Totally agree Simon, knowing you are not your thoughts is freedom from taking them seriously, thoughts are just our minds using our imagination for unhappiness and producing thoughts of fear worry and anxiety opposed to us using our imagination ourselves for fun and happiness.
@@johngreen4683 Yes John, it feels like the mind and emotions are tools to use while here. To identify oneself as a tool, is a severe and enduring mental illness, I am still in recovery!
@@CitrusSimon hi Simon i think its the same for all of us who have suffered badly mate, its a bit like being an ex smoker , you never forget how to do it and sometimes you have to remind yourself not to do it, old habits never really die they just fade and fade and we become less and less aware of and bothered by them as time passes. One of the very best comments i ever read on this site was "they are not your thoughts, they aren't even about you", so wise and true. I find it really good to remind my self " they are not my thoughts, they are not even really about me" any time i catch myself getting involved with my minds fears and worries and the thoughts just seem to burst like bubbles without my interest and attention 👍👍👍
Realising that your essence is to be the observer of life and not the analyser or understander or controller. Spirituality 101. Once you can live this in your day to day life everything is infinitely more peaceful and joyful.
To everyone who would deepen their knowledge about this topic please read book by Red Hawk “ Self observation the awakening of conscience an owner’s manual “.I will be forever grateful that I came across this book.
I discovered this amazing human being the night after Christmas, because I was trying to find on the internet “How to be happy@, as I was feeling very sad. And since then I listen to him every night. His interpretations make s lot of sense and help me understand more about myself and my thoughts and calms me down. Thank you very much.
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
I really do understand conceptually what Eckhart is referring to when he speaks of the state of our consciousness. It does seem like it's a continuous effort or flux to stay present. My mind will drift into self-talk and rumination. Stirring up a lot of negative emotions. I notice this activity and I have to make a mindful effort to create a bit of space between my self and that internal cycle. Does anyone else experience something similar?
Absolutely can relate to what you are experiencing. A simple spiritual practice - awareness. Also the most challenging because we forget and our thoughts and emotions take over.
Many think that happiness or contentness requires that the change that’s needed is to stop the thoughts or control the thoughts. That cannot be altered. The thoughts will always come. What we choose to consciously focus on will influence the content of our thoughts. But you can’t ever stop thoughts from flowing into your space. We choose our morals, beliefs and virtues that are important to us. That’s what defines our living nature. What we choose to remain in the spotlight. Don’t focus on the other thoughts. Don’t give them meaning. Resistance will only create more of that. It only has meaning or importance, if we give it meaning or importance.
I experienced this but then I realized thinking is impulsive (it has an internal or external cause and thoughts seem to maintain momentum). So if there is an impulsive (or automatic) thinking force, there must be a similar "forgetting" force. And so what we call thinking is actually a balancing game between these two, and being aware of this, you will gain a sense of control over the forgetting force, as you are able to do with the thinking force. Also, if you must imagine or conceptualize spiritual awareness, remember that the root of meditation is the breath, because the way we take conscious control over the breath is by pure consciousness itself (you just sort of tune in and do it).
I love so much Eckart Tolle's teaching about spaciousness ... It moves me because I feel that it is so true that I can feel the whole universe joining my heart in a very deep awareness that life is love, even in the most difficult moments. We are all united by a gold ring of love even those who are not aware of it! This is a miracle... Never lose hope the universe is pure love! We are never alone! So grateful 🙏❤️💖💓
I feel that too. I feel so much love for my fellow man. Strangers, animals, plants and trees, ALL LIFE! When you feel yr power source, it's such a joyous thing. 🙏😍💥
@@karanfield4229 So happy of it! There's just this way to live and to die. Anyway " death " as J. Donne wrote about it " death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die."💓🙏
Wonderful. You can go even deeper that that. The universe is not just joining your heart. "You are the universe experiencing itself." So you don't have to differentiate between you and the universe, me and you, us and the others.
Synchronicity is amazing! Yesterday, I was reading lessons #12 & #13 of A Course of Love and realized I struggled to fully understand the themes of "Spacious Self joined in Relationship" and " Union with the Spacious Self". I said a prayer this morning and asked God to send me a miracle today which I accept and receive with glad Thanksgiving. Then, this message shows up about consciousness and spaciousness. Amazing Grace!
