I can't imagine the feeling of pride after so many missions without Long-range escorts and then there's Squadrons of P-51s there to protect you. What a scene.
Not sure so much about pride as relief having little brother guarding them. I know I couldn't have done what they did although I trained as an Air Force Armourer
@@peaceleader7315 thats what they said during the Vietnam war lol, until the North Vietnamese managed to shot down many F4 early war since they are not equipped with guns. If dogfights is obsolete, airforces would have removed guns on their aircrafts by now. Dogfights has changed but not obsolete. Still have to maneuver to shoot missiles.
@thitran1362 in a full-scale war, yes .. but nuclear weapons prevented the full invasion when dog 🐕 fights are necessary.. hmmmm.. proxy wars and skirmishes canons on fighters or manuring evasive designed plane is no longer needed.. hmmmm.. Stealth designed proved that.. hmmmm..
If you've ever seen the color photo of 3 blue nose p-51s escorting that lone silver B-24 the B model mustang is Punchy Powell. He was flying back from a mission and spotted that lone bomber and decided to make sure those guys made it home. They all did. Punchy is an awesome guy he used to live in Decatur Ga. I looked him up in the phone book called him up and offered to buy him lunch or a coffee as I just wanted to meet the guy. He declined my offer instead inviting me over. Blew me away this guy didn't know me from adams house cat and invited me to his home. Had a great time over there he even still had a piece off one of his mustangs
It’s so terrifying to think most of these kids were no older than 19. When I was 19 I was having the time of my life at college, going out partying with my mates and chasing girls. These lads were five miles straight up in the freezing cold stratosphere, fighting for their lives, in a war that hardly any of them understood. When I think of the extraordinary bravery and courage of these men. It’s humbling beyond words.
That's where Tom Hanks and co. have done such an invaluable service documenting the extraordinary bravery and sacrifice in this and the other 4 war films and series (counting Greyhound & Saving Private Ryan).
The visuals of the aerial battle were astounding. Gave you an idea of what it must have been like for the bomber crews, seeing their "little friends" charge into advancing enemy fighters like that to protect them.
@@peterpan41 They should care what our opinion is or these shows have no audiences and loose money. The CGI is cheap looking with very poor aerial physics. Fortunately, its a well written series with great characters to overlook the visual inadequacies.
Seeing so many fighters just clashing against one another in the sky I couldn't help but think how it looked like one of the prequel Star Wars space battle so many fighters filling up the space. But perhaps in some ways those space battles between starfighters are more reminiscent of what aerial battles and dogfights were like.
They are, WWII air battles had a great influence on Star Wars battles. The attack on the first Death Star is very similar tó the Dambusters mission basicly.
George Lucas used footage from WW2 aerial battles and WW2 movie aerial battles as reference when filming his own dogfighting scenes. The similarities are 100% intentional
The way they show the chaos of the group returning from a mission is incredible. The poor burnt, wounded and traumatised crews tumbling out of aircraft, on fire, leaking fluids, propellers shot off. And they film it with hand held cameras. In real life I hope the children that hung around with the ground crews never saw this.
@@akbadwolf It was as Günther Rall put it 'a target rich airspace'. Another Luftwaffe veteran said in an interview that it was a good aircraft but nothing to be afraid of, it all came down to the pilot in the end.
Der Jagdschutz ist eigentlich nicht im Bomberpulk geflogen, das bringt viele taktische Nachteile und macht es fast unmöglich die Bomber zu schützen. Außerdem sollte man mal die Situation einer Mutter mit ihren Kindern im Bunker zeigen um auch das Leid der Zivilbevölkerung zu sehen, wie sie am lebendigen Leib verbrannten und in keiner Scene erwähnt werden.
Those guys didn't have to imagine it. They lived it. And the irony is those fighters could have been a long at least a year earlier if it hadn't been for the hardheadedness of headquarters in DC.
Totally disagree. Just one big overly exaggerated CGI "mess" with no recognizable tactical fighting whatsoever. The first four episodes were really promising, ever since the series is pretty much going downhill....
@@rb3971 It looks like Star Wars, gravity seems to be nonexistent. Compared to BoB and the Pacific it is terrible. There are very few veterans left to give first hand accounts as opposed to the other productions and it shows.
I can't recall the exact statistic but it was something like a 4 or 5-1 kill ratio for the P51 against the Luftwaffe, absolute insane craft and pilots.
By the time mustangs arrived on the scene many of the best Luftwaffe pilots were already badly injured or dead....Besides, german pilots fought until they were killed, whereas American and British pilots were rotated to less stressful flying....Things are never as simple as one aircraft was a better than another. You must factor in the pilot plus the numbers......
Best fighter of the war because of the British. P51 was designed for the British to supplement the P40, we replaced the American engine with a Merlin and basicly sold it back to the Americans who built merlins under license.
Correct. The models of the Merlin (many made under license by Packard) were two-stage intercooled supercharged monsters. Put differently, the Merlin series of engines was probably the best of the war. Powered the Spitfire, the Hurricane, the Lancaster(?), some of the early Halifax models, and the wooden wonder (the Mosquito), etc.
That's not true. The British sent plans to install the engine and US engineers did the work. Just think that the p51 went from a want and need to a flyable aircraft in under a year. Then the engine change took almost no time. British ingenuity and US engineering.
I doubt you can hear the explosions on the ground from 20-30,000 ft up, but I guarantee you won't hear it when you see it. It will take at least 20 seconds for the sound to reach altitude.
People can hear flak firing in Berlin miles away from Berlin. Just go look at 2003 Iraq War night time footage of people recording distant gunfire from other units far away.
You have got to be scared shitless and totaly mindblown when you are a German Luftwaffe pilot never thinking that you would encounter a whole squadron of P51 Mustang fighters in the heart of Germany escorting a bomber formation all the way from England.
