I watched your video on dry sanding and used your method on a fender i painted that needed correction and it worked beautifully. Thank you for your videos. Ive learned a lot and quick
Dry is the best but on soft clear , wet sanding works well . The best is Norton dry disk on a DA sander. You have to know the paint and how much clear you have to work with and what method to use. Practice, practice and when you think your good ; practice some more !. Have fun !.
I'm no professional, just love keeping my car clean and nice. Gonna tackle a small chip on my A pillar with the Dry and Kovax papers. Thanks once again for your awesome content and videos! 🚗💫🛠️
My thoughts: I find wetsanding to be safer than dry, obviously--Dry sanding is awesome but like you showed in the video, it's faster, meaning it cuts more, again...obviously. When I work with fresh paint, I was never tought to dry sand on it, so IDK if its possible. I've seen 3M educational videos where the first step, 1500 is done dry, then followed up with wet 3000, 5000, polish and done. I know of the tracks you are referring to when wetsanding, very annoying. Through my experiences, on fresh paint or non, this usually can happen a couple of ways: (1) getting panel too hot to remove sanding marks will cause paint to swell a little and then compound over them, causing this & (2) not using strong enough grit compound to remove the deeper, heavier sanding marks. Imagine I wetsand 2000, and try to cut it with 3Ms Step 2 - Perfect it Polish. Results will be horrible. You can apply now this same concept/experience by not following up with the correct next step, no matter what step you're on(wetsand, sand, compound, polish). If I sand with 1500 I will, at bare minimum, use 2500 sanding discs to remove the 1500 scratches because if I go straight to 5000, those 1500 marks will just be burried, leaving tracks. Let me know what you think of my experiences broken down, as I have only been in the paint correction business for 4 years, wetsanding for 1-2.
believe that there is no need to go with 2500 5000 etc. if after sanding you polish with wool, which is the only right thing. I agree with you on a lot of things, but I'm very satisfied with dry sanding because it's fast, precise and safer than water sanding, because while you're sanding you can see
Great video! I tried wet sanding a single stage white with heavy orange peel. I caused a lot of damage probably because I didn’t keep the paper clean. Warm weather kept drying up my paper also. 1000 then 2000 then 3M Rubbing Compound was best for my situation. It was easier to see the progress also. I always go with extra coats of single stage or clear coats now.
Svaka cast doktore... Iskreno nisam za "Smirdex" nikako... Koristim "3m wet or dry sanding" smirglu ali se jako brzo napuni papir kod suvog smirglanja...
Pozdrav,treba mi pomoc ,imam problem sa narancinom korom na blatobranu auta,crna boja,dali da brusim suho ili mokro pa da poliram ili da poslje brusenja ponovno nanesem bazu i lak?
I almost ALWAYS go with dry sanding! I have practiced my skill for about ten years, and I am able to start sanding with 800 to 1000 grit dry, with an electric DA similar to your Mirka. I can even go as low as 600, if I have a lot of trash in the clear. I'll go 1500, then 2000, and end up with 3000. Only on the last step will I do a wet sand with 3000 on a circular 3M sanding pad, the thick ones, with just a very light spraying of soap water or SprayWay window cleaner. By the time I put the cutting compound on it and polish, it is SUPER easy to finish.
Sir I learn from you so I started dry sanding but here we don't have kovax paper' so I started from Starkey Germany, I feel dry sanding is best I say thank you for sharing knowledge ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Brate,jednostavno i to je to. Svaka cast. Industrija komplicira struku do nebesa,a ja skidam kapu svakome tko svodi procese na jednostavno i produktivno. Hvala ti na djeljenju iskustva i znanja. Cijenim to.
every video on yt said to wet sand and I wasn't getting good results but I kept going and unfortunately I burned through the clear and even some of the base (total rookie mistake, over pressure on the sharp point of the ridge).. it was an experiment so I'm not super concerned as I was ready to respray anyway but man I'll be sticking to dry sanding from now on.
