Krill Flake food shown in this video: Nano Sponge Filter shown in this video: Link to the "Crazy Cool" fishroom video that I mentioned:видео.html
Would you be interested in a fresh water sponge i recently collected some from the wild in New Hampshire im trying to keep them but would be very interested to see you try your hand at it I don't need any money just would like to get a fue out thear I can ship directly to you
Yes, you have two males. I did the same thing for years. Tried really hard to get a female buying almost every drab fish from breeders or stores around. FINALLY got a female and now with a joint breeding program with a friend we have several breeder females and over 200 babies right now. My fav fish by far. Lovely. I don't find a lot of the information on line to be correct for keeping them long term. They like 74 degree temp and a low to Med GH, they tend to die a terrible death if the GH is allowed to creep up. With my Scarlet badis I keep Pygmy cories, Green Rasboras, dreamy blue shrimp, and mystery snails. I will be adding a second schooling fish but I haven't decided. I have videos on my badis to check out. I keep them in a 120 gallon.
Mine has done really well in 18dgh. That's how it comes out of the tap and I'll be damned if I'm chasing parameters over and above zero ammonia and nitrite. They will breed for you in hard water. You are right about females being ridiculously rare. Most of the fish for sale turn out to be beta males.
I just got one of these beautiful, mean machines last week! I absolutely LOVE him! I find myself staring at his tank with fascination as he hunts for prey with such personality and awareness.
For the shrimp try dosing small (very small) amounts of bacterAE every other day to get some biofilm growing before you add the shrimp. Also make sure you are drip acclimating them. Another thing that could be happening is your badis are harassing them so much they are getting stressed. You could start a small colony in a 2-3 gall heavily planted and let them adjust there, then move over some of the offspring when they are 2 months.
I recently lost all but one ember tetras during a heat wave. When I went to restock there were scarlet badis in the tank and one decided to come home with my embers. It is now in a tank with a healthy population of cherry shrimp and other color varieties. It will be interesting to see how the colony survives. I had a hard time starting the colony. What ended up working for me was mineral junkie. I was trying to dose the water and get all the parameters just right. I added this food and stopped caring about gh/kh/etc and now I can’t keep up with the population. Even when I moved a filter and tank to the garage during winter and ignored it I still had a ton of breeding and too many shrimp.
Thank you for posting,I got a five gallon tank as part of a package deal with a bow front tank and metal stand from someone who was getting out of the hobby. Thinking they might be just what I have been looking for. I got the Xtreme krill flakes from Cory at the last Aquatic Experience,met his wife ( incredibly nice lady) Jimmy and Lindsay impressed with everyone and how friendly and nice they were. He hit another home run bringing you into the mix. As far as the krill flakes I liked them so well that I talked my LFS into carrying it ( Xtreme foods is now number 1 in sales for them).
It's very impressive that you have some that take flake food. I had a pair of male Black Tiger Badis that I eventually rehomed due to them getting outcompeted for live foods in their community setup.
Recently got into the hobby. One thing Ive realized after watching caridina and Neos is that Caridinas like it slow, drip acclimate start with pure water and aquasoil, add some minerals and/or shrimp pellets to help molting, feed once a week add beneficial bacteria, dont alter water parameters. You can do this with Neos too but you can also just toss Neos in a random tank and call it a day. Neos dont mind a faster pace, toss em in and theyll adapt, feed them more often than not depending on colony size
Love this! I have 1 tank in my home office..sometimes I get lost just watching them while on my calls and have to snap out of it to get off mute 🤣. I love the mini Pond ..hmmm maybe I need one of those too...great video..thank you
Saw a couple of these in a tank at my local pet store yesterday. They’re on my bucket list of nano fish along with emerald rasbora. They look so good 👍🏻
Emerald Rasbora have been extremely shy for us, and we have tried them in a few different settings, heavily planted, lost of cover, floating plants, different inhabitants, etc. Thinking of trying the Celestial Pearl Danio/ Galaxy Rasbora next time. Those seem more common and more outgoing in general compared to the Emerald Rasbora. Emerald’s are gorgeous little fish though.
@@pythonparis thanks for the heads up about the emerald rasboras. Will be a while before I have the space to house them, but it’s nice to know how others have found them.
@@brianmarshall1762 If/when you do get them, hopefully you figure out their secret to happiness, and wind up with a beautiful nano aquarium with those gorgeous little fish. Maybe it was just something we were doing wrong or missing. They are so nice looking, we may give them another try someday.
I lost hundreds of dollars of shrimp and then I added tourmaline mineral balls to the tanks and now all the caridina and neo caridina are thriving and breeding. I also use tap water and just adjust the PH to 7 and add a little bit of tap water conditioner.
I'm thinking of getting one for my 5G office tank. What do you think - worth it or not? Not sure if it'll be too shy or not have much of a personality.
I'm with you on cherry shrimp. Had orange crystal shrimp, a dozen, within 2 weeks down to 1. However that little shrimp lived a bit over a year. Always kept the mystery snails shell clean.
lol me and my friend too have the curse of unsuccessful shrimp keeping. thanks for the video it has given me some inspiration for what fish to keep at my uni dorm as I want to own a smaller tank due to lack of space.
This was awesome. I have Scarlet Badis witha few types of "nano" gobies. They come out more since I added them to the mix. The Sacrlet Badis are inquisitive and like to check them out 😊 I want to do the daphnia thing for my guys!!
I have some Taiwan Dragon gobys in a nano tank they would go great with baddis. I also have aspidoris rumondi, Pseudomugil luminatus, orange otos (sp. Peru 1), Australian desert gobys, and a Sparking Garami (its a 20 gallon). Eventually i want to upgrade to either a 33 long or a 40 and add gold barbs.
Hello. Would you be willing to give me any information about Badis? I know a store that has some but I don't know what fishes, if any, can live with them.