The P-38F was able to carry drop tanks in 1942 and was faster than anything the Luftwaffe had at the time. It was more heavily armed than any other American fighter, considering it's 20mm cannon. P-38s had compressibility issues when diving, but would have been the best escort fighter until the P-51D with it's drop tanks. If used with proper tactics, it would have saved many the lives of many bomber aircrew. The real change of 1944 was when Doolittle let the P-51s off the "close escort" leash to sweep ahead and shoot down the Luftwaffe fighters long before they came within range of the bomber formations.
I can’t imagine the impact the P-51 escorts has on the bomber crews’ morale. Through 1943 I would find it hard to think about seeing the end of the war as a bomber crew member. Once those escorts started flying you could see yourself making it.
Count the bombs at the time stamp of 2.39 on the video. The B-17s could not carry that large of bomb load on long distant raids to Berlin. From one bomber in the center of the frame, I counted 23 bombs falling out its bomb bay - assuming each is a 500 pound bomb that is a total load of 11,500 pounds, or assuming 250 pound bombs that is a load of 5750 pounds. A B-17 could only carry a load of 4000 pounds to Berlin !!!
Agree. Noticed the same thing. It's either Hollywood being ahistorical again (likely), or on that particular mission they were carrying 100 lb'ers (unlikely).
2:10 Can any one with ancestors in ww2 tell me, is the sky that crowded, messed up in the air battles. Or is it just exaggerated here? Thats a hell lot to even figure which is friendly/enemy. How would the pilots even identify friend/foe in that situation?
There are a lot of different battlefield accounts that describe what air battles are like. Especially in that era. I can imagine that yes the skies were that crowded...
"The P-51 Mustang, hands down the best fighter plane of the war" *(Spitfire, Typhoon, Tempest, Thunderbolt, Hellcat, Bearcat, Tigercat, and Corsair would like to know your location)*
As great as those aircraft are he has a point the 51 was the one that helped finished the job. It's a shame that army Air forces headquarters couldn't have figured it out a year or two earlier.
While I understand a B-17 pilot's perspective when he declares that the P-51 was "hands down the best fighter of the War", I think that's a bit of bias talking. It was certainly an excellent fighter, particularly when we reached the D model, but there were plenty of excellent planes that would be contenders for the "best" title.
In the end every word said is from the producer's mouth. Even if actually spoken by someone else it has been selected by them. In the end it's a bit of a flag waving excercise, and this is why in every Spielberg-Hanks production there is an anti-British jab...odd given that they make these things in the UK with British talent.
The two best fighters of WWII were the Spitfire and the Me 109. The only two aircraft that could hold their own from the first day to the last. of the European war.
You can't really have a "best" as there where so many different roles and uses. The more flexible aircraft like the Spitfire and ME109 that could perform various roles where more of a success but others where better in specific areas. You don't want a Spitfire for CAS when you have a P47 or Typhoon available.
My father was a waist gunner on a 17 squadron was called clay pigeons one of the biggest fears was flack said most guys sat on their flack jackets to preserve the family jewels.
you can watch almost any gun cam footage and see it was nothing like the amount of numbers shown here fighter wise, Dont even think the germans had as many planes on both fronts as their is fighters in this
The CGI in this scene is a huge disappointment compared to previous episodes. Disorganised huge flocks of fighters instead of structured formations, Star Wars style air combat. overall quality and realism of CGI took a dive as well. What happened?
I've been saying this since episode 1. Heck since the first trailer! It's definitely not suddenly this episode, it's all been this way. Just getting worse lol
@@TheWhiteOwl23they did 10 years of research. There is actual film if P51s going off to fight herman aircraft with the drop tanks still on. They dropped them before going into to engage. A waste of fuel before that
(2:09) Do P-51s have red tails?, and P-51 passing through the middle of the formations?, among many other things. I don't understand how you can upload this, the CGI is horrible and the historical advisor should be ashamed to allow this.
While certainly one of the great planes of the war, many would argue the P51 was not the best fighter. All depends what the criteria is. Was a Tempest better? Probably. Was a Spit a better interceptor? Most definitely. Was a P47 a more rugged and powerful fighter? Absolutely. And I haven't mentioned Axis aircraft such as the exceptional Ta 152, Do 335, Me 262, and later variants of the 109 and 190
Looking at the scenes I assume they bombed the area around Berlin-Spandau. Densly populated and holds a lot of industry such as locomotives, cars and trucks, generators, communications and some smaller chemical. That surely made a dent.
@0:34 Don't think friendly fighters (Little Friends) coming from 2 or 12 o'clock :D I have enjoyed every single minute of every episode. Two episodes left. What's next? Memphis Belle remake? 12 o'clock High remake? Please, @AppleTV, Please! :) Best wishes from Germany :)
I am german. It's important to remember all aspects of history, including the tragic losses of civilians during war. The bombings in World War II, including those carried out by the Allies, resulted in the deaths of countless innocent lives, including women, children, and other non-combatants. These events are part of the dark aspects of warfare that should not be forgotten or overlooked. Recognizing the suffering of innocent people is crucial for remembrance and historiography, to learn from the past and prevent the repetition of such tragedies in the future. Having a balanced understanding of history that acknowledges both the heroic deeds and the sufferings of the civilian population is essential.
