I play this ship with some level of success by building it with rpf and completely ignoring the guns early. You don’t ever want to fight dds unless they are low and you can get the jump on them with big alpha. Going behind enemy lines, spotting, waiting for late game, and going for yolos at the right times is the way to play this ship.
I believe you're playing it wrong. You don't really need engine boost mod. When you're going to be so close, you're very vulnerable to engine and rudder hits. You you want the mod that reduces them being knocked out. In 3rd slot, you put a smoke mod, this will give you 50s boost, and almost 50 sec of smoke, which is allows you to be completely stealthy when you're YOLOing someone. The radars are an issue, but a lot of people are actually blind, and there are multiple times you can yolo a ship which has a radar, just dont get spotted initially. Going around the edge of the map helps. You want to sneak by enemy DDs as wide as possible. The perk that give more speed when not spotted, helps too, you will be going 60kts with the boost when not spotted. These are the things I use to minimize the risks. It's still go big or go home, but it allows you to have as good chances as possible. To kill enemy DDs it's most preferable to get them sit in smoke and straight up yolo them. You have great torpedo angles forward. You can lauch the torps at less than 2km range to kill enemy DDs sitting in smoke, they'll be having hard time dodging those. To evade the counter torps, just full reverse and turn in the enemy dd. They won't have good angle enough in most situations. This ships requiers some WEIRDLY specific gameplay from you, which is not about yoloing. It's about setting the yolo up. To yolo is easy. To yolo and do consistently good damage, takes some preparation.
@@bt220h If played right you take out BBs from begin on - of course that means others play their ships wrong - so 95% of the time you can have good games, if you just know what you are doing. The joking name Yoloemilio is totally wrong, as there is no need to yolo, it's more a Soloemilio, if played right.
It's tricky to play for sure. Actually had better success in ranked when you could wait for a BB to wander too far from the herd and then pounce on it. Deciding whether to keep pushing in or turning back is a tricky balance. In the Kearsarge/Azuma one, you might have had better luck dumping torps at 3km and then turning away while smoke was still up. Conversely, in the Rupprecht/Minnesnowta one, you could have continued full steam ahead and circled the Minnesota, you should be able to outturn his guns. Get close on his port side and all 4 torps might have sunk him. The double DD bait was perfect though. In randoms it seems like being patient and waiting can be better to have an influence late, but too often it turns into playing a mediocre T9 at that point. The worst part of it is that WG nerfed the 4.6km AA range down to something like 2km. Planes are a pain.
I know this isn't going to get voted in but at some point, can you feature the, Alaska? I KNOW it is a good ship but....well, I suck at it. I just can't figure out how to play it.
I can't believe I actually made it into your videos after having watched for such a long time. I was the Kearsarge, massive misplay but we were surely not expecting you to turn up on our flank
Im a paolo main and god this was a tragic watch haha, the ship has a very high performance ceiling but you need to take so many things into consideration. got a good 500 battles in her and i still get caught sometime stupidly.
@@crimsonsabbat911 gota play ultra conservatively early on, you are the fastest thing in your tier bracket. cap contesting isnt impossible but you gota be carefull and reverse into it, the moment youre spotted hit the gas and leave, smoke if needed. outright using your smoke to shoot enemy dds that are nearby is good too since you have very good alpha with your sap, which speaking off the guns are tragic but, hit really hard if you can get good angles. Take a shot before going into cover or shoot while being on the flank to draw fire and relief pressure for your team. When it comes to the Yolo you must focus on targets you can go in *and* out making it alive. For that reason i tend to torp between 2 and 3 KM but on ocasion you'll find the greenlining bbs not paying attention. Its a good habbit to look at where the enemies are looking, and yolo from *outside* their line of sight. Iv yoloyed russian cruisers by doing that, people tunnel vision easily. as to hydro ship well. close in with island to see if its running at all, otherwise try to use the games timer and guess how players would think, lots of BBs pop hydro around 2 mins in when pushing / near the front and if they are near other hostile torpedo sources. Its not always recommanded but yoloing an isolated BB on the flank and then going behind enemy lines can be very usefull, giving much needed spotting and letting you pick off kiting bbs and cruisers, and most importantly letting you finish off DDs that are trying to disengage your own team. Lastly remember what ships do have torpedoes, what firing angle they have and what arming distance rougly, you can make seriously danger close passes and get your torps off last minute. My build isnt anything to special, anything that buffs consumable recharge and duration, conceal, survivability expert, swift and silence (works wonderfully with exhaust smoke and boost letting you reach 60+ knots.) for modules I like acceleration mods, conceal and reload mod, with stuff to keep your tubes alive. if you want replays and stuff i can try to get you some, heres my discord taiho0695
