Some Thoughts On Slay The Spire

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @safeeggs5520
    @safeeggs5520 3 месяца назад +1

    Yo spidz youtube popping off, congrats on the vid! 🎉

  • @pillowy9726
    @pillowy9726 3 месяца назад +2

    Literally like yesterday I started getting into Slay the Spire (I’ve had the game installed for about a year) so this new video existing is pretty cool for me 👍

  • @whatdothlife4660
    @whatdothlife4660 3 месяца назад +1

    What a yapfest. Exactly what I am looking for :P

  • @Laezar1
    @Laezar1 3 месяца назад

    youtube randomly recommended that to me and that was really interesting
    I have that issue with StS of feeling compelled to always go for the heart and also feeling compelled to push some strategies hard even if I know it's not correct (like, taking powers way too much with the defect in the hope of getting a mummified hand).
    I do appreciate monster train as a roguelike deckbuilder cause it's a game that kinda wants you to build your busted deck and even if there is also still such thing as "good enough" the game really gives you the tools to lean in hard into some broken strategies (although the DLC kinda limited the amount of viable ones kinda like the heart does but worse)
    Also a less known one that I don't like as much but that's interesting is vault of the void cause it's the epitome of "good enough", it's really hard to make actually broken synergies in that game you typically just get a very lukewarm deck that does stuff but never really pops off, it's a bit boring to be honest but because you can redo your deck of 20 card before every fight it leans very hard into the "pick options that might help you" over any form of cohesive plan. It probably got great strategic depth if you engage really hard with that but it's so dry it's hard for me to. Still thought it was worth a mention though.

    • @SpidzWT
      @SpidzWT  3 месяца назад

      Interesting. I've heard of and played a tad of Monster Train and I've been thinkin about it more and more after making this, but I've not heard of vault of the void at all.
      I think there's often a continuum between 'exorbitantly & intricately finetuned balance with the cost of having relatively middling or unfulfilling power fantasies' vs 'very lax with balance with extremely deep power fantasies'. STS exists somewhere in the middle, maybe leaning closer into the ability to have deep power fantasies even if it's not a difficult game (dead branch corruption is the famous one, but even a normal claw build or creative ai build can be like this).
      For a while I played a competitive CCG called LoR, and when people asked for balance changes in that game, a lot of the phrasing that was used against strong decks is this feeling of 'man, this game feels so blowout-y and powerful sometimes, I wish the balance was intricately finetuned', but whenever we got into a finetuned meta, people would say it's boring and unfulfilling.
      A game that seems more on the lower-power, more intricately balanced side of things might be a game like gloomhaven, or as you mention vault of the void. I think this sort of game appeals to a very specific type of person, and I also think there's another type of person who think that this is what they want from a game and it isn't.
      Anyway, thanks for bringing up that game. I've wanted to try a few games that lean more into this more mellow power fantasy-style of game design, but don't really know where to start. I'll add it to steam wishlist and many years down the line maybe I'll check it out haha.

  • @ShaddyFromHatena
    @ShaddyFromHatena 3 месяца назад

    Very good video about slay the spire that also very well mimics my evolution from "single synergy focused deck" versus "what does adding this card do for helping me beat the threats in the game" I also know that I personally do enjoy big numbers, and so even when it's in optimal, I will always go max elites because More Relics Go Brr. Dig at every campfire and stuff. I think it's really fun.
    I've also played a lot of multiplayer sts through mods, and the difference it makes when you see a card that is a curse in your deck, but your ally is struggling through fights and this card could turn their deck around, that can be a huge game changer. Stuff like that. Pvp also drastically changes what your goal is to win, because You're adapting to their deck while they adapt to yours.
    Also, something about the heart fight specifically: there's another game I've played a lot recently called The Last Flame, which is like a rogue like pve adaption of TFT with more of a focus on character building and synergy as opposed to tft's "best in slot" optimization gameplay. Good game, would recommend, but the context I bring it up is that it also has an optional boss fight that you have to make your run harder to reach, but the difference is, even if you lose to the act 4 boss, the run still counts as a win in your win rate. Which I think does a lot to change the feel of the boss from "mandatory" to "optional challenge you can do after winning a run to see how hard your team goes." There's also an endless mode for seeing exactly how far they can be pushed but yeah. I think it also matters the way you get it. In STS you are choosing to skip bonuses twice to get to the boss, versus TLF just asks you to make 1 boss, 1 hallway, and 1 elite fight harder. I like theoretically the design space of differing difficulty like how sts does ascensions by slowly adding more restrictions and not just "enemy hit harder", but I also think that like. It kinda sucks sometimes to lose out on fun synergy and interactions because the game has decided that is where the level of arbitrary difficulty is set.
    Anyway, great video, thanks for the thoughts, got a new sub out of me lol.