Say it to people in Guernica, Warsaw, Rotterdam, London, Birmingham or Coventry - sorry, but your answer is irrelevant - without correct info who start it, RAF Bomber Command or the 8th USAF will not destroyed fascist Germany. Agree with you, but say it in a historical aspect please - he who sows the wind reaps the storm
I am German too. So i answer to your very shortsighted comment in our common language.... Deutschland war kein unschuldiges Opfer des Luftkriegs. Hitlers Deutschland hat den Krieg begonnen unsägliche Verbrechen angerichtet. Die Deutsche Wehrmacht, nicht allein die SS, hat von 1939 systematische Kriegsverbrechen an der Zivilbevölkerung der besetzten Länder verübt. Dazu gehörten auch die Einführung von rücksichtlosen Flächenbombardment gegen Städte wie Guernica, Warschau, Rotterdam oder Coventry. Die Allierten haben es mit gleicher Münze zurückgezahlt. Sie können unter gar keinen akzeptablen moralischen und intellektuellen Kritieren die Verluste unter der deutschen Zivilbevölkerung losgelöst von den Ursachen und dem Chrakter des Zweiten Weltkriegs betrachten. Das wäre reine Geschichtsverfälschung. Anstelle dessen gilt es sich stets an die unvergesslichen Worte von Bundespräsident Weizäcker zu erinnern: "Der 8. Mai war für uns alle ein Tag der Befreiung. Er hat uns alle befreit von dem menschenverachtenden System der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschafft" Und ergänzend hierzu ist es absolut angemessen im Rahmen dieser Serie auch als Deutscher anzuerkennen dass die mutigen Männer der 8th US Air Force ihren Anteil an der Befreiung vom Nationalsozialismus hatten.
@@gregsbiplays9899 One crime does not justify another. Or are you saying the German attack against Russia and how civilians were treated was totally okay because the Russians killed millions during Holodomor?
This series has had its CG problems here and there for sure, but this sequence seems like it was handed off to a different FX house, or it was insanely rushed. That exterior shot of the bombs dropping is just… yeeeesh…
P-51 with a Packard Merlin engine built to a Rolls Royce specification. Just like the Spitfire, Hurricane, Mosquito and Lancaster. You're welcome Yanks! 👍🏻
Truly, I have no idea where people are getting these absolutely sky-high expectations regarding CGI in TV shows. For the incredibly ambitious scale that this show has (which is an attempt at historical accuracy, by the way - IRL these scenes would be even denser with planes in many cases), I think the effects look mostly great. Especially once the planes are up in the air or when the camera is following characters around inside the cockpit and looking out the windows over their shoulders. It's only because the show went to the trouble of building full size complete interior and exterior mockups of B-17s (including one that even sits inside a Volume-like video wall soundstage) that these kinds of shots are even possible. In the past they'd be accomplished with green or blue screen, which inevitably leads to issues with lighting and actors' performances. Or simply cutting between different compartments of the plane shot at different times. Instead we get these sweeping seamless shots. And the exterior CGI has TONS of detail. Are you all watching the show in the highest resolution possible? Because there are tons of things visible if you watch it at above 1080p on a big screen. The few rough patches are during some of the takeoff and landing scenes when the CGI models of the planes don't interact well with the ground (the shadows look pretty bad), or in some of aerial shots of the ground, like the bomb impacts in this scene, where the terrain looks very 2D, even the buildings (conversely, the images through the bomb sights look fantastic). But overall, for the scale of this show, how heavy it is on action, and how frequent the flying scenes are, I think it looks quite good. And most critically - for all of you complaining about the CGI in all manner of hyperbolic language ("terrible" "awful" etc.), can you identify ANY TV show (not a $500m movie, but a TV show) that features action scenes at this scale, this often, and for this many minutes per episode, which looks as good as this? Let alone so much better as to make this show look "terrible" by comparison. Can you name even one?
This comment must be sarcastic. The CGI is absolutely bad, and there are thousands of details that demonstrate the lack of desire or ability to carry it out. In this same scene you can also see how completely bad the terrain is. - P-51 red tails with rockets and tanks escorting the 100BG - B-17 dropped 23 bombs - Sheet fighters crossing the formations - Star wars Combat In previous -B-109G with JG 26 emblems that were no longer used on the Me 109 G. -All turret machine guns have sights on the turret. - B-17F with metal finishes - Poorly executed explosions - gravity 0 And I could continue
@abc4461 Just watched episode 8, little to no action, I was expecting a lot more. Especially on the dday part and the tuskegee pilots. Feels like it's so rushed.
@@abc4461 I ask again - can you identify ANY TV show (not a $500m movie, but a TV show) that features action scenes at this scale, this often, and for this many minutes per episode, which looks as good as this? Let alone so much better as to make this show look "terrible" by comparison. Can you name even one?
@@nickg9420 Because normally less than 10 percent ob bombs were hiting direct target so there is no possibility not to hit water when many planes flying in formation?
I love the show I just find the “every Friday” ridiculous in this day and age just let me see the show half of the apple shows I start I don’t finish due to this honestly 🤷♂️
To all the people complaining about the CGI, understand that it is just there to help tell the story, to visualize it in some way. If it looks like a video game cut scene, it's because it is, and it's there for that reason. Just see it for the purpose of showing us what these men lived through, with respect and admiration for what they did for the freedom of the world.
I can respect the men who made these sacrifices while expressing my disappointment about how poorly a series meant to honor them was produced. Unfortunately, much of the CGI in this show, and particularly this scene, is actually worse than a video game cut scene, and that cannot help but pull the viewer out of the narrative, which particularly in the early episodes was very weak on its own.
That scene at 2.09 is absolutely ludicrous,looks like kids playing war with their whole collection of toy planes.....but in an expensive "realistic" TV show.
The screen shot that RUIN eveything 02:38, Bomb fall vertically at same speed... so NO GRAVITY NO WIND, Cheap CGI and Elementary schools Techies ARRH 🤦♂🤦♂🤦♂
...and on top of that, in these supposedly more enlightened times, there is no attempt so far to introduce characters to represent the German pilots, who, in their own right, were amazingly brave and skilful airmen... and also no real attempt to portray characters of the civilians on the receiving end, whether British or German... and even in this clip above 'P-51, hands down the best fighter of the war'... really?? 'Hands down'?? Don't think so, more research needed there I think...