Why would you think you won’t burn through the clear coat and base coat when dry sanding? You’ll get there faster with dry sanding. You must not have been drying the section enough to see how far you went. You sand until the defect is gone, the technique was fine just didn’t do the proper steps to prevent burning. Like you said rookie mistake, but doesn’t mean you should automatically switch to dry sanding.
depend of lot of things If you makes clearcoat and try to sand like 2 hours after, it's better use WET sanding, less agressives and good result, but if the clearcoat it's completely dry after days, you can use DRY sanding. And only KOVAX do good dry sand paper, other are rly shit to be honest.
Saludos. Se ve claramente que el método tradicional de lijado (con lija de agua y solución jabonosa) deja muchas rayas que después es muy difícil de corregir que los lijados en seco con máquina o a mano. Yo lijo con el método tradicional y me dificulta mucho sacar brillo. Mu pregunta es: que tipo de lijadora recomiendas para el lijado con máquina para usarlo con las lijas covax. Gracias por responder. Éxitos
@@Amddetailing En tu experiencia, en comparación con lijadoras neumáticas con las eléctricas, encuentras diferencias o es igual los resultados que se obtienen. !!! Thanks.
I think it depends what you value more... sandpaper or time.. wet sandpaper lasts a lot longer, but it takes longer. Dry is faster but go through sandpaper much faster.
i use a short throw DA 3/32" sometimes but usually a Makita random orbit that has a 1/8" throw. 8mm is twice any of those but it's not crazy big. If you're not careful you'll get pig tails. I do wet and keep it as clean as possible. One little piece of trash that gets caught under the sander will make a nasty pig tail shaped scratch. You'll see what i'm talking about. I think sanding dry will have more pig tails.
This video is incomplete. You need to compare WET machine sanding vs DRY machine sanding in order to make conclusion. I bet there isn't difference wet vs dry with both using machine
The problem with the DA, even the Mirca on the lowest setting with an interface pad is pig tails. It looks great in the sunlight but look at the surface when there is not as much light with fluorescent lights and you will see your surface covered with pig tails.
@@Amddetailing Yes, I only used Kovax 1500 and 2000 although I did not use a dust extraction vacuum. I also used Trizact 3000 which I suspect may have caused some problems because the pad felt gritty. I will try again and eliminate the Trizact.
When I sand, I always sand without putting pressure on the machine, the pressure is so low that I only control the machine, I sand on the first or second speed depending on the thickness of the coating, and I always wipe both the paper and the element. The holes on the substrate and the paper must match so that they do not retain the remains of the worn-out coating.
@@Amddetailing what pad should I use for orange peel? Carpro velvet pad? I read that the denim pad is too aggressive for factory paint. I'm using a porter cable
Hi, my car has serious water marks and the surface is rather uneven. Can I use the same method as you to remove the water marks and restore the paint? Will sanding shorten the life span of the paint?
Great video, thanks! One question:i have a electric sanding machine (metabo sxe 400) wich have the throw 3 mm instead of 5 mm that you use.Do you think it’s ok 3 mm throw for sanding headlights?
Thank you for your videos. For those whose don’t have a 6” sander. But we have 3” DA polishers with 3mm orbital, can we get a good result? Even with 3” Kovax discs?
super video! What throw does your da have? 5mm? What polishing compound did u use? I think about buying the menzerna 400 or the mirka polarshine 35 and use it with a wool pad to buff out the sanding marks i told you under one of your videos of...what do u think? Edit: And would u have these sanding swirls too (this fine ones over the whole sanded surface i told u of), if you would buff with a foam pad instead of a wool pad? thanks and you are the very best in car detailing ive seen on yt man!!
and what is done with water paper, the video was made to show the difference between dry and wet sanding, which was shown, I don't know what you don't understand
I personally never thought dry sanding would be better, in fact I tought it will be more aggressive, so I went with wet sanding in every polish work I made. Will try definitively.
