@@A_o1j يا صديقي كل شئ يحدث بإرادة الله .. حتى الانفجار الكبير وخلق الكون بإرادة الله وهو خالق الطاقة و الكتلة التي سبقت الانفجار العظيم .. لا يوجد في الفيديو ما يوحي بأن الله لم يخلق الكون
كل التوفيق لكن هناك من لا يسمع ويعرف القراءه فقط وهم شريحه كبيره في المجتمع العربي لهم الحق ان يتعلمون ويمكن جذبهم من خلال كتابة النص المنطوق من خلال الذكاء الاصطناعي.
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم.. السماوات والأرض والكون عند الكرسي إلا كحلقة القيت في صحرآء.. والكرسي أصغر بكثير من العرش العظيم.. سبحانه وتعالى خالق كل شئ.. ورساله لكل صاحب تفكير محدود وفكر مولود وعمر معدود..
هذا الموضوع شيق للغايه ،فالجواب لسوال كيف بدا الخلق ينقسم الى قسمان ! القسم الاول وهو كالذي كان قد وضع بشكير على كتفه وعندما اراد استعماله راح يبحث عنه في كل مكان من البيت وحتى خارج البيت !؟ نعم ، والقسم الثاني عندما باس وتذكر انه عليه ! فنحن اذا اردنا ان نعرف شي ما يجب ان يكون مقابله مقومات موازن له ،نحن نسينا اذا نريد ان نعرف ما كان قبل ان كنا وكيف فيجب ان لا نكون ،من هو فينا مستعد ان يذهب بلا رجعه -ال معموله ليس لها اعتراض على العالم -فيزياء المنطق ،- الفيديو ممتع والله ،
بداء الكون بسم الله العظيم القوي لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له في ملكه بكلمة بسيطة كن فيكن اكتشفنا عظمة الله الحي القيوم الذي لا يغفل عليه شيء❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
لو تعمل زر تبرع مباشر بدلا من الإعلانات .. فكل معجب بهذه القناة يمكنه التبرع حتى بدولارين أو أكثر . هذه الخاصية موجودة في كثير من القنوات الجادة والتي تسعى للإستقلالية عن الإعلانات وتكون أكثر فائدة للمشاهدين .
الإنسان ومنذ وجد على هذه الارض والعلم التي توصلله الإنسان مضافا باليه علم الالهة المرافقة للإنسان وعل مها لم يتمكنوا من معرفة من ءاين خرج الكون وكيف خرجنا منه
We need to distinguish between matter/energy level (where humans live ) and subatomic level where everything happening .The classic physics in matter/energy level cannot be applied on subatomic level, our observation is a reflection to what is happening on subatomic level including time ,for example, what we experience it as heat is actually atoms vibrating on subatomic level, and what we see it shinning is actually photons created and ejected from an object undergoing transformation on subatomic level. The whole universe works on subatomic level, The universe does not see sun ,earth , planets , trees and buildings. It sees concentration of particles that form these objects, and with particles it deals, any term in physics associated with matter/energy is meaningless or does not exist on quantum level including (mass,force,time,energy,...etc) so in this case any physical laws that include these terms does not apply on quantum level. We need to find the aspects that play role and the physical laws that govern them on inertia scale ,and they are thousands if not millions, the mathematical equations are few kilometers long,you call uber to correct something at the other side of it. We can understand quantum physic better if we use the term (behavior of particles of the universe) , there are nothing such as particles, there are only particles of the universe and the universe forces particles to behave on a certain way in certain conditions and one of these behaviors is gravity, gravity is behavior of particles, dark matter is behavior of particles , Why Oxygen is a gas and iron is solid metal is behavior of particles , Why photons penetrate glass and reflected on other media is behaviors of particles ,any chemical process or reaction is behavior of particles. Why some elements mix with each other and some not is behaviours of particles, Movement in space is behavior of particles, the electrical charge (- and +) are behavior of particles (so they are not properties of particles),double slit experiment is behavior of particles, the Gyroscope is behavior of particles, the speed of light is behavior of particles, and ALL fundamental forces humans know are actually behavior of particles ,particles change their behavior accordingly with the circumstances surrounding them The existence of black holes is still to be investigated ,but for the moment let's assume there is black hole in the center of each galaxy, the galactical behavior is totally different than the behavior of mass on smaller scale like planets orbiting stars and solar systems which controlled by what we know as gravity ,on galactical scale it is totally different (no matter if they are close or far from the center of the galaxy) , where the stars far from the center of the galaxy orbit faster than the stars close to the center of the galaxy ,The only explanation for this is that the behavior of particles is a function of distance (or space) let's take 2 magnets north and south and put them close to each other ,their particles will change behavior and pull each other and if we move them away from each other their particles behavior start to change, and the attraction force starts to weaken so space in fact change the behaviors of particles, the same applies for matter that circle the galaxy ,the space is much greater of matter in galaxies than space between the mass on solar systems ,that is why particles on galactical level behave differently. This was explained by scientists by the effect of dark matter So for all what mentioned above the origin of