I agree with you..I thought I missed something at the very beginning..like an intro or a greeting but then realized ok this is it just listen...He's one of a few who gets to the point ,gives you the necessary info and your done .
Great exercises mate! I am already doing something similar. Will add some of these exercises for sure. Btw I always thought I was eating enough and was disappointed because my weight stagnated. Then I got my first diet plan created from website named Next Level Diet. I realised that my previous food intake was way below my needs although I thought I'm good. At the beginning it was hard to eat 2500kcal in a day, but I got used to it. I started noticing real gains and it felt amazing. I wish I'd understood the importance of diet earlier.
There is a temptation to do that, since it seems like a fuller range of motion, but personally I wouldn't recommend going much further past the midline as you lose tension in your pecs.
4:29 "While imagining that you're squeezing the parallel bars together". Wow! Great way to actually explain the motion of the exercise. These small things do matter a lot! Keep up the good work! 👍🏻
I used to fear pushing heavy weights on flat bench dumbbell press cuz I didn't know how to properly bring the weights up to my chest fearing for a failure or an injury. Then I learned by paying attention to others with heavy weights. This guy is amazing for explaining many details about each workout.
These are by far your best type of videos, where you do not insert silly movie clips and other fluff images every 10 seconds. All no-nonsense is the way to go. Thumb up.
As a nurse, I appreciate your detailed explanation of the muscle groups. It is very helpful to visualize in ur mind as u workout. Fun fact- once u are able to visualize the muscle u are working, u are able to develop neurological current to that muscle to achieve MAX results. GREAT VIDEO❣️
Push ups are great, but if you can find a way to do dips I highly recommend them. I do 150 every chest day and my chest is one of the largest most defined muscle groups. Not only do they work your entire chest but they work your triceps and shoulders like crazy too
Try getting a weighted vest so you can include progressive overload into your workout, I would suggest start with a decently heavy weighted vest so you can gain more strength, once you can do around 30 push ups with that I suggest going up in weight, when I was 12 I was like 115 pounds and once I started adding strength to my bench until I could bench 135 my push ups also increased like crazy, since I was a beginner I was pretty much keeping my weight but gaining muscle and loosing bodyfat and I noticed because I added weight to my bench I was able to do more push ups or do more reps with a lighter weight, so it’s almost the same concept, my push ups went from 15-40 in just 1.5-2 months, most likely if I trained my triceps though it probably would have been faster but if you add weight you will gain strength, more reps can work but if you want to gain size you have to add weight, and if you think just gain muscle the thing is if you wanna gain muscle the faster/more effective way is adding weight, that’s why I actually think weighted calisthenics can be almost as effected as standard compound movements.
I been working out for almost 6 months with no result after watching your video and explaining with detail for each movement, I am finally seeing result thanks
Great Info! One question to the 2 Chest workouts per week: Do you recommend to repeat exactly the same workout (exercise selection) 2 times per week or do 2 different workouts per week? What is better and why?
@@hansimeier6587 i'd recommend doing one routine x times per week for 2 weeks, and then alternating with another routine for the following two weeks, and just cycle between the two (while progessively increasing resistance etc). hope this helps
Gravity transformation has, from far, the best explanatory videos about training, nutrition and supplement on youtube or any platform online. I've done their 6 week fat loss challenge and 12 week muscle multiplier and I got amazing results. Keep the good work on Max 👍🏼
Video’s are great. I admire your humility. You’re one of the very few trainers on YT who doesn’t throwing his name around 14 times during every vid. )actually i don’t even know your name)
On that last one with the TRX push ups at the top of the press, if you turn your wrists out and bring your arms together trying to bring the pinky fingers together it will give you an insane squeeze aswell.
I gotta do more incline pushups that's a helluva exercise. Thanks for the information mate. just be careful especially to those with weak shoulders doing dips, since it probably strains the shoulders the most while hitting chest out of all these. yes, decline bench press is highly effective.
This is great. I’ve been avoiding the flat bench press a lot because I can’t bench that much. Also I’ve been extending my elbows too far back behind my shoulders for other excercises. I’ve experienced some pain in the shoulders. Now I know why. I’ll try these new tips and try out the flat bench press. Good tips.