@@crimsonsabbat911 I know this is late but I'm nearly unicum in Paolo and here's my commander: Preventative Maint., Last Stand, Survivability Expert, Concealment, Consumables Specialist, Consumables Enhancement, Adrenaline Rush, Fearless Brawler, and Grease the Gears. The last two are unconventional but I find myself using the guns a lot, and the alpha can take people by surprise. You want to be very aware whether the reds have radar and ideally know their location before you make any big plays. For fighting dd's sometimes you can hunt them around islands to compensate for your poor detectability. For maximum YOLO effectiveness you generally want to go after bb's that are isolated. If they're not looking your way you can often sneak up on them with the smoke. Remember to consider whether your teammates have line of site on them and/or whether they've fired recently as you could lose sight when you smoke up. Some people like to take RPF to compensate for this but it's a scam... remember RPF doesn't point you to the exact location of the enemy, just the square that they occupy. One big mistake I made early on is blowing my torps too soon. You want to get nice and close. You'd be surprised how easy it is to whiff even at 4km depending on the target. Also remember your YOLO ability isn't just for BB's, you can surprise DD's or CA's (like Sejong or similar) who are busy farming from smoke and it doesn't take that many torps to devstrike them. You could consider running swift in silence instead of fearless brawler, to wring as much speed out of the ship as you can, but I prefer fearless as the stock gun reload is awful. On BB superstructure you can chip them for upwards of 5k a salvo. Be on the lookout for golden opportunities where you can potentially nail not just one but TWO targets. Double strikes are extremely satisfying.
The word that best describes this boat is 'situational'. All the stars need to align for this boat to work well and you need to be patient and choose your prey wisely. Not a hard boat to counter when you know where's it's going so the element of surprise is crucial.
I have it and play it on occasion. Not the greatest ship but a heck of a lot of fun. Frankly, the Italian tier 9 Adriatico is a much better ship. It can fight dds, gunboat and it can be used for YOLOs as well. The only difference is that you can't YOLO full health ships. You can use the Emilo as a gunboat early in the game until you see a chance to exploit a gap. It is fast enough that it is hard to hit at medium range and the SAP can slap any ship. It is not really good for close in DD brawls. A lot of times it pays to not fire your guns when rushing a ship because as soon as you sink it you can go dark if there is not another ships in range. And you were too aggressive. Pick and choose your moments.
It's been a while since I played it, but rpf was something that I found useful to have on it at the time. to avoid or fight enemy DDs and to find the target ship when smoke was on, if my team didn't spot it. You don't want to miss the target ship in your yolo run because you can't find it anymore due to your own smoke
Paolo is very difficult but so much fun when the gods smile on you. You can influence a match by not charging in, and keep the enemy team wondering where you are.
You should maximize your speed and smoke duration by taking smoke flag, smoke mod in slot 3, the captain skill, speed boost mod in slot 2 and swift in silence. Also always have speed boost and smoke both available at the same time when committing to a yolo to maximize the distance you can travel inside smoke.
Haven't played this ship - but do have it's lower tier sister - the FR25.. I've found that I end up spending much of the game just doing a 'standard' DD role (but then it has slightly better stealth than torp range). Yoloing always seems to be something to just take advantage of when you have the opportunity - rather than the main thing to try to do.
I think ships like Paolo Emilio are impossible to balance properly. Either they're far too consistent at just ruining people's day or they're horribly inconsistent and no one wants to play them.
Need RPF for sure. Helps you on the smoke charge and most importantly help the stalk setup. You need to have a clear run in and know how you are going to escape. Mad early yolos are useless. You pushed to yolo too early when ships had too much support. I mostly chip away with the guns until you have a clear idea who is alone and try to clear out the enemy dd. Can almost always get two dev strikes on BBs/cv this way
Yeah the issue there is that you aren't using Radio Location. That ship spots for itself one way or another, as a yolo specialist it needs some way to know where the enemy ships are, and even more so, it needs to move with islands. The guns are just there, it's like a Shimakaze. You don't use them unless you find that it'll be worth it.