the universe was not the big bang but when particles started to get their properties and behaviors and atoms started to bond together and take shape to form matter and its companion energy ,the universe was different to what we see now ,The properties and behaviours of particle are ever changing ,and continue to do so for ever. Entropy is a good example for this. The issue with big bang theory is that it turned many aspects of the universe to constants, and we know very well that nothing in the universe is constant everything is changing all the time (including properties and behaviors of particles ) and everything is moving in space, and nothing is stand still. We have expansion of the universe and we have a big bang ,we just need to fill the gap between them and we have a theory of creation. The behaviors of particles in your body is interacting with,the particles surrounding them ,the particles of the planet you are on, the particles of the solar system your planet in, the particles of galaxy your solar system part of, and particles of all galaxies in the universe, particles have multy behaviors at the same time. So if we remove all galaxies in the universe ,and only remain you and the most distance galaxy then the particles of your body will behave according with this galaxy. The change in properties and behaviors of particles over de course of time was not equal or at the same rate everywhere in the universe, some regions didn't develop matter yet or developed to different properties We can say that vacuum is existence, or part of existence ,and what applies on everything exists in the universe applies also on vacuum, but humans observe vacuum from their perspective in matter/energy level , if we want to know and identify vacuum from perspective of quantum level then it will be something totally different ,if we say vacuum is absence of particles (and I mean everything we call particle, even fundamental particles) then still vacuum is influenced by the same aspects of the universe that influent all particles and give particles their properties and behaviors, so vacuum in a way or another does carry the properties and behavior by the influence of the aspects of the universe and because vacuum fill the gap between particles (at least what we know till now) then vacuum play major role in "communication" between the aspects of the universe and particle. was the early universe only vacuum ,then particles started to emerge? Humans are limited to their senses and brain ability and accuracy of their equipment's so there are lot of aspects in the universe human cannot interact with for example multi dimensions so it will take some time to know what vacuum consist of and its behaviors and properties So any thing happening around us could be and must be explained on behavior of particles on subatomic level,the big masses matter on any size are eventually composite of particles..and the behaviour of their particles gives the big masses their behaviors and actions in space It is certain that all particles have no mass,mass only starts to build when atoms start to bond and make matter ,so anything more that 2 atoms have mass..mass is something associated with matter/energy level ,it is nonsens that some think that the mass of big bodies is the summation of the masses of its particles , Where are the boundaries?,when we are going to apply the quantum physics rules and when we are going to apply classical physics,explanning this is very long task ,but there is one principle here is that the formation of atoms from Hydrogen till atoms of heavy element all subject to quantum level and mainly ruled by behaviours of particles any thing comes after is subject for matter/energy level still we need to take into account that the bonds between atoms of the same elment,or the bonds between atoms of different elements are directly concidered as behaviours of particles,if we understand this it will lead us to know how all elements and anything matter or energy formed and have its own charastaristices and properties and their transformation froma stat to another and from sort element to another by fusion ,decay ,radiation or what ever process . Are life and biological realm a product or a consequence of behaviour of particles on subatomic level ,the answer is yes,The ingredients in humans body or any living body even small tiny single cell creatures are all made from the same elements that every thing in the universe is made off,the difference is that they have life,or what we call it life. So what kind and what percentage of each element available on a planet that have the right environment to support life would create what kind of biological world..? yes you got right ,the possibilities are infinite. We see this very clear on differences between plants ,animals,humans and the biological world as a whole on each continent on earth it self,The biological developments started on many places on earth at the same time separately and still happening till now days ,so nothing fell from the skies that caused to kick start life on earth, and it is an example how behaviours of particles follow a certain path when it goes higher in complexity level.So it was not a spark.
