  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 278

  • @camholmes7531
    @camholmes7531 Месяц назад +4315

    Andy would have a FIELD DAY 😂

    • @sumitanddivastutikumar5399
      @sumitanddivastutikumar5399 Месяц назад +20

      Feild day with the refs

    • @melp5854
      @melp5854 Месяц назад

      @@sumitanddivastutikumar5399 cry more

    • @Tigermad24
      @Tigermad24 Месяц назад +7

      They already do that

    • @georgethebugeater7950
      @georgethebugeater7950 Месяц назад +1

      Kyle Shanahan too. That dude uses motion like no other.

    • @AndyWardinho
      @AndyWardinho Месяц назад

      ​@@sumitanddivastutikumar5399I don't think you realize how much the refs alhave fucked the chiefs over

  • @westongrant1702
    @westongrant1702 Месяц назад +2885

    The CFL lowkey looks hype

    • @Hudson7979
      @Hudson7979 Месяц назад +55

      it is

    • @thomasparkes5707
      @thomasparkes5707 Месяц назад +65

      it's pretty good. Watched the Ticats for a while a few years back when a friend made the team. It's a pretty dope change of pace thing.

    • @AlimTetramorph
      @AlimTetramorph Месяц назад +1

      It is

    • @JWG17
      @JWG17 Месяц назад +20

      It's really exciting. I was just at the Toronto vs Ottawa playoff game on Saturday and the score was 58-38. Pure madness

    • @Skiivy123
      @Skiivy123 Месяц назад

      @@JWG17ayyy me too Go argos

  • @devackroyd
    @devackroyd Месяц назад +1096

    Lifetime CFL fan here. The "rouge" rule that results in a single when the ball goes through the end zone or from a safety is a left over from rugby up here. Also, in that clip you showed, the Edmonton Elks did that to win in OT because their kicker was terrible and they had a good punter.
    Also, quarterbacks can throw the ball away, as long as its past the line of scrimmage it just results in a loss of a down. More interesting though is that the fields are 10 yards longer and the field is several yards wider too, resulting in lots of stretch plays and more room to run.

    • @ggfootball07
      @ggfootball07 Месяц назад +3

      Who was the kicker for the elks at the time?

    • @devackroyd
      @devackroyd Месяц назад +7

      @ggfootball07 Their starting kicker Boris Bede wasn't playing that game, they had a backup in I'd never heard of who had missed a convert point badly earlier in the game.
      I think his last name was Blanchard or something like that? Their punter Jake Julien is pretty decent, so when they only needed one point to walk it off, they did that instead.

    • @Dtuba15
      @Dtuba15 Месяц назад +3

      Fun fact that rule was also in the nfl in the early days!

    • @kvngcam6716
      @kvngcam6716 Месяц назад +1

      So do these rules mean that Kickers and Punters in the CFL are a (noticeably) more valued position?

    • @improbablecontinent
      @improbablecontinent Месяц назад

      @@kvngcam6716Not really. The endzones are also 20 yards, so if you’d have to be at the 30 for a 50 yard punt through the end zone. But the field goal posts are at the front of the end zone, so teams will kick a field goal for 3 points rather than the 1 for the touchback. Main difference is that there’s usually a returner in the end zone to field and return missed field goals to avoid giving up the point.

  • @jayanthsambaraju6562
    @jayanthsambaraju6562 Месяц назад +186

    If the NFL had CFL rules the chiefs and dolphins are a perennial AFC championship matchup and the lions would be even better 😭😭

  • @ByztinBadger
    @ByztinBadger Месяц назад +22

    Because there’s no fair catches in the CFL, there’s a rule on punts that go past the line of scrimmage, the punter or anyone behind him at the time of the kick treat the ball as live even before it makes contact. This rule also allows what’s referred to as a “dribble kick,” where any offensive player can give ball a short kick over the line of scrimmage, immediately fall on the ball only a yard from the line, and giving his team a fresh set of downs. Its mostly used in long yardage final down situations.

