Soft and Fluffy Condensed Milk Bread :: It's Better Than Buying It :: Milk Buns

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 674

  • @user-lx9fc4hf6o
    @user-lx9fc4hf6o 2 года назад +140

    This looks delicious.
    Im making this soon for my Grandsons
    Thank you

  • @nishadhaamoen9692
    @nishadhaamoen9692 2 года назад +30

    I made this 2 weeks ago & it was delicious 😋 I love this channel it shows you every step you have to do plus you give us other alternatives we can use too.. this weekend I will try the fluffy bread with patato

  • @cook9686
    @cook9686 2 года назад +187

    저희 아이가 빵중에 연유빵을 제일 좋아하는데 제가 사는 나라에서 연유빵을 찾기 어려웠어요ㅠ 이 레시피대로 만들어서 줘야겠어요 레시피 감사합니다🙏🙏

  • @IAm-lq4ps
    @IAm-lq4ps 2 года назад +20

    We do have the same recipe in the middle east we call it *bee hives*
    But the different is we fill the dough with cheese and make the dough shape like a small balls .. some people add sesame On the top

  • @joycenagy3140
    @joycenagy3140 2 года назад +10

    Appreciate this recipe very much. I always seem to have left over sweeted condensed milk from other recipes. This looks like a fine way to use it up.

  • @deidregoodman6485
    @deidregoodman6485 2 года назад +35

    Look very delicious 🤤 😋 I love homemade rolls and bread

  • @hiiiii1239
    @hiiiii1239 2 года назад +2

    I was watching your channel and my grandma checked to see what I was watching and she said that your cooking is the best!!

  • @foodtopia
    @foodtopia 2 года назад +5

    달콤하고 부드러운 연유빵 맛있겠어요😃😋👍

  • @ХозяюшкаНигора
    @ХозяюшкаНигора 2 года назад +1

    안녕 내 친구, 연유 케이크에 대한 엄청나게 맛있는 식욕을 돋우는 요리법, 우수한 붉게 무성한 요리법에 감사드립니다. 각 요리법마다 친근한 방법으로 밝혀졌으며 점점 더 놀라게됩니다. 감사합니다. 나는 당신의 채널을 사랑합니다

  • @koreanguys_mukbang
    @koreanguys_mukbang 2 года назад +45

    *This channel is really cool!*
    *The channel always teach me how to cook*
    *Easy to access even for first-timers*
    *This is a really, really great!* 😊😁😊😁

  • @PKarMeanTV
    @PKarMeanTV 2 года назад +10

    Looks so yummy

  • @Kitsch910
    @Kitsch910 2 года назад +148

    I made this and it was terrific! It had a soft texture and it looked store-bought! It's definitely better than store bought!:)

    • @cindyleastorch194
      @cindyleastorch194 2 года назад +8

      How long did you knead it for?(in general) 'until soft and smooth' doesn't cut it for people like me who don't know what they are doing! The few breads I have made do not come out with the long feathery pieces...they are more compact and grainy...any advice?

    • @sewena
      @sewena 2 года назад +14

      @@cindyleastorch194 until soft and smooth means to keep kneading until the dough does not stick to your hands (without adding extra flour) and if you form it into a ball shape, it has a smooth-looking surface :-)

    • @totzoz
      @totzoz 2 года назад +1

      did you use bread flour?

    • @cindyleastorch194
      @cindyleastorch194 2 года назад +5

      So far I've done some recipes with bread flour and others with all purpose. I've kneaded for 5-7 minutes and I've kneaded for 10 minutes. I don't get light and fluffy with fluffy pieces like all the RUclipsrs show. My breads taste good enough and we eat them but the texture is nothing like others get. So depressing.

    • @sewena
      @sewena 2 года назад +12

      @@cindyleastorch194 you shouldn’t use time to determine whether or not your bread is fully kneaded unless you’re using a stand mixer or bread maker at a certain speed, and even then it’s tricky. It all depends on your kneading technique and speed, and your dough’s hydration. This is a somewhat wetter dough so you usually have to knead it for a while until it stops sticking.
      Last time I made this I kneaded for about 20 minutes slapping the dough between my hands. But also I’m a bit slow so it might take less time. Just keep kneading until it doesn’t stick to your hands and it should be good.
      All-purpose flour is okay but you get fluffier and better rising bread with bread flour. If you’re using measuring cups instead of weighing it can effect your dough’s hydration as well as even the humidity of that day but not by much in most cases. I hope this helped a bit ^__^