مستحيل احد يعرف الإجابة الصحيحة أنا أتوقع أن الكون عبارة عن فراغ كبير جدا ومظلم وبارد بعد ذلك حصل حاجة ونشأت الكواكب والشمس والضوء وفي النهاية سوف تنتهي الحياة ويعود الكون إلى الفراغ والظلام والبرودة الشديدة او ربما تكون الحياة أزلية فعلا الموضوع محير ومعقد لذلك الناس تتبع الأديان لكي ترتاح من التفكير
طبعا ..الاديان وجدت لتطئن البشر .لانهم ضعفاء ومحكومون بالموت .. فوجدت الاديان لتداعب عقل البشر ..لكنها لم تجب عن شيئ .. بل فقط كانت تحكي قصص .........!!!
كلام ربك سخافة في سخافة هدف محمد جعل الانسان ادات تخدم رغبته الجنسية اللعنة على محمد ودينه وكل سخافته وكذالك المجد للعلم و الملحدين وليتبول العالم على القرأن
هل قرأت التفسير؟؟ تفسير يتحدث عن ابليس وجن وانه لم يستفسرهم في خلق الكون وإنما خلقه دونه وهل تعرف ان صاحب نظرية الانفجار العظيم كان قس مسيحي؟؟ هل تعرف الملاحده كانوا يعتقدون ان كون اللي وليس له بدايه(وهذا معتقد كان مخالف للقرآن) ورفضوا نظرية الانفجار؟؟ اخي الملحدين سيفسرون العلم ليدعم آرائهم سواء كانت الارض كرويه ام مسطحه والموضوع الاديان والالحاد موضوع فلسفي فلا اعرف ما دخل العلم في الموضوع
طيب ليش الخالق ما أخبرنا بنشأة الكون من حقنا ان نعرف ماذا استفيد من قصص واخبار الامم الهالكة والتي ستكون معرضة للهلاك وانا لا أعرف من اين اتيت ولا يوجد تفسير واضح وصريح لإصل نشأة الكون انا كيف أصدق علوم البشر واجتهادهم او برسالة رسول مبهمة؟!!! لا أستطيع إيقاف عقلي عن التفكير
هذا احد اكثر الفيديوهات التي اجتهدت في العمل عليها. أتمنى ان ينال رضاكم ❤
مبدع ربي يحفظك
عمل عظيم شكرا لك❤
شكرا لك علي المجهود الجميل هذا ❤🌹
هذ فديو غلط الكون خلقه الله سبحانه ولكواكب. ونجوم وكل شي فل تنشر كلام ملحدين
يا صديقي كل شئ يحدث بإرادة الله .. حتى الانفجار الكبير وخلق الكون بإرادة الله وهو خالق الطاقة و الكتلة التي سبقت الانفجار العظيم .. لا يوجد في الفيديو ما يوحي بأن الله لم يخلق الكون
جمي ومختصر ومفيد
الله اكبر كبيرا و والحمد الله كثيرا
Bisme illeh allahomma salli ala Mohamed rasulo illeh
Dio vi benedica mondo
كل التوفيق لكن هناك من لا يسمع ويعرف القراءه فقط وهم شريحه كبيره في المجتمع العربي لهم الحق ان يتعلمون ويمكن جذبهم من خلال كتابة النص المنطوق من خلال الذكاء الاصطناعي.
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم.. السماوات والأرض والكون عند الكرسي إلا كحلقة القيت في صحرآء.. والكرسي أصغر بكثير من العرش العظيم.. سبحانه وتعالى خالق كل شئ.. ورساله لكل صاحب تفكير محدود وفكر مولود وعمر معدود..