  • @masonsenger227
    @masonsenger227 Месяц назад +144

    As A Canadian I am glad to see people making videos about the CFL!! LETS GO SASKATCHEWAN ROUGHRIDERS!!

    • @jeffhale7459
      @jeffhale7459 Месяц назад +2

      Let's go roughriders!

    • @alex.12378
      @alex.12378 Месяц назад +3

      The bombers are absolutely son-ing the riders in the conference final.

    • @LeCommieBoi
      @LeCommieBoi Месяц назад +1

      And the Alouettes are absolutely winning this next Grey Cup.
      Go Als Go!

    • @djm5687
      @djm5687 Месяц назад

      I miss the Rough Riders. 😢

    • @vividsights5244
      @vividsights5244 Месяц назад


  • @andrewdewar-walton3309
    @andrewdewar-walton3309 Месяц назад +14

    High school rules in Canada basically allow all the advantages of both Canadian football and American, we get 4 downs and most of the same rules, we’re allowed all the pre snap motion on really wide fields. A lot of fun

    • @jasonturek6671
      @jasonturek6671 Месяц назад +1

      Where do you live? In Ontario it’s just normal CFL rules

    • @obinnaodoemenam8762
      @obinnaodoemenam8762 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@jasonturek6671in Alberta we got 3 downs too

  • @ZekeStulberg
    @ZekeStulberg Месяц назад +64

    Little bit of misinformation, the qb can still throw the ball away, it’s just a lot harder as the field is 65 yards wide instead of 53.3 so qb’s have to launch it 30-40 yards to get it out of bounds.
    Edit 1: A crucial rule that he missed in this video is that you can catch the ball with only one foot in bounds
    Edit 2: lol another rule I forgot is the fact that both teams get an overtime! If the score is tied after two overtime’s then the game is a tie and each team gets half a point, where in a playoff game they’ll go until one wins
    Edit 3: mb it’s 53.3 yards wide lol not 40

    • @tylerclayton6081
      @tylerclayton6081 Месяц назад +1

      NFL field is 53.33 Yards. Not 40 Yards. Have you even ever watched football? Do those NFL and College Football fields look 40 yards to you?

    • @ZekeStulberg
      @ZekeStulberg Месяц назад

      @tylerclayton6081 all I know is they look small, tbh i don’t even know where I got 40 from. I wrote this as I was like about to go to bed too so I was running off of tired brain

    • @william7546
      @william7546 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@tylerclayton6081 Have a snickers

    • @kimghanson
      @kimghanson Месяц назад

      You don't even have to throw it out of bounds. As long as it isn't caught, you have a chance to get away with it.

  • @brandondavisdecae
    @brandondavisdecae Месяц назад +12

    Yes players can throw the ball away and no, not as many players can move in motion.
    Former Canadian uni player

  • @hanleyregier8822
    @hanleyregier8822 Месяц назад +2

    He calls it weird but it is actually very entertaining to watch; there is more deep shots and more exchanges of possessions which makes possession less important. Everytime someone gets the ball you really don’t know what is going to happen

  • @Devastish
    @Devastish Месяц назад

    The field is also 10 yards longer, wider, and the endzones are 10 yards deeper. This is why there is an additional player.
    Also, the "anyone can kick rule" works like an onside kick; your team can only recover the kicked ball if the player that ends up with the ball was behind the kicker.

  • @max.harvroom
    @max.harvroom Месяц назад

    The CFL is a great league. The above rule changes make for some interesting plays, especially during thd end-game. I'm thankful for it. It's nice to have a league safe from getting hassled/invaded by our scary southern neighbours.
    Go Blue

  • @garyamaral1648
    @garyamaral1648 28 дней назад

    I remember being introduced to the CFL way back when the NFL went on strike. Loved it and still watch when I come across it.