It's literally a series about the 100th...not the Germans. Or the civilians. And you don't think an American narrating the story wouldn't talk up his own countries aircraft as the best?
@@mattb9659 Then I want a show about a German SS guard in a concentration camp - without showing Jewish suffering at all. Just how difficult it is for him and how much he struggles with a long work day and how he looses friends and family, the poor guy. No need to show the Jews because its a show about the SS Guard, not his victims, so no problem there right?
Apples and oranges my guy. You're comparing two completely different storytelling concepts. You've obviously also missed various scenes in the series where the main characters walk through bombed streets and observe victims and their families in distress. Also, loses* @@ArxInvicta
@@mattb9659So? Still no excuse for not giving a much more emotionally intelligent, broadranging viewpoint from both sides, instead of the B Movie 'Murica' centric tripe it is ...
The cgi, is awful, but im glad they tell a realistic and true story. But yikes on the visual department they must have been on lunch for 3 weeks straight and had tom hanks do that....
unrealistic formation of the german and american fighters. that dont happen in that way. in that time of the war not many german fighters could reach the bomber formation because the mustangs engage them miles before the formation, force them in dogfights. for that reason they dont fly between the bomber formation.
I can't imagine the feeling of pride after so many missions without Long-range escorts and then there's Squadrons of P-51s there to protect you. What a scene.
Not sure so much about pride as relief having little brother guarding them. I know I couldn't have done what they did although I trained as an Air Force Armourer
These days, dog 🐕 fights are a thing of the past.
@@peaceleader7315 thats what they said during the Vietnam war lol, until the North Vietnamese managed to shot down many F4 early war since they are not equipped with guns. If dogfights is obsolete, airforces would have removed guns on their aircrafts by now. Dogfights has changed but not obsolete. Still have to maneuver to shoot missiles.
@thitran1362 in a full-scale war, yes ..
but nuclear weapons prevented the full invasion when dog 🐕 fights are necessary.. hmmmm..
proxy wars and skirmishes canons on fighters or manuring evasive designed plane is no longer needed.. hmmmm..
Stealth designed proved that.. hmmmm..
@thitran1362 evolution is your answer.
If you've ever seen the color photo of 3 blue nose p-51s escorting that lone silver B-24 the B model mustang is Punchy Powell. He was flying back from a mission and spotted that lone bomber and decided to make sure those guys made it home. They all did. Punchy is an awesome guy he used to live in Decatur Ga. I looked him up in the phone book called him up and offered to buy him lunch or a coffee as I just wanted to meet the guy. He declined my offer instead inviting me over. Blew me away this guy didn't know me from adams house cat and invited me to his home. Had a great time over there he even still had a piece off one of his mustangs
Man I'm so happy that we have a well-produced miniseries about WW2 again.
''Well-produced''? It's terribly produced!
@CzechImp its alright, but band of brothers and the pacific are still far better
It's horrible
It has some really great moments, interspersed with some truly awful ones.@@e.g.o.m.e
It’s so terrifying to think most of these kids were no older than 19. When I was 19 I was having the time of my life at college, going out partying with my mates and chasing girls. These lads were five miles straight up in the freezing cold stratosphere, fighting for their lives, in a war that hardly any of them understood. When I think of the extraordinary bravery and courage of these men. It’s humbling beyond words.
That's where Tom Hanks and co. have done such an invaluable service documenting the extraordinary bravery and sacrifice in this and the other 4 war films and series (counting Greyhound & Saving Private Ryan).
Flight training took years to complete. Average crewman age for BF-17 was 25.
Average pilot age for RAF during the Battle of Britain was 21
@@SierotkaBezRysia For the pilots yeah, the gunners where much younger. Gunner training was only 6 weeks.
As far as "knowing what you are fighting for" goes, WW2 was probably one of the more understandable ones.
@@michaelmartin9022I have spoke with many ww2 veterans in my life and to a man they all said they were fighting for each other.
The visuals of the aerial battle were astounding. Gave you an idea of what it must have been like for the bomber crews, seeing their "little friends" charge into advancing enemy fighters like that to protect them.
I have not been Impressed with the visuals. They look cheap.
@@mrleglove3377😂 Ok Michael Bay, Im sure they care whole heartedly about your opinion😅
@@peterpan41 They should care what our opinion is or these shows have no audiences and loose money. The CGI is cheap looking with very poor aerial physics. Fortunately, its a well written series with great characters to overlook the visual inadequacies.
The action scenes were awesome but the visuals in itself were average.
@@peterpan41 He is right, this episode was CGI really weak.
The Best TV show I’ve ever binged watch… after Band of Brothers and The Pacific ❤
We need some shows about the British. There where involved from time to time in WW2......
@@davidscoltock3970So go make one then.
They aren't the trilogy and yet they are. I hope it gets released on physical media in a tin box edition like the previous ones.
Seeing so many fighters just clashing against one another in the sky I couldn't help but think how it looked like one of the prequel Star Wars space battle so many fighters filling up the space.
But perhaps in some ways those space battles between starfighters are more reminiscent of what aerial battles and dogfights were like.
They are, WWII air battles had a great influence on Star Wars battles. The attack on the first Death Star is very similar tó the Dambusters mission basicly.
George Lucas used footage from WW2 aerial battles and WW2 movie aerial battles as reference when filming his own dogfighting scenes. The similarities are 100% intentional
Yes, the Battle of Britain and other massive air battles like Midway were like this
The way they show the chaos of the group returning from a mission is incredible. The poor burnt, wounded and traumatised crews tumbling out of aircraft, on fire, leaking fluids, propellers shot off. And they film it with hand held cameras. In real life I hope the children that hung around with the ground crews never saw this.
I felt relieved when the P-51s rushed forward to meet the German fighters 😅 Imagine how the real B-17 crew felt at that moment.