هذا الموضوع شيق للغايه ،فالجواب لسوال كيف بدا الخلق ينقسم الى قسمان ! القسم الاول وهو كالذي كان قد وضع بشكير على كتفه وعندما اراد استعماله راح يبحث عنه في كل مكان من البيت وحتى خارج البيت !؟ نعم ، والقسم الثاني عندما باس وتذكر انه عليه ! فنحن اذا اردنا ان نعرف شي ما يجب ان يكون مقابله مقومات موازن له ،نحن نسينا اذا نريد ان نعرف ما كان قبل ان كنا وكيف فيجب ان لا نكون ،من هو فينا مستعد ان يذهب بلا رجعه -ال معموله ليس لها اعتراض على العالم -فيزياء المنطق ،- الفيديو ممتع والله ،
حقا استمتعت بالاستماع اليه
ما شهدتهم خلق السماوات والارض ولا خلق انفسهم. مجرد تخيلات لا يمكن اثباتها.
كما لا يمكن إثبات وجود سماوات
Respect 👍
بداء الكون بسم الله العظيم القوي لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له في ملكه بكلمة بسيطة كن فيكن اكتشفنا عظمة الله الحي القيوم الذي لا يغفل عليه شيء❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر
ابداع جارى المشاهده
عاشت ايدك استاذ واللوغو كلش حلو ومميز 😍
أحسنت النشر جهود مباركه دمتم بخير سالمين 🌹
شكرا جزيلا 🌹❤️
شكرا على هذا العمل الجبار
جزاكم الله كل خير على هذا العمل الرائع
شكرا شكرا شكرا ❤
قال الملحد هوكينج الكون بدا من نقطة وقال خالق الكون :(( ما اشهدتهم خلق السماوات والارض )) صدق الله العظيم وكذب هوكينج .
شرا جزيلاً
قناة تستاهل الاشتراك صراحة❤
مبدع كالعادة
افكار وتحليل مميز 💫💫💫🙏🙏🙏
Bisme illeh al iilmo nuron
المهم ان الكون وجد .ووجد من الاشيء او الصفر كم هو زمن الاشيء او الاوجود ءاوبلا وجود كون ...
لو تعمل زر تبرع مباشر بدلا من الإعلانات .. فكل معجب بهذه القناة يمكنه التبرع حتى بدولارين أو أكثر .
هذه الخاصية موجودة في كثير من القنوات الجادة والتي تسعى للإستقلالية عن الإعلانات وتكون أكثر فائدة للمشاهدين .
تبرع لمن ؟!!!ولماذا ؟!!
الكون ليس له حدود او وقت او بداية او نهاية متل الأرقام........
استغفر الله
الإنسان ومنذ وجد على هذه الارض والعلم التي توصلله الإنسان مضافا باليه علم الالهة المرافقة للإنسان وعل مها لم يتمكنوا من معرفة من ءاين خرج الكون وكيف خرجنا منه
جميل جدا ❤ استمر
انا هروح
خلقهو الله
لماذا لانقوم بدمج جميع العناصر ممكن ان تقودنا لشي يكون مرتبط بالبدايه
بالفعل قام العلماء بدمج عناصر الخلية لانتاج خلية جديد لكنهم لم يستطيعوا احياءها الى بعد اخذ العناصر من خليا حية ودمجها
اظن انه كان هناك وجود أو بأكثر من وجود وربما أكثر قبل ان يوجد الكون الحالي ....
اذا قال ستيفن هوكين ان لم يكن هناك شيء فهذا علم واذا قرانا في القران ان الكون مخلوق نقول هذا دين وليس بعلم اننا نحدث عن عقل صغير لا يعلم الا الفتات
We need to distinguish between matter/energy level (where humans live ) and subatomic level where everything happening .The classic physics in matter/energy level cannot be applied on subatomic level, our observation is a reflection to what is happening on subatomic level including time ,for example, what we experience it as heat is actually atoms vibrating on subatomic level, and what we see it shinning is actually photons created and ejected from an object undergoing transformation on subatomic level.