  • @aj1604
    @aj1604 Месяц назад

    I love chatting up my mate from BC about the Lions and CFL in all its wildness

  • @theanimeboi842
    @theanimeboi842 Месяц назад

    1: Any offensive players except the oline and qbs can move.
    2: qbs can throw the ball away
    3: a touchback is a point to the kicking/punting team, or if you miss a field goal.
    5: instead of 40 seconds, the offense only has 20 seconds.
    6: instead of 2 minute warning, it's a 3 minute warning.
    7: dline lines up 1 yard away from the oline.

  • @MrJTProductions100
    @MrJTProductions100 Месяц назад

    Another cool rule is during a kickoff return you must give the returner 5 yards before you can tackle them. No fair catch at all. It makes for way more exciting returns. Also under 2 minutes the clock stops automatically so you cannot burn the clock like in the NFL makes really close games way more exciting under 2 minutes.

  • @yetiman09
    @yetiman09 Месяц назад +5

    jack fox would go crazy in the CFL

  • @Kzoowallace
    @Kzoowallace Месяц назад

    NFL also allows Drop lock field goals. Generally, it isn't done except in the last seconds of a half due to the opponent team being able to return the kick.

  • @NBSportsNews
    @NBSportsNews Месяц назад +33

    I might start watching this league it seems cool

    • @FullOfMalarky
      @FullOfMalarky Месяц назад

      Playoffs right now. Free to watch on CFL+ if you’re outside of Canada.

    • @adamleblanc5294
      @adamleblanc5294 Месяц назад +3

      The CFL is a better game with worse players imo. The rules make for a much faster and explosive game. The players just are not as good as in the NFL, but they are still pro athlete. I would compare them to either really good AA or average AAA players in baseball in terms of skill level.

    • @Spawt
      @Spawt Месяц назад

      The grey cup (Canadas Super Bowl) is this weekend. Check it out the game will be good one

  • @XNE_XRealX
    @XNE_XRealX Месяц назад +18

    Playing football here is fun

  • @farfignewgenfrackenheimer8865
    @farfignewgenfrackenheimer8865 Месяц назад

    Yes, in Canada, we can do as much as the Americans can on a football field, but it’s wider longer and we only need three downs.
    And unlike the American football league, we actually don’t have a fair catch option, but the defence on a kickoff has to give a 5 yard space around the person catching the ball before they can go after him .

  • @YoftaheKahsay-tz2ny
    @YoftaheKahsay-tz2ny 7 дней назад

    Only thing I like from this is the fact that qb’s can’t throw away. D linemen can actually get what they worked for instead of just a wasted down.

  • @ConnorLangkopf
    @ConnorLangkopf Месяц назад +2

    I love being able to punt the ball at any time. I mean, it is FOOTball after all.

  • @antchili1254
    @antchili1254 Месяц назад +1

    Basically we have worse players but more action

  • @86kickass
    @86kickass Месяц назад

    I kinda prefer this but you know it is legal for any player to punt at any time in the NFL too and a drop kick is possible

  • @Coconutman-mm3cw
    @Coconutman-mm3cw Месяц назад +6

    The CFL was actually invented first and it was an American that adapted it to what we know know as the "standard" American football

    • @dagothurik1815
      @dagothurik1815 Месяц назад

      Got a source for that because from what I can see both sports are derivative of rugby and developed around the same time a

    • @lilcherio8947
      @lilcherio8947 Месяц назад

      No, they’re both influenced off of rugby.

    • @NoPe-n1j
      @NoPe-n1j 28 дней назад

      @@lilcherio8947And CFL still has more Rugby elements than NFL because it was developed more closely to Rugby & longer ago, you moron 😂😂😂

  • @brennaamery711
    @brennaamery711 Месяц назад

    Being a Calgary fan I’ve seen a lot of that and losing most of the time when they punch into our own end zone

  • @GlobalWarmingSkeptic
    @GlobalWarmingSkeptic Месяц назад

    With all the crazy rules, you'd never know that the CFL is 20 years older than the NFL.