  • @Lanasdiary
    @Lanasdiary 2 года назад +25

    Thank you for what you do❤️ Your videos inspire me to bake more and create my own video recipes ✨☺️

  • @soso-xz5gq
    @soso-xz5gq 2 года назад +2

    I tried this recipe and it is definitely the best (for me I let the dough rest longer) delicious thankyou for this recipe

  • @cinnamonginger930
    @cinnamonginger930 2 года назад +1

    진짜 잘 만드신다... 맛에 관한 천재이신듯

  • @pampam751
    @pampam751 2 года назад +5

    this is a very popular bread in brazil, we usually also add coconut at the top. great video 🤗

    • @hin600
      @hin600 2 года назад

      Plz abonnés ❤️❤️

  • @ringu9674
    @ringu9674 2 года назад +5

    I made this recipe and it turned out so good! Thank you so much for teaching us 💗🍞

  • @suboom3209
    @suboom3209 2 года назад +7

    Thanks for sharing the recipe!!! I made one myself and taste so good. Mine was very chewy. Maybe I did something wrong. I recorded it in my most recent vlog!

  • @ssvlogs7392
    @ssvlogs7392 2 года назад +1

    👍 wow delicious condensed milk bread very healthy and yummy yummy recipe 😍😋😋😋 friend 💞💯

  • @vmfamilylife
    @vmfamilylife 2 года назад +6

    Thank you for sharing your useful receipe. I will make it on weekend 🥰🥰

  • @Manasinaidu
    @Manasinaidu 2 года назад

    Iam very big fan of your recipes,I enjoy them a lot,I have a small doubt,why shouldn't we mix the butter with liquids,why later,plz let me know

  • @rabiakhan3947
    @rabiakhan3947 2 года назад +4

    This looks super soft, fluffy and tempting. Will try it soon :)

  • @bar111a.5
    @bar111a.5 2 года назад +8

    0:57 thank you so so much for putting the replacement of Bread Flour! it doesn't exist where I live and I always thought I couldn't make certain recipes because I was lacking it, thank you thank you very much!!

    • @onyxxx1323
      @onyxxx1323 2 года назад +1

      You can mix vital wheat gluten with all purpose, and it will be the same as bread flour.

    • @bar111a.5
      @bar111a.5 2 года назад

      @@onyxxx1323 omg tysmmm!!!

  • @pongpong755
    @pongpong755 2 года назад

    역시 계란탁탁누나 ㅎㅎ 마법의손!!
    스타트를 계란탁탁!! 영상 잘 봣습니다.

  • @왕윤희-m9l
    @왕윤희-m9l 2 года назад

    너무 쉽고 맛있게만들수있어서 좋네요~~ 다른영상도기대할께요♡♡♡

  • @fl4naa
    @fl4naa 2 года назад +7

    Just made it (with my grandma) (Ok my grandma did almost everything) and it was sooooo good so fluffy

  • @SpicyCafeRecipes
    @SpicyCafeRecipes 2 года назад +2

    Wow outstanding bread recipe looks so yummy and cool! Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe! Greetings from Canada 🇨🇦

  • @muffinlyssie1437
    @muffinlyssie1437 2 года назад

    The texture is out of this world!

  • @nstnka
    @nstnka Год назад

    У меня все получилось! Готовила впервые молочный хлеб) получился пышный и сладкий, мне и мужу понравилось) вообще рецепты автора крутые, часто по ним готовлю )

  • @hananskitchen6560
    @hananskitchen6560 2 года назад +2

    Yum yum is a wonderful recipe, good luck, God willing 🌹🌹👍👍👍

  • @ОльгаИсаева-ц3з
    @ОльгаИсаева-ц3з 2 года назад +5

    Хлеб Шикарный!!!! Спасибо за Интересный рецепт!!!!

  • @冷氏-t2c
    @冷氏-t2c 2 года назад +3

    Good for eating every morning and tea time🍞

  • @amaryllidaful
    @amaryllidaful Год назад

    I poured some chocolate chips! Amazing! Next time I'll have a photo!