After a long time of not caring about my body and becoming fat af and started working out and feel confident seeing progress These video really help me when I don't always have someone who can go with me to the gym
You should put together an app with these exercises along with a variety of programs for weight loss and muscle gain. Add some nutrition plans here and there, maybe even some kind of personalization plan with real coaches and be ready to make a bunch of bucks.
Ima hit some. 1. burger curls 2. Pec fries. 3. Ranch dips 4. And a happy new year .. Nice video, ima put it it to work on the months coming up. Stay safe
@1:15 science shows that decline is not only a Safe way of training your chest but also indicates that it also greatly stimulates the growth of the upper Portion of the chest, check recent studies on this
Thanks my man I been trying to figure out a great chest program I'll let you know how I make out I am pretty sure I speak for all ur subscribers when I say you truly are a great instructor and not many instructors will give bits and pieces of there secrets for free I know its not the full secret and full programs but it is enough to get us started and want to do more so thank you very much!!!!!!!!
Most people actually have an over-developed lower chest, making you actually look more booby as your muscle fibers are bulkier and have more tension at the bottom. Need to do more incline flys etc. for upper chest, and it will even out as you get stretch & build along the clavicles attachment point for counter tension
If you train normally and stress both muscles the same, the smaller one should start to catch up because it isn't as strong. Just make sure you don't cheat while bench pressing for example. If one side comes up more easily, let the weaker muscle decide the tempo.
Perhaps start doing your bench press with dumbbells instead of barbell it will allow each PEC to do it's own work rather than both working for the same weight
I've dislocated my shoulder 6 times, and I'm afraid of doing any of these exercises due to my shoulder issues, so I usually just stick to normal push-ups. Are there any other exercises that will work out my chest that won't cause issues with my shoulder?
Shoulder issues with a shoulder surgery here. If its healed, figure out what works best for you. I couldn't do dips for a few years but now I can. For a while, I could only do flies and not presses. I guess I slowly worked back into things with exercises that I could do. Also work on shoulder internal and external rotations for shoulder health. I work in physical therapy and I promise you, your shoulder health is key for any chest exercise. Dont be a dummy and use plates to do it cuz you're not doing anything. Use cables or bands.
Daniel V No in a fight, then again when I was in BCT for the army. You can feel sometimes when I’m lifting that it wants to pop out of its socket. At that point I just stop lifting
If you adjust the angle at which you do your push ups, you can hit all parts of the chest. You just have to pay close attention to which muscle you feel it in and might need to take the push ups slower
Thank you soo much for this vedio..i have really been looking for a well explained vedio of exercises that help develop Lower chest. And i think this vid is the best for me
As much as I appreciate this channel, I've noticed lately that a lot of the information given is either false or unproven. Whether that's intentional or not, I don't know, but after watching several videos I realize there is a lot of contradiction going on, especially in the weight loss vids. In one video he will say "do this" and in another "actually no, don't do that because..." I, personally, appreciate everything he's doing in these videos to help people virtually for free. Although some can be pretty confusing. Especially for those who try to take them seriously.
@Aaron S. Your revolution is over. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me?
Please help guys, I've been lifting for 3 years now, have built a solid physique training full body 3 days a week. I've been cutting for a while now and currently pretty lean. Abs and veins showing. But still have these flabby, saggy lower pecs? Would love some advice!
Simpel man ,just increase thé volume of your pecs in your training and be on a 500 Callorie surplus or your muscle wont grow if your training for 3 years
Hey Gravity - You know why I follow you and subscribed to your channel? Because you are not one of those clickbait idiots, who babble 10 minutes to end up with saying I need to buy something to get real advice. I hope your channel brings you some revenue because you deserve it. There was a dumbass on Facebook who promoted his "never-give-actual-info" videos and I hated that guy. LOVE YOUR VIDEOS. Thanks man, for making this content for us. Kind regards from Slovenia.
1:00 :decline bench press
1:27 :flat bench press
2:40 :decline bench press
3:04 : peck deck fly
4:04 :chest dips
4:52 :bent forward high cable crossover
5:44 :decline cable chest press
6:45 :dumbbell press (flat/decline)
7:33 :dumbbell fly(decline /flat)
8:29 :incline push up
The summary guy , i once again bow in gratitude.
