Keno Binge for 46 Minutes

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @alexatl89
    @alexatl89 17 дней назад +3

    I'm watching Keno to unwind.

  • @dusttown70000
    @dusttown70000 17 дней назад


  • @RyanRay-yh5ey
    @RyanRay-yh5ey 17 дней назад

    My fourth time playing keno over the weekend I hit 2 5 spots on 5 cent multicard for and then later on hit an 8 out 10. Hooked for life.

  • @ListicleBro
    @ListicleBro 11 дней назад

    haha "youtube historian" was my comment
    but i delete my comments sometimes so i don't get too mad when the system hides or deletes my comments.
    by self-censoring i'm one step ahead of them.

    • @ListicleBro
      @ListicleBro 11 дней назад

      re: "i should almost have to charge for this type of stuff..." @16:00
      i would be a buyer of a keno strat guide (down the line, no pressure)
      anyway, David's strategy in this vid: speak his plan, in detail, so the Universe and the mic built into the machine can hear, then change the plan to confuse the machine, then change to another machine.
      welp, looks like they adjusted the machines because he was winning too frequently.