I used to like this ship but it is a feast or famine ship. The accuracy is pretty bad and the shells have such high velocity, you usually just over pen everything. Honestly, the Russian tech tree of the same level is far superior unfortunately
I don't think you or anyone else has done a review of Stord 43. I think this is a shame because it is actually a pretty good ship. A very average dd in all aspects-except it has one of the best DD heals in the game. And, it has the heal at tier 7. Just as with the Neutrashimy, learning to play the heal correctly makes the ship powerful.
After playing this thing for 100 games, I am finding this thing is actually one of the most underated ships. Very op but stay under the radar because most people dont know how to play. You think a sub can short gun you and get away? This things can do to....Without even lose any HP
I feel like this ship deserves Hydro or at the very minimum British hydro. It seems like it's easy to take torps in this thing and you should at least have tool against them to knife fight other DDs better.
In a couple of days we will get the video where he says he was playing the ship all wrong and now he figured out a way to make it so much better. Every time he says a ship isn't good there is a follow up video like that.
Saturation and location of hit. There is less hp in bow and stern. I have survived two shima torps in gearing. Both hit bow. Barely survived but did survive lol
If that same torp would have hit mid ship he most likely would have died but there is a RNG dice roll on doing torp damage too, 23,7k ish is the maximum possible damage roll.
I use yolo emilio with full torp mode using the islands and the smoke when lost the island, this ship is very fun and yu can dev ships very easy except yamato full hp
its more like a kamikaze/flank boat and you get like 1 or 2 runns off. YOLO yes BUT wait for an opportunity on the flank untill you spot like a heavy crusier or a bb. avoid cap/enemy dd. i mostley get one good charge with 2 kills, sometimes a second. as long as you dake down 2 its fine. is it the smartest way to play a dd? probably not but its a lot of fun.
Uhh... kinda looks like you're doing it wrong. Boost and Smoke are simultaneous and think of yourselves as a Kamikaze. You must stay unspotted until the moment of attack. Choose a flank w/o Radar (if possible) and forget caps. The goal is BBs (or CAs if you must, but hydro can screw you). This thing is the single thrust of a dagger and timing is everything.
Honestly i love dumping on Paolo players, 90% have no clue how to play it and will just smoke yolo right into your hydro/radar. Such a big ship it eats tons of dmg too
Yolo Emilio is great DD .. on BBs without hydro :D But unfortunatelly .... to many radars and hydros in game ... so u dont have very much opportunitues .. on full use potentional :DDDD sorry for my english :DDD
This is a very selfish DD where you deliberately ignore cap circles and even spotting. You create chaos and panic with those BBs camping behind everyone else and maybe pull some other enemies off their objectives to chase you and that is the extent of your influence if played correctly. Which you did not do here, but I can understand why.
The total NOOB way to play the Yolo! The threat of the yolo is a more effective zoning tool than the yolo. Most people know to not let a Paolo get near you, use that to your advantage. This ship is about map control not damage. The SAP smacks supers and thinly armored ships. Keep it alive and farm over time but make your presence known. Flush out radar cruisers by faking the yolo, then let the BBs deal with it. Play it to win the round not to just yolo a ship n die.
Had the same experience w Yolo Emilio the other day. Too many planes, too many radars, too many bbs in the back of the map. Meta has moved on which is too bad bc it used to be really fun to play. Speaking of tough ships to play: Ochakov!
Yolo's difficult to play I think - you have to have limited CVs, no radar, no hydro. It's outspotted by most other dds.. it can dev strike things but you need an almost perfect window.... and it dies easily...
you have to be patient and sneak up on ships. smoke on approaching ship at 7km to close gap. Dont bother chasing ships not really worth it, due to limited torp range and slow reload on guns.
USS Constellation would be nice, it is never featured on your channel!
I suggested this a while ago and it came in second. Hopefully we see it get first this time!
Don’t think he is a CV player
Its a battle crusier not a cb@zelot4100
I definitely agree. I used to have her but got rid of due to needing credits. I could get her again and would highly recommend to play her.
@@gow1044 ohh my bad
I play this ship with some level of success by building it with rpf and completely ignoring the guns early. You don’t ever want to fight dds unless they are low and you can get the jump on them with big alpha. Going behind enemy lines, spotting, waiting for late game, and going for yolos at the right times is the way to play this ship.
The pouncing cheetah. best mobility of its tier but cant contest an area agaisnt bulkier predators.
