Dan Radcliffe MSNBC - Equus

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @DavidMacDowellBlue
    @DavidMacDowellBlue 13 лет назад +2

    Oh dear, neither of these people seem to have the mildest of ideas of what EQUUS is about...

  • @LilBka
    @LilBka 17 лет назад

    wtf..so it is true that american reporters are so suggestive,they don't even try to be unbiased to they're opinions,Shameful.

  • @errantheel
    @errantheel 17 лет назад +2

    "Oh Harry, what would THE Hogwarts think?"
    "Good journalism"

  • @JesseVCoffey
    @JesseVCoffey 17 лет назад +1

    Equus (pronounced EH-kwis) is his God. In therapy, Alan finally admits that he tried to make love with Jenny. However, when Alan can't "rise to the occasion," he gets it in his head that his God is seeing him through the horses' eyes and condemning him, laughing at him. Idiots.

  • @Pumpkinart
    @Pumpkinart 15 лет назад +1

    Lmfao, "the Hogwarts".

  • @izzywiz15
    @izzywiz15 17 лет назад

    no body was making a big deal out of him playing the role until the photos came out. now stop with the " omg! what the...blabla" and get used to it. just because he played harry doesn't mean it's the end of the hp world because he decided to grow up.( in a most alarming way)

  • @kiten2cat12345
    @kiten2cat12345 17 лет назад

    Stop calling hime Harry! He probably wanted the role so to NOT be known as Harry Potter, his name is Daniel Radcliffe. And ew, that woman is too old to be intersted in Dan, at least she looks embarrased.

  • @kate104
    @kate104 17 лет назад

    this is so ridiculous. why are they making it out like Daniel Radcliffe and Harry are one in the same? HE'S A CHARACTER! it's NOT "Harry Potter in the Nude"!
    ...and "THE Hogwarts"?

  • @Confused_1Dfan
    @Confused_1Dfan 17 лет назад

    well that was rather interesting... yes its brainless but funny. we the fans know dan has talent he has yet to tap into let them say what they will we know the truth lol.

  • @KB77TY
    @KB77TY 17 лет назад

    It good fun--but most say the play was good. It is a risk but he has to think of life after Harry. And it was somewhat savvy to do plays and small films that don't rival the distribution of Harry but is enough to give a body of work that directors can look at--to give him work outside of the Harry Potter series.

  • @moldovanca
    @moldovanca 17 лет назад

    Daniel is trying so hard to break away from the Harry Potter image. I don't think he chose a very good way to do it. He is a brilliant actor and he can do so many things. BTW totally agree, that lady is horrible. I didn't get a good look at it? WTF? You're a news anchor. ACT LIKE IT. Besides, J.K.Rowling didn't MAKE Daniel he is his own person.

  • @littlephoenix1115
    @littlephoenix1115 17 лет назад

    okay they keep adressing him as the actualy character... 90% of journalists are stupidly uninformed... the other 10% are bloddy brilliant... theyre not in that 10... yea dan is right fit yea... but hes a real actor who can do more than HP

  • @utubersf
    @utubersf 17 лет назад

    oh my... they are being a bit giggly, but they meant no harm. Everyone realizes Dan is an actor not actually Harry Potter. I doubt J.K. Rowling has any problem with what Dan decides to do on his own time.

  • @Ellen31
    @Ellen31 17 лет назад

    they're making such a big deal out of it. its just nudity. Some people are actually interested in the PLAY, not just the fact that Dan is in it.
    Im still hoping it comes to New York so I can see it.

  • @AlleyBetwixt
    @AlleyBetwixt 17 лет назад

    *smacks forehead*
    Ridiculously unprofessional, rude, and ignorant...all things that make up a great news story. I rolled my eyes so much it made me dizzy. How does this woman still have a job?

  • @LucyLovesUnicorns
    @LucyLovesUnicorns 17 лет назад

    I am so sick of people calling him Harry Potter. HE'S NOT HARRY POTTER. It's so insulting. And 'what would the Hogwarts think?' That woman in on crack. People are so ignorant.

  • @dullmace
    @dullmace 17 лет назад

    That was a pretty funny news report. Not really what I would expect from MSNBC... I mean the Fan Podcasts took it better and more professional than that. And yes... he's DANIEL not HARRY.

  • @Monjan22
    @Monjan22 17 лет назад

    Good God people need to quit thinking of him as Harry Potter. ITS ONLY A ROLE HE PLAYS!!!! He is ACTING. Those people need to quit the news and go back to grammer school.

  • @kellz1114
    @kellz1114 17 лет назад

    has any one hear heard of the big mouth frog joke? well the female nescaster totally reminds of it. and why such a fixation on this Dan couldnt play child roles forever

    @ILUPEOPLE 17 лет назад

    I hate these people
    "I'm sure JKR didn't write that in'
    OMG his name is Dan Radcliffe, he only PLAYS Harry Potter, like...why don't they understand? I hate the news.

  • @iceboots89
    @iceboots89 17 лет назад

    That's one of the most unprofessional news reports I've ever seen. It's the kind of thing you get on blooper shows. The news rarely makes me laugh like that did.

  • @Angelique16
    @Angelique16 17 лет назад

    lol she wanted to see Dan in that picture again haha. I commend Daniel for taking on that role in Equus and staying true to the character and plot.

  • @StephHasArrived
    @StephHasArrived 17 лет назад

    damn! wtf! okay, so he's nude in a play big deal. he's an actor. everybody's making it a huge thing when it really isn't. he's nude, get over it

  • @MzEstefania
    @MzEstefania 17 лет назад

    He's gonna have a hard time breaking from the Harry Potter mold, this is definitely a good try. >.

  • @Angelique16
    @Angelique16 17 лет назад

    no, yeah, he does blind them...6 of them in fact. But we can still obsess over him =) lol

  • @TMisthios0431
    @TMisthios0431 17 лет назад

    oh god! i have to see that movie! why oh why cant he send a magizine to me??

  • @somegirlkate
    @somegirlkate 17 лет назад

    What an annoying and shallow woman!
    Poor guys (both Daniel and the reporter).

  • @espie445
    @espie445 17 лет назад

    hahahahhaahha oh man the couldnt keep a straight face at the end.

  • @EeveeLOVE
    @EeveeLOVE 17 лет назад

    Too funny! they keep calling him Harry Potter... poor Daniel!

  • @newillumination921
    @newillumination921 17 лет назад

    that opening line defines gaiety.

  • @tomasduarte
    @tomasduarte 17 лет назад

    Her face is PRICELESS on 00:25