When God Threw Truth to the Ground | Parshat Chayei Sarah | Into The Verse Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 26 июн 2024
  • The Midrash says that chesed and emet, Kindness and Truth, disagreed about whether God should create humankind. And the puzzling outcome of that argument was: “God took Truth and threw it to the earth.” But what does that actually mean? The answer may be in Parshat Chayei Sarah, where chesed and emet “meet up” for the very first time in a rather surprising place: the story of how Rebecca was chosen to be Isaac’s wife.
    Join Ari Levisohn and Tikva Hecht as they dig into the details of this story and uncover a message about our human struggle to understand what God means by “truth.”
    Looking for Rabbi Fohrman’s video discussing Abraham, Nachor, and their marriages? Check it out here: bit.ly/3FL2mx8
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    0:00 Intro
    1:03 A Perplexing Midrash
    1:37 Kindness and Truth Meet Up
    5:31 Throwing Truth to the Earth
    7:38 Abraham Seeks a Wife for Isaac
    9:48 Eliezer Asks for a Sign
    13:02 God Does Kindness and Truth
    14:44 Maimonides on Truth in the Garden of Eden
    18:00 What “Truth” Does God Grant Eliezer?
    22:03 What’s So “True” About This Match?
    24:57 Kindness in Abraham’s Family
    29:40 The First “Truth” in the Torah
    33:54 How Does Truth Sprout from the Earth?
    37:49 Figuring Out God’s Truth
    41:27 Your Turn: Help Answer Our Questions

Комментарии • 21

  • @nasesplace
    @nasesplace 7 месяцев назад +2

    Animals are symbolic for our animalistic nature. She is kind to both those who are kind and symbolically,those not,represented by the animals, friends and enemies. We haven't done much if we are only kind to our friends. Kindness to all is the whole truth. She is righteously kind.

  • @rtwoods
    @rtwoods 7 месяцев назад +3

    You're missing the other midrash where Eliezer wanted his daughter to marry Yitzhak. The truth he was led to was that his child was not meant for Yitzhak. Through his encounter with Rivkah at the well, Emet was given to him via the miracles that revealed her high status. His further as for Emet from the family was evoking Hashem to continue with this path of truth and placing Lavan and his mother in a situation where they knew ultimately this was in the hands of Hashem, basically telling him, you already know emet stop looking for a way out.

  • @jamiehaggard2269
    @jamiehaggard2269 6 месяцев назад

    Throw Truth to Earth
    I Swear to tell the Truth the whole Truth so help me God
    God is Judge
    Speak Truth

  • @nasesplace
    @nasesplace 7 месяцев назад +1

    Throwing truth to the earth is like saying," I put my essence in Man,through this woman". Adam is of the earth. Adam means human. Then after putting truth in flesh she served flesh as though a servant to the fleshly natured people as well thus being thrown to the earth to serve the earth(Man).

  • @108_Renee
    @108_Renee 7 месяцев назад

    Have you ever told a half-truth (which is not really truth), but HaShem had events unfold so that your half-truth actually became the entire truth? I have seen this in my life. It has felt in the end as both truth and kindness were served.
    Eleazar only speaks half a truth to Laban about what he relays were his master’s instruction-yet somehow, HaShem allows events to unfold that allows the half truth to become whole.
    I don’t know-that’s just what came to my mind.
    I enjoy your podcasts very much-thank you for the time and care you put into them.

    • @nonenow857
      @nonenow857 7 месяцев назад

      I never thought of that. Since truth is desired in the inward parts. I perceived Eliezer as being discerning of Laban's character and did not share fully.
      Hm, not sure...

  • @Binyamin.Tsadik
    @Binyamin.Tsadik 7 месяцев назад

    Truth and Peace are opposites in the Story of Abraham and Sarah.
    God forgoes truth for the sake of Peace.
    And we know that Tsedek is Gevurah and opposite to Chessed.
    What we see here is how these opposites kiss in this union.
    Isaac is the side of Justice and Peace.
    Rebecca is the side of Kindness and Tuth.

  • @chericandream
    @chericandream 7 месяцев назад +1

    sWORD Spirit and Truth -- 7th day sAbbAth's Seal -- Covenant IN Loyalty
    The Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah= Spirit= AbbA Creator Father.
    Yahu'Sha Hebrew Anointed SonShip= sWORD and Head(ROCK) to body(stones) of congregation covenant loyal (be)living IN earth, that adhere TO His voice: (Yashra'Al)
    ...The Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign saves. Emet ❤️
    Praise and thanks to the Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah for His 'Saving Will' Testimony IN His anointed Hebrew Son Yahu'Sha Messiah.
    Prayers, blessings, and peace (restoration) of the ❤️, for those that adhere TO His voice, covenant, and commandments.
    Love you Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign of my breath, soul, and the blood IN my veins (DNA).
    (Psalm 90:12-17)
    So teach us TO number our days, That we (may) apply our hearts unTO wisdom. Return, Oh Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign, how long? And let it repent thee concerning thy servants. Oh satisfy us (early) with thy mercy; That we (may) rejoice and be glad all our days.
    And counting:
    ...1st day/night season of the WorkWeek,
    ...2nd day/night season of the WorkWeek,
    ...3rd day/night season of the WorkWeek
    ...4th day/night season of the WorkWeek,
    ...5th day/night season of the WorkWeek,
    ...6th day/night season of the WorkWeek (double up):
    ...for the morrow’s morning IS the Seventh day/night sAbbAth's season. Emet ❤️
    What was Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob considered before the 12 tribes were born?
    ...And before Yahu'Sha the anointed Hebrew Messiah, rather than the Roman religion's man-made diety with the Greek name that has no power and authority IN the Kingdom's throne.
    ...Go to (Genesis Chapters 15-17) and (Hebrews Chapter 11) to understand the Covenant Loyalty and 'Saving Will' Testimony of the Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign ❤️
    ...They were all faithful, obedient, and walked with the Most High Sovereign IN UpRightNess, Kingdom MindSet Justice, and were SetApart from embedded pagan world religious conditioning and dogma. Tsion ❤️

  • @nonenow857
    @nonenow857 7 месяцев назад

    How do you think Isaiah 59 fits here? Especially verses 14, 15? One rendering is, Justice (משפט) has fallen in the streets..., and truth (האמת ) is lacking?