Here lately I've been so busy and finding myself having to stop and say to myself that I am the most important thing right now. Everything else can wait.
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
Wow. I just got that. ‘Most people are confined by object awareness, in other words asleep or unconscious.’ This is a powerful video. Thank you so much! Very grateful for this content and you.
When I saw that this film has open captions with it, I feel so happy and grateful!! With the open captions, I can understand more what Mr. Tolle is talking about. Really, it's just so wonderful for a foreigner like me. Thank you so much again, to the one who put up the open captions!!!
My purpose is to learn from my obstacles, share my story and teach the world. Never ending forms of challenges 😢😊 All part of this form of life. I am consciousness 🤍☮️🌟🌌🎶👁🙏🕯
I felt so much peace listening to every spoken word in this video, Hanging on to every word and spaces in between.... Thank you Elhart. You are a gift to humanity!
prayer for an open heart, a mended heart, a healed heart, a restored heart, and a mind at peace. for removal of any and all obstacles and blockages that may be in the way of self-love and twin-flame love.
Our understanding is that the most important thing for someone is to "remember Who and What we are, and What we are a part of". To remember our Divinity.🙏👍🌈
Don't call him master, no matter how much you love him.. I love him too. But I would never call him master. Become aware of your own mastership, that is to say: become independent. Paradise doesn't belong to him , but to everyone who wants it.
The space between the words and between the objects is God which is Love or energy and is also in the forms and objects everything is connected. I think that's what Echart is talking about, Unity instead of separation. Nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal can exist, in this rests the peace of God.❤
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
I’m not good at being conscious yet. Trying to be conscious often feels bitter to me. My mind has made unexpected traps. But my consciousness has already changed and not going back anyway. Thank you, Ekhart
Did an instructed yoga the other day. The instructor had me whisper something to myself. "I choose _________ " I chose PEACE. And now Eckhart's teachings are guiding me to inner peace.
The emergence of the deeper dimension of consciousness. This is the most important thing in life. Object consciousness, one damn object after another. Identified with thoughts and emotions. Space consciousness is beyond concepts. Space is prior to manifestation. Thanks Eckhart. 4 May 2023.
Many think that happiness or contentness requires that the change that’s needed is to stop the thoughts or control the thoughts. That cannot be altered. The thoughts will always come. What we choose to consciously focus on will influence the content of our thoughts. But you can’t ever stop thoughts from flowing into your space. We choose our morals, beliefs and virtues that are important to us. That’s what defines our living nature. What we choose to remain in the spotlight. Don’t focus on the other thoughts. Don’t give them meaning. Resistance will only create more of that. It only has meaning or importance, if we give it meaning or importance.
I agree: thoughts will always come and there is no need to try and stop them. We create the experience of our reality through our thoughts. But, like you say, we can control the type of thoughts we have by what we thoughts focus on, and in that way we can create our reality deliberately.
If you go down to the pub at the weekend you will realise that's not the case, yes in a deeper understanding but many people do not have a clue how to be totally aware.
Its called "switching off". Object consciousness is being dragged along by a proliferating stream of mental activity. It never leaves you alone. Confined by it, there is no separation, you are not even there, ie unconsciousness (completely identified with continuous streams of thinking). Every thought is embued by a sense of self. Space consciousness cannot be defined. Space is prior to existence. In this brief moment there is no thought. Great explanation.🙏
This one question will have many different answers when we ask a group of people at their various stage of life, ie for kids, most important for them is to have time to play online games, for fresh graduate, most important in life to them is to get a well-paying job, for people who work for more than 10 to 15 years, the most important to them then is to promote to senior manager or Director. So when we reach a stage when we need to read about articles wrote by Master Eckhart, then the most important in life likely will be aligned to those who have read and get enlightened by Master Eckhart.
Atma Vichara / Atma jnana - boon of a lifetime like hearing Echart's dictation thereof 🙏 Still, ' no words' = beneficial. No mind is best. Digression 🙏
The space reference means to me that there are possibilities out there conspiring... to manifest a trip, companionship, adventure, exploration and experience, plain and simple.
Observing without thoughts you have in mind land you in a state of consciousness which is definitely something desirable. Your thoughts and thinking in the future or past make you relatively biased and down you in chaotic state of mind.