I have one of these with 4 female Bettas. Heavily planted tank. I make no special effort to feed him. He just eats what gets past the Bettas and what grows on the leaf litter. They also hunt snails. Can go weeks without seeing him, but he's been going strong well over a year.
I’m really surprised about your trouble with Cherry shrimp! I had a few die from my initial batch but now there’s a thriving huge colony in my community 20. Getting them from a friend with the same water sounds like a great solution.
For the shrimp, try adding small wonder shell to the tank (Aquarium Co-op). I had trouble before then had great success after adding them. Good luck and keep the videos coming.
Shrimp are tricky to keep happy. Few important tips are, Acid water around 6.5 - 7 Also use shrimp media it stabilizes the water. A must and most importantly is to climatize slowly to your tank it can take several hours to introduce shrimp to tank. And food shrimp do well with dead leaves just add 1 or two leaves to a tank but check what type of tree to use. Banana and mulberry are good 👍
When you tried shrimp in various tanks, did you try one with a school of fish? Dk why but shrimp only tanks die for me but something about school helps me.
Nice looking tank and fish. Have you thought for a cohabitant at Hara jerdoni? They are one of the smallest bottom dwellers ( they are a little bit shy and rest on shaded leaves and come out only when they smell food) and are very peaceful. They are small anyway so they do their one bussines.i have them in a community aquarium and they are doing ok, although i don't know exactly what they are eating but they manage to find things.
I have noticed at least for my 2.5 gallon nano that feeding the shrimp at ALL has resulted in death. I think the issue happens when you get right about to make a water change, or if there's a spike in ammonia or some other nutrient that is harmful to them, but maybe isn't on our radar to test regularly for freshwater aquariums at least. Especially if you over feed and get ready to do a water change shortly that day. It might worry you a bit less but be quite significant to the shrimp. I also only feed every other day, and only very occasionally when I've accidentally overfed, I might even wait two days and feed a normal sized meal of omega one or one of the bsfl based flake foods I have. The only ones I've ever had survive and seem to be thriving are in there with a few daisy's rice fish. I also ordered them from Aqua Huna (chocolate neocardia). The top is open and I have branches coming out. I regularly add leaves. There is a healthy level of algae growth, snails, and I'm using eco complete and doing weekly water changes. It is near a dehumidifier (don't ask 😂) and fairly regularly has prime treated water added to top it off. I've thrown anything in it that will grow including giant duckweed, crypts, red rooted floaters, water lettuce, java moss, Christmas moss. I have cattapa bark and Indian Almond or guava leaves degrading in each of my tanks. There is some slate rock and tourmaline balls for the shrimp. The water column is tall and there's an air stone constantly running on a whisper. It's an older marine land portrait whose lid I broke a while ago. I also have a round grow light and a philodendron that now has very extensive roots and is beginning to leaf out. I was inspired by a local pet store that tried making a "Congo" tank that included tiger barbs (no clue as to the philodendron's nativity to the Congo. I have a clunky HOB filter that someone gave me from a glow tank kit that I just gave ceramic and carbon in.
Absolutely love the Scarlet Badis. It is disappointing that finding actual females is so difficult. We have had non-dominant males that we hoped were females. Got a pair once though too. Saw them courting and everything. Never got fry out of it, but they were in a mini community aquarium though. I think we had Chili Rasboras and a Nerite snail with them. Glad to see Scarlet Badis get the spotlight they deserve!
This is a great video. I loved it. And I just subscribed. As for the cherry shrimp mystery, I wonder if this gentleman who knows way more about planted tanks than I do, has tried keeping some in a tank with "outsourced" water. Not a practical thing to do in the long run, but it may point to the source of the problem -- something specific to your water supply, or plumbing for that matter. My cherries thrive, and so do my dwarf crayfish. And they live in an office building that is over 100 years old.
When you buy shrimp, maybe buy calcium blocks and add one immediately. If your water parameters are good then, it could just be down to what you're keeping them with. As you have said, scarlet badis can be territorial so maybe on this occasion, they became confrontational. I have been both very successful in breeding cheery shrimp and like you, struggled, watching them die off slowly with no glimpse of breeding.
I had the same issue with my shrimp. I perfected it now. First off I'd go easy mode and change to RO water with remineralizer. Say you don't want that. Drip acclimate all the shrimp you get, I do 1-2 hour. Top off only with distilled/ro water. Also do very small waterchanges 10-25% weekly and if you use tap water with declor...drip it back to fill it up. It's tedious and a long process but it helped me keep my shrimp alive. I now have breed red cherry and black rose shrimp. I have kept crystals too for 6 months (some berried) until I had no oxygen exchange incident 😢.
Try LRB's line. His are solid and hardy. I lost shrimp right and left until I bought his. Even with water differences...just drip acclimate them. They will live. Also, my shrimp do best at 74 or lower in temp....and it's best to not treat your shrimp tanks like your fish tanks. Your fish room is immaculate. Beautiful to look at..but may be playing against you with keeping shrimp. Shrimp like clean water, but really need some muck in the tank to thrive. I use fine sand in my shrimp tanks. Put two wooden grilling screwers on a small hose with zip ties leaving about an inch of the pointy ends hanging out from hose. It helps chase the shrimp away from suction, and stirs the top layer of sand as I'm vaccuming. You will see your shrimp go nuts over the fresh bacteria and little decaying bits stirred to the top afterwards. Gentle swirling motion does the trick...I do this every two weeks to a month...but it really depends on how heavy you feed...raising babies...I feed pretty heavy....and just a light cleaning..... A bit of leaf litter and alder cones would help as well... Hope you find something that works for you. ☺️☺️☺️. ..really enjoy your channel.
