad part is,they know that they are there in our underworld,but they can't get them out... While the African resources are easily accessible to overseas giant thiefs compared to ours in Fiji??..Because we are spiritually guarded by heavenly forces nd not the Africans..Also the majority of Israel's Biblical works are associated with the East..Glory of God comes from the East,the East Gate,God put the man that He created on the garden which He planted Eastward in Eden..etc ..
Paula even mentioned about the Togaviti in Makadru,Matuku.While the Makadru chiefly clan themselves who have the clan called Burotu,nd one of their subclan called Nakoro, all from the Daku tribe.Nakoro sub clan got a family with a surname called Uluibau..All these names Daku, Uluibau,Nakoro nd even Burotu existed on Moturiki island !!..And there are names on Makadru which linked them back to Tailevu north like Namena,Veinuqa nd Verata which are evidences that supports their oral history that their elders sailed to Matuku from the Tailevu north settled by Davetalevu people!!.Those two villages Makadru nd Levukaidaku are where the legend of Burotukula were best known.And the Levukaidaku people are also descendants of Tura through Lutunasobasoba or Kubunavanua. Tura was a former Tui Davetalevu of Uluibau Moturiki way back in the 14th-15th century AD before he fled to Naicobocobo Bua, because of cannibalism practiced at Davetalevu fort during that time.So Burotukula was seen over there in the southern Fiji waters mainly to the Davetalevu people who newly settled Matuku nd the rest of yasayasa Moala where Kubunavanua descendants also settled.
Rennell is, Bellona is, Tikopia is, Anuta is, Wallis Futuna, Tonga and Samoa (Polynesians) all intermixed slightly with the Melenesians in their area. Maori are the last Polynesians and that’s how we have Melanesian Fijian DNA. Ok Tommy
Los Dogg.. you can be right, because there are Fijian place names nd language in the Maori communities of NZ.. Place names like Moturiki,Matokana,Motutau,Muriwhai(muriwai-sea or coastal route),Muriawhenua(Murivanua-inland route)..etc..And they have Words like Tukutuku,Rongorongo(rogorogo-announcement),matamata(gate),mate(death),waaka(waqa-boat),Maori eating utensils like cups called taputapu (tabutabu-Fijis ancient ancestral god,clans name,sub clans name nd Polynesian sacred abodes or sacred meeting/worship centre/Fijian Pulotu Empire re-org compound in Raiatea, Tahiti)..etc..Maorians also knows of an underwater paradise called Whenuakula which is Fijis Vanuakula..And their Puretu for Beautiful ladies or beautiful person sounds similar to Fiji's Burotu(paradise land on the heart of Bulu-Vunilagi/Vuniivilevu stronghold, South of Moturiki island,Lomaiviti)..While Southern Fiji's spiritual Burotukula lost island used to house beautiful women with beautiful creational nature's..And the Maori legend about their spiritual guardian Manaia can be the massive light spiritual guardian cherub of Nasautabu high sandbank, Vuniivilevu at South East Moturiki who holds a flaming sword to ward off intruders in that underwater garden of Burotu paradise.
Ke rawa vei Paula me vakamacala taka talega na Yaca ni vanua e tolu.
Ko tikopia, voleka I samoa, cikobia/vanualevu, kei Cikobia I vanuabalavu.
De dua na I Sema vaka Polynesia.
Sa donu. Au na qai tarogi koya ena neirau veitalanoa e tarava,
Me qai laurai vata kei na Tikopia e jiko e Solomone / Vanuatuвидео.html
For those of us who can't follow this and related really-important videos by Prof Geraghty, would you please provide amended copies with English subtitles?
As a Samoan I don't doubt that we came from fiji
It's also strange that the actual ancient name for fiji for Samoans is pulotu
Really Tonga has the most Lapita sites in all Polynesia even the oldest tatau instrument found in the Ancient fortress village of Pea Tongatapu 2700 years old 700BCE made of human bones Fitiula wasn't born yet Manuka originally from Fisi Namuka which is Nomuka in Ha'apai and Manuka in Tongatapu brought to Ha'amoa Hahake by Ancient Tongan Navigators Ha'a Maui Tonga Fusifonua and Tavatava o Manuka as Tuimanuka Titles also named Savaihi in Ha'amoa Havaihi in Hawaii big Sacred Islands as Vaihi Continent Pulemelei Siaheulupe were built by 23rd Tuitonga Momo Talafata 2 1100AD similar to Talietumu in Uvea built by Kau'ulufonua Takalaua 1200AD Talakaifaiki 3 beginning of Havea Malietoa Titles so when was Satiailemoa the first Tuimanuka started with 40 Chiefs Titles and 54 Tuitonga Supreme Titles Timeline Last Tuimanuka Matelita 1890 Last Tu'itonga Laufilitonga 1826 with all evidence found in Tonga as the birth place of Polynesia Early intermarriage of Tonga and Fisi Otulau but we are not black Melanesian 😊
@@jmjm1920 You tongans are just mixed fijian and samoan lol, makes sense too since you guys are in the middle
@@Irongaint Tongan Lapita oldest in Polynesia through Western Vanuatu Fisi Tongatapu before Ha'amoa to the East 😊
@@jmjm1920 oh wow I didn't know that ty 😹
Tongatapu Island has most Lapita sites in Polynesia even Tatau Instrument made of human bones 2700 years old in the Ancient fortress village of Pea Tongatapu Futuna and Uvea villages 90 percent names by Ancient Tongan Navigators 😊
Doko Tonga might be older than Samoa, but Samoa have more influence and settled most islands in Polynesia and outside compare to Tonga
I'm Tongan can you guys give me a quick summary(English) of all that was discussed here please and thank you?