Big thank legend
You are doing God’s work
I like the way he just launches into the video, no preamble, no “hi everyone”, just business. The rest of youtube should take note. 👍
I personally enjoy a quick intro with a friendly hiiii and then a dont forget to like, comment and subscribe afterwards.
I agree with you..I thought I missed something at the very beginning..like an intro or a greeting but then realized ok this is it just listen...He's one of a few who gets to the point ,gives you the necessary info and your done .
Homer62001 Couldn’t agree more. It’s A&P class rt off the bat. Always taking note 📝
Thank you Sergio Ramos 😃💪🏽
Selva Svce yeah!! He does look like Sergio Ramos...Halla Madrid🙌🏾
Aguante Messi. Cada vez que juegan lo destruye al pobre Ramos y a todo el Madrid jajaja
You're welcome
#1 Flat bench press
#2 Decline bench press
#3 Peck-Deck Fly
#4 Chest Dips
#5 Bent forward high cable crossover
#6 Decline cable chest press
#7 Dumbbell press (Flat/Decline)
#8 Dumbbell Fly(Decline/flat)
#9 Inclined Push-ups
How many reps bruh??
Thanks 😊
@@njg.. 10-15 reps is enough and 3 or 4 sets.
Doing gods work 🙏
Dude you like a teacher ... everything is so detailed ... no bussy conversation.. straight to business ... thankyou bro
Bench press.
Chest Flys.
Exactly this maybe incline no need for overcomplicating things
I do that too
What about push ups???
@@LethalByChoice Don't need push ups when you are doing dips. Push ups are only needed if you are not strong enough for dips.
No, thank you.
Great exercises mate! I am already doing something similar. Will add some of these exercises for sure. Btw I always thought I was eating enough and was disappointed because my weight stagnated. Then I got my first diet plan created from website named Next Level Diet. I realised that my previous food intake was way below my needs although I thought I'm good. At the beginning it was hard to eat 2500kcal in a day, but I got used to it. I started noticing real gains and it felt amazing. I wish I'd understood the importance of diet earlier.
When doing cable flies, cross midline instead of stopping at midline
There is a temptation to do that, since it seems like a fuller range of motion, but personally I wouldn't recommend going much further past the midline as you lose tension in your pecs.
Great video…straight to the point with no loud music
Holy he went straight to the information I didn’t even have time to react and getting my notes out
4:29 "While imagining that you're squeezing the parallel bars together". Wow! Great way to actually explain the motion of the exercise. These small things do matter a lot!
Keep up the good work! 👍🏻
Since it's related, while doing the bench press you can imagine that you're bending the barbell inwards, to create even more tension...
I used to fear pushing heavy weights on flat bench dumbbell press cuz I didn't know how to properly bring the weights up to my chest fearing for a failure or an injury. Then I learned by paying attention to others with heavy weights. This guy is amazing for explaining many details about each workout.
These are by far your best type of videos, where you do not insert silly movie clips and other fluff images every 10 seconds. All no-nonsense is the way to go. Thumb up.
Curt Randall Well... i liked more like before!
Love this. My progress has grown by simply following this channel. The way he explains things is just outstanding and very educating.
As a nurse, I appreciate your detailed explanation of the muscle groups. It is very helpful to visualize in ur mind as u workout. Fun fact- once u are able to visualize the muscle u are working, u are able to develop neurological current to that muscle to achieve MAX results.
This is y I'm subscribed, he always gets right tot the point, and his exercises r precise. 💪💪
He just jumped straight into the facts..RESPECT👏
You are one of the best and most genuine RUclips channel which gives really good gym advice
I've just been doing pushups like crazy.. seeing a huge difference
Push ups are great, but if you can find a way to do dips I highly recommend them. I do 150 every chest day and my chest is one of the largest most defined muscle groups. Not only do they work your entire chest but they work your triceps and shoulders like crazy too
Try getting a weighted vest so you can include progressive overload into your workout, I would suggest start with a decently heavy weighted vest so you can gain more strength, once you can do around 30 push ups with that I suggest going up in weight, when I was 12 I was like 115 pounds and once I started adding strength to my bench until I could bench 135 my push ups also increased like crazy, since I was a beginner I was pretty much keeping my weight but gaining muscle and loosing bodyfat and I noticed because I added weight to my bench I was able to do more push ups or do more reps with a lighter weight, so it’s almost the same concept, my push ups went from 15-40 in just 1.5-2 months, most likely if I trained my triceps though it probably would have been faster but if you add weight you will gain strength, more reps can work but if you want to gain size you have to add weight, and if you think just gain muscle the thing is if you wanna gain muscle the faster/more effective way is adding weight, that’s why I actually think weighted calisthenics can be almost as effected as standard compound movements.