I trust Archangel Muriel and the source God to guide me through the process of developing emotional intelligence, balance, and my natural intuitive abilities. And I ask her to help me remain open to more love, compassion, and understanding in my heart.
How can we continue to do the “doing” parts of our lives effectively? My exposure to the delight of stillness reduces my willingness to do “thinking” activities (work,hobbies,financial,etc). I feel mentally soft after spending so much time in stillness.
The most important thing is understanding that you are not your thoughts. Realising this results in sheer bliss!
U r yur thoughts OR U r Aware of yur thoughts (big difference) 👍🙏❤️🎸🤠
Yes, it is the only freedom.
Totally agree Simon, knowing you are not your thoughts is freedom from taking them seriously, thoughts are just our minds using our imagination for unhappiness and producing thoughts of fear worry and anxiety opposed to us using our imagination ourselves for fun and happiness.
@@johngreen4683 Yes John, it feels like the mind and emotions are tools to use while here. To identify oneself as a tool, is a severe and enduring mental illness, I am still in recovery!
@@CitrusSimon hi Simon i think its the same for all of us who have suffered badly mate, its a bit like being an ex smoker , you never forget how to do it and sometimes you have to remind yourself not to do it, old habits never really die they just fade and fade and we become less and less aware of and bothered by them as time passes. One of the very best comments i ever read on this site was "they are not your thoughts, they aren't even about you", so wise and true. I find it really good to remind my self " they are not my thoughts, they are not even really about me" any time i catch myself getting involved with my minds fears and worries and the thoughts just seem to burst like bubbles without my interest and attention 👍👍👍
He is a gift to our freedom
Realising that your essence is to be the observer of life and not the analyser or understander or controller. Spirituality 101. Once you can live this in your day to day life everything is infinitely more peaceful and joyful.
I love what you just said!
To everyone who would deepen their knowledge about this topic please read book by Red Hawk “ Self observation the awakening of conscience an owner’s manual “.I will be forever grateful that I came across this book.
Just be and breath
What if you are ill and you don’t like what you are observing for sooo many years?
@@lindapelle8738 you have free will to choose something else. Any more context? :)
I discovered this amazing human being the night after Christmas, because I was trying to find on the internet “How to be happy@, as I was feeling very sad. And since then I listen to him every night. His interpretations make s lot of sense and help me understand more about myself and my thoughts and calms me down.
Thank you very much.
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
So glad you found these teachings. Peace ❤🙏
I really do understand conceptually what Eckhart is referring to when he speaks of the state of our consciousness. It does seem like it's a continuous effort or flux to stay present. My mind will drift into self-talk and rumination. Stirring up a lot of negative emotions. I notice this activity and I have to make a mindful effort to create a bit of space between my self and that internal cycle. Does anyone else experience something similar?
Absolutely can relate to what you are experiencing. A simple spiritual practice - awareness. Also the most challenging because we forget and our thoughts and emotions take over.
Many think that happiness or contentness requires that the change that’s needed is to stop the thoughts or control the thoughts. That cannot be altered. The thoughts will always come. What we choose to consciously focus on will influence the content of our thoughts. But you can’t ever stop thoughts from flowing into your space. We choose our morals, beliefs and virtues that are important to us. That’s what defines our living nature. What we choose to remain in the spotlight. Don’t focus on the other thoughts. Don’t give them meaning. Resistance will only create more of that. It only has meaning or importance, if we give it meaning or importance.
Yes I also live this !
I experienced this but then I realized thinking is impulsive (it has an internal or external cause and thoughts seem to maintain momentum). So if there is an impulsive (or automatic) thinking force, there must be a similar "forgetting" force. And so what we call thinking is actually a balancing game between these two, and being aware of this, you will gain a sense of control over the forgetting force, as you are able to do with the thinking force. Also, if you must imagine or conceptualize spiritual awareness, remember that the root of meditation is the breath, because the way we take conscious control over the breath is by pure consciousness itself (you just sort of tune in and do it).
Yes...all the time.
