Etienne Corporaal Je krijgt veel auto voor je geld, qua opties en functies. Maar je merkt het verschil tov premiummerken wel. Alles voelt goedkoper aan, is minder doordacht, minder goed uitgewerkt. Dus ik deel jouw indruk.
Depends on what you mean by considering. For reviewing yes, but I wouldn't feel the need to own one. That is my problem with Japanese cars, they are excellent vehicles, but they lack the appeal that makes me want such a car.
L'aeratore e il vetrino sul cruscotto riflettono nel parabrezza occupando la visuale di guida,come si può ovviare? relativa alla 508.
Beviel de 508 een beetje? Ik heb zelf bij de 308 altijd het gevoel gehad dat het de net niet golf was.
Etienne Corporaal Je krijgt veel auto voor je geld, qua opties en functies. Maar je merkt het verschil tov premiummerken wel. Alles voelt goedkoper aan, is minder doordacht, minder goed uitgewerkt. Dus ik deel jouw indruk.
A non German car??
benimsayfam1000 Yes sir, and there are more non-German cars to come. ;)
Great. I Love german engineering and innovation. Will you consider well engineered Japanese?
Depends on what you mean by considering. For reviewing yes, but I wouldn't feel the need to own one. That is my problem with Japanese cars, they are excellent vehicles, but they lack the appeal that makes me want such a car.
I meant for test. Sorry, I didn't make myself understood.
Like an annoying child playing with the switches
Shhhhh, im trying to see the film