The whole universe works on subatomic level, The universe does not see sun ,earth , planets , trees and buildings. It sees concentration of particles that form these objects, and with particles it deals, any term in physics associated with matter/energy is meaningless or does not exist on quantum level including (mass,force,time,energy,...etc) so in this case any physical laws that include these terms does not apply on quantum level. We need to find the aspects that play role and the physical laws that govern them on inertia scale ,and they are thousands if not millions, the mathematical equations are few kilometers long,you call uber to correct something at the other side of it. We can understand quantum physic better if we use the term (behavior of particles of the universe) , there are nothing such as particles, there are only particles of the universe and the universe forces particles to behave on a certain way in certain conditions and one of these behaviors is gravity, gravity is behavior of particles, dark matter is behavior of particles , Why Oxygen is a gas and iron is solid metal is behavior of particles , Why photons penetrate glass and reflected on other media is behaviors of particles ,any chemical process or reaction is behavior of particles. Why some elements mix with each other and some not is behaviours of particles, Movement in space is behavior of particles, the electrical charge (- and +) are behavior of particles (so they are not properties of particles),double slit experiment is behavior of particles, the Gyroscope is behavior of particles, the speed of light is behavior of particles, and ALL fundamental forces humans know are actually behavior of particles ,particles change their behavior accordingly with the circumstances surrounding them
The existence of black holes is still to be investigated ,but for the moment let's assume there is black hole in the center of each galaxy, the galactical behavior is totally different than the behavior of mass on smaller scale like planets orbiting stars and solar systems which controlled by what we know as gravity ,on galactical scale it is totally different (no matter if they are close or far from the center of the galaxy) , where the stars far from the center of the galaxy orbit faster than the stars close to the center of the galaxy ,The only explanation for this is that the behavior of particles is a function of distance (or space)
let's take 2 magnets north and south and put them close to each other ,their particles will change behavior and pull each other and if we move them away from each other their particles behavior start to change, and the attraction force starts to weaken so space in fact change the behaviors of particles, the same applies for matter that circle the galaxy ,the space is much greater of matter in galaxies than space between the mass on solar systems ,that is why particles on galactical level behave differently. This was explained by scientists by the effect of dark matter
So for all what mentioned above the origin of the universe was not the big bang but when particles started to get their properties and behaviors and atoms started to bond together and take shape to form matter and its companion energy ,the universe was different to what we see now ,The properties and behaviours of particle are ever changing ,and continue to do so for ever. Entropy is a good example for this.
The issue with big bang theory is that it turned many aspects of the universe to constants, and we know very well that nothing in the universe is constant everything is changing all the time (including properties and behaviors of particles ) and everything is moving in space, and nothing is stand still. We have expansion of the universe and we have a big bang ,we just need to fill the gap between them and we have a theory of creation.
The behaviors of particles in your body is interacting with,the particles surrounding them ,the particles of the planet you are on, the particles of the solar system your planet in, the particles of galaxy your solar system part of, and particles of all galaxies in the universe, particles have multy behaviors at the same time. So if we remove all galaxies in the universe ,and only remain you and the most distance galaxy then the particles of your body will behave according with this galaxy.
The change in properties and behaviors of particles over de course of time was not equal or at the same rate everywhere in the universe, some regions didn't develop matter yet or developed to different properties
We can say that vacuum is existence, or part of existence ,and what applies on everything exists in the universe applies also on vacuum, but humans observe vacuum from their perspective in matter/energy level , if we want to know and identify vacuum from perspective of quantum level then it will be something totally different ,if we say vacuum is absence of particles (and I mean everything we call particle, even fundamental particles) then still vacuum is influenced by the same aspects of the universe that influent all particles and give particles their properties and behaviors, so vacuum in a way or another does carry the properties and behavior by the influence of the aspects of the universe and because vacuum fill the gap between particles (at least what we know till now) then vacuum play major role in "communication" between the aspects of the universe and particle. was the early universe only vacuum ,then particles started to emerge? Humans are limited to their senses and brain ability and accuracy of their equipment's so there are lot of aspects in the universe human cannot interact with for example multi dimensions so it will take some time to know what vacuum consist of and its behaviors and properties
So any thing happening around us could be and must be explained on behavior of particles on subatomic level,the big masses matter on any size are eventually composite of particles..and the behaviour of their particles gives the big masses their behaviors and actions in space
It is certain that all particles have no mass,mass only starts to build when atoms start to bond and make matter ,so anything more that 2 atoms have mass..mass is something associated with matter/energy level ,it is nonsens that some think that the mass of big bodies is the summation of the masses of its particles ,
Where are the boundaries?,when we are going to apply the quantum physics rules and when we are going to apply classical physics,explanning this is very long task ,but there is one principle here is that the formation of atoms from Hydrogen till atoms of heavy element all subject to quantum level and mainly ruled by behaviours of particles any thing comes after is subject for matter/energy level still we need to take into account that the bonds between atoms of the same elment,or the bonds between atoms of different elements are directly concidered as behaviours of particles,if we understand this it will lead us to know how all elements and anything matter or energy formed and have its own charastaristices and properties and their transformation froma stat to another and from sort element to another by fusion ,decay ,radiation or what ever process .