I literally bought my pair because of your video. I had been wanting them since aquashella this year I seen them there and didn’t believe the guy when he said that they stay that small I went home did research and was like omg he wasn’t lying. I mean I just thought because he had such huge fish everywhere and he wanted to sell everything so he didn’t have to pack it all up later I thought he was just gonna sell me a baby fish that was going to be massive later. Anyway I did my research found this video and finally bought my pair!!! I loooove them. My two love the blood worms and I am doing baby brine right now to see if they will do those. Anyway excited to hear about yours and hopefully we can see some fry!!!
Great vid! I have a 2.7 nano tank that house my two males in with a female Dumbo betta, 6 hillstream loach fry, 4 baby bristle nose tons of shrimp( the secret is add salt in my 10gallon tanks I add about 3 table spoons... yes even with the other fish including the scaleless! Mine love baby brine they eat right from the syringe for me 🥰
got 5 of these i enjoy them. amazing nanofish didn't expect them to be this small. got some tetras and a discus. the discus doesn't disturb them and they only eat bloodworms n daphnia
I have glass shrimp with my scarlet badis in a similar sized tank and they get along very well. I had issues with the fish bullying smaller shrimp but changing to a slightly bigger shrimp has fixed the issue
Ive had bad luck with fancy shrimp, but I've had good luck with these plain ol amano shrimps these little guys seem to be very hearty for me theyve been in a tank with a bubbler and ive kind of forgotten to top it off but they are always busy and healthy! I thought for sure they were dead.
Love the video! One question and one observation. The question is about the white worms. What are they? I have never heard of them before (possible video?) and maybe the shrimp are starving ? Your tank looks immaculate and might be too clean for the shrimp? Just from watching videos on shrimp, everyone seems to have algae covered rocks. I don’t raise shrimp, so like I said, just an observation. Love all of your videos!!
Beautiful! The Daphnia look HUGE! 😂 I'm into copper salmons (Hasemania nana), not as small as, but I like their behaviour. And still looking for a couple of Caquetaia spectabilis for my big tank. Hard to find here in Holland.
I am no shrimp expert, but I have had success in multiple tanks. My personal tank I am doing crystal shrimp and Taiwan bee shrimp. In that tank I am using RODI water. In the tanks I have had neos in I have used tap water (I’m in pacific NW) and I use fritz water conditioner, and they have done well. The main constant I have in their tanks is Susswassertang and/or moss. I find they do best when there is a large moss patch or big bunch of susswassertang. I also keep at least 1 wall of the tank “dirty” in that I never scrape it and let it grow algea. I run sponge filters in a couple tanks, and canisters on others. All tanks have fish in them also, and driftwood in every tank. Don’t know if this helps.
Pea puffer! They will love all the food you feed the badis too. Those two will smash all baby shrimp. Sometimes cherry shrimp gotta drop acclimate for several hours and take a plant from original tank and introduce sometime as shrimp like a Java moss or guppy grass or hornwort something to do with the microbiology. I always go for the bacter AE a week or two before adding the cherries. Shouldn’t harm the fish in minimal amounts. I have a feeling your tanks are too clean for the cherries. Haha great vids
I am certain that you have heavy metals in your water that's killing your shrimp, mainly copper. I had your exact same problem with shrimp for the longest time, until I figured out that my RO system purposely adds copper ions to my drinking water. The next batch I raised with regular conditioned tap water and they're doing perfectly fine
For cherry shrimp... My first batch oso did not make thru about 2 months in my 5 gallon tank. I bought 10 and it down to ard 4 when I went to another local aquarium store to get another 10. A few die after a month so but the remaining one survive and thrive. After 5 months I have tons of baby swimming Ard with my chili rasbora. I think it boils down to the batch of shrimp. Try to get from other source if you fail I think it should work one day and you can grow ur colony
Honestly, the thing about the shrimps really baffles me, I've got around 8 of them in my 10 gallon nano community tank, it's 6.5 ph, 25 degrees celsius and I'm not sure on the gh and kh (in short: terrible cherry shrimp parameters). I've got some more sensitive cherry shrimps variants and they've all been fine? I've even had some breeding take place, they mostly serve as a good source of livefood for some of my fish, but I've got tons of hiding places so I can hopefully get some shrimplets to reach a size where they are safe, so far only one seems to have made it to that point. I've had them in them in there for over 5-6 months at least and only had one die. If you do use a fertiliser for that tank, make sure it doesn't have too high of a copper content, that was the thing that killed my one shrimp I'm sure, I stopped using my old fertiliser after that one death and haven't had any since.
When I add new shrimp, I always slow drip them for 2 hours or more. Around 1 drip from a small vaccum tube every 2 seconds. You've probably tried that already, but thought that I should mention it. Kind regards.
These are so cute! I have seen them at my LFS and thought they were a mini chiclid so thank you for clearing that up! I have nothing to offer you! But I do appreciate you’re being candid about the shrimp. I’m newer and been in hobby 2 years now and I keep shrimp with my bettas and now, I feel pretty proud of that! I do use RO water cuz my tap water is terrible. Have you tried amano? I have one female that’s huge at like 2-3 inches! But others are small and they did well when I used tap water
I have crystal reds and I had trouble with keeping them alive at first too. I switched from a sponge to a small pump internal filter. I read they like good circulation. Also NO heater! Now they breed once a month. Good luck.
I've tried to breed this fish too. super lucky if you find a female. Ask Rachel O'leary, sometimes she gets them in. I think you're right on the money about the 2nd fish being a sub-male.
Hi. I was watching your video. I was wondering what kinda fertilizer you use for your plants? There are only certain kinds that are safe for shrimp. If it Cas lots of copper in it, it will be toxic to the shrimp
@@TazawaTanks do not ever take any hot or warm water out of the tap! Especially for shrimps. Always use cold water as this prevents copper leaching out of your house installation. Bring the cold water with a aquarium heater, or what ever on temperature. And please do only small water changes at once. Quite convinced that this was the cause of the die off.