I love so much Eckart Tolle's teaching about spaciousness ... It moves me because I feel that it is so true that I can feel the whole universe joining my heart in a very deep awareness that life is love, even in the most difficult moments. We are all united by a gold ring of love even those who are not aware of it! This is a miracle... Never lose hope the universe is pure love! We are never alone! So grateful 🙏❤️💖💓
I feel that too. I feel so much love for my fellow man. Strangers, animals, plants and trees, ALL LIFE! When you feel yr power source, it's such a joyous thing. 🙏😍💥
@@karanfield4229 So happy of it! There's just this way to live and to die. Anyway " death " as J. Donne wrote about it " death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die."💓🙏
Very well said.
@@zaringonda6068 💓🙏
Wonderful. You can go even deeper that that. The universe is not just joining your heart. "You are the universe experiencing itself." So you don't have to differentiate between you and the universe, me and you, us and the others.
Dear Eckhart, I just realized I wasn't thinking for the last 15 minutes and 18 seconds. 🙏🙏
Synchronicity is amazing! Yesterday, I was reading lessons #12 & #13 of A Course of Love and realized I struggled to fully understand the themes of "Spacious Self joined in Relationship" and " Union with the Spacious Self". I said a prayer this morning and asked God to send me a miracle today which I accept and receive with glad Thanksgiving. Then, this message shows up about consciousness and spaciousness. Amazing Grace!
Eckart Tolle ,teaches the Buda Dharma,in such a wonderful,direct and inspiring way!!!! I love him!!!!!!!
Meditation practice + Eckhart’s teachings = Equanimity & way less unnecessary suffering 🖤
2a u WA utter a good #\
Yes! This is what I’ve been engaged in. It feels much better. More blissful and relaxed way of living.
Elkhart's talks are very thought provoking and need to be listened to repeatedly. 🤔
Here lately I've been so busy and finding myself having to stop and say to myself that I am the most important thing right now. Everything else can wait.
hmm :) that is not true :) That seems to me too selfish
Thats Good. You are always the most important thing, always. Keep it, everything else is trivial, like bits of fluff on clothes!
Yes. Same. Conscious is number 1
Love ourselves
@@persiaguitar Self-care and selfishness are too often confused
To me inner peace is the most important thing in life. 🙂
That’s being in the now.
Consciousness in not a concept. It is an experience. Thank you, Eckhart for this reminder. 🌻
Love Eckhart Tolle 🙏🏻
The space consciousness is the Kingdom of Heaven, the light, within us that is eternal
Explain more please!
@@missygrrl being
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
Thank you Beautiful Being! 🤗 I Love you so much! 💚
Wow. I just got that. ‘Most people are confined by object awareness, in other words asleep or unconscious.’ This is a powerful video. Thank you so much! Very grateful for this content and you.
Tolle changed my life completely
mine too since 1997
Connect to your heart, and you will silence the mind. 🙏🏼✌🏼
When I saw that this film has open captions with it, I feel so happy and grateful!! With the open captions, I can understand more what Mr. Tolle is talking about. Really, it's just so wonderful for a foreigner like me. Thank you so much again, to the one who put up the open captions!!!
I love the way Eckhart looks in the long shots, just sitting there. He's so the opposite of this world.
Space consciousness. I love that! The beautiful simplicity of that. Being completely present but relaxed
It's the awareness that's left when you detach from the 5 senses.
Oh how your words and spaces in-between bring me 😊 joy
My purpose is to learn from my obstacles, share my story and teach the world. Never ending forms of challenges 😢😊 All part of this form of life.
I am consciousness 🤍☮️🌟🌌🎶👁🙏🕯
I guess I'm still learning other forms of consciousness? ☮️🌟🌌🎶👁🙏🕯😊
Namaste 🙏. Thank you ECKHART
I felt so much peace listening to every spoken word in this video, Hanging on to every word and spaces in between.... Thank you Elhart. You are a gift to humanity!
prayer for an open heart, a mended heart,
a healed heart, a restored heart,
and a mind at peace.
for removal of any and all obstacles and blockages
that may be in the way
of self-love and twin-flame love.