Imagine what the Luffwaffe pilots must have thought when they saw the P51's for the first time
@@akbadwolf Oh Scheiße
@@akbadwolf It was as Günther Rall put it 'a target rich airspace'. Another Luftwaffe veteran said in an interview that it was a good aircraft but nothing to be afraid of, it all came down to the pilot in the end.
Der Jagdschutz ist eigentlich nicht im Bomberpulk geflogen, das bringt viele taktische Nachteile und macht es fast unmöglich die Bomber zu schützen. Außerdem sollte man mal die Situation einer Mutter mit ihren Kindern im Bunker zeigen um auch das Leid der Zivilbevölkerung zu sehen, wie sie am lebendigen Leib verbrannten und in keiner Scene erwähnt werden.
Imagine losing half of your entire fleet in 1943 only to see P-51s coming in waves in 1944.
Those guys didn't have to imagine it. They lived it. And the irony is those fighters could have been a long at least a year earlier if it hadn't been for the hardheadedness of headquarters in DC.
If only the bomber mafia had been ignored earlier, given that the technology for long range fighters already existed.
@@louistaplin4665what mistake did headquarters make?
Say what you want? Series hasn't been perfect or spot on. But it's brilliant. A really amazing series.
02:08 is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen
Totally disagree. Just one big overly exaggerated CGI "mess" with no recognizable tactical fighting whatsoever. The first four episodes were really promising, ever since the series is pretty much going downhill....
@@rb3971 It looks like Star Wars, gravity seems to be nonexistent. Compared to BoB and the Pacific it is terrible. There are very few veterans left to give first hand accounts as opposed to the other productions and it shows.
I can't recall the exact statistic but it was something like a 4 or 5-1 kill ratio for the P51 against the Luftwaffe, absolute insane craft and pilots.
Indeed. Helped that a great deal of fighting the Luftwaffe, and the losses of premier German pilots, took place long before the Mustang was ever seen.
By the time mustangs arrived on the scene many of the best Luftwaffe pilots were already badly injured or dead....Besides, german pilots fought until they were killed, whereas American and British pilots were rotated to less stressful flying....Things are never as simple as one aircraft was a better than another. You must factor in the pilot plus the numbers......
Eight 0.5 cal machine guns! Plus Merlin engines =power+speed
@@brianperry Finally, someone who got his facts straight!
@@Seaxuanonly the P-47s had 8, 50 cal machine guns.
I wonder how badass that Colonel was when he realized that they missed that turn and he made the decision to turn the right way.
That film was better in visuals and sound design. Not impressed with the battle scenes I've seen on RUclips
😂😂 if you know you know
@@mrleglove3377 Lil bro thinks people asked
I would rather watch that legend than this piece of…
@@Sturmvogel8964 well said
When Herman Goering saw this P51s flying over Berlin, he said to his aide "We Have Lost the War"
He didn't speak english 😉
@@JesperAalborg - English is an offshoot of German, and it is called a translation.
Best fighter of the war because of the British. P51 was designed for the British to supplement the P40, we replaced the American engine with a Merlin and basicly sold it back to the Americans who built merlins under license.
Dont say things like that. Dont you know the Americans won the war all by themselves and absolutely nothing of importance was achieved by anyone else.
Correct. The models of the Merlin (many made under license by Packard) were two-stage intercooled supercharged monsters. Put differently, the Merlin series of engines was probably the best of the war. Powered the Spitfire, the Hurricane, the Lancaster(?), some of the early Halifax models, and the wooden wonder (the Mosquito), etc.
That's not true. The British sent plans to install the engine and US engineers did the work. Just think that the p51 went from a want and need to a flyable aircraft in under a year. Then the engine change took almost no time. British ingenuity and US engineering.
Didn't the Mustang achieve an extra 75 mph of airspeed over the Allison engine it originally had?.
@@willthorson4543 plans based on the British upgrades to a plane designed and built for the British……
Amazing show
this is where the peak of masters of the air begins
Can't wait for tomorrow's episode!
it's out now
I doubt you can hear the explosions on the ground from 20-30,000 ft up, but I guarantee you won't hear it when you see it. It will take at least 20 seconds for the sound to reach altitude.
The show keeps getting that detail wrong everytime
People can hear flak firing in Berlin miles away from Berlin. Just go look at 2003 Iraq War night time footage of people recording distant gunfire from other units far away.
its a show lol
Unbroken got that pretty much perfect I thought
Little known fact: It's also really hard to hear the musical score over the sound of the B-17's engines. Those suckers were loud!
You have got to be scared shitless and totaly mindblown when you are a German Luftwaffe pilot never thinking that you would encounter a whole squadron of P51 Mustang fighters in the heart of Germany escorting a bomber formation all the way from England.
The P-38F was able to carry drop tanks in 1942 and was faster than anything the Luftwaffe had at the time. It was more heavily armed than any other American fighter, considering it's 20mm cannon. P-38s had compressibility issues when diving, but would have been the best escort fighter until the P-51D with it's drop tanks. If used with proper tactics, it would have saved many the lives of many bomber aircrew. The real change of 1944 was when Doolittle let the P-51s off the "close escort" leash to sweep ahead and shoot down the Luftwaffe fighters long before they came within range of the bomber formations.
Amazing scene.
Now that’s how you do a promo for the next episode!!
Someone caught it!
*_Both the Top Scoring ETO Ace and the Close Second flew Republic P-47 Thunderbolts ..._*
Such an epic series!!!❤ please make more of this applets
2:10 is surreal ! talk about a massive air fight !
Freaking amazing
I can’t imagine the impact the P-51 escorts has on the bomber crews’ morale. Through 1943 I would find it hard to think about seeing the end of the war as a bomber crew member. Once those escorts started flying you could see yourself making it.
Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising should be the next book made into a mini-series like this.
this has to be one of the best shows i have ever watched cant wait for next episode D day :D
Very good movie, congrats Apple TV ;) !
Count the bombs at the time stamp of 2.39 on the video. The B-17s could not carry that large of bomb load on long distant raids to Berlin. From one bomber in the center of the frame, I counted 23 bombs falling out its bomb bay - assuming each is a 500 pound bomb that is a total load of 11,500 pounds, or assuming 250 pound bombs that is a load of 5750 pounds. A B-17 could only carry a load of 4000 pounds to Berlin !!!
well thank god you pointed that out. changes everything.
Agree. Noticed the same thing. It's either Hollywood being ahistorical again (likely), or on that particular mission they were carrying 100 lb'ers (unlikely).
I heard on videos that the mosquito could carry about the same payload so it didn't look right to me too
That is so true, good eye!
B17s could carry 11k pounds of bombs man. Only 4k if they are carrying 2 2k pounders in the bomb bay.
Are we going to see the redtails soon?
next episode..
@@dailygrind1620 yeahhhh!!!
0:09 Are the fighters in these shots actually P-51’s or a different kind of fighter entirely?
P-51s but poor CG
Those are indeed P-51s but looked like the C or the B model
They’re P-51Cs
@@justin36004only difference being bubbles on the sidesbof the canopy..though at 200mph?
2:10 Can any one with ancestors in ww2 tell me, is the sky that crowded, messed up in the air battles. Or is it just exaggerated here? Thats a hell lot to even figure which is friendly/enemy. How would the pilots even identify friend/foe in that situation?
There are a lot of different battlefield accounts that describe what air battles are like. Especially in that era. I can imagine that yes the skies were that crowded...
"The P-51 Mustang, hands down the best fighter plane of the war"
*(Spitfire, Typhoon, Tempest, Thunderbolt, Hellcat, Bearcat, Tigercat, and Corsair would like to know your location)*
As great as those aircraft are he has a point the 51 was the one that helped finished the job. It's a shame that army Air forces headquarters couldn't have figured it out a year or two earlier.
Don’t forget the Lightning
Excellent series! ❤️🔥
While I understand a B-17 pilot's perspective when he declares that the P-51 was "hands down the best fighter of the War", I think that's a bit of bias talking. It was certainly an excellent fighter, particularly when we reached the D model, but there were plenty of excellent planes that would be contenders for the "best" title.
In the end every word said is from the producer's mouth. Even if actually spoken by someone else it has been selected by them. In the end it's a bit of a flag waving excercise, and this is why in every Spielberg-Hanks production there is an anti-British jab...odd given that they make these things in the UK with British talent.
The two best fighters of WWII were the Spitfire and the Me 109. The only two aircraft that could hold their own from the first day to the last. of the European war.
You can't really have a "best" as there where so many different roles and uses. The more flexible aircraft like the Spitfire and ME109 that could perform various roles where more of a success but others where better in specific areas. You don't want a Spitfire for CAS when you have a P47 or Typhoon available.
true, TA-152 was doing things a mustang could only dream of
@@Gunthazv2now did that or the jets helped them win the war?
My father was a waist gunner on a 17 squadron was called clay pigeons one of the biggest fears was flack said most guys sat on their flack jackets to preserve the family jewels.
2:07 Porco Rosso reference?
another masterpiece from spielberg!!!
Wow this CGI is beyond terrible. At 2:09 they re-created the battle Battle of Endor. The shields are still up! It's a trap! this is barely believable.
Actually its more like the cgi from Independance day from 1995
2:09 Looks like a scene out of one of the Star Wars sequels. Incredibly exaggerated and unrealistic
Oh yeah because other modern WW2 productions like Red Tailes were so ''better'' in doing this :P.
you can watch almost any gun cam footage and see it was nothing like the amount of numbers shown here fighter wise, Dont even think the germans had as many planes on both fronts as their is fighters in this
A whole fleet of P-51s
P-51 was like 452 mph or something insane
Rosie a real G!
The main pilot actor Really reminds me of Dounut Operator, like alot.
Its like opening up a bee hive
P51 WITH drop tanks AND Royal Royce’s engines change the air war in Europe.
Anyone else notice the Tuskegee Airmen Easter eggs? 🇺🇸
I've been looking forward to them being introduced into the story, hopefully there will be an episode when they tangle with the jet fighters!
Amazingly (or not, knowing Boeing) the 737 has basically the same forward windshield shape.
The CGI in this scene is a huge disappointment compared to previous episodes. Disorganised huge flocks of fighters instead of structured formations, Star Wars style air combat. overall quality and realism of CGI took a dive as well. What happened?
I think this show just got a bit rushed
I wrote almost the same! May Be the CGI boys were all drunk
I've been saying this since episode 1. Heck since the first trailer! It's definitely not suddenly this episode, it's all been this way. Just getting worse lol
I'm a little surprised that they showed those Mustangs rushing in to engage with the drop tanks still on the wings.
That's because the people who created this show did about 30 seconds of research.
And from behind the bomber formation instead of being out front
@@TheWhiteOwl23they did 10 years of research. There is actual film if P51s going off to fight herman aircraft with the drop tanks still on. They dropped them before going into to engage. A waste of fuel before that
@@TheWhiteOwl23CGI got outsourced to india
@@willthorson4543 Yup, procedure was to drop tanks at the last moment.
(2:09) Do P-51s have red tails?, and P-51 passing through the middle of the formations?, among many other things.
I don't understand how you can upload this, the CGI is horrible and the historical advisor should be ashamed to allow this.
as many as refugees...
Keep on Target 🎯
people can interview germany these days. appreciate it.
A quand une série sur les pilotes de chasse allemand?
P51 wats the best fighter?