Cool video I have kept shrimp forever it seems like at least here in Missouri we have hard calcium water no problem keeping shrimp but I will be very cautious about putting shrimp in with the Scarlet badis you probably won't have much success and getting them to breed or to grow very large in numbers
Is that an Amazon Sword in the tank?? If so is there a way to keep it small?? I really enjoyed the video, as always it was well done and very informative.
Yeah, my guess was either that they don't have enough microfauna and detritus to munch on, or maybe there was a copper based med used in the tank within the past few water changes. Shrimp are much more sensitive to copper than most fish
I understand your struggles with cherry shrimp. I finally have a group that I've kept alive for a few months after many tries and research. But no breeding yet! It's pretty frustrating.
Wonder if there isn't a trace amount of copper getting into your tanks somehow, from a pipe or some equipment somewhere? A level too small to bother anything other than a shrimp?
Fun fact: scarlet badis can do well in a 1 gallon aquarium. I keep a male and female with blue dream shrimp and 2 african dwarf frogs in a heavily planted 3 gallon. Its my favourite little tank
@@ggsttdn91 i was against putting anything at all in less than a 5 gallon. But with research instead of relying on opinions i found that some fish prefer a smaller tank. Frogs and scarlet baddis for example. My nitrates at 5, nitrites and ammonia are at zero.
Maybe Kuhli loaches would look cool and cohabitate well with the Dario Dario, since it's well planted I think they would feel safe enough to wonder around.
@@TazawaTanks hum, well thought. Just checked the video again and saw how close the water is to the top, might be to risky. Maybe Sundandanio Axelrodi, micro rasboras like cpd, erithromicron or dorsiocellata. A small group of 6/7 would look awsome, and I don't believe they would jump out. The setup looks amazing for any of them and since you already have all those types of live food, mixed with micro dry foods it's kinda the perfect setup. Been thinking of getting the Dario Dário to, such a beautiful species and super curious hehe looking forward to see what you'll go with.
I have a hard time with cherry shrimp as well. My blue shrimp do a little better. And I've had Amano shrimp do very well for me! Maybe try those? I know they aren't as colorful, but I absolutely love mine!
@@TazawaTanks Yes, although my hands hurt if I hold any camera/lens for a while. Kinda neeeeed to switch to mirrorless. Kinda don't really NEED it. lol.
@@GabbyRocio It’s a great lens once you get the hang of it. The thing with mirrorless is that when you use full frame mirrorless, the good lenses are still quite large. I have my EF lenses adapted to my mirrorless RF mount cameras, which adds a little length and weight.
Had those when I had plenty of shrimp babies in tank. They were not interested in frozen foods. Do I just have to find some locally that are eating flake and frozen in there tanks? Thanks.
Not sure. Too be fair, the eat the Xtreme Krill Flake for me, which is a flake food that even wild-caught discus have been known to take to, even when the reject all over prepared foods. Not sure how these would do with other types of food.
@@TazawaTanks Thanks. I know the LFS has some and they are eating but I can't even remember when I had some last. They didn't do well after shrimp were gone!
Krill Flake food shown in this video:
Nano Sponge Filter shown in this video:
Link to the "Crazy Cool" fishroom video that I mentioned:видео.html
Would you be interested in a fresh water sponge i recently collected some from the wild in New Hampshire im trying to keep them but would be very interested to see you try your hand at it I don't need any money just would like to get a fue out thear I can ship directly to you
What water parameters does your breeder has? That might have neen the problem
@@thomasmeade4490 I’m intrigued. What type of tank would it thrive in?
@@TazawaTanks Can you make a video on Oscars..
I have 4 Oscars (2 tiger Oscars and 2 albino Oscars) They are scared of the light.. pls help
@@gnanadg5615 I have a lot of videos about oscars. Just search “Tazawa Tanks oscars”.
Yes, you have two males. I did the same thing for years. Tried really hard to get a female buying almost every drab fish from breeders or stores around. FINALLY got a female and now with a joint breeding program with a friend we have several breeder females and over 200 babies right now. My fav fish by far. Lovely. I don't find a lot of the information on line to be correct for keeping them long term. They like 74 degree temp and a low to Med GH, they tend to die a terrible death if the GH is allowed to creep up. With my Scarlet badis I keep Pygmy cories, Green Rasboras, dreamy blue shrimp, and mystery snails. I will be adding a second schooling fish but I haven't decided. I have videos on my badis to check out. I keep them in a 120 gallon.
I really want to add gold barbs to my nano.
How about endlers?
Mine has done really well in 18dgh. That's how it comes out of the tap and I'll be damned if I'm chasing parameters over and above zero ammonia and nitrite. They will breed for you in hard water. You are right about females being ridiculously rare. Most of the fish for sale turn out to be beta males.
Wow I've been trying to find a female badis for a long time. Do you have any for sale?
@@SD-qu3yd we are in Ontario Canada. We do not ship. If you are around here and willing to pick up - yes.
I just got one of these beautiful, mean machines last week! I absolutely LOVE him! I find myself staring at his tank with fascination as he hunts for prey with such personality and awareness.
For the shrimp try dosing small (very small) amounts of bacterAE every other day to get some biofilm growing before you add the shrimp. Also make sure you are drip acclimating them. Another thing that could be happening is your badis are harassing them so much they are getting stressed. You could start a small colony in a 2-3 gall heavily planted and let them adjust there, then move over some of the offspring when they are 2 months.
He uses tap water. Conditioned RO/DI water only. Bacter AE is awesome, I use all their goods.
Thanks for this tip. I have had the same issues with trying to keep cherry shrimp that Zenzo reported. I am going to try the bacter ae.
I recently lost all but one ember tetras during a heat wave. When I went to restock there were scarlet badis in the tank and one decided to come home with my embers. It is now in a tank with a healthy population of cherry shrimp and other color varieties.