No because you're gonna get angry and start talking about Ma'afu and Tu'i Tonga lol jokes read the description he pretty much talks about that but very stretched out.
@@tenoa8637 I don't mind a little anger because history is solidify if I like it or not lol. I want to understand Fiji's perspective and the history behind. It's for my understanding comparing to our neighbor Samoa 😆
@@josemacbeth1641 he is generally talking about Fiji's ancient connection with the other ancient Polynesian kingdoms, the way immigration between the hundreds of islands in the Polynesian triangle has largely influenced all our languages, how it developed in Fiji and spread as far as Tahiti and Cooks, which are the most similar to Fijian.
@@keyboardemperor3540 I totally agree due to the trades that was made between Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. What I want to know is the Pulotu empire and what is your knowledge of the Tui Manua Empire if there was one. Samoans are claiming we Tongans came from the Tui Manua in Samoa but our Tongan history points to a Island we called Pulotu in the Lau Group.
@@josemacbeth1641 I can't really say too much on the subject as my knowledge extends as far is the late 1500's of Fiji but still a little obscured due to there being multiple theories by traditional folk and academics alike. There were 3 empires, they all met in the middle of the ocean, The Tongan empire held the littlest islands, but they were powerful and would sail to neighbouring Samoa and Fiji for trade. Our ancestors never fought, they were all a peace loving people, not so much the Fijians because they had possessed the biggest and most beautiful land in the region, so with the larger population and growing, there was bound to be civil wars and just a leaderless land, very cultured people but didn't want 1 rule, although some chiefs of notable provinces like Navosa, Cakaudrove, Naitasiri were ruthless warlords with large territories. But generally the Tongans traded with Fiji, with Samoa I'd assume there was some feud but idk. I can say the province of Cakaudrove and Macuata has had many interactions and traded with the Manua empire for hundreds of years and it loosely echoes in the island of Cikobia, the closest Fijian island to them. A few theories checks out like mine here, which has been relaying in my family for generations since before the British
Tonga Samoa Lapita not from Fisi but Indonesia through Melanesia 😊
Tonga Ha'amoa early intermarriage with Fisi but they were not Melanesian black😊
@@bai252 Micronesia 🇫🇲 🤔
@@jmjm1920You clearly haven't seen Fijians, Fiji have always been referred to as brown but grouped in Melanesia. However the culture, language and way of life is Polynesian. Which is why Fiji is both Polynesian and Melanesian
@@benbasaga2013 bull the polynesian culture was given to you by your polynesian masters
@@qnqmria No lol, we have Polynesian ancestors lol. Fijians are Polynesian and Melanesian 😂💯
Please,don't try to explain something like the Burotu origins if you don't know. Pulotu known by Tongans nd Samoans linked to the underwater paradise nd a dark place where their souls goes to in Fijis underworld, when they die.First the name Matuku only linked to dry land on the island of Matuku in Lau,also that Matuku at Waimaro i wai near Korovou,Tailevu nd a place in the Wainimala highlands of Naitasiri as Rairaimatuku..No name refers to Matuku which links to the underwater or underworld..Also the name Kula which is on Burotukula is not only about the Kula birds,as elders used to say,that everything about Burotukula is good to see in the eyes,they were all reddish gold in colours..not only the kula birds..Something we knows about the garden of Eden as mentioned in the Bible.Which is Biblically explained in a few verses across the Bible that its located in the Oceanic wilderness of the east,where the Sunrises nd sets(Fijis underwater location)..How can you classify the Burotuans as 2nd lot of settlers in Fiji when Tongan mythology, linked them to the beginning??..And Burotus beautiness is similar to what is written in the book of Genesis about Eden garden. So that means Burotukulas settlers have to be among the first settlers of Fiji or 1st settlers of the earth. And according to Fijians widely accepted mythology, all humans originated from Vuniivilevu. We all know the story of Noah nd his family who boarded the Ark during the flood nd that journey which ended on Mt Ararat.But in Fiji our story also started in Fiji after the flood through Catanatamani l/Lutudra or Tui Waicalanavanua l...Who was recorded by the Tuku2 raraba makawa k Viti that Catanatamani l fathered the Fijian race right after the flood.