Good video but it would be better to see the paint micron values after this. maybe you tested before. If paint microns are same with wet and dry with machine its good but you didnt give information about that.You didnt talked about dry sanding damage also its little bit dangerous then wet sanding.For amateurs i cant imagine how dangerous it. You said dry sanding is fast but also cutting so much.So i would like to see pain microns after wet and dry.I guaratee you if you make with dry one place like that and if i work with wet sanding my work probably will more safety and not more damge as dry sanding
So i would see the result in the sun because the LED light shows no microscratches and hologram. All people that see this vid think "ohh thats easy when i do it dry " because you dont show what happen when you not clean the sandpaper and the part ! Then you get more scratches as a wet cut! I think the wool pad is bad for polishing !
on my channel you have several videos shown under unusual conditions, under a lamp and under scengrip and with the headlights on and all possible ways, take a look because you'll see how it looks when it's done properly
on my channel you have several videos shown under unusual conditions, under a lamp and under scengrip and with the headlights on and all possible ways, take a look because you'll see how it looks when it's done properly
I watched your video on dry sanding and used your method on a fender i painted that needed correction and it worked beautifully. Thank you for your videos. Ive learned a lot and quick
Wow , certainly shows a big difference in the sanding options …. It’s DRY for me that’s the best outcome 🙏🙏. Thank you for demonstrating
Tnx bro and enjoy
Dry is the best but on soft clear , wet sanding works well . The best is Norton dry disk on a DA sander. You have to know the paint and how much clear you have to work with and what method to use. Practice, practice and when you think your good ; practice some more !. Have fun !.
I'm no professional, just love keeping my car clean and nice. Gonna tackle a small chip on my A pillar with the Dry and Kovax papers. Thanks once again for your awesome content and videos! 🚗💫🛠️
thank you for following me and I hope it will solve your problem
My thoughts: I find wetsanding to be safer than dry, obviously--Dry sanding is awesome but like you showed in the video, it's faster, meaning it cuts more, again...obviously. When I work with fresh paint, I was never tought to dry sand on it, so IDK if its possible. I've seen 3M educational videos where the first step, 1500 is done dry, then followed up with wet 3000, 5000, polish and done.
I know of the tracks you are referring to when wetsanding, very annoying. Through my experiences, on fresh paint or non, this usually can happen a couple of ways: (1) getting panel too hot to remove sanding marks will cause paint to swell a little and then compound over them, causing this & (2) not using strong enough grit compound to remove the deeper, heavier sanding marks. Imagine I wetsand 2000, and try to cut it with 3Ms Step 2 - Perfect it Polish. Results will be horrible.
You can apply now this same concept/experience by not following up with the correct next step, no matter what step you're on(wetsand, sand, compound, polish). If I sand with 1500 I will, at bare minimum, use 2500 sanding discs to remove the 1500 scratches because if I go straight to 5000, those 1500 marks will just be burried, leaving tracks.
Let me know what you think of my experiences broken down, as I have only been in the paint correction business for 4 years, wetsanding for 1-2.
believe that there is no need to go with 2500 5000 etc. if after sanding you polish with wool, which is the only right thing.
I agree with you on a lot of things, but I'm very satisfied with dry sanding because it's fast, precise and safer than water sanding, because while you're sanding you can see
@@Amddetailing yeah of course anything after 1500, 2000, doesn’t necessarily need to be finer sanded, but it just makes compounding take a bit longer.
You should make a video explaining it bro
@@jacobshank9362 I agree.. you should make a video showing your method.. if you do make one post a comment so I can check it out please good sir.
I've only done 2k dry, 3k wet , step 1,2. 3M trizac system
Great video!
I tried wet sanding a single stage white with heavy orange peel. I caused a lot of damage probably because I didn’t keep the paper clean. Warm weather kept drying up my paper also.
1000 then 2000 then 3M Rubbing Compound was best for my situation. It was easier to see the progress also.
I always go with extra coats of single stage or clear coats now.
We have really learnt a lot from you thank you so much for giving us such great details. Our post paint job is now like have oem finish
Svaka cast doktore... Iskreno nisam za "Smirdex" nikako... Koristim "3m wet or dry sanding" smirglu ali se jako brzo napuni papir kod suvog smirglanja...
Brilijanto, kao i uvek. Suvo brušenje je otkrovenje za mene. Hvala.