It will be interesting to see how the colony survives. I had a hard time starting the colony. What ended up working for me was mineral junkie. I was trying to dose the water and get all the parameters just right. I added this food and stopped caring about gh/kh/etc and now I can’t keep up with the population. Even when I moved a filter and tank to the garage during winter and ignored it I still had a ton of breeding and too many shrimp.
Thank you for posting,I got a five gallon tank as part of a package deal with a bow front tank and metal stand from someone who was getting out of the hobby. Thinking they might be just what I have been looking for. I got the Xtreme krill flakes from Cory at the last Aquatic Experience,met his wife ( incredibly nice lady) Jimmy and Lindsay impressed with everyone and how friendly and nice they were. He hit another home run bringing you into the mix. As far as the krill flakes I liked them so well that I talked my LFS into carrying it ( Xtreme foods is now number 1 in sales for them).
It's very impressive that you have some that take flake food. I had a pair of male Black Tiger Badis that I eventually rehomed due to them getting outcompeted for live foods in their community setup.
Recently got into the hobby. One thing Ive realized after watching caridina and Neos is that Caridinas like it slow, drip acclimate start with pure water and aquasoil, add some minerals and/or shrimp pellets to help molting, feed once a week add beneficial bacteria, dont alter water parameters. You can do this with Neos too but you can also just toss Neos in a random tank and call it a day. Neos dont mind a faster pace, toss em in and theyll adapt, feed them more often than not depending on colony size
Love this! I have 1 tank in my home office..sometimes I get lost just watching them while on my calls and have to snap out of it to get off mute 🤣. I love the mini Pond ..hmmm maybe I need one of those too...great video..thank you
Saw a couple of these in a tank at my local pet store yesterday. They’re on my bucket list of nano fish along with emerald rasbora. They look so good 👍🏻
Emerald Rasbora have been extremely shy for us, and we have tried them in a few different settings, heavily planted, lost of cover, floating plants, different inhabitants, etc. Thinking of trying the Celestial Pearl Danio/ Galaxy Rasbora next time. Those seem more common and more outgoing in general compared to the Emerald Rasbora. Emerald’s are gorgeous little fish though.
@@pythonparis thanks for the heads up about the emerald rasboras. Will be a while before I have the space to house them, but it’s nice to know how others have found them.
@@brianmarshall1762 If/when you do get them, hopefully you figure out their secret to happiness, and wind up with a beautiful nano aquarium with those gorgeous little fish. Maybe it was just something we were doing wrong or missing. They are so nice looking, we may give them another try someday.
I lost hundreds of dollars of shrimp and then I added tourmaline mineral balls to the tanks and now all the caridina and neo caridina are thriving and breeding. I also use tap water and just adjust the PH to 7 and add a little bit of tap water conditioner.
Happy Birthday! I hope to run into you at Ocean Aquarium sometime.
I'm thinking of getting one for my 5G office tank. What do you think - worth it or not? Not sure if it'll be too shy or not have much of a personality.
Mine are pretty shy. Very enjoyable when spotted though!
I'm with you on cherry shrimp. Had orange crystal shrimp, a dozen, within 2 weeks down to 1. However that little shrimp lived a bit over a year. Always kept the mystery snails shell clean.
The video at Phil's house is one of my favorite videos you have
lol me and my friend too have the curse of unsuccessful shrimp keeping. thanks for the video it has given me some inspiration for what fish to keep at my uni dorm as I want to own a smaller tank due to lack of space.
This was awesome. I have Scarlet Badis witha few types of "nano" gobies. They come out more since I added them to the mix. The Sacrlet Badis are inquisitive and like to check them out 😊 I want to do the daphnia thing for my guys!!
I have some Taiwan Dragon gobys in a nano tank they would go great with baddis. I also have aspidoris rumondi, Pseudomugil luminatus, orange otos (sp. Peru 1), Australian desert gobys, and a Sparking Garami (its a 20 gallon). Eventually i want to upgrade to either a 33 long or a 40 and add gold barbs.
Would you be willing to give me any information about Badis?
I know a store that has some but I don't know what fishes, if any, can live with them.
I have one of these with 4 female Bettas. Heavily planted tank.
I make no special effort to feed him. He just eats what gets past the Bettas and what grows on the leaf litter. They also hunt snails.
Can go weeks without seeing him, but he's been going strong well over a year.
I’m really surprised about your trouble with Cherry shrimp! I had a few die from my initial batch but now there’s a thriving huge colony in my community 20. Getting them from a friend with the same water sounds like a great solution.
For the shrimp, try adding small wonder shell to the tank (Aquarium Co-op). I had trouble before then had great success after adding them. Good luck and keep the videos coming.
Nice job on the scape in your badis tank. One of my favorite things is watching fish chasing down the live foods.
Shrimp are tricky to keep happy. Few important tips are, Acid water around 6.5 - 7
Also use shrimp media it stabilizes the water.
A must and most importantly is to climatize slowly to your tank it can take several hours to introduce shrimp to tank.
And food shrimp do well with dead leaves just add 1 or two leaves to a tank but check what type of tree to use. Banana and mulberry are good 👍
Nice that you are transparent about the shrimp
When you tried shrimp in various tanks, did you try one with a school of fish?
Dk why but shrimp only tanks die for me but something about school helps me.
I'm having flamingo guppies, kuhli loach, otocinclus and cherry shrimp in my bookshelf tank, together with a koi plakat betta. It looks stunning!
Happy Birthday!
Also thank you for teaching us about Dario Dario/Scarlet Badis Badis
Nice looking tank and fish. Have you thought for a cohabitant at Hara jerdoni? They are one of the smallest bottom dwellers ( they are a little bit shy and rest on shaded leaves and come out only when they smell food) and are very peaceful. They are small anyway so they do their one bussines.i have them in a community aquarium and they are doing ok, although i don't know exactly what they are eating but they manage to find things.
