All 1999 Gemini Skin Transformations |

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @koslova.2151
    @koslova.2151 3 дня назад +33

    Male frames: I'll do something with my weapon/ability, and transform
    Female frames: *Effín' mahou shojo transformation (specially Aoi)*

    • @scottallen2966
      @scottallen2966 3 дня назад +3

      Cmon, Aoi made a metal (orogami) crane

    • @justinphan2005
      @justinphan2005 3 дня назад +1

      @@scottallen2966 still that sailor moon pose

  • @hartantoanggoro
    @hartantoanggoro 3 дня назад +14

    Amir has the drip and Lettie has a ripped jeans

    • @ek9750
      @ek9750 2 дня назад

      yea her suit design sucks and the short pants look horrible

    • @hartantoanggoro
      @hartantoanggoro 2 дня назад

      @ek9750 for a medic, a proper shorts would be better. But all the budget is for Amir drip.

  • @blueseeker93
    @blueseeker93 День назад

    Love that Aoi is pretty much like those 90s Anime girl transformation

    • @rectro_washere
      @rectro_washere  12 часов назад

      The sparkles around her really adds to it too

  • @tosstt9936
    @tosstt9936 3 дня назад +4

    sorry for the random question but what weapon is that? looks sick and u havent seen it before

    • @rectro_washere
      @rectro_washere  3 дня назад +5

      I'm using the Stahlta with the unreal tournament skin. This skin obtained by logging in by December 23rd

    • @bloodyrose7703
      @bloodyrose7703 3 дня назад

      @@rectro_washere that being said i randomly out of nowhere recieved the unreal tournament skins last week

    • @polar1371
      @polar1371 3 дня назад

      ​@@bloodyrose7703 FREE FOR LIMITED TIME AAAAAAAAAA-
      FR tho I already had em but then I got them AGAIN. 😅

  • @artyomxiii
    @artyomxiii 3 дня назад

    Can i know what name of that captura and how you get it?

  • @y-ms8yq
    @y-ms8yq 3 дня назад

    How get that?

    • @rectro_washere
      @rectro_washere  2 дня назад

      You can buy the complete Gemini emote bundle from the market for 1200 plat, or buy them individually for 275p each