Are life and biological realm a product or a consequence of behaviour of particles on subatomic level ,the answer is yes,The ingredients in humans body or any living body even small tiny single cell creatures are all made from the same elements that every thing in the universe is made off,the difference is that they have life,or what we call it life.
So what kind and what percentage of each element available on a planet that have the right environment to support life would create what kind of biological world..? yes you got right ,the possibilities are infinite.
We see this very clear on differences between plants ,animals,humans and the biological world as a whole on each continent on earth it self,The biological developments started on many places on earth at the same time separately and still happening till now days ,so nothing fell from the skies that caused to kick start life on earth, and it is an example how behaviours of particles follow a certain path when it goes higher in complexity level.So it was not a spark.
مستحيل احد يعرف الإجابة الصحيحة أنا أتوقع أن الكون عبارة عن فراغ كبير جدا ومظلم وبارد بعد ذلك حصل حاجة ونشأت الكواكب والشمس والضوء وفي النهاية سوف تنتهي الحياة ويعود الكون إلى الفراغ والظلام والبرودة الشديدة او ربما تكون الحياة أزلية فعلا الموضوع محير ومعقد لذلك الناس تتبع الأديان لكي ترتاح من التفكير
طبعا ..الاديان وجدت لتطئن البشر .لانهم ضعفاء ومحكومون بالموت .. فوجدت الاديان لتداعب عقل البشر ..لكنها لم تجب عن شيئ .. بل فقط كانت تحكي قصص .........!!!
الكون وشمس ولقمر ولكواكب خلقه الله سبحانه وهو يقبضها يوم القيامه
قال الله عز وجل في سورة الكهف (ما أَشهَدتُهُم خَلقَ السَّماواتِ وَالأَرضِ وَلا خَلقَ أَنفُسِهِم وَما كُنتُ مُتَّخِذَ المُضِلّينَ عَضُدًا) وانت تنشر كلام ملحدين كفار انشر كلام الله افضلك بدل الفرضيات الملحده لعلماء ملحدين كذابين
كلام ربك سخافة في سخافة هدف محمد جعل الانسان ادات تخدم رغبته الجنسية اللعنة على محمد ودينه وكل سخافته وكذالك المجد للعلم و الملحدين وليتبول العالم على القرأن
هل قرأت التفسير؟؟
تفسير يتحدث عن ابليس وجن وانه لم يستفسرهم في خلق الكون وإنما خلقه دونه
وهل تعرف ان صاحب نظرية الانفجار العظيم كان قس مسيحي؟؟ هل تعرف الملاحده كانوا يعتقدون ان كون اللي وليس له بدايه(وهذا معتقد كان مخالف للقرآن) ورفضوا نظرية الانفجار؟؟ اخي الملحدين سيفسرون العلم ليدعم آرائهم سواء كانت الارض كرويه ام مسطحه والموضوع الاديان والالحاد موضوع فلسفي فلا اعرف ما دخل العلم في الموضوع
طيب ليش الخالق ما أخبرنا بنشأة الكون من حقنا ان نعرف ماذا استفيد من قصص واخبار الامم الهالكة والتي ستكون معرضة للهلاك وانا لا أعرف من اين اتيت ولا يوجد تفسير واضح وصريح لإصل نشأة الكون انا كيف أصدق علوم البشر واجتهادهم او برسالة رسول مبهمة؟!!!
لا أستطيع إيقاف عقلي عن التفكير
روح عالج نفسك يا غبي
@@basmahalsharif3528 لايوجد عقل لديك كيف تفكر
فقط نضريات خزعبلية سخيفة لحفنة من الملحدين
ملحوظه أن ستيفن هوكينغ كان في جزيره ابستن يتمتع بالأطفال