On top of that, once spotted you hit speed boost and smoke to torpedo first target otherwise you are dead.
I'd love to see you try the Neustrashimy.
Zombie heal is bonkers, but the gameplay is just like her guns - bland.
I believe you're playing it wrong. You don't really need engine boost mod. When you're going to be so close, you're very vulnerable to engine and rudder hits. You you want the mod that reduces them being knocked out. In 3rd slot, you put a smoke mod, this will give you 50s boost, and almost 50 sec of smoke, which is allows you to be completely stealthy when you're YOLOing someone. The radars are an issue, but a lot of people are actually blind, and there are multiple times you can yolo a ship which has a radar, just dont get spotted initially. Going around the edge of the map helps. You want to sneak by enemy DDs as wide as possible. The perk that give more speed when not spotted, helps too, you will be going 60kts with the boost when not spotted.
These are the things I use to minimize the risks. It's still go big or go home, but it allows you to have as good chances as possible.
To kill enemy DDs it's most preferable to get them sit in smoke and straight up yolo them. You have great torpedo angles forward. You can lauch the torps at less than 2km range to kill enemy DDs sitting in smoke, they'll be having hard time dodging those. To evade the counter torps, just full reverse and turn in the enemy dd. They won't have good angle enough in most situations.
This ships requiers some WEIRDLY specific gameplay from you, which is not about yoloing. It's about setting the yolo up. To yolo is easy. To yolo and do consistently good damage, takes some preparation.
Textbook late game ship.
we need good dd to stop their dds. whats the point of this shp ignoring fights early only to lose late game
@@bt220h If played right you take out BBs from begin on - of course that means others play their ships wrong - so 95% of the time you can have good games, if you just know what you are doing. The joking name Yoloemilio is totally wrong, as there is no need to yolo, it's more a Soloemilio, if played right.
@@bt220h properly positioned BB can survive 10+ minutes under fire. Properly played Emilio can take him down in 30 seconds.
@@bonitube9245 nothing more satisfying then killing a bb early game
It's tricky to play for sure. Actually had better success in ranked when you could wait for a BB to wander too far from the herd and then pounce on it. Deciding whether to keep pushing in or turning back is a tricky balance. In the Kearsarge/Azuma one, you might have had better luck dumping torps at 3km and then turning away while smoke was still up. Conversely, in the Rupprecht/Minnesnowta one, you could have continued full steam ahead and circled the Minnesota, you should be able to outturn his guns. Get close on his port side and all 4 torps might have sunk him. The double DD bait was perfect though. In randoms it seems like being patient and waiting can be better to have an influence late, but too often it turns into playing a mediocre T9 at that point. The worst part of it is that WG nerfed the 4.6km AA range down to something like 2km. Planes are a pain.
wg when historical accuracy makes a ship have weaker AA:
I know this isn't going to get voted in but at some point, can you feature the, Alaska? I KNOW it is a good ship but....well, I suck at it. I just can't figure out how to play it.
NGL, seeing you get killed before doing anything in that first battle was the most relatable thing I've ever seen in a video of yours.
I'd love to Vanguard. She is pretty underestimated in my opinion:)
I can't believe I actually made it into your videos after having watched for such a long time. I was the Kearsarge, massive misplay but we were surely not expecting you to turn up on our flank
Im a paolo main and god this was a tragic watch haha, the ship has a very high performance ceiling but you need to take so many things into consideration. got a good 500 battles in her and i still get caught sometime stupidly.
I want to make this thing work so bad. Could u share maybe ur build and give advice on how to play ? would be great!