Great video as always.. but that transition.. at 0:20.. from the Fishroom to your office.. 🔥🔥
I have noticed at least for my 2.5 gallon nano that feeding the shrimp at ALL has resulted in death. I think the issue happens when you get right about to make a water change, or if there's a spike in ammonia or some other nutrient that is harmful to them, but maybe isn't on our radar to test regularly for freshwater aquariums at least. Especially if you over feed and get ready to do a water change shortly that day. It might worry you a bit less but be quite significant to the shrimp. I also only feed every other day, and only very occasionally when I've accidentally overfed, I might even wait two days and feed a normal sized meal of omega one or one of the bsfl based flake foods I have.
The only ones I've ever had survive and seem to be thriving are in there with a few daisy's rice fish. I also ordered them from Aqua Huna (chocolate neocardia). The top is open and I have branches coming out. I regularly add leaves. There is a healthy level of algae growth, snails, and I'm using eco complete and doing weekly water changes. It is near a dehumidifier (don't ask 😂) and fairly regularly has prime treated water added to top it off. I've thrown anything in it that will grow including giant duckweed, crypts, red rooted floaters, water lettuce, java moss, Christmas moss. I have cattapa bark and Indian Almond or guava leaves degrading in each of my tanks. There is some slate rock and tourmaline balls for the shrimp. The water column is tall and there's an air stone constantly running on a whisper. It's an older marine land portrait whose lid I broke a while ago. I also have a round grow light and a philodendron that now has very extensive roots and is beginning to leaf out. I was inspired by a local pet store that tried making a "Congo" tank that included tiger barbs (no clue as to the philodendron's nativity to the Congo. I have a clunky HOB filter that someone gave me from a glow tank kit that I just gave ceramic and carbon in.
Tank was also mature. I keep thinking of stuff to add!
Absolutely love the Scarlet Badis. It is disappointing that finding actual females is so difficult. We have had non-dominant males that we hoped were females. Got a pair once though too. Saw them courting and everything. Never got fry out of it, but they were in a mini community aquarium though. I think we had Chili Rasboras and a Nerite snail with them. Glad to see Scarlet Badis get the spotlight they deserve!
This is a great video. I loved it. And I just subscribed.
As for the cherry shrimp mystery, I wonder if this gentleman who knows way more about planted tanks than I do, has tried keeping some in a tank with "outsourced" water. Not a practical thing to do in the long run, but it may point to the source of the problem -- something specific to your water supply, or plumbing for that matter. My cherries thrive, and so do my dwarf crayfish. And they live in an office building that is over 100 years old.
When you buy shrimp, maybe buy calcium blocks and add one immediately. If your water parameters are good then, it could just be down to what you're keeping them with. As you have said, scarlet badis can be territorial so maybe on this occasion, they became confrontational.
I have been both very successful in breeding cheery shrimp and like you, struggled, watching them die off slowly with no glimpse of breeding.
Cool little fish bro,definitely a great addition to your collection
I had the same issue with my shrimp. I perfected it now. First off I'd go easy mode and change to RO water with remineralizer. Say you don't want that. Drip acclimate all the shrimp you get, I do 1-2 hour. Top off only with distilled/ro water. Also do very small waterchanges 10-25% weekly and if you use tap water with declor...drip it back to fill it up. It's tedious and a long process but it helped me keep my shrimp alive. I now have breed red cherry and black rose shrimp. I have kept crystals too for 6 months (some berried) until I had no oxygen exchange incident 😢.
Try LRB's line. His are solid and hardy. I lost shrimp right and left until I bought his. Even with water differences...just drip acclimate them. They will live.
Also, my shrimp do best at 74 or lower in temp....and it's best to not treat your shrimp tanks like your fish tanks. Your fish room is immaculate. Beautiful to look at..but may be playing against you with keeping shrimp. Shrimp like clean water, but really need some muck in the tank to thrive. I use fine sand in my shrimp tanks. Put two wooden grilling screwers on a small hose with zip ties leaving about an inch of the pointy ends hanging out from hose. It helps chase the shrimp away from suction, and stirs the top layer of sand as I'm vaccuming. You will see your shrimp go nuts over the fresh bacteria and little decaying bits stirred to the top afterwards. Gentle swirling motion does the trick...I do this every two weeks to a month...but it really depends on how heavy you feed...raising babies...I feed pretty heavy....and just a light cleaning.....
A bit of leaf litter and alder cones would help as well...
Hope you find something that works for you. ☺️☺️☺️. ..really enjoy your channel.
Thank you!
Thanks for the video, awesome fish! Loving the new content. Hope you are enjoying your new career and your family/friends are doing good.
Maybe a tad late to the party, but I love the way Chirs says "Scarlet Baddies."
I literally bought my pair because of your video. I had been wanting them since aquashella this year I seen them there and didn’t believe the guy when he said that they stay that small I went home did research and was like omg he wasn’t lying. I mean I just thought because he had such huge fish everywhere and he wanted to sell everything so he didn’t have to pack it all up later I thought he was just gonna sell me a baby fish that was going to be massive later. Anyway I did my research found this video and finally bought my pair!!! I loooove them. My two love the blood worms and I am doing baby brine right now to see if they will do those. Anyway excited to hear about yours and hopefully we can see some fry!!!
Digging the new dew.....
Always informative. Great looking tanks!
Happy Birthday! Love the content!
Great vid! I have a 2.7 nano tank that house my two males in with a female Dumbo betta, 6 hillstream loach fry, 4 baby bristle nose tons of shrimp( the secret is add salt in my 10gallon tanks I add about 3 table spoons... yes even with the other fish including the scaleless!