Danke sehr ,wie erleichternd das ist.😃🤗🙏😚
I love you Ekchart ❤
his spiritual teaching is so kind and easy to understand ❤
everyday I listen to his teaching and feel much better^^ always grateful 🙏 🙏 🙏
🌸Thank you very much 🌸
I love your teachings.🌸😘🙏
He’s always right on time thank you Guru 🙏🏾
Thank you master💝
When the Master and Student meet….they BOTH disappear ✨🙏🏻
Our understanding is that the most important thing for someone is to "remember Who and What we are, and What we are a part of". To remember our Divinity.🙏👍🌈
♥️♥️♥️🥺eckhart a blessing
Thank you Echart Tolle for writing A New Earth , my life changed after that , thank you master , thank you
My life did change after reading a new earth 😭 I have been suffering for a decade but after reading this book I had awakening ❤️
Don't call him master, no matter how much you love him.. I love him too. But I would never call him master. Become aware of your own mastership, that is to say: become independent. Paradise doesn't belong to him , but to everyone who wants it.
Thank you Eckhart , I so appreciate you teachings . We can only hope humanity will rise in consciousness to desire
Peace and the best for all .
Yes! This explains so well without actually having the words 🌻 all this consciousness ❤️ 🙏🏼
The space between the garments in the Emperors new wardrobe .
Thank you Eckhart for teaching us (being n da space) and freeing us from suffering.
The space between the words and between the objects is God which is Love or energy and is also in the forms and objects everything is connected. I think that's what Echart is talking about, Unity instead of separation. Nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal can exist, in this rests the peace of God.❤
The most important thing is to never worry about the next minute
Best explanation so far ❤️
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
Thank you, Sir. I’m so grateful for the education. ✨🌈💜🌸💫🐵
Thank you so much for waking me up, I was lost in the objects especially the voice in the heard..🇿🇦🇿🇦
I love this particular speech . If only it were taught in school.🌻
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
Thanks Eckhart
Be Here Now
Thank you Eckhart 🙏💜🙏
What a beautiful thing really to just feel that space without thought ☮
He’s so friendly 😊
Becoming aware of the gaps between words
Thanks so much for sharing Because of you we are Improving me and my family bless you 🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕🌺🌼🌸☘️🌴🎋🌿🕊🕊🕊
Eckhart is a Philosopher; he is an enlightened being who has been initiated and regenerated because he is a Messenger who is wedded to the earthly realm in order to liberate humanity from seeing only shadows on the wall--a perception problem. If I may, I would like to add to his view by saying the hardest thing to do is to slow the thinking. One day we are enabled--gifted-- by the Divine to do so and then it becomes immediate like plugging into the socket to FEEEELLLL God. So this is something that worked for me. Do what gets you in first before meditation: gardening, spiritual reading, running, surfing . . . until you feel the drift . . .until you are at peace and find your self part of disassembled time . . . when you have gone beyond the background (objects) to the place where you are in love and can look in your boyfriend's or girlfriend's eyes forever. If you have ever been in love you are a shoe-in. Or just remember that feeling (for God's love is a feeling) and then look for that feeling while meditating. You do not have to stop your thoughts or anything. All you have to do is look for that feeling of love and OMG!!!! God will be attracted to you. Ever does HE/SHE (for God is both and your opposite awaits you in that little room within) wait for your WILL to bring you there and God will respond in pure spiritual love that beats out anything you may have experienced with another human!!!!!! Bridal Love--is what Saints:Theresa of Avila, Mechthild Von Magdeburg, Hildegaard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Mary Magdelene, and so many others knew! And the best book is--if you are ready--to give all. that is--is The Comte de Gabalis!!!!!!! Tolle is correct:to know this is why we are here!
When you'll be able to observe everything that 's transitory whitout being identified, you have found the way to your inner Self.
I’m not good at being conscious yet. Trying to be conscious often feels bitter to me. My mind has made unexpected traps. But my consciousness has already changed and not going back anyway. Thank you, Ekhart
Thank you Eckhart! ❤
Yes very true Connect with the heart is very true!
The most important is the present...the here and now.
Did an instructed yoga the other day. The instructor had me whisper something to myself. "I choose _________ " I chose PEACE. And now Eckhart's teachings are guiding me to inner peace.
Everything is Yoga.Sri Sathya Sai Baba..
The emergence of the deeper dimension of consciousness. This is the most important thing in life.
Object consciousness, one damn object after another. Identified with thoughts and emotions.
Space consciousness is beyond concepts. Space is prior to manifestation.