  • @nasesplace
    @nasesplace 7 месяцев назад

    Eve came out of Adam thus sprouting from the earth.Come out of her my people.

  • @nasesplace
    @nasesplace 7 месяцев назад

    His people are the Truth.

  • @rehoboth_farm
    @rehoboth_farm 7 месяцев назад

    Then HaShem G-d formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
    עָפָר֙ מִן־ הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה
    What was the sin in the garden? Ultimately, what is Truth? Man, created from the dust of the Earth, is punished for their desire to differentiate between good and evil, to seek out Truth, the desire to be like G-d. The price is a life of hardship and ultimately death. ...till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. And the Nachash? ...upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. עָפָ֖ר

  • @nasesplace
    @nasesplace 7 месяцев назад

    There are 2kinds of Mankind. Those who have control of their animalistic nature,they are righteously kind, and those who do not and they are not righteous but often look kind because they do kind things but not with the right heart. They are chaotic.

  • @nasesplace
    @nasesplace 7 месяцев назад

    The first truth in flesh was Eve.

  • @jamiehaggard2269
    @jamiehaggard2269 6 месяцев назад

    Milk of Sarah

  • @cesarioserrato5306
    @cesarioserrato5306 7 месяцев назад +1

    When Hashem threw Emet to the ground
    He was looking for it to sprout out like bread.
    As an example, the hamotzi bracha. Something natural, something organic, something good. This is just my opinion i'm not saying i'm right or not

  • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
    @SeanRhoadesChristopher 7 месяцев назад

    “וַיַּעַן אֹתָם יֵשׁוּעַ לֵאמֹר הִנֵּה בָּא הַמּוֹעֵד וּבֶן־הָאָדָם נֶאְדָּר יִהְיֶה בִּכְבוֹדוֹ׃ אָמֵן אָמֵן אֲנִי אֹמֵר לָכֶם גַּרְגַּר דָּגָן אִם לֹא־יִפֹּל וָמֵת בְּתוֹךְ הָאָרֶץ יִשָּׁאֵר לְבַדּוֹ וְאִם יָמוּת יוֹצִיא זֶרַע רָב׃ הָאֹהֵב אֶת־נַפְשׁוֹ תִּכָּרֶת־לוֹ וְהַשּׂנֵא אֶת־נַפְשׁוֹ בָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה שְׁמֻרָה תִהְיֶה־לּוֹ לְחַיֵּי עַד׃ מִי־הֶחָפֵץ לְשָׁרְתֵנִי יֵלֵךְ בְּעִקְּבוֹתַי וּבַאֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה אֲנִי שָׁם יִהְיֶה גַם־מְשָׁרְתִי וְכִי אִישׁ יְשָׁרֵת אֹתִי אֹתוֹ יְכַבֵּד הָאָב׃ עַתָּה נִבְהֲלָה נַפְשִׁי וּמָה אֹמַר הַצִּילֵנִי אָבִי מִן־עֵת הַמּוֹעֵד הַזֶּה אַךְ עַל־כֵּן בָּאתִי לַמּוֹעֵד הַזֶּה׃ אָבִי גַּדֵּל כְּבוֹד שְׁמֶךָ וְהִנֵּה קוֹל עֹנֶה מִשָּׁמַיִם גִּדַּלְתִּי כְבוֹדוֹ וְגַם־אֲגַדְּלֶנּוּ עוֹד׃ ” (John 12:23-28, Hebrew NT SG)

    • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
      @SeanRhoadesChristopher 7 месяцев назад

      “וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו יֵשׁוּעַ אָנֹכִי הַדֶּרֶךְ וְהָאֱמֶת וְהַחַיִּים וְאִישׁ לֹא־יָבֹא אֶל־הָאָב בִּלְתִּי עַל־יָדִי׃ לוּ אֹתִי יְדַעְתֶּם יְדַעְתֶּם גַּם אֶת־אָבִי וּמֵעַתָּה יְדַעְתֶּם אֹתוֹ וְגַם־רְאִיתֶם אֹתוֹ׃” (John 14:6-7, Hebrew NT SG)
      “וַיֹּאמֶר יֵשׁוּעַ אֶל־הַיְּהוּדִים הַמַּאֲמִינִים בּוֹ אִם־תַּעַמְדוּ בִּדְבָרַי אָז תִּהְיוּ תַלְמִידַי בֶּאֱמֶת וּבְתָמִים׃ כִּי תַשְׂכִּילוּ אֶת־הָאֱמֶת וְהָאֱמֶת תַּעֲשֶׂה אֶתְכֶם חָפְשִׁים׃ ” (John 8:31-32, Hebrew NT SG)

    • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
      @SeanRhoadesChristopher 7 месяцев назад

      @@user-pd7il3xz5j “And the Lord said: Forasmuch as this people draw near, and with their mouth and with their lips do honour Me, but have removed their heart far from Me, and their fear of Me is a commandment of men learned by rote;” (Isaiah 29:13, JPS)