Carter and Collins

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • The All Black's show they are the dogs B****cks.
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Комментарии • 19

  • @DrAAAli
    @DrAAAli 8 лет назад +3

    These interviews with Carling are!

  • @Serghey13
    @Serghey13 15 лет назад

    shut up all off them are and were great players.......they are an example to each and every one off us.......who cares who is better........carter,spencer,wilkinson........legends.....

  • @vinniechan
    @vinniechan 15 лет назад

    Just look at how many points Wilko scored with 4 out his 10 years being injured.

  • @vinniechan
    @vinniechan 15 лет назад

    that's harsh. it's like comparing Lomu with Habana (arguably the best winger today Bryan is just the complete package) and say Lomu was crap as he wouldn't survive the game today.
    I admit - and feel sad about - the fact that Wilko spent so much time injured that he got left behind by the game. that still doesn't take away the fact that England played the winning rugby and he was the best man for the job at that time. he's shining light to all sportsmen

  • @MitsiMits
    @MitsiMits 15 лет назад

    Yes I have seen those games, and again I say everyone has an opinion.
    World Class? ahhh ok, if that's what you want to call it.
    Carter is miles ahead of Wilko, call it national ego if you want, I call it common sense :)

  • @MariyaMartell
    @MariyaMartell 17 лет назад

    When was this?

  • @vinniechan
    @vinniechan 15 лет назад

    Point being, they were the best at playing the type of rugby required to win in their respective time
    Yeah the last Lions was a total shamble Clive fucked it up royally.
    Carter got injured against France in RWC and looked miserable on the bench but so what? it doesn't take away the achievements from a player (Carter didn't look too good when he moved along the backline one place in Hong Kong and so what)

  • @MitsiMits
    @MitsiMits 15 лет назад

    While Lomu isn't exactly the player that Habana is, (and I question you statement that he is the best winger today)unlike "Wilko", Lomu could do more than one thing :)
    Shining light? HA! Getting tackled once which results in you getting hurt and sitting out a year makes you a shining light?
    How much of a shining light was he during the last Lions tour here to NZ?
    Where was the glory boy then? Moved futher out in the backline so he wouldn't be made to look stupid or get hurt...didn't work :)

  • @Serghey13
    @Serghey13 15 лет назад

    from what are u saying to me.......i think i know more about great rugby players from all over world not only from NZ........

  • @hanros98
    @hanros98 14 лет назад

    please people ignore stevenbissett and this is coming from an all blacks fan

  • @MitsiMits
    @MitsiMits 15 лет назад

    Difference is Carter can play more than just a kicking game, "Wilko" can't :)
    Carter has his off days, who doesn't? but at least he's not moved to due to the fact that he lacks all the necessary skills to play in said position, or coz the coach doesn't want him to get hurt or made a fool of like "Wilko".
    Continue thinking that the sun shines out of his ass, we can't all have taste now can we :)

  • @MitsiMits
    @MitsiMits 15 лет назад

    It's easy to say you played "first class rugby" isn't it.
    I wasn't aware one had to be a "first class" rugby player to be able to have a debate with someone over rugby.
    Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and they don't need the approval of others to have them :)
    I don't need to have an ego to voice my opinions. English people praise Wilko, but do you accuse them of saying such things due to national ego.?
    Nope, maybe if I look under your self promotion boast I might :)

  • @MitsiMits
    @MitsiMits 15 лет назад

    LMFAO Running game my ass.
    Yes, blame Clive for the fact that the whole team sucked.
    "Wilko can play a running game like a prop can play at fullback.
    You're right, England does try to win by whatever means necessary, it's called when you can't gain any territory, lets either cheat or ruin a good game by kicking drop goals.
    The way you all talk "Wilko" up you indeed make out as if the sun shines out of his ass.
    Face facts, he's not great. He never will be so build a bridge :)

  • @MitsiMits
    @MitsiMits 15 лет назад

    You're from Romania, WTF would you know about great rugby players?

  • @MitsiMits
    @MitsiMits 15 лет назад

    LMFAO!! How sad of you to base this claim of how great he is on the fact that he scored 2 tries. As I've said before on here, even O'Gara is better than him.
    WOW!, even Grant Fox scored a try, that doesn't mean I'm going to put him in the ranks of an ALL ROUND first class First Five.
    Preach to someone who believes that he deserved the Kudos he gets.
    He was never and will never be in the same class as Carter, Mehrtens, Carter and even Spencer. Unlike him they were/ are all more than a boot

  • @MitsiMits
    @MitsiMits 15 лет назад

    If all he wanted to do, let me correct myself, COULD do was kick, then play soccer and leave Rugby to REAL rugby players, not cotton wool covered glory boys :)
    I mean Ronan O'Gara is better than him, and that's saying something LMAO

  • @dubbadekken
    @dubbadekken 16 лет назад

    Geez, awkward much?
    The English guy's annoying.