While certainly one of the great planes of the war, many would argue the P51 was not the best fighter. All depends what the criteria is. Was a Tempest better? Probably. Was a Spit a better interceptor? Most definitely. Was a P47 a more rugged and powerful fighter? Absolutely. And I haven't mentioned Axis aircraft such as the exceptional Ta 152, Do 335, Me 262, and later variants of the 109 and 190
Looking at the scenes I assume they bombed the area around Berlin-Spandau. Densly populated and holds a lot of industry such as locomotives, cars and trucks, generators, communications and some smaller chemical. That surely made a dent.
Do bombs fell on the water surface detonate? If so, it must look gorgeous.
How likely is it that the skies were actually that cluttered and full of aircraft fighting like it was shown at the end of this scene?
I have a feeling it never happened as shown here
They were way less cluttered. Watch Memphis Belle that movie is way more realistic about it.
@@Sturmvogel8964so not true
@0:34 Don't think friendly fighters (Little Friends) coming from 2 or 12 o'clock :D I have enjoyed every single minute of every episode. Two episodes left. What's next? Memphis Belle remake? 12 o'clock High remake? Please, @AppleTV, Please! :) Best wishes from Germany :)
I am german. It's important to remember all aspects of history, including the tragic losses of civilians during war. The bombings in World War II, including those carried out by the Allies, resulted in the deaths of countless innocent lives, including women, children, and other non-combatants. These events are part of the dark aspects of warfare that should not be forgotten or overlooked. Recognizing the suffering of innocent people is crucial for remembrance and historiography, to learn from the past and prevent the repetition of such tragedies in the future. Having a balanced understanding of history that acknowledges both the heroic deeds and the sufferings of the civilian population is essential.
Agreed. Sad thing is ,opinion will still say Germany shouldn't have started it. Have a great day fella
Say it to people in Guernica, Warsaw, Rotterdam, London, Birmingham or Coventry - sorry, but your answer is irrelevant - without correct info who start it, RAF Bomber Command or the 8th USAF will not destroyed fascist Germany. Agree with you, but say it in a historical aspect please - he who sows the wind reaps the storm
I wonder what happened to all the Jewish civilians 🤔
I am German too. So i answer to your very shortsighted comment in our common language.... Deutschland war kein unschuldiges Opfer des Luftkriegs. Hitlers Deutschland hat den Krieg begonnen unsägliche Verbrechen angerichtet. Die Deutsche Wehrmacht, nicht allein die SS, hat von 1939 systematische Kriegsverbrechen an der Zivilbevölkerung der besetzten Länder verübt. Dazu gehörten auch die Einführung von rücksichtlosen Flächenbombardment gegen Städte wie Guernica, Warschau, Rotterdam oder Coventry. Die Allierten haben es mit gleicher Münze zurückgezahlt. Sie können unter gar keinen akzeptablen moralischen und intellektuellen Kritieren die Verluste unter der deutschen Zivilbevölkerung losgelöst von den Ursachen und dem Chrakter des Zweiten Weltkriegs betrachten. Das wäre reine Geschichtsverfälschung. Anstelle dessen gilt es sich stets an die unvergesslichen Worte von Bundespräsident Weizäcker zu erinnern: "Der 8. Mai war für uns alle ein Tag der Befreiung. Er hat uns alle befreit von dem menschenverachtenden System der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschafft" Und ergänzend hierzu ist es absolut angemessen im Rahmen dieser Serie auch als Deutscher anzuerkennen dass die mutigen Männer der 8th US Air Force ihren Anteil an der Befreiung vom Nationalsozialismus hatten.
@@gregsbiplays9899 One crime does not justify another. Or are you saying the German attack against Russia and how civilians were treated was totally okay because the Russians killed millions during Holodomor?
Omg 😲 😱 ❤
Interesting to see in this clip, apple cut the lines of nose-gunner’s replies after pilot asks:”can anyone ID these fighters” , ………
This series has had its CG problems here and there for sure, but this sequence seems like it was handed off to a different FX house, or it was insanely rushed. That exterior shot of the bombs dropping is just… yeeeesh…
Great story. Not super situationally realistic.
P-51 with a Packard Merlin engine built to a Rolls Royce specification. Just like the Spitfire, Hurricane, Mosquito and Lancaster. You're welcome Yanks! 👍🏻
Truly, I have no idea where people are getting these absolutely sky-high expectations regarding CGI in TV shows. For the incredibly ambitious scale that this show has (which is an attempt at historical accuracy, by the way - IRL these scenes would be even denser with planes in many cases), I think the effects look mostly great.
Especially once the planes are up in the air or when the camera is following characters around inside the cockpit and looking out the windows over their shoulders. It's only because the show went to the trouble of building full size complete interior and exterior mockups of B-17s (including one that even sits inside a Volume-like video wall soundstage) that these kinds of shots are even possible. In the past they'd be accomplished with green or blue screen, which inevitably leads to issues with lighting and actors' performances. Or simply cutting between different compartments of the plane shot at different times. Instead we get these sweeping seamless shots.
And the exterior CGI has TONS of detail. Are you all watching the show in the highest resolution possible? Because there are tons of things visible if you watch it at above 1080p on a big screen. The few rough patches are during some of the takeoff and landing scenes when the CGI models of the planes don't interact well with the ground (the shadows look pretty bad), or in some of aerial shots of the ground, like the bomb impacts in this scene, where the terrain looks very 2D, even the buildings (conversely, the images through the bomb sights look fantastic). But overall, for the scale of this show, how heavy it is on action, and how frequent the flying scenes are, I think it looks quite good.
And most critically - for all of you complaining about the CGI in all manner of hyperbolic language ("terrible" "awful" etc.), can you identify ANY TV show (not a $500m movie, but a TV show) that features action scenes at this scale, this often, and for this many minutes per episode, which looks as good as this? Let alone so much better as to make this show look "terrible" by comparison. Can you name even one?
This comment must be sarcastic.