Pozdrav,treba mi pomoc ,imam problem sa narancinom korom na blatobranu auta,crna boja,dali da brusim suho ili mokro pa da poliram ili da poslje brusenja ponovno nanesem bazu i lak?
Superb video highlighting the benefits of dry sanding vs wet sanding 👍👍
I almost ALWAYS go with dry sanding! I have practiced my skill for about ten years, and I am able to start sanding with 800 to 1000 grit dry, with an electric DA similar to your Mirka. I can even go as low as 600, if I have a lot of trash in the clear. I'll go 1500, then 2000, and end up with 3000. Only on the last step will I do a wet sand with 3000 on a circular 3M sanding pad, the thick ones, with just a very light spraying of soap water or SprayWay window cleaner. By the time I put the cutting compound on it and polish, it is SUPER easy to finish.
Sir I learn from you so I started dry sanding but here we don't have kovax paper' so I started from Starkey Germany, I feel dry sanding is best I say thank you for sharing knowledge ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
You can order the paper from Amazon, but I that's what I do. I make my boss reimburse me for it.
Brate,jednostavno i to je to. Svaka cast. Industrija komplicira struku do nebesa,a ja skidam kapu svakome tko svodi procese na jednostavno i produktivno. Hvala ti na djeljenju iskustva i znanja. Cijenim to.
Hvala prijatelju😉
Svaka cast Alene
Hvala prijatelju
Спасибо за видео, наглядно🤝 Думал, какая же полировка/матирование лучше. Все вопросы отпали, выбор очевиден)
Сухая шлифовка лучше да?
@@antikorrupciya Да, точно😁
every video on yt said to wet sand and I wasn't getting good results but I kept going and unfortunately I burned through the clear and even some of the base (total rookie mistake, over pressure on the sharp point of the ridge).. it was an experiment so I'm not super concerned as I was ready to respray anyway but man I'll be sticking to dry sanding from now on.
Why would you think you won’t burn through the clear coat and base coat when dry sanding? You’ll get there faster with dry sanding. You must not have been drying the section enough to see how far you went. You sand until the defect is gone, the technique was fine just didn’t do the proper steps to prevent burning. Like you said rookie mistake, but doesn’t mean you should automatically switch to dry sanding.
Great video .. thanks a lot
Got many valuable knowledge and tips
Tnx enjoy
Thank you for your vidéo,i lurn so much,be blessed
Great video! Awesome explanation of the benefits of dry sanding 👏
Tnx friend
You said it ..
Odlican video, svaka cast na trudu 🔝🔝
Hvala prijatelju
Man im so happy i saw this video, thank you 😊
thank you for watching, check out the other content on the channel, there are a lot of useful videos
Does this apply to older cars with lacquer paint jobs? When I grew up, I was always taught to wet sand after painting.
How soon after a paint job do you have to wait for removing orange peel?
after 24 hours it can be sanded, but it is best to wait at least 30 days for all the material that was painted with to sink
Eye opener, thanks. I assume the best way to remove this sanding marks is wool pad plus compound?
Executive video my friend 🤩👌🔥
depend of lot of things
If you makes clearcoat and try to sand like 2 hours after, it's better use WET sanding, less agressives and good result, but if the clearcoat it's completely dry after days, you can use DRY sanding.
And only KOVAX do good dry sand paper, other are rly shit to be honest.
Gosto muito dos seus vídeos!!!
Excelente profissional 👏👏👏👍.
Great video thank you 👌
Thanks for your video.
How much clearcoat was removed by the dry sanding. You didn't show meter after?
you have a link in the video where I recorded how much is removed by sanding
Muy bien explicado. Congratulation!
Saludos. Se ve claramente que el método tradicional de lijado (con lija de agua y solución jabonosa) deja muchas rayas que después es muy difícil de corregir que los lijados en seco con máquina o a mano. Yo lijo con el método tradicional y me dificulta mucho sacar brillo. Mu pregunta es: que tipo de lijadora recomiendas para el lijado con máquina para usarlo con las lijas covax. Gracias por responder. Éxitos
Tnx friend,try Mirka Derose 650 cv
@@Amddetailing En tu experiencia, en comparación con lijadoras neumáticas con las eléctricas, encuentras diferencias o es igual los resultados que se obtienen. !!! Thanks.
