Damn brother that sucks about them hitting your car At least you can fix it. Those damn people out driving with out insurance should not even be on the road. Somebody hits my old ride they better hope the cops show up to save their asses lol because the shit will hit the fan😁 Good luck brother hopefully you still can get something out of them. Take it easy Rog 👍🏻
@IronheadGarage thanks brother , shit sux.. we hotrodders have to be more careful..I guess, sure wasn't gonna have my car looking like crap, thanks again brother. 🙂👍
Don't waste your time worrying about the past life is hard sometimes. Waiting for the wild 55 stay positive!
@robsinclair1001 thanks so much, I really appreciate it 👍
Damn brother that sucks about them hitting your car
At least you can fix it.
Those damn people out driving with out insurance should not even be on the road.
Somebody hits my old ride they better hope the cops show up to save their asses lol because the shit will hit the fan😁
Good luck brother hopefully you still can get something out of them. Take it easy Rog 👍🏻
@IronheadGarage thanks brother , shit sux.. we hotrodders have to be more careful..I guess, sure wasn't gonna have my car looking like crap, thanks again brother. 🙂👍