if contact is individual , it has not tax id , and the process can not complete , and give me this error {'code': '2', 'message': 'Validation Error', 'target': 'INV/2022/00004', 'propertyPath': None, 'details': [{'code': None, 'message': 'PropertyRequired', 'target': 'type', 'propertyPath': '#/receiver.type', 'details': None}]} and if contact is company and all fields are completed , every thing run good, and process doing great thanks
following E-invoicing service : Egyptian Tax AuthorityProcess now porcess now HTTPSConnectionPool(host='id.eta.gov.eg', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /connect/token (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', '', 'unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled')])")))
very well
thank you
it's a very helpful tool on E-invoice
what about E receipt ?
is there any way to download ETA invoice into exel, or convert xml or jason invoice file in excel tables?
I Cant find this modules (l10n_eg & l10n_eg_edi_eta) on the store
so where i can download it ?
the model Egyptian E-invoice integration did not appear or not avilable to install it
update your project files
you should have Odoo 15 or above with localization Egypt, go to App and in filter choose extra you will find both apps
Is supported to invoice person customer who do not have Tax ID ?
Have you been able to resolve the Tax ID issue?
if contact is individual , it has not tax id , and the process can not complete , and give me this error
{'code': '2', 'message': 'Validation Error', 'target': 'INV/2022/00004', 'propertyPath': None, 'details': [{'code': None, 'message': 'PropertyRequired', 'target': 'type', 'propertyPath': '#/receiver.type', 'details': None}]}
and if contact is company and all fields are completed , every thing run good, and process doing great
following E-invoicing service : Egyptian Tax AuthorityProcess now
porcess now
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='id.eta.gov.eg', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /connect/token (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', '', 'unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled')])")))
What is the access token in usb thumb and how can I get it?