I think it depends what you value more... sandpaper or time.. wet sandpaper lasts a lot longer, but it takes longer. Dry is faster but go through sandpaper much faster.
and price difference
What sander are you using ? I want one without the vacuum but same model you are using
mirka dedros 650 cv 5.0
Bravo 🔥🔥🔥Amazing Video like always.
Thank you Big Brother for interesting ideas and video. 👍💪🤙🙏
Tnx bro😉
I see few people use short throw DA to subtitute sanding machine. Is it ok to use 8mm DA for sanding?
i use a short throw DA 3/32" sometimes but usually a Makita random orbit that has a 1/8" throw. 8mm is twice any of those but it's not crazy big. If you're not careful you'll get pig tails. I do wet and keep it as clean as possible. One little piece of trash that gets caught under the sander will make a nasty pig tail shaped scratch. You'll see what i'm talking about. I think sanding dry will have more pig tails.
This video is incomplete. You need to compare WET machine sanding vs DRY machine sanding in order to make conclusion. I bet there isn't difference wet vs dry with both using machine
hi,i want to ask,why should we degrease after we compound?and degrease with normal water or any special things?
The problem with the DA, even the Mirca on the lowest setting with an interface pad is pig tails. It looks great in the sunlight but look at the surface when there is not as much light with fluorescent lights and you will see your surface covered with pig tails.
I made several videos and showed how not to leave traces and what is the reason for leaving traces, so watch it and it will be clearer to you
use Kovax paper with a soft base and you won't have any problems, on the channel you also have a video on how to avoid pig tails when sanding
@@Amddetailing Yes, I only used Kovax 1500 and 2000 although I did not use a dust extraction vacuum. I also used Trizact 3000 which I suspect may have caused some problems because the pad felt gritty. I will try again and eliminate the Trizact.
If this doesn’t work, I may just sand by hand dry with Kovax.
When I sand, I always sand without putting pressure on the machine, the pressure is so low that I only control the machine, I sand on the first or second speed depending on the thickness of the coating, and I always wipe both the paper and the element.
The holes on the substrate and the paper must match so that they do not retain the remains of the worn-out coating.
Can i use wet sanding paper for dry sanding, thank u for ur videos
Would you do this on factory paint with a vehicle with factory orange peel?
I also worked on the factory colors at the customer's request
@@Amddetailing what pad should I use for orange peel? Carpro velvet pad? I read that the denim pad is too aggressive for factory paint. I'm using a porter cable
It all depends on what you doing f ur guide coat dry sand if pants and have effected you want to wet saand
I try a lot of sennding peper and l alweys have a Orange Pearl, so you fink the kovax is beter then the ather?
Yes ,you must try this paper
@@Amddetailing but only buflex kovax or enather kovax to?
And you do gresth job!!!!!
Hi, my car has serious water marks and the surface is rather uneven. Can I use the same method as you to remove the water marks and restore the paint? Will sanding shorten the life span of the paint?
it all depends on how much you take off
Can u use Kovax k-2000 to sand down body filler
Does this work also on gel coat or only car paint and clear coat?
I haven't tried it so I don't know
Hy, very good work, did you u use adbl cut polish with a dewalt rotary with wool?
It's ok
What do you think of denim pads for rotary?
it's great, I worked with it too
I’m going to try dry sanding, so you need special dry sanding paper vs wet sand paper ?
Try Kovax paper
What do they use on show cars?
Great video, thanks!
One question:i have a electric sanding machine (metabo sxe 400) wich have the throw 3 mm instead of 5 mm that you use.Do you think it’s ok 3 mm throw for sanding headlights?
Hello, I am wondering when I have to stop dry sanding before I damage my car ??
Hey boss what brand of dry sand paper is that?
Thank you for your videos. For those whose don’t have a 6” sander. But we have 3” DA polishers with 3mm orbital, can we get a good result? Even with 3” Kovax discs?
Where do you buy the Kovax Sandpaper from?