  • @yeetmansupreme9721
    @yeetmansupreme9721 Месяц назад

    I think someone like Sean Mcvay who already uses a lot of motion plays would have a blast with that rule

  • @oscodains
    @oscodains Месяц назад

    It makes sense that if the ball is in the endzone in any manner it’s a point.

  • @garymunghen9557
    @garymunghen9557 Месяц назад

    More players & motion prior to snap b/c the field is bigger. NFL backs would be running for 8k/ yr on it.

  • @jamesharrison6201
    @jamesharrison6201 Месяц назад +2

    Got some Rugby Vibes going.😂😅😊

  • @jeremydanchuk1897
    @jeremydanchuk1897 Месяц назад

    My family has had season tickets to the Eskies/Elks for 20 years. Was at that game from the first clip.

  • @Trauma_Rc
    @Trauma_Rc Месяц назад

    Looks fun to watch where do I watch 😂

  • @beemerwalker5945
    @beemerwalker5945 Месяц назад

    This sounds so much better

  • @claym594
    @claym594 Месяц назад +1

    Way more exciting than American football.

  • @juliewalker2177
    @juliewalker2177 Месяц назад

    Andy Reid already has that much motion 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @nasis18
    @nasis18 Месяц назад

    Actually sounds interesting. I gotta check out the CFL now.

  • @Tragic-xu7nj
    @Tragic-xu7nj 23 дня назад

    My brother was in the cfl and when some of this happened he was so confused but after one play he understood it

  • @JakeHemmingway
    @JakeHemmingway Месяц назад

    Andy Read would have all of the line men have a running start to there blocks while the back field is having a party running all over the place confusing the defense.

  • @Mr-AvadaKedavra
    @Mr-AvadaKedavra Месяц назад

    How am I 37 years old and didn’t even know this exists or that it has cool rules like this. I’ve heard of the CFL, just thought it was like our football.

  • @WavyyXT
    @WavyyXT Месяц назад

    The pro bowl should be cfl rules with cfl players and be cfl vs nfl

  • @ultimategaming4265
    @ultimategaming4265 14 дней назад

    Andy Reid would just have all of them line up offsides like every other game.

  • @alexj8855
    @alexj8855 Месяц назад

    He would be the greatest coach in two different leagues

  • @damonhill677
    @damonhill677 Месяц назад

    if a team is kicking off after they score and the kickoff goes through the uprights, that should be worth 3 pts

  • @vikingdave8225
    @vikingdave8225 Месяц назад

    LOVE the CFL

  • @Alex-qi2yv
    @Alex-qi2yv 10 дней назад

    My school board uses both nfl and cfl rules at the same time for some reason

  • @DNeed77
    @DNeed77 Месяц назад +15

    The CFL is infinitely harder than the NFL!

    • @agentb70
      @agentb70 Месяц назад +3

      No because the best of the best are in the NFL

    • @Rǒvull
      @Rǒvull Месяц назад +4

      Rules? Yes. Players? Absolutely not

    • @DNeed77
      @DNeed77 Месяц назад

      @@agentb70 And many started their careers in the CFL! Look at Warren Moon and Doug Flutie!

    • @agentb70
      @agentb70 Месяц назад

      @@DNeed77 then they switched so you didn’t prove anything

    • @landonweston6752
      @landonweston6752 Месяц назад

      It’s just not though, any NFL player could go to the CFL and have an incredible career. Second and third string players would all start and be some of the best players in the league