@@Idfkleavemealone420 How long did it take for you to be able to do 150 dips?
Try do it slow and controlled reps, it burns like hell but great pumps tho.
Ws6Ms Same, put your hands parallel to your stomach and you’ll notice your lower chest will grow faster when doing pushups
Wow, the information was so detailed and thorough. Very much appreciated!
Very clear and concise instructions, awesome!
Helping people to do the excercise the right way....best video ever seen on the gym excercise..
Really appreciating the editing quality on this video.
I been working out for almost 6 months with no result after watching your video and explaining with detail for each movement, I am finally seeing result thanks
Great Info! One question to the 2 Chest workouts per week: Do you recommend to repeat exactly the same workout (exercise selection) 2 times per week or do 2 different workouts per week? What is better and why?
just google training strength and hypertrophy
@@jelenasavic6544 Growing chest by googling would be great, wouldn't it?😉
@@hansimeier6587 wish it was that easy
@@hansimeier6587 i'd recommend doing one routine x times per week for 2 weeks, and then alternating with another routine for the following two weeks, and just cycle between the two (while progessively increasing resistance etc). hope this helps
Gravity transformation has, from far, the best explanatory videos about training, nutrition and supplement on youtube or any platform online. I've done their 6 week fat loss challenge and 12 week muscle multiplier and I got amazing results. Keep the good work on Max 👍🏼
Video’s are great. I admire your humility. You’re one of the very few trainers on YT who doesn’t throwing his name around 14 times during every vid. )actually i don’t even know your name)
Thank you. Great straightforward content and examples.
One of my favorite youtube channels by far. Keep it up
On that last one with the TRX push ups at the top of the press, if you turn your wrists out and bring your arms together trying to bring the pinky fingers together it will give you an insane squeeze aswell.
I gotta do more incline pushups that's a helluva exercise. Thanks for the information mate. just be careful especially to those with weak shoulders doing dips, since it probably strains the shoulders the most while hitting chest out of all these. yes, decline bench press is highly effective.
As soon as I'm done fasting I'll hop on this asap. I care the most about my chest.
This is great. I’ve been avoiding the flat bench press a lot because I can’t bench that much. Also I’ve been extending my elbows too far back behind my shoulders for other excercises. I’ve experienced some pain in the shoulders. Now I know why.
I’ll try these new tips and try out the flat bench press.
Good tips.
Bench is hands down one of the best and fastest ways to grow your triceps and chest. Definitely don't skip it
Tc Cv I skipped bench for about 2 years and I totally regret it. I’d recommend bench and cable flies. Do 5x5 and you’ll see the weight jump fast
Bench is the bread and butter of chest mass. Leave your ego at the front. Just lift as heavy as you can with good form
After a long time of not caring about my body and becoming fat af and started working out and feel confident seeing progress
These video really help me when I don't always have someone who can go with me to the gym
You should put together an app with these exercises along with a variety of programs for weight loss and muscle gain. Add some nutrition plans here and there, maybe even some kind of personalization plan with real coaches and be ready to make a bunch of bucks.
We all want this to be created by someone at some point whoever executes it will become wealthy
This already exists and wouldn’t be unique
Awesome video. The graphics are super helpful
Don’t tell anyone your plans. Instead, show them your results.
Excellent and informative video! Kudos!
God how much I'd love those videos to be straight to the damn point
Ima hit some.
1. burger curls
2. Pec fries.
3. Ranch dips
4. And a happy new year ..
Nice video, ima put it it to work on the months coming up. Stay safe
How’s it going ?
