Good video about as clear and concise as you can be in asking the universe. I've always found it's more like an alignment or being in line with the way of the universe. More than just your own personal needs or desires. You want to work with the universe., never against it. I would like to add if this video doesn't seem to be in line with your belief system or your own personal belief system. That is okay as the universe in general recognizes belief and if your belief is somewhat in line with the overall way of the universe than your belief, system is enhanced. If your own personal belief system is out of sync with the universe, you will soon find that your own personal belief system doesn't seem to do well. And this is what it's all about. Look at the universe as nature nature has its own way of doing things. You may or may not agree with nature, but most people do find nature as calming, soothing and feel much better and enhanced while experiencing the nature of nature. If you will, moreover, you could do well to replace the concept of the universe as the concept of natural law. This is important to understand the more you understand natural law or have a good feeling and understanding of natural law. The better off you will do. The universe does want to work with you, not against you. You're here and that is testament to that. Consider all the insurmountable goals and achievements that had to occur for you to even exist. Then you start to understand the way of the universe. Your setbacks your own personal disappointments are part of the universe. It's important to understand this. If you don't understand that your setbacks are part of the universe, you will never understand that your achievements are also part of the universe. The key is to work with the universe and never against it. MarkMannM2
Most people don't know how to ask. Instead they Beg out of stress and anxiety and or fears. The universe will not respond to that.Have heart filled Gratitude when you ask. Own it already. Live in harmony with whatever it is that you desire. It's already yours. I love you all. Good luck!
Good video about as clear and concise as you can be in asking the universe. I've always found it's more like an alignment or being in line with the way of the universe. More than just your own personal needs or desires. You want to work with the universe., never against it. I would like to add if this video doesn't seem to be in line with your belief system or your own personal belief system. That is okay as the universe in general recognizes belief and if your belief is somewhat in line with the overall way of the universe than your belief, system is enhanced. If your own personal belief system is out of sync with the universe, you will soon find that your own personal belief system doesn't seem to do well. And this is what it's all about. Look at the universe as nature nature has its own way of doing things. You may or may not agree with nature, but most people do find nature as calming, soothing and feel much better and enhanced while experiencing the nature of nature. If you will, moreover, you could do well to replace the concept of the universe as the concept of natural law. This is important to understand the more you understand natural law or have a good feeling and understanding of natural law. The better off you will do. The universe does want to work with you, not against you. You're here and that is testament to that. Consider all the insurmountable goals and achievements that had to occur for you to even exist. Then you start to understand the way of the universe. Your setbacks your own personal disappointments are part of the universe. It's important to understand this. If you don't understand that your setbacks are part of the universe, you will never understand that your achievements are also part of the universe. The key is to work with the universe and never against it. MarkMannM2
Most people don't know how to ask. Instead they Beg out of stress and anxiety and or fears. The universe will not respond to that.Have heart filled Gratitude when you ask. Own it already. Live in harmony with whatever it is that you desire. It's already yours. I love you all. Good luck!