@@crimsonsabbat911 gota play ultra conservatively early on, you are the fastest thing in your tier bracket. cap contesting isnt impossible but you gota be carefull and reverse into it, the moment youre spotted hit the gas and leave, smoke if needed. outright using your smoke to shoot enemy dds that are nearby is good too since you have very good alpha with your sap, which speaking off the guns are tragic but, hit really hard if you can get good angles. Take a shot before going into cover or shoot while being on the flank to draw fire and relief pressure for your team. When it comes to the Yolo you must focus on targets you can go in *and* out making it alive. For that reason i tend to torp between 2 and 3 KM but on ocasion you'll find the greenlining bbs not paying attention. Its a good habbit to look at where the enemies are looking, and yolo from *outside* their line of sight. Iv yoloyed russian cruisers by doing that, people tunnel vision easily. as to hydro ship well. close in with island to see if its running at all, otherwise try to use the games timer and guess how players would think, lots of BBs pop hydro around 2 mins in when pushing / near the front and if they are near other hostile torpedo sources. Its not always recommanded but yoloing an isolated BB on the flank and then going behind enemy lines can be very usefull, giving much needed spotting and letting you pick off kiting bbs and cruisers, and most importantly letting you finish off DDs that are trying to disengage your own team. Lastly remember what ships do have torpedoes, what firing angle they have and what arming distance rougly, you can make seriously danger close passes and get your torps off last minute. My build isnt anything to special, anything that buffs consumable recharge and duration, conceal, survivability expert, swift and silence (works wonderfully with exhaust smoke and boost letting you reach 60+ knots.) for modules I like acceleration mods, conceal and reload mod, with stuff to keep your tubes alive. if you want replays and stuff i can try to get you some, heres my discord taiho0695
@@crimsonsabbat911 I know this is late but I'm nearly unicum in Paolo and here's my commander: Preventative Maint., Last Stand, Survivability Expert, Concealment, Consumables Specialist, Consumables Enhancement, Adrenaline Rush, Fearless Brawler, and Grease the Gears.
The last two are unconventional but I find myself using the guns a lot, and the alpha can take people by surprise. You want to be very aware whether the reds have radar and ideally know their location before you make any big plays. For fighting dd's sometimes you can hunt them around islands to compensate for your poor detectability.
For maximum YOLO effectiveness you generally want to go after bb's that are isolated. If they're not looking your way you can often sneak up on them with the smoke. Remember to consider whether your teammates have line of site on them and/or whether they've fired recently as you could lose sight when you smoke up. Some people like to take RPF to compensate for this but it's a scam... remember RPF doesn't point you to the exact location of the enemy, just the square that they occupy.
One big mistake I made early on is blowing my torps too soon. You want to get nice and close. You'd be surprised how easy it is to whiff even at 4km depending on the target. Also remember your YOLO ability isn't just for BB's, you can surprise DD's or CA's (like Sejong or similar) who are busy farming from smoke and it doesn't take that many torps to devstrike them.
You could consider running swift in silence instead of fearless brawler, to wring as much speed out of the ship as you can, but I prefer fearless as the stock gun reload is awful. On BB superstructure you can chip them for upwards of 5k a salvo.
Be on the lookout for golden opportunities where you can potentially nail not just one but TWO targets. Double strikes are extremely satisfying.
Id like to see tier 9 Hector for the next ship request
The word that best describes this boat is 'situational'. All the stars need to align for this boat to work well and you need to be patient and choose your prey wisely. Not a hard boat to counter when you know where's it's going so the element of surprise is crucial.
I have it and play it on occasion. Not the greatest ship but a heck of a lot of fun. Frankly, the Italian tier 9 Adriatico is a much better ship. It can fight dds, gunboat and it can be used for YOLOs as well. The only difference is that you can't YOLO full health ships. You can use the Emilo as a gunboat early in the game until you see a chance to exploit a gap. It is fast enough that it is hard to hit at medium range and the SAP can slap any ship. It is not really good for close in DD brawls. A lot of times it pays to not fire your guns when rushing a ship because as soon as you sink it you can go dark if there is not another ships in range. And you were too aggressive. Pick and choose your moments.
It's been a while since I played it, but rpf was something that I found useful to have on it at the time. to avoid or fight enemy DDs
and to find the target ship when smoke was on, if my team didn't spot it.
You don't want to miss the target ship in your yolo run because you can't find it anymore due to your own smoke
PQ forgot the ONCE part of YOLO... :)
I find the key to this ship is to be very very patient.
Yes. He forced it. However, the right moments for Paolo in this meta are rare. Too rare to make it enjoyable to play.
Yesssssss this gonna be fun!!
Edit: This was great for us and awful for PQ lol
Marlborough PLEASEEEE
Paolo is very difficult but so much fun when the gods smile on you. You can influence a match by not charging in, and keep the enemy team wondering where you are.
USS Monaghan might be interesting.
Yes with a game for the torp hull build vs. gun hull build
Gun build is just Farragut. :D
Prinz Eitel Friedrich please.
I'd love to see how someone with more patience copes with the U-96-sub-soup that is T6 today.