The CGI is absolutely bad, and there are thousands of details that demonstrate the lack of desire or ability to carry it out.
In this same scene you can also see how completely bad the terrain is.
- P-51 red tails with rockets and tanks escorting the 100BG
- B-17 dropped 23 bombs
- Sheet fighters crossing the formations
- Star wars Combat
In previous
-B-109G with JG 26 emblems that were no longer used on the Me 109 G.
-All turret machine guns have sights on the turret.
- B-17F with metal finishes
- Poorly executed explosions
- gravity 0
And I could continue
@abc4461 Just watched episode 8, little to no action, I was expecting a lot more. Especially on the dday part and the tuskegee pilots. Feels like it's so rushed.
@@abc4461 I ask again - can you identify ANY TV show (not a $500m movie, but a TV show) that features action scenes at this scale, this often, and for this many minutes per episode, which looks as good as this? Let alone so much better as to make this show look "terrible" by comparison. Can you name even one?
What was the life expectancy of a Mustang pilot?
Less than a p-47 thunderbolt
Most of them survived the war.
2:59 No bombs in the water? Really?
Bomber don't miss in this mission man. Why bomb the water if they have a clear target
@@nickg9420 Because normally less than 10 percent ob bombs were hiting direct target so there is no possibility not to hit water when many planes flying in formation?
Maybe they were aiming for the water.
@@veers2883 yes I mean their bomber is good why would he miss if he have a clear accurate shot
Most bombs were not within 5 miles of target. Why the favored the large city targets .
Watching 7th now.. Lets go to Berlin 👍
Reading the comments theres plenty of simple details the show got wrong lol
P51 Mustang, hands down the greatest fighter plane of the war.... Once again, we go so OTT with the American stuff and British hate.
If you wanna sing about the spitfire go back to watching Battle of Britain and save yourself from this mess.
Most Americans think their P38 was the very best.
I doubt that, I think most Americans would say either the P-51 or the F4U corsair
@@e.g.o.m.e It doesn't MATTER what "most Americans would say" they weren't flying the effing things!!! 🙄🙄🙄
Guys, seriously? To the bomber crews, be it b17 or b24, P51 IS the best fighter…
I love the show I just find the “every Friday” ridiculous in this day and age just let me see the show half of the apple shows I start I don’t finish due to this honestly 🤷♂️
wow berlin got real small
2:09 so real lol
New star wars looking great!
There wasn't 1/10th that many fighters.
This episode CGI was really bad...and I also think those P-51s wouldn't fight with those external fuel tanks still attached.
와! 그런데 P-51무스탕과 독일 메세슈미츠와 싸우면 B-17기관총 사수들이 많이 헷갈릴듯
To all the people complaining about the CGI, understand that it is just there to help tell the story, to visualize it in some way. If it looks like a video game cut scene, it's because it is, and it's there for that reason. Just see it for the purpose of showing us what these men lived through, with respect and admiration for what they did for the freedom of the world.
Then make a stage play...for a production of over 200million i expect something decent.
I can respect the men who made these sacrifices while expressing my disappointment about how poorly a series meant to honor them was produced. Unfortunately, much of the CGI in this show, and particularly this scene, is actually worse than a video game cut scene, and that cannot help but pull the viewer out of the narrative, which particularly in the early episodes was very weak on its own.
Absolutely, the cgi is very innacurate, and the frame rate of the aircraft is so fleeting!
This CGI is an insult to those men, just as the movie Battle of the Bulge (1965) was an insult to those who fought there.
That scene at 2.09 is absolutely ludicrous,looks like kids playing war with their whole collection of toy planes.....but in an expensive "realistic" TV show.
The screen shot that RUIN eveything 02:38, Bomb fall vertically at same speed... so NO GRAVITY NO WIND, Cheap CGI and Elementary schools Techies ARRH 🤦♂🤦♂🤦♂
CGI is a bit sketchy sometimes but a great miniseries overall!
dude that bomb cgi was awful
All of it yuck
Overall interesting show but I feel its a bit rushed, and why only 9 episodes. Why not a 10th one as well ?
...and on top of that, in these supposedly more enlightened times, there is no attempt so far to introduce characters to represent the German pilots, who, in their own right, were amazingly brave and skilful airmen... and also no real attempt to portray characters of the civilians on the receiving end, whether British or German... and even in this clip above 'P-51, hands down the best fighter of the war'... really?? 'Hands down'?? Don't think so, more research needed there I think...
It's literally a series about the 100th...not the Germans. Or the civilians.
And you don't think an American narrating the story wouldn't talk up his own countries aircraft as the best?
@@mattb9659 Then I want a show about a German SS guard in a concentration camp - without showing Jewish suffering at all. Just how difficult it is for him and how much he struggles with a long work day and how he looses friends and family, the poor guy. No need to show the Jews because its a show about the SS Guard, not his victims, so no problem there right?
Apples and oranges my guy. You're comparing two completely different storytelling concepts. You've obviously also missed various scenes in the series where the main characters walk through bombed streets and observe victims and their families in distress.
Also, loses* @@ArxInvicta
@@mattb9659So? Still no excuse for not giving a much more emotionally intelligent, broadranging viewpoint from both sides, instead of the B Movie 'Murica' centric tripe it is ...
They are bombarding what today is an Erkner City, east of Berlin.
Prehistoric planet season 3 when?
The cgi, is awful, but im glad they tell a realistic and true story. But yikes on the visual department they must have been on lunch for 3 weeks straight and had tom hanks do that....
unrealistic formation of the german and american fighters. that dont happen in that way. in that time of the war not many german fighters could reach the bomber formation because the mustangs engage them miles before the formation, force them in dogfights. for that reason they dont fly between the bomber formation.
¿De verdad la gente le importa el CGI?, por favor, solo es una serie nada más, disfruténla y ya