Mine love baby brine they eat right from the syringe for me 🥰
Iv found shrimp do well with older water. So if the water parameters are ok hold off on the water changes
got 5 of these i enjoy them. amazing nanofish didn't expect them to be this small. got some tetras and a discus. the discus doesn't disturb them and they only eat bloodworms n daphnia
Go for ghost shrimp, they're nooby shrimp and pretty cheap and active so you can get a small community easy, they're like 50¢ each if you buy multiple
Yo Z great little tanks for sure. Very nice set up in your office.
I have glass shrimp with my scarlet badis in a similar sized tank and they get along very well. I had issues with the fish bullying smaller shrimp but changing to a slightly bigger shrimp has fixed the issue
Ive had bad luck with fancy shrimp, but I've had good luck with these plain ol amano shrimps these little guys seem to be very hearty for me theyve been in a tank with a bubbler and ive kind of forgotten to top it off but they are always busy and healthy! I thought for sure they were dead.
Excellent video as always.
Love the video! One question and one observation. The question is about the white worms. What are they? I have never heard of them before (possible video?) and maybe the shrimp are starving ? Your tank looks immaculate and might be too clean for the shrimp? Just from watching videos on shrimp, everyone seems to have algae covered rocks. I don’t raise shrimp, so like I said, just an observation. Love all of your videos!!
Thanks. I do have a short here on my channel about the white worms.
Love the content. I'm curious to know about the other live foods you have going as well?
Daphnia, baby brine shrimp, and the white worms. Nothing else at the moment.
P.S. Looking good as always. Love the haircut and you not wearing a cap.
Beautiful! The Daphnia look HUGE! 😂
I'm into copper salmons (Hasemania nana), not as small as, but I like their behaviour.
And still looking for a couple of Caquetaia spectabilis for my big tank. Hard to find here in Holland.
Happy birthday!! 🎈🎁🎉🎂
Great videos. Thank you for sharing, as always! - Little Bobby
I am no shrimp expert, but I have had success in multiple tanks. My personal tank I am doing crystal shrimp and Taiwan bee shrimp. In that tank I am using RODI water. In the tanks I have had neos in I have used tap water (I’m in pacific NW) and I use fritz water conditioner, and they have done well. The main constant I have in their tanks is Susswassertang and/or moss. I find they do best when there is a large moss patch or big bunch of susswassertang. I also keep at least 1 wall of the tank “dirty” in that I never scrape it and let it grow algea. I run sponge filters in a couple tanks, and canisters on others. All tanks have fish in them also, and driftwood in every tank. Don’t know if this helps.
I think a Mexican dwarf cray would be a great idea, they're hardy and can fend for themselves
I think you need to read up on the dwarf crayfish! They're very opportunistic.
your video is very interesting, we are watching your video, you do a great job..❤️
Pea puffer! They will love all the food you feed the badis too. Those two will smash all baby shrimp. Sometimes cherry shrimp gotta drop acclimate for several hours and take a plant from original tank and introduce sometime as shrimp like a Java moss or guppy grass or hornwort something to do with the microbiology. I always go for the bacter AE a week or two before adding the cherries. Shouldn’t harm the fish in minimal amounts. I have a feeling your tanks are too clean for the cherries. Haha great vids
I am certain that you have heavy metals in your water that's killing your shrimp, mainly copper. I had your exact same problem with shrimp for the longest time, until I figured out that my RO system purposely adds copper ions to my drinking water. The next batch I raised with regular conditioned tap water and they're doing perfectly fine
This video was great I enjoyed it
Happy birthday!!
For cherry shrimp... My first batch oso did not make thru about 2 months in my 5 gallon tank. I bought 10 and it down to ard 4 when I went to another local aquarium store to get another 10. A few die after a month so but the remaining one survive and thrive. After 5 months I have tons of baby swimming Ard with my chili rasbora. I think it boils down to the batch of shrimp. Try to get from other source if you fail I think it should work one day and you can grow ur colony
What a beautiful fish! 😍
Back whe. I was keeping shrimp they seemed to do better in my tank that had tons of algae and tannins rather than my tank that had clearer water
Honestly, the thing about the shrimps really baffles me, I've got around 8 of them in my 10 gallon nano community tank, it's 6.5 ph, 25 degrees celsius and I'm not sure on the gh and kh (in short: terrible cherry shrimp parameters). I've got some more sensitive cherry shrimps variants and they've all been fine? I've even had some breeding take place, they mostly serve as a good source of livefood for some of my fish, but I've got tons of hiding places so I can hopefully get some shrimplets to reach a size where they are safe, so far only one seems to have made it to that point. I've had them in them in there for over 5-6 months at least and only had one die.
If you do use a fertiliser for that tank, make sure it doesn't have too high of a copper content, that was the thing that killed my one shrimp I'm sure, I stopped using my old fertiliser after that one death and haven't had any since.
Hey Enzo, great vid, I’ve got a group of black Tiger Badis, I’ve found they coexist peacefully with my pseudomugil luminatus & Clown Killies 🐟👍
Thanks. I have done clown killifish before. They would jump out of this tank though.
When I add new shrimp, I always slow drip them for 2 hours or more. Around 1 drip from a small vaccum tube every 2 seconds. You've probably tried that already, but thought that I should mention it.
Kind regards.
Great little fish!
These are so cute! I have seen them at my LFS and thought they were a mini chiclid so thank you for clearing that up!
I have nothing to offer you! But I do appreciate you’re being candid about the shrimp. I’m newer and been in hobby 2 years now and I keep shrimp with my bettas and now, I feel pretty proud of that!
I do use RO water cuz my tap water is terrible. Have you tried amano? I have one female that’s huge at like 2-3 inches! But others are small and they did well when I used tap water
Yes, I have several Amano shrimp down in my fishroom. They don't do well in open top tanks though, as they can (and will climb out).
Regarding tank mates, how about 3-5 male endlers? Another possibility would be one of micro-rasboras.
Amazing video quality
I have crystal reds and I had trouble with keeping them alive at first too. I switched from a sponge to a small pump internal filter. I read they like good circulation. Also NO heater! Now they breed once a month. Good luck.