You should maximize your speed and smoke duration by taking smoke flag, smoke mod in slot 3, the captain skill, speed boost mod in slot 2 and swift in silence. Also always have speed boost and smoke both available at the same time when committing to a yolo to maximize the distance you can travel inside smoke.
Your whole attitude is a breath of fresh air! Thank you for sharing
Oh, to play the Fiji would be nice
Haven't played this ship - but do have it's lower tier sister - the FR25.. I've found that I end up spending much of the game just doing a 'standard' DD role (but then it has slightly better stealth than torp range). Yoloing always seems to be something to just take advantage of when you have the opportunity - rather than the main thing to try to do.
Can you play Yahagi?
thanks for looking human!
Truer words...."did not go wel.....oh wow".
I'd like to see Nelson for the next SR.
full AA build almte grou?
You know 🙌 The Truth 🙌
6:52 lmao
I think ships like Paolo Emilio are impossible to balance properly. Either they're far too consistent at just ruining people's day or they're horribly inconsistent and no one wants to play them.
I dont think WG cares about that they made subs that are very consistent at ruining people's day
@@jezzae4962 And also CVs
Need RPF for sure. Helps you on the smoke charge and most importantly help the stalk setup.
You need to have a clear run in and know how you are going to escape. Mad early yolos are useless.
You pushed to yolo too early when ships had too much support.
I mostly chip away with the guns until you have a clear idea who is alone and try to clear out the enemy dd. Can almost always get two dev strikes on BBs/cv this way
Great video. I feel better knowing you can have some shxt games too. Thanks for your vids.
Would love to see USS Austin
Why are you always at 1/4 turn but not turning?
This is a ship that requires split second reaction times when popping the smoke and going for the torp kills in unison.
Hey PQ, can you do a tier list of the current UUs?
Where is the worcester guy? Cant find him in the comments
What day is it for worcester request? XD
Come on PQ, show me that you can make gunboat Gearing work!
Don't see any USS Wichita's on your channel yet. Give her a go!
Day 14 of asking pq to play Worcester
He don’t know u lil bro 😂
Day 14 of not searching video about how to play light cruiser
These replies 😂
Yeah the issue there is that you aren't using Radio Location. That ship spots for itself one way or another, as a yolo specialist it needs some way to know where the enemy ships are, and even more so, it needs to move with islands. The guns are just there, it's like a Shimakaze. You don't use them unless you find that it'll be worth it.
You need RPF to keep an island between you and the DD that is going to spot you on your yolo approach
What about Amagi, I heard its good at battleship things and somewhat forgiving if you know what you're doing.
Its a kiting tank.
La Galisonnière next! It's fun!
Poltava would be interesting to see, the Russian BB at Tier VII.
I used to like this ship but it is a feast or famine ship. The accuracy is pretty bad and the shells have such high velocity, you usually just over pen everything. Honestly, the Russian tech tree of the same level is far superior unfortunately
Siliwangi, Just feels like an odd DD to play.
Request counter: IX
Oh no.... those two [-RN--] ships at 9:30 are clanmates of mine..
Guess i'm never gonna let them live this down haha
I don't think you or anyone else has done a review of Stord 43. I think this is a shame because it is actually a pretty good ship. A very average dd in all aspects-except it has one of the best DD heals in the game. And, it has the heal at tier 7. Just as with the Neutrashimy, learning to play the heal correctly makes the ship powerful.
Yeah yeah before that where's my neptune ship request😢😢
Östergötland please. I am having trouble with it after enjoying the Öland which I found more comfortable to play. Thanks
Russian BC - Borodino would be interesting to see - squishy sides, strong ice breaker, 2 mains, 2 secondaries but very powerful if playing low tier
After playing this thing for 100 games, I am finding this thing is actually one of the most underated ships. Very op but stay under the radar because most people dont know how to play. You think a sub can short gun you and get away? This things can do to....Without even lose any HP
You've got to. Know when to hold them.
Know when to yolo them.
Know when to sail away...
Des moines next?
Bayard perhaps ?
The Paolo is my 5th of Tequila if I've had a bad day of ships.
buffalo with spotterplane and max range build
I feel like this ship deserves Hydro or at the very minimum British hydro. It seems like it's easy to take torps in this thing and you should at least have tool against them to knife fight other DDs better.
In a couple of days we will get the video where he says he was playing the ship all wrong and now he figured out a way to make it so much better. Every time he says a ship isn't good there is a follow up video like that.