  • @RealPrismsword
    @RealPrismsword 3 месяца назад +3

    omg it's spidz youtube

  • @thermophile1695
    @thermophile1695 3 месяца назад

    Is it weird that thought 5 comes very naturally to me, but thought 1 is still something I struggle with?

  • @JapaneseImport
    @JapaneseImport 3 месяца назад

    i think to specifically answer your point about the reddit post
    skipping pyramid when act 4 adds statuses to the deck is pretty unreasonable. the heart and spear and shield in particular ask questions that are certainly not answered just by a slim grand finale deck. turn 2 can straight up just kill you with no counterplay.

  • @ibnbx621
    @ibnbx621 3 месяца назад +1

    I cast lvl 3 algorithmic blessing

  • @moseschrist203
    @moseschrist203 3 месяца назад

    spidz youtube
    really interesting view!
    I think I have been not that good at sts in the past, and am now only okay at it, despite having 100%ed the game's steam achievements, and having 3 ascension 20 characters. I definitely tend to fall into the pitfall of only fishing for the "best in slot" cards, even to this day.
    I started writing a huge rant about how teamfight tactics has also helped me learn about StS, similarly to what LoR did for you, but I will keep it brief by saying that one of the first things teamfight tactics asks you to do is start giving up late game power for early power, which translates pretty well to slay the spire.
    Will you be buying sts2?

    • @SpidzWT
      @SpidzWT  3 месяца назад

      Yeah no doubt, absolutely slam dunk purchase lol. If it’s even half as good and fun as sts1 it’ll be worth it lmoa.
      Converting late game str for early game str is obviously an LoR idea for sure, but it’s also something I think league shows really well too. Kayle and Veigar and so on sound inherently busted if you just think that ‘no matter what secure late game and then instant win’, but the practicalities of procuring tempo and maintaining pressure supersedes a lot of the initiate level thinking - it’s pretty similar for sts.

  • @Typedtad
    @Typedtad 3 месяца назад


  • @diegocfq
    @diegocfq 3 месяца назад

    Reddit people tend to be stubborn. They are right in a a broader sense, but in that specific run there was no need for more money.
    There are some decks that would love to skip directly to the final boss and that was one of them.

  • @sleepypanda27
    @sleepypanda27 3 месяца назад

    The ending of that run was so sad :(

  • @mateodettore
    @mateodettore 3 месяца назад +1

    I just got to this channel thanks to this video. If you keep your content with these kinds of reviews (meaning well thought ones) then im up for the ride!

  • @MultiYoshiman
    @MultiYoshiman 3 месяца назад +3

    this will enlighten my perspective on roguebuilding decklikes

  • @RealMcoy1000
    @RealMcoy1000 3 месяца назад +1

    I just got back into slay the spire and found this an excellent, insightful, and encouraging video. I’ve never made it past Ascension 5 with any of the decks, but I still have an absolute blast with this game. Sometimes I feel bad when I hear about all the people clearing Ascension 20 with every character, and I would like to improve at the game to that extent, but I dread having to become “too serious” about StS to do so. However, if I just keep experimenting and enjoying myself fast and loose, as you suggest in this video, and that leads to a lot of learning and fun as well, then the road to the higher ascensions may not be too bad!

  • @drmisplay
    @drmisplay 3 месяца назад +1

    new spidz we eating good, great video! always appreciate your meta commentary, and looking forward to your thoughts on other games

  • @dudeweedlmao8519
    @dudeweedlmao8519 3 месяца назад

    Good point on heart vs act 3 as the final boss. I find that it is a very difficult game design question. On one hand beating heart is an immeasurable dopamine rush because it validates all the choices you made for the past 50 floors. While beating one (or two) act 3 bosses certainly feel good, there is an element of randomness to that may give you a favorable end boss. Also knowing there is an additional challenge you didn't take makes it feel a bit cheaper to me. I don't know how what you described in binding of isaac works but in sts you can go for the heart on any run and conceivably win (I guess there are unbeatable seeds but you know). So at that point heart is yet another question, and I like answering questions with my deck. Otherwise what even I am doing, I have already seen a lot of the synergies the game has to offer and my 50th dead branch + corruption deck doesnt excite me the same way anymore. On the other hand because heart asks very specific questions and it is the most important question your deck has to answer, that limits the variety of available decks quite a bit. So it comes down to a trade between how much creativity and exploration do you want to sacrifice for a harder challenge

  • @Fistburg
    @Fistburg 3 месяца назад

    800 hours total across a few platforms but i started when the heart released, and have always gone for it. A20 double boss + heart is really hard, and i love the challenge

  • @frido7939
    @frido7939 3 месяца назад

    maybe i was wrong, roguelike deck building game thay did not let you skip card is not that bad

  • @Thelightshines.
    @Thelightshines. 3 месяца назад

    omg spidz hai