  • @farrahskitchen
    @farrahskitchen 2 года назад +5

    Oh my that just looks heavenly thanks for this wonderful recipe ♥️

  • @NBeeGee01
    @NBeeGee01 2 года назад +4

    I can’t wait to make this milk bread.... this is one thing I can check off my grocery list... Thank you😋😋😋😋

  • @dingdong3704
    @dingdong3704 2 года назад

    썸넬보고 안들올수가 없네요 넘 맛있겠어요

  • @sosafood
    @sosafood 2 года назад

    I honestly love the bread ....... can't just wait to be a better cook like you.... honestly speaking.

  • @luciaavila4073
    @luciaavila4073 Год назад

    Me encanto tu receta la voy a hacer, espero me salga bien, saludos desde Cuenca Ecuador

  •  2 года назад +2

    A delicious day again 🤗 I'm soo happy 🥰🥰🥰 thanks for sharing this beauty 💕👋👋

    • @Aesha678
      @Aesha678 2 года назад

      Can you enlighten me on my channel

  • @aichavlogsb
    @aichavlogsb 2 года назад +2

    لذيذ 😋 ورائع بألف هنا وشفا 👍👉☕👉

  • @Na-kuxne-u-Meri
    @Na-kuxne-u-Meri 2 года назад +39

    Не вероятно красивый и уверенна вкусный хлеб. ! :)😍

  • @simofaras1503
    @simofaras1503 2 года назад +4

    와 진짜 너무 맛있어

  • @delta_atled
    @delta_atled 2 года назад +19

    I made this today! It is absolutely delicious, I've never had anything quite like it. Thank you for the wonderfully clear video!

    • @ItachiAli1993
      @ItachiAli1993 2 года назад

      Were the measurements right for u??

    • @delta_atled
      @delta_atled 2 года назад

      @@ItachiAli1993 yep! Everything worked out perfectly

  • @keiforkai
    @keiforkai 2 года назад


  • @LolGurrl91
    @LolGurrl91 2 года назад +5

    Looks so soft, fluffy and gooy!!

  • @donnielindon7289
    @donnielindon7289 2 года назад +1

    Awesome job man stay safe y'all and healthy.

  • @ЕленаТрофимова-ч7к

    Какая прелесть! Обязательно испеку для внука.

  • @희망진아
    @희망진아 Год назад +1

    정식으로 해보고 넘 힘들면 요거 따라 해봐야 겠네요
    굴루텐 제대로 내는거 팔 떨어져 나감요

  • @mojonewslk
    @mojonewslk 2 года назад

    Thank you for what you do. Your videos inspire me to bake more and create my own video recipes

  • @jeniferlagunas9484
    @jeniferlagunas9484 2 года назад +13

    Es una receta muy deliciosa
    Saludos desde México

    • @Aiko-pr6kv
      @Aiko-pr6kv 2 года назад +1

      Viva México 🇲🇽 yo también soy mexicana 😁

    • @niteguy6020
      @niteguy6020 2 года назад

      Pan con cum

    • @catalina5605
      @catalina5605 2 года назад +1

      @@Aiko-pr6kv Hola
      Yo tengo una receta de un excelente Jarabe para la Tos, Congestión y La Gripa si te gustaría ver.видео.html

    • @Ricettiamo18
      @Ricettiamo18 2 года назад +1

      Saluti dall'Italia 🇮🇹❤👋

  • @rtgbhreth
    @rtgbhreth Год назад

    I need to make more breads. There r few savory options like they have in lots of Asian bakeries. I'll have to try this and add savory stuff on top or something

  • @Fasterdrake847
    @Fasterdrake847 Год назад

    I made them twice and the first batch failed but the second came out superrrr fluffy. The key is the yeast, U MUST PUT THE YEAST IN WARM LIQUID. So it activates, u could put it in the warm milk or u could activate in a small teacup of lukewarm water and put the yeast in it. Stir until it melts so it form like a beige brownish liquid. Then add it to the mixture. When kneading, don’t over do it. Just knead for 2-5 minutes to form a shape and add butter and knead for another 5minutes. Over kneading it just makes us less fluffier. When rising it, use a wet cloth to cover the bowl, and if accessible use a pan tray full of boiling water and place the bowl in it. So it creates some heat. You could also put the tray into the oven at 25-30 degrees Celsius for it to ferment. When trying to rise it the second time it won’t be that big but the dough will also rise bigger in the oven.