As the Tongan mythology says that Pulotu, Vahanoa (ocean) nd Lagi(heavens) all existed from the beginning. Which links to Fijis mythology in regards to Vuniivilevu near Moturiki..Where Ratu mai Bulas'(Chief of Life-God Himself) garden used to be watchover nd dressed by the Tamanaivi(Atama n Ivi/Adam and Eve)from the beginning..It also still has its own spiritual guardian Cherub today, who holds a flaming sword to ward off intruders who wish to steal from the garden of God(,Vuniivilevu). And there are names on Moturiki like Vusonitoakula(Golden feather of Kula birds or kula roosters),Laqerekula(reddish golden gravel),Mocemocenikula(where kula birds slept) nd Waikula(golden water because of the stones sparkled from under its crystal clear waters),Tamanitoakula(father of reddish gold Roosters),Cakaukoula(golden reef)..,Nakoronawa(floating village),Nawaqavanua (land that moved like a boat)..
And several names of Vanuakula existed in Fiji nd the Pacific as Fonuakula,Fenuakula,Whenuakula,Enuakura.They all know that its in Fiji,nd a specific one known by PNG old settlers as Enuakura which they knew that it locates somewhere between Viti Levu nd Samoa. That clearly describes Vuniivilevu,where the name Vanuakula(Vunilagi, Vanuayalewa n Davetalevu)is also known in the past.
Sorry your argument sounds pretty far fetched, stop linking the bible stories to Polynesian culture. That's a totally different fairytale regarding middle easterners.
@@cerulean739 did you know that why Fiji's minerals ie,diamond,oil nd gas, bauxite,iron ore,kerosene,gold..etc always vanished away whenever the Fiji government tries to sniff in when there is a find??.The sad part is,they know that they are there in our underworld,but they can't get them out...
While the African resources are easily accessible to overseas giant thiefs compared to ours in Fiji??..Because we are spiritually guarded by heavenly forces nd not the Africans..Also the majority of Israel's Biblical works are associated with the East..Glory of God comes from the East,the East Gate,God put the man that He created on the garden which He planted Eastward in Eden..etc ..
Paula even mentioned about the Togaviti in Makadru,Matuku.While the Makadru chiefly clan themselves who have the clan called Burotu,nd one of their subclan called Nakoro, all from the Daku tribe.Nakoro sub clan got a family with a surname called Uluibau..All these names Daku, Uluibau,Nakoro nd even Burotu existed on Moturiki island !!..And there are names on Makadru which linked them back to Tailevu north like Namena,Veinuqa nd Verata which are evidences that supports their oral history that their elders sailed to Matuku from the Tailevu north settled by Davetalevu people!!.Those two villages Makadru nd Levukaidaku are where the legend of Burotukula were best known.And the Levukaidaku people are also descendants of Tura through Lutunasobasoba or Kubunavanua. Tura was a former Tui Davetalevu of Uluibau Moturiki way back in the 14th-15th century AD before he fled to Naicobocobo Bua, because of cannibalism practiced at Davetalevu fort during that time.So Burotukula was seen over there in the southern Fiji waters mainly to the Davetalevu people who newly settled Matuku nd the rest of yasayasa Moala where Kubunavanua descendants also settled.
@@lanietuimabu428 Not this Garden of Moturiki guy again 🤣🤣🤣
@@lanietuimabu428 Tell everyone how your Wikipedia edit on the Pulotu article only lasted two days 🤔
All Maori have Fijian DNA in them
Wtf? Arent Maoris lighter? You can only go from Darker to lighter not the other way around😂😂
Rennell is, Bellona is, Tikopia is, Anuta is, Wallis Futuna, Tonga and Samoa (Polynesians) all intermixed slightly with the Melenesians in their area. Maori are the last Polynesians and that’s how we have Melanesian Fijian DNA. Ok Tommy
@@MrSicc274 Oh. Bit of a misunderstanding, Sorry man.
Los Dogg.. you can be right, because there are Fijian place names nd language in the Maori communities of NZ.. Place names like Moturiki,Matokana,Motutau,Muriwhai(muriwai-sea or coastal route),Muriawhenua(Murivanua-inland route)..etc..And they have Words like Tukutuku,Rongorongo(rogorogo-announcement),matamata(gate),mate(death),waaka(waqa-boat),Maori eating utensils like cups called taputapu (tabutabu-Fijis ancient ancestral god,clans name,sub clans name nd Polynesian sacred abodes or sacred meeting/worship centre/Fijian Pulotu Empire re-org compound in Raiatea, Tahiti)..etc..Maorians also knows of an underwater paradise called Whenuakula which is Fijis Vanuakula..And their Puretu for Beautiful ladies or beautiful person sounds similar to Fiji's Burotu(paradise land on the heart of Bulu-Vunilagi/Vuniivilevu stronghold, South of Moturiki island,Lomaiviti)..While Southern Fiji's spiritual Burotukula lost island used to house beautiful women with beautiful creational nature's..And the Maori legend about their spiritual guardian Manaia can be the massive light spiritual guardian cherub of Nasautabu high sandbank, Vuniivilevu at South East Moturiki who holds a flaming sword to ward off intruders in that underwater garden of Burotu paradise.
Horis are European they got nothing to do with us islanders