@@Amddetailing thanks
which you prefer wet or dry sanding for final or finish paint?
dry sanding with kOVAX PAPER
Watching this video now that I finished full body wet sanding a Black Camaro 😅
What polishing compound did you use?
This video is fire. Just came across this. So dry sanding with 1500 then 2000 does this?
watch other videos on the channel
Which machine and pads do you use?
Rupes 21 and mirka wool ,look in video
Good video but it's like watching a silent movie ☹️
super video! What throw does your da have? 5mm?
What polishing compound did u use? I think about buying the menzerna 400 or the mirka polarshine 35 and use it with a wool pad to buff out the sanding marks i told you under one of your videos of...what do u think?
Edit: And would u have these sanding swirls too (this fine ones over the whole sanded surface i told u of), if you would buff with a foam pad instead of a wool pad?
thanks and you are the very best in car detailing ive seen on yt man!!
I used ewocar products, the sander is 5mm displacement, and it is difficult to do with a pad after sanding the wool is number 1
Soundtrack name for first song please.
That paint is pretty . All those different color flakes .
Good luck sir...
Why soapy water for the wetsand instead of pure water. You have less friction due to the soap. I am wrong ?
you are right with the soap the paper slides
How can you call it dry sanding ,when you soaked the paper for 15 min?
and what is done with water paper, the video was made to show the difference between dry and wet sanding, which was shown, I don't know what you don't understand
Was this painted with a roller outside in a sand storm?
Dry is the most efective way for a detailer
Well, it's Kovax, they make the best sandpaper for any metal work.
I personally never thought dry sanding would be better, in fact I tought it will be more aggressive, so I went with wet sanding in every polish work I made. Will try definitively.
Try Kovax papers😉
Where are those da sandpaper sold 6" especially where to look
Kovax official page
Very nice
Didn't know there were not the same wet or dry sanding paper.
nothing works like machine no matter how careful one is by using hand to sand it can't be as smooth as the one done with machine.
Foam Polisher vs. Fur next video? :D
If you have a lot of orange peel wet is the only option, dry clogs up too much
Good video but it would be better to see the paint micron values after this. maybe you tested before. If paint microns are same with wet and dry with machine its good but you didnt give information about that.You didnt talked about dry sanding damage also its little bit dangerous then wet sanding.For amateurs i cant imagine how dangerous it. You said dry sanding is fast but also cutting so much.So i would like to see pain microns after wet and dry.I guaratee you if you make with dry one place like that and if i work with wet sanding my work probably will more safety and not more damge as dry sanding
I had a video about the measurements after what you watched, and dry sanding is much safer than wet sanding, and I explained why
I never knew wet is the worst
Mirka cool
Very nice tools
Wet sanding is easyest way, and more safety for you health.
That's what you think and that's ok, but trust me with kovax papers it's much faster, more efficient and safer
Jason Killmer would tend to disagree.
Dry sanding wins 👍
2000 was not coarse enough for the deep orange peel on the wet sand. 1200 or so would have made more sense, even 1500. 😐
So i would see the result in the sun because the LED light shows no microscratches and hologram. All people that see this vid think "ohh thats easy when i do it dry " because you dont show what happen when you not clean the sandpaper and the part ! Then you get more scratches as a wet cut! I think the wool pad is bad for polishing !
on my channel you have several videos shown under unusual conditions, under a lamp and under scengrip and with the headlights on and all possible ways, take a look because you'll see how it looks when it's done properly
on my channel you have several videos shown under unusual conditions, under a lamp and under scengrip and with the headlights on and all possible ways, take a look because you'll see how it looks when it's done properly
You didnt remove orange peel completely!
You don't compare machine wet sand vs machine dry sand
Looks like dry sanding is better
Or just buy a car with no paint. Problem solved
Why 1500, try 800 grit, make a video, 800 makes it look like glass and takes out 100% Orange peel
800 is too rough and peels off the coating
Kovax secco umido e una garanzia 😊
It all depends on what you doing f ur guide coat dry sand if pants and have effected you want to wet saand
Majstore 👍