@1:15 science shows that decline is not only a Safe way of training your chest but also indicates that it also greatly stimulates the growth of the upper Portion of the chest, check recent studies on this
The left guy on a thumbnail is literally me after christmas
I hope the 2nd one
like everybody
Me too😔
Jesus people are getting boring with this: Omg this is meee! ME ME! Shut up please
It’s been a while since I’ve been motivated, thanks!
Overdeveloped lower chest gives you that “boob” look, upper chest is the key for an aesthetic, armor plate, super hero chest!
No the lower chest gives you the asthetic look
Remzi Asenov if aesthetic for you means breast like, boobie, droopy feminine chest yes...
Calm down captain America
@@ignaciolopez3599 negative....this builds lower MUSCLE....no boobage.
illiniheel67 that’s what I’m saying. Doing upper chest just helps stick out thechest trust me.
Thanks my man I been trying to figure out a great chest program I'll let you know how I make out I am pretty sure I speak for all ur subscribers when I say you truly are a great instructor and not many instructors will give bits and pieces of there secrets for free I know its not the full secret and full programs but it is enough to get us started and want to do more so thank you very much!!!!!!!!
I’ve been doing 6x20 push ups every day for the last 5 months, results are amazing!!,
Do you rest before each set? If so how long?
Cyann 1-1.5 min
Eliel Rios 6 reps 20 sets? My bad
G_Eric 05 Orher way, 6 sets 20 reps
@@ergamaliel can you not do 20 pushups??
you are literally the best fitness you tuber
I transform my Garage into a gym also. One of the best decision I've ever made..Stay Jacked Gentlemen.
Can you update us now?
My garage is too damn small
Those visual aids are pretty great thanks
I did all that for years and only diet helped, that’s just my experience and opinion not saying your wrong
Would genuinely love to thank you for this video, am subscribing.
10:28 KALPANA WAS KILLED, WHO IS GHAJNI ...... Cracked me up 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Most people actually have an over-developed lower chest, making you actually look more booby as your muscle fibers are bulkier and have more tension at the bottom. Need to do more incline flys etc. for upper chest, and it will even out as you get stretch & build along the clavicles attachment point for counter tension
*sighs* FINALLY ! Someone says Pectoralis Major WITHOUT sounding all fancy and french, hehe!
Another perfect video!
Where's the guy who writes the time of each workout ?! 😐
Thanks for giving us such information ❤
My left chest pec is bigger than my right how can I fix that
Mastterbute at both hand
If you train normally and stress both muscles the same, the smaller one should start to catch up because it isn't as strong. Just make sure you don't cheat while bench pressing for example. If one side comes up more easily, let the weaker muscle decide the tempo.
at least you don't have to apologize for a sandwich breath
Perhaps start doing your bench press with dumbbells instead of barbell it will allow each PEC to do it's own work rather than both working for the same weight
This is my favourite workout I bet everyone love it. I like this video because I was looking the technique. Thank you bro. 😊
I've dislocated my shoulder 6 times, and I'm afraid of doing any of these exercises due to my shoulder issues, so I usually just stick to normal push-ups. Are there any other exercises that will work out my chest that won't cause issues with my shoulder?
probably not. if anything, maybe cable exercises (high/low/medium pulls/crossovers) and dips, perhaps pec dec too
Shoulder issues with a shoulder surgery here. If its healed, figure out what works best for you. I couldn't do dips for a few years but now I can. For a while, I could only do flies and not presses. I guess I slowly worked back into things with exercises that I could do. Also work on shoulder internal and external rotations for shoulder health. I work in physical therapy and I promise you, your shoulder health is key for any chest exercise. Dont be a dummy and use plates to do it cuz you're not doing anything. Use cables or bands.
You can always just stick with light weights high reps. Dislocated my shoulder a couple times so I understand the pain
Daniel V No in a fight, then again when I was in BCT for the army. You can feel sometimes when I’m lifting that it wants to pop out of its socket. At that point I just stop lifting
If you adjust the angle at which you do your push ups, you can hit all parts of the chest. You just have to pay close attention to which muscle you feel it in and might need to take the push ups slower
Best Muscle building tutorials Ever!