  • @KeeKster_07
    @KeeKster_07 Месяц назад

    CFL is like the football equivalent of Banana Ball😂

  • @Jackywrc
    @Jackywrc 26 дней назад

    I love how he is calling the CFL weird, even tho it was made way before the nfl

  • @brianstryker4536
    @brianstryker4536 Месяц назад +1

    Leave it to Canada to make a game even weirder

    • @Darkknight-nm6qh
      @Darkknight-nm6qh Месяц назад

      NFL is a copy of the cfl they just changed the rules

  • @HaydenBoulet
    @HaydenBoulet Месяц назад

    Imagine what dan campbell and ben Johnson would do i this league

  • @quinnlay2150
    @quinnlay2150 Месяц назад

    The cfl lowk sounds cools ash

  • @DanIsHuman
    @DanIsHuman 10 дней назад

    Honestly presnap motion sounds way more fun anyway

  • @MusicFoRealz
    @MusicFoRealz Месяц назад

    It’s not weird, it’s just a different sport. It’s like FIBA rules vs NBA rules

  • @JackStevenson-s7i
    @JackStevenson-s7i Месяц назад

    This looks way better than the NFL tf

  • @Shadow-sh1mp
    @Shadow-sh1mp Месяц назад

    You have to have 7 on the line and only your slot receivers can have a 5 yard run up prior to the play

  • @quinlanduffy1299
    @quinlanduffy1299 Месяц назад

    It’s weird but it’s so much more entertaining bro

  • @Kennanjk
    @Kennanjk Месяц назад

    Bro cfl looks way hype

  • @beckfiveland348
    @beckfiveland348 Месяц назад +2

    Only 2 players can move early and those are called slot backs

    • @Spawt
      @Spawt Месяц назад

      Incorrect. Running backs can also motion freely. It’s just only players who aren’t lined up on the line of scrimmage. Not just two slot backs.

  • @cnanadatoronto
    @cnanadatoronto Месяц назад

    our league is older. NFL is the one that changed the rules.

  • @NathanHatt-z2p
    @NathanHatt-z2p Месяц назад

    Andy would make them fetch burgers

  • @Kiwaloayo
    @Kiwaloayo Месяц назад +11

    Canada is weird man. love the different product though.

  • @TrueChicagoFan9909
    @TrueChicagoFan9909 Месяц назад

    I want the players to move before the snap

  • @Caseohneedsqueso
    @Caseohneedsqueso Месяц назад

    Andy Reid ain’t got no motion

  • @Oilersfan1818
    @Oilersfan1818 Месяц назад

    Edmonton elks fan here went to 7 games

  • @c.i.n.c.o.
    @c.i.n.c.o. Месяц назад

    Andy Reid would still need Refs to save him.

  • @LincolnThiessen-h6o
    @LincolnThiessen-h6o 12 дней назад

    As a CFL fan what are you talking about not allowed to throw the ball away oh my favourite team is the Saskatchewan Roughriders

  • @_Gio-jd7pm
    @_Gio-jd7pm Месяц назад

    Does anyone know the song name?

  • @DesertMike
    @DesertMike Месяц назад

    To me the CFL is far more exciting to watch than the NFL.

  • @matthewshepley8298
    @matthewshepley8298 Месяц назад

    The CFL rules are so much better than the NFL

  • @FatBoiFishy10
    @FatBoiFishy10 Месяц назад

    why is no one talking about the posts being in the middle of the end zone

    • @FullOfMalarky
      @FullOfMalarky Месяц назад

      The goal post is on the goal line. Its called the goal line after-all.

  • @dantheman._
    @dantheman._ Месяц назад

    lowkey not weird it’s coo

  • @everettnordick4544
    @everettnordick4544 Месяц назад


  • @huntercraft7499
    @huntercraft7499 Месяц назад

    QB not allowing to throw the ball away means more injuries

  • @kwilo
    @kwilo Месяц назад

    People here have never watched rugby and it shows

  • @Chrisledouxfan
    @Chrisledouxfan Месяц назад

    CFL looking more like rugby 💀

  • @tytebben
    @tytebben Месяц назад

    I had no idea there was a Canadian football league

  • @justsomeguyeatingadobo8377
    @justsomeguyeatingadobo8377 Месяц назад

    Who wanted to see the NFL-CFL Exhibition exhibition game?
    Like if YES. Comment of it's no.

  • @denzelburnside9937
    @denzelburnside9937 Месяц назад

    On another note, why is the SSK team's endzone so BIG?