  • @mirabelle8425
    @mirabelle8425 2 года назад +1

    Merci beaucoup pour votre partage j'aime bien bonne continuation à bientôt 🙏🏻👍👍🌹♥️ envoyé

  • @beauishere
    @beauishere 2 года назад

    Looks so delicious….. I Would’ve just poured the whole condensed milk on top of the bread 😩

  • @piotr4888
    @piotr4888 2 года назад +2

    Why the dough is so sticky and no smooth before it should be resting?🙏🙏

  • @nooramohammed8785
    @nooramohammed8785 2 года назад

    لقد جربت الوصفة للمرة الثانية و سوف اعيدها ايضا اليوم باذن الله تعالى لتصبح المرة الثالثة 🤭
    و لقد وضعت في داخلها جبن كيري و كانت النتيجة ممتازة جدا ،😋
    شكرا عزيزتي

  • @movie2996
    @movie2996 2 года назад

    모양도 너무 이뻐요~~ 딸이랑 만들어봐야겠어용♡♡

  • @현채빈-f3j
    @현채빈-f3j 2 года назад

    오 버터 볼때마다 레몬 새콤달콤 맛일것
    같은 착각이 ㅋㅋ실제론 아닌데

  • @worldofanalaya
    @worldofanalaya 2 года назад

    That looks awesome. Such a soft bread. Made me hungry. Lovely neat presentation.Thanks for sharing

  • @studio_547
    @studio_547 2 года назад

    Awesome performance! I love this delicious menu🧡🧡 My friend, have a beautiful day🧡stay connected🧡🧡Thanks for sharing🧡

    @SAN_SURL Год назад

    매일맛나님 레시피는 썸네일부터 너무 감동이예요 :) 많은 베이킹 레시피중 가장 애정하는 매일맛나님 베이킹입니다 :) 오늘 요거 따라해보려고 야침차게 연유까지 사왔는데 왜때문에 반죽이 질까요ㅠㅠ 1차발효하기전까지 반죽이 계속 질어서 손에 붙은게 3할은 되겠어요ㅠㅠ 그래도 포기하지않고 해보렵니당😊😊

    • @deliciousday1
      @deliciousday1  Год назад

      제 레시피 좋아해주셔서 감사합니다.
      반죽은 건조한 날씨, 습한날씨, 밀가루 브랜드에 따라 반죽 수분도가 다르니, 물이나 우유 넣을때 한번에 넣지 말고, 반죽 상태 보면서 추가하세요. 제가 똑같은 레시피로 똑같이 만들어도 때에 따라 질기도 하고 되기도 하고 그래요.
      많이 질면 밀가루를 더 추가하시구요,
      꼭 성공하시길 바랄께요.^^

  • @dolcechanel
    @dolcechanel 2 года назад


  • @a22888338
    @a22888338 2 года назад +1

    경험상 발효는 택배로 온 스티로폼 박스안에 두면 잘됩니다.따뜻한물 한컵 같이 넣으면 더 잘되구요

  • @gabmantv5930
    @gabmantv5930 2 года назад

    Wow amazing thanks for sharing this yummy recipe

  • @raselbenyamen9025
    @raselbenyamen9025 2 года назад

    Thank you so much sharing this video good bake ma'am I like yummy

  • @YY-or6kh
    @YY-or6kh 2 года назад +3

    쿠킹 혹은 베이킹 하는 유튜브 영상 볼 때 드는 의문점...자막 쓸 때 왜 넣어'주고' 섞어'주고' 넣어'줘요' 혼쭐을 "내줍니다"라는 표현을 쓸까. 그냥 '넣습니다' '해도 되는 걸. 그냥 순수한 궁금증임 그나저나 빵 졀라 맛있겄다..츄릅

  • @김선미-g9w
    @김선미-g9w 2 года назад

    갓만들면맛있긴할테지만 노자신

  • @malgorzatanowak9328
    @malgorzatanowak9328 2 года назад +2

    wygląda wspaniale, myślę że jest niebiańsko pyszne. Pozdrawiam z Poznania w Polsce. Małgorzata.