Thanks Eckhart. 4 May 2023.
Many think that happiness or contentness requires that the change that’s needed is to stop the thoughts or control the thoughts. That cannot be altered. The thoughts will always come. What we choose to consciously focus on will influence the content of our thoughts. But you can’t ever stop thoughts from flowing into your space. We choose our morals, beliefs and virtues that are important to us. That’s what defines our living nature. What we choose to remain in the spotlight. Don’t focus on the other thoughts. Don’t give them meaning. Resistance will only create more of that. It only has meaning or importance, if we give it meaning or importance.
I agree: thoughts will always come and there is no need to try and stop them. We create the experience of our reality through our thoughts. But, like you say, we can control the type of thoughts we have by what we thoughts focus on, and in that way we can create our reality deliberately.
Thank you, Eckhart. Peace and love. 🙏
The most important thing is service to others and unconditional love. Not narcissistic me me I want to be enlightened. I've been there done that.
Such a beautiful explanation ❤
Resistance will only create more of what we are resisting. It only has meaning or importance - if we give it meaning or importance.
For me,probably the best video message of Eckart!!! The essence! 🙌💓
"Amazingly, I am going to talk about that 'one thing' for hours" 😂😂😂
I find his humor is very dry and funny.
There is only ever CONSCIOUS AWARENESS. ✨🙏🏻
If you go down to the pub at the weekend you will realise that's not the case, yes in a deeper understanding but many people do not have a clue how to be totally aware.
Thank you
Thank you for your teaching lesson .It is so meaningful andbyour very soft voice. We are so lucky and blessed to have you! God Bless you!
Absolutely wonderful. Absolutely needed. Thank you very much.
Wow!! Mind blowing 👀 Thank you for the teachings 🙏✨
Thank you 🕊
thank you xo
Love you all
Thankyou Eckhart 😊💚🌳🌻🦋🦉🙏🧙♂️
Thank you !
Be the observer, no judgement as a base. Then you only “judge fairly. Not silly little things. 🙂🐶
Wow. This is so powerful 👏 🙌
Großartig 🙏
Thank you for sharing
Very good, thank you
Nice and interesting talk. Thank you very much 🙏🙏
11:42 - Space allows for contrast. ^.^
WOW !!. Brilliant Greatful Sir 🙏 🙏🙏💐❤💯
Thank you very much 🌺🌺🌺
Its called "switching off". Object consciousness is being dragged along by a proliferating stream of mental activity. It never leaves you alone. Confined by it, there is no separation, you are not even there, ie unconsciousness (completely identified with continuous streams of thinking). Every thought is embued by a sense of self. Space consciousness cannot be defined. Space is prior to existence. In this brief moment there is no thought. Great explanation.🙏
Love u so much om peace
This one question will have many different answers when we ask a group of people at their various stage of life, ie for kids, most important for them is to have time to play online games, for fresh graduate, most important in life to them is to get a well-paying job, for people who work for more than 10 to 15 years, the most important to them then is to promote to senior manager or Director. So when we reach a stage when we need to read about articles wrote by Master Eckhart, then the most important in life likely will be aligned to those who have read and get enlightened by Master Eckhart.
Atma Vichara / Atma jnana - boon of a lifetime like hearing Echart's dictation thereof 🙏
Still, ' no words' = beneficial. No mind is best. Digression 🙏
The space reference means to me that there are possibilities out there conspiring... to manifest a trip, companionship, adventure, exploration and experience, plain and simple.
Observing without thoughts you have in mind land you in a state of consciousness which is definitely something desirable. Your thoughts and thinking in the future or past make you relatively biased and down you in chaotic state of mind.
I trust Archangel Muriel and the source God to guide me through the process of developing emotional intelligence, balance, and my natural intuitive abilities. And I ask her to help me remain open to more love, compassion, and understanding in my heart.
🙏❤️Thank You🌟🙏
So amazing!!! Gratidão!! 🧡
I couldn’t stop thinking of everyone coughing over Tolle. Perhaps my awakening isn’t as far along as it could be.
How can we continue to do the “doing” parts of our lives effectively? My exposure to the delight of stillness reduces my willingness to do “thinking” activities (work,hobbies,financial,etc). I feel mentally soft after spending so much time in stillness.