Nice nano fish.
I've tried to breed this fish too. super lucky if you find a female. Ask Rachel O'leary, sometimes she gets them in. I think you're right on the money about the 2nd fish being a sub-male.
Hi. I was watching your video. I was wondering what kinda fertilizer you use for your plants? There are only certain kinds that are safe for shrimp. If it Cas lots of copper in it, it will be toxic to the shrimp
Shrimp can be sensitive to copper. Any chance you have copper water lines in your house?
Hmmm…yes. Didn’t think of that. Thanks!
@@TazawaTanks do not ever take any hot or warm water out of the tap! Especially for shrimps.
Always use cold water as this prevents copper leaching out of your house installation. Bring the cold water with a aquarium heater, or what ever on temperature.
And please do only small water changes at once.
Quite convinced that this was the cause of the die off.
Cool video I have kept shrimp forever it seems like at least here in Missouri we have hard calcium water no problem keeping shrimp but I will be very cautious about putting shrimp in with the Scarlet badis you probably won't have much success and getting them to breed or to grow very large in numbers
Is that an Amazon Sword in the tank?? If so is there a way to keep it small?? I really enjoyed the video, as always it was well done and very informative.
My best guess is the tanks might have been too clean, they like a seasoned tank. I've had success keeping the sides and rear covered in algae lol.
Yeah, my guess was either that they don't have enough microfauna and detritus to munch on, or maybe there was a copper based med used in the tank within the past few water changes. Shrimp are much more sensitive to copper than most fish
Bumble bee goby to compliment the badis!
I keep my bumblebees in my brackish Indian Mudskipper tank.
You should do a small group of neon blue rasboras or even Chilli rasboras
you think can add one in a 5 gallon with a group of pgmycorydoras or otos or too small?
I have trouble with Neocaridina too. I finally have a group breeding but I don’t have as easy a time as most folks.
I understand your struggles with cherry shrimp. I finally have a group that I've kept alive for a few months after many tries and research. But no breeding yet! It's pretty frustrating.
Aquapros added scarlet badis to a thriving cherry shrimp colony, they devastated the shrimp colony with weeks, even adults are gone.
Question on the krill flakes: I see that copper is listed in the ingredients. Does that mean they are not safe for aquariums with aquatic snails?
Wonder if there isn't a trace amount of copper getting into your tanks somehow, from a pipe or some equipment somewhere? A level too small to bother anything other than a shrimp?
just found this video, id like to also suggest pygmy sunfish (theyre SOOO cool!!!) and i have a female, and now 6 little tiny babies
I wonder if the shrimp would do better in a tank without a heater
Fun fact: scarlet badis can do well in a 1 gallon aquarium. I keep a male and female with blue dream shrimp and 2 african dwarf frogs in a heavily planted 3 gallon. Its my favourite little tank
Way overstocked man, I would only do the shrimp in there
@@ggsttdn91 i was against putting anything at all in less than a 5 gallon. But with research instead of relying on opinions i found that some fish prefer a smaller tank. Frogs and scarlet baddis for example. My nitrates at 5, nitrites and ammonia are at zero.
Maybe Kuhli loaches would look cool and cohabitate well with the Dario Dario, since it's well planted I think they would feel safe enough to wonder around.
Wouldn’t they escape the open top though?
@@TazawaTanks hum, well thought. Just checked the video again and saw how close the water is to the top, might be to risky. Maybe Sundandanio Axelrodi, micro rasboras like cpd, erithromicron or dorsiocellata. A small group of 6/7 would look awsome, and I don't believe they would jump out. The setup looks amazing for any of them and since you already have all those types of live food, mixed with micro dry foods it's kinda the perfect setup. Been thinking of getting the Dario Dário to, such a beautiful species and super curious hehe looking forward to see what you'll go with.
I’m in the bay area also. For the shrimp, maybe try to lower the temperature. I have blue and reds and I run the tank at 70 or lower.
I have the same issues with keeping shrimp. I think next I’m just going to try Amano and see if they do better.
I do well with Amano shrimp. I have several of those in one of my planted tanks (that has a lid).
Truth, much appreciated and under reported!
I have a hard time with cherry shrimp as well. My blue shrimp do a little better. And I've had Amano shrimp do very well for me! Maybe try those? I know they aren't as colorful, but I absolutely love mine!
I have several Amano shrimp. They do well in my tank with a lid.
@@TazawaTanks I just love them. They're so funny sometimes. I ended up adding them to several of my tanks.
I subscribed and liked, brother.
I rented that macro lens, and I had such a hard time keeping it steady!
Which lens? 100mm L f/2.8?
@@TazawaTanks Yes, although my hands hurt if I hold any camera/lens for a while. Kinda neeeeed to switch to mirrorless. Kinda don't really NEED it. lol.
@@GabbyRocio It’s a great lens once you get the hang of it. The thing with mirrorless is that when you use full frame mirrorless, the good lenses are still quite large. I have my EF lenses adapted to my mirrorless RF mount cameras, which adds a little length and weight.
Would they be aggressive with other nano fish? (in a bigger aquarium)
Not a fw person at all but that thumbnail really caught my eye 👀
Check the video description ⬇️😊
Had those when I had plenty of shrimp babies in tank. They were not interested in frozen foods. Do I just have to find some locally that are eating flake and frozen in there tanks? Thanks.
Not sure. Too be fair, the eat the Xtreme Krill Flake for me, which is a flake food that even wild-caught discus have been known to take to, even when the reject all over prepared foods. Not sure how these would do with other types of food.
@@TazawaTanks Thanks. I know the LFS has some and they are eating but I can't even remember when I had some last. They didn't do well after shrimp were gone!
Try stone catfish with your scarlet badis.
Could the Baddies go with pea puffers in a 15 gallon cube?