10:28 "Kalpana was killed" 😂 AmirKhan's body from Ghajini movie ❤
Hyyy am from kerala
Thanks brother.. Usefull video
Well explained! Everything was 100 percent right. Me training 30 years confirms it💪👍
Bro you are one of the best Chanel ✌🏻
Do push-ups works?
I watch all his videos and this one is so detailed and super helpful. Thanks brotha. Let’s goooo 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💯💯💯👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Can you do a video on resistance bands pls
Thischannel is awsome i really share it to all my freinds
10:32 ghajini
A very complete guide. Thanks for sharing!
Where do you get one of those big chains that one guy had on after the dip exercise clip? What's the proper name for it?
Look on amazon for fitness chain
Bruh Home Depot or Lowe's will have them, and they're cheaper than. If you get it from a fitness store they charge you more for the same damn chain.
@@nawfsidereviews6029 Thanks
"That's the Chain of Command. The chain I beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command around here." - Jayne Cobb, Firefly. ;)
The Hells Angles have a website, they're selling their used equipment.. :)
Working out the chest today thanks for the info .
Thank you soo much for this vedio..i have really been looking for a well explained vedio of exercises that help develop Lower chest. And i think this vid is the best for me
damn, this channel is a hidden gem, great advices on form thanks!!!
As much as I appreciate this channel, I've noticed lately that a lot of the information given is either false or unproven. Whether that's intentional or not, I don't know, but after watching several videos I realize there is a lot of contradiction going on, especially in the weight loss vids. In one video he will say "do this" and in another "actually no, don't do that because..."
I, personally, appreciate everything he's doing in these videos to help people virtually for free. Although some can be pretty confusing. Especially for those who try to take them seriously.
@Aaron S. Your revolution is over. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me?
Straight to the point.
Just do pushups guys. That's ALL you need as a beginner, and it's very convenient.
Yes thnx but I cannot do more than 4 pushups in a row... As a beginner as you told...
Packed with info, not much bs and fluff. Thanks for not wasting my time
As a skinnier guy, when the muscle disappeared and showed only bones...
I felt that
Thanks brother, enjoy your vids.
Been doing 100 Push ups
100 sit ups
And 10k every day for the last 2 years and 11 months
One punch man?
You definitely look like you can do 100 push ups
Stop putting this workout everywhere you don’t do it so shut up
@@adamlorden2322 it's a reference
Thanks you . it’s very important and useful exercise
Hey congrats on the PSG signing Sergio Ramos 🤞🏽
Recommendations : chest workout video
Me :sweet I'll watch it
Nice video Ramos !
Thumbnail:,, hi, if you learn to activate your lower chest, you get overall shredded all of the sudden.
I love the graphical explaination. Done just right.. keep up the work man!
This guy is like a combination of Sergio Ramos and Otamendi
Your Channel Is Very Informative and Motivating..Keep Up The Great Work..Thanks & Cheers...👍✌🙂
2020, big chest gainZ
amazing information sir...love from India
Please help guys, I've been lifting for 3 years now, have built a solid physique training full body 3 days a week. I've been cutting for a while now and currently pretty lean. Abs and veins showing. But still have these flabby, saggy lower pecs? Would love some advice!
Simpel man ,just increase thé volume of your pecs in your training and be on a 500 Callorie surplus or your muscle wont grow if your training for 3 years
Watch the video
@Ghost it's known as Gynecomastia
Search on RUclips .... there is no way remove that shit except surgery
Thank me later😉
Dips, dips and again dips
Hey Gravity - You know why I follow you and subscribed to your channel? Because you are not one of those clickbait idiots, who babble 10 minutes to end up with saying I need to buy something to get real advice. I hope your channel brings you some revenue because you deserve it. There was a dumbass on Facebook who promoted his "never-give-actual-info" videos and I hated that guy. LOVE YOUR VIDEOS. Thanks man, for making this content for us. Kind regards from Slovenia.
so you’re saying if i do chest exercises, i will build my chest 😂 nice
Thanks bro 👍🏻
Aamir form GHAJNI spotted😉😜
Very informative video, well explained by showing mechanics.
4:40 Eno ga brat Lepomir :)