George Galloway on BBC Young Voters Question Time 24/03/11

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • Debate about Libya

Комментарии • 18

  • @Jaremus
    @Jaremus 13 лет назад +3

    I have to admit he is making perfect sense. I really enjoyed that.
    Thanks for the upload.

  • @silvercoin1111
    @silvercoin1111 13 лет назад +2

    George you destroyed that bastard! Double standard is what gets me too...suddenly "peacemakers" sold guns to Gaddafi before....George the Lion! We shouldn't prop the dictators, we shouldn't sell guns to them, we shouldn't do dirty business with them and let the arab people solve their problems country experienced 40 years of communism and no one came to liberate us, we did it ourselves!

  • @saorisealba
    @saorisealba 13 лет назад +1

    Somebody that I can at last Vote for.

  • @ColtraneTaylor
    @ColtraneTaylor 13 лет назад +1

    The BBC website shows this as 58 minutes ... is this the whole thing?

  • @mehrubaasif4084
    @mehrubaasif4084 2 года назад

    Simply he is saying that human rights should be exercised as human rights are violated over their badly by them.

  • @mehrubaasif4084
    @mehrubaasif4084 2 года назад

    George support araabs not with physical assistant not with money but with he raise their issue on international platform. As no one is reporting from Israeel, Kashmir and mayanmar.

  • @cnnbg
    @cnnbg 13 лет назад

    Mr.Galloway, I am Libya I used to like you, but now I think you are a clown, we Libyans want the intervention. throughout the disscusion he didnt ansewr the question. what shouldve been done?if they didnt come in my family wouldve been dead

    • @tanker1233
      @tanker1233 2 года назад +3

      how is your famliy living now