    • @momohatzagawa4014
      @momohatzagawa4014 Месяц назад +1

      That's the standard for all endzones, 20 yards deep, field is also 10 yards longer quite a bit wider and the goal posts are on the goalline and not the back of the endzone

  • @zachsattack_2020
    @zachsattack_2020 Месяц назад

    If anything these are the real rules cause this league is on its 111th grey cup and nfl is only on like 58 or smth the cdl is almost 50 years older

  • @MailMan8710
    @MailMan8710 Месяц назад

    Andy Reid already does whatever he wants

  • @Yomama8464
    @Yomama8464 Месяц назад

    I was at that game and it was hype

  • @shamekiamitchell1156
    @shamekiamitchell1156 Месяц назад

    Cowboys would love that

  • @dannyn6036
    @dannyn6036 Месяц назад +5

    This is so much better than those Americans football. This is the true football

    • @Shortwaveshark
      @Shortwaveshark Месяц назад +2

      lol why do people love being delusional

    • @dannyn6036
      @dannyn6036 Месяц назад

      @ at least we didn’t almost lost to france in basketball during the olympics. Imagine being home to the nba but almost losing to the french out of all ppl. Classic Americans

    • @Shortwaveshark
      @Shortwaveshark Месяц назад

      @@dannyn6036 idk where all this hate coming from but we were talking about American Football lol. the top 50 college football teams would Blowout the best Canadian team any day lmfao…

    • @dannyn6036
      @dannyn6036 Месяц назад

      @@Shortwaveshark didn’t yall lose to a japan national team? Haha also no hate bruh, u were the one who got offended first calling me delulu

    • @dannyn6036
      @dannyn6036 Месяц назад

      @@Shortwaveshark go search up japan vs american team at ifaf u20

  • @nikolasjohnson6946
    @nikolasjohnson6946 Месяц назад

    Imagine what Andy Reid would do with all that motion and the Chiefs would STILL need the refs to win the game

  • @ItzN1ghtmar3
    @ItzN1ghtmar3 Месяц назад

    Let’s go Edmonton won that

  • @YOTI-Jude
    @YOTI-Jude Месяц назад

    Btw the cfl was made before nfl and nfl copied most if cfl tukes then changed them later

  • @ultronerik128
    @ultronerik128 Месяц назад

    Basically, they are confusing the sport with some sort of Ancient Rugby hybrid. But it’s seems a bit entertaining.

  • @FloSchmdt14
    @FloSchmdt14 Месяц назад

    Imagine Tyreek hill but he gets a running start

  • @Crazydoggo319
    @Crazydoggo319 Месяц назад

    No motions, Mike McDaniela sing I mean look what he’s done with Tyreek Hill and Jaylen waddle

  • @4ndyLA
    @4ndyLA Месяц назад

    Maybe I should start watching CFL

    • @taupevolcano3732
      @taupevolcano3732 Месяц назад

      If you do, watch the Winnipeg blue bombers, we’ve been in the last 4 grey cups

  • @vpgbreezy3794
    @vpgbreezy3794 26 дней назад

    This is real football btw the Canadians invented the game

  • @zac7258
    @zac7258 Месяц назад

    Andy would cause the CFL to shut down for a year

  • @4lilscoom8
    @4lilscoom8 Месяц назад

    bro i’d say everybody n the nfl puts up 30 points every game each team even the panthers lol

  • @Range0_1
    @Range0_1 Месяц назад

    Why’s there football in Canada now
    And why did they change the rules
    I’m crying in a corner now

  • @ethancooper4202
    @ethancooper4202 Месяц назад

    I would love to see the chiefs against the best team in the CFL with CFL refs

  • @Jeffersonthebrown
    @Jeffersonthebrown Месяц назад

    So it's weird not having the same rules as the NFL?

  • @philipstracke8753
    @philipstracke8753 Месяц назад

    Still manages to glaze

  • @michaelmcknight9394
    @michaelmcknight9394 Месяц назад

    The field is also longer