  • @calicocat655
    @calicocat655 Год назад +1

    I remember when I just made it last year and my family just said it's just smooth like butter they liked it alot .....and my two married sister are scared so much that maybe it won't turn out like mine one of them did it twice but it didn't turn out well

  • @ayen2635
    @ayen2635 2 года назад

    Trimakasih resepnya. Saya dari Indonesia, dan akan saya praktekan langsung👌semoga sehat slalu

  • @hkn4599
    @hkn4599 2 года назад +5

    this looks heavenly!! could you also make cinnamon rolls please? i would really appreciate it

    • @hin600
      @hin600 2 года назад

      Plz abonnés ❤️❤️

    • @Ricettiamo18
      @Ricettiamo18 2 года назад


  • @englishandcuisinewithtatak8331
    @englishandcuisinewithtatak8331 2 года назад

    I like all your recette simple cheap thank you

  • @sadiaakter231
    @sadiaakter231 2 года назад

    Watching from Bangladesh 🇧🇩, yummy recipe

  • @josephbala51
    @josephbala51 2 года назад

    Wowww shall we store this dough in fridge?

  • @TheQuantumAwakeningOfficial
    @TheQuantumAwakeningOfficial 2 года назад

    The people of india are the best.people are honest and kind heart for other's.they always support the others by give views and subscriber to the channels.

  • @miryamanzola1602
    @miryamanzola1602 2 года назад

    Me encantó la receta la voy a preparar gracias x publicar recetas tn ricas saludos desde venezuela

  • @Sera.57
    @Sera.57 2 года назад

    Amazing video and good job, Nice skill from France

    @BUTARİFKAÇMAZ 2 года назад +3

    Tarifleriniz çok güzel 😋👍🏻🌺

    • @hin600
      @hin600 2 года назад

      Bu tarif ⬆️⬆️plz abonnés ❤️❤️

  • @vinopuni1634
    @vinopuni1634 2 года назад +1

    Love from India🖤🖤🖤

  • @vitran566
    @vitran566 15 дней назад

    Woooow it's a yummy 😋 👍

  • @AbeeraFoodSecrets
    @AbeeraFoodSecrets 2 года назад

    Suuuuper recipe suuuuuuuuper work 👍👏👏👏👏👌👌💐💐

  • @CookwithNikhat
    @CookwithNikhat 2 года назад +2

    Wow so yummy 😋

  • @carrotinanutshell2989
    @carrotinanutshell2989 2 года назад

    you're right about it being 매일맛나

  • @indaymalou8316
    @indaymalou8316 2 года назад

    Look yummy😍, thanks for your sharing this vedio.

  • @angelicamariaalves2451
    @angelicamariaalves2451 2 года назад +1

    How delicious must be that with a cup coffee or tea 😋!!

  • @yuliasukacita346
    @yuliasukacita346 2 года назад

    Am Yulia from Kupang Indonesia like ur bread😊

  • @miska727
    @miska727 9 месяцев назад

    I can only say WOW!

    @AKSURFS 2 года назад +6

    Love this fluffy bread, this is so delicious, so good 💖

  • @Пищевойпринтердлякондитеров

    - I like it very much
    - Cool video I leave my like ❤

  • @FBIagent22-q1d
    @FBIagent22-q1d 2 года назад

    Will be making this tomorrow. Nice small recipe

    • @FBIagent22-q1d
      @FBIagent22-q1d 2 года назад

      I made it and this recipe is not as soft as another recipe I used. I will not grease the pan with anything but butter.

  • @ibrahimabdullah184
    @ibrahimabdullah184 2 года назад +1

    طعامكي لذيذ لكني ام اتذوقه 😋😋

  • @PaPa-gd6zd
    @PaPa-gd6zd 2 года назад

    만들어 볼려고 했는데..그냥 하나 사먹을께요 ㅎㅎ

  • @lizh1536
    @lizh1536 Год назад

    I bet this would make amazing cinnamon rolls!

  • @tinycookingofficial7403
    @tinycookingofficial7403 2 года назад +3

    *_You’re a wonderful cook. Who agree with me?_* 😋😋😋😋

  • @ياربصبرنيعلىعبادك-ر9س

    فديتني اول بكلشي 😜🔥

  • @userro20
    @userro20 2 года назад +1

    جميل فعلا تسلم ايديكى

  • @lailamanuel5440
    @lailamanuel5440 2 года назад

    Woow!! Yummy 😋 Thanks for Sharing. Love it ❤

  • @Najboljirecepti-Napravilako
    @Najboljirecepti-Napravilako 2 года назад +1

    Truly awsome ❤️

  • @حياتيفيمطبخيمعشيفهبه

    *مشاءالله وصفه جميله جدا*

  • @ЛюдаБурцева-й7с
    @ЛюдаБурцева-й7с 2 года назад +14

    Ух ты! этот хлеб такой пышный и вкусный😍😍