After Ohio and Vampire 2, i don't think i will ever climb again the SadoMaso tree for RPs.
Jager instead is lot of fun with his 5.4 km concealment.
Kita with 16200 hp, 1, 24k dmg torp, please can someone help me out and tell me why the kita did not die to the torp?
Saturation and location of hit. There is less hp in bow and stern. I have survived two shima torps in gearing. Both hit bow. Barely survived but did survive lol
If that same torp would have hit mid ship he most likely would have died but there is a RNG dice roll on doing torp damage too, 23,7k ish is the maximum possible damage roll.
I use yolo emilio with full torp mode using the islands and the smoke when lost the island, this ship is very fun and yu can dev ships very easy except yamato full hp
I never like seeing a yolo Emilio on my team. Usually doesn't work out well for them or the team
its more like a kamikaze/flank boat and you get like 1 or 2 runns off. YOLO yes BUT wait for an opportunity on the flank untill you spot like a heavy crusier or a bb. avoid cap/enemy dd. i mostley get one good charge with 2 kills, sometimes a second. as long as you dake down 2 its fine. is it the smartest way to play a dd? probably not but its a lot of fun.
Try gdansk next time please 😅
Yes the Russian tier 9, Neustrashimi would be great to see!
Gibraltar! AP full pens on DDs and BB superstructures! Lets gooo.
the design of paolo emilio is almost same as design russian cruiser tier 5 kirov
I'd very much appreciate a good Bourgogne guide
Uhh... kinda looks like you're doing it wrong. Boost and Smoke are simultaneous and think of yourselves as a Kamikaze. You must stay unspotted until the moment of attack. Choose a flank w/o Radar (if possible) and forget caps. The goal is BBs (or CAs if you must, but hydro can screw you). This thing is the single thrust of a dagger and timing is everything.
Enemy team running a bot or something? Blind fired you like 10 times without missing once.
6 kilometer torps.
Like... why?
Would love to see the grand old lady HMS Warspite
Nebraska/Delaware/Louisiana either one of them 🥳
I want this ship .’. . But it’s not available
Since when is it not available? Isn't it a rb ship?
Mikojan would be awesome
Can we get Salem play...??
Nuclear torpedoes
I think we should see you play the erie... Really give us that quality low tier content
Honestly i love dumping on Paolo players, 90% have no clue how to play it and will just smoke yolo right into your hydro/radar. Such a big ship it eats tons of dmg too
Yolo Emilio is great DD .. on BBs without hydro :D But unfortunatelly .... to many radars and hydros in game ... so u dont have very much opportunitues .. on full use potentional :DDDD sorry for my english :DDD
This is a very selfish DD where you deliberately ignore cap circles and even spotting. You create chaos and panic with those BBs camping behind everyone else and maybe pull some other enemies off their objectives to chase you and that is the extent of your influence if played correctly. Which you did not do here, but I can understand why.
The total NOOB way to play the Yolo! The threat of the yolo is a more effective zoning tool than the yolo. Most people know to not let a Paolo get near you, use that to your advantage. This ship is about map control not damage. The SAP smacks supers and thinly armored ships. Keep it alive and farm over time but make your presence known. Flush out radar cruisers by faking the yolo, then let the BBs deal with it. Play it to win the round not to just yolo a ship n die.
It's just better to play Regolo then. Not yoloing is just wasted potential of the ship
USS Congress please
I would like to see either Gato or Malta
Ship Request! Range Spec'd Elbing. 18.6 km range. really good 2nd level gunboat destroyer!
Had the same experience w Yolo Emilio the other day. Too many planes, too many radars, too many bbs in the back of the map. Meta has moved on which is too bad bc it used to be really fun to play. Speaking of tough ships to play: Ochakov!
Yolo's difficult to play I think - you have to have limited CVs, no radar, no hydro. It's outspotted by most other dds.. it can dev strike things but you need an almost perfect window.... and it dies easily...
As a Shima stan, I'd be lost in this ship...but that's just me.
One advice for free: RPF
z-44 please. No idea what to think of it.
you have to be patient and sneak up on ships. smoke on approaching ship at 7km to close gap. Dont bother chasing ships not really worth it, due to limited torp range and slow reload on guns.
How about Harugumo
Pauolo Emili"yolo", it's literally in the name
Literal " Torpedo " Boat
How about some Vampire II because Australia
Vermont fireing HE