The Secret Service Agents in Dallas, Texas (English Version)


Комментарии • 736

  • @Wombah-rc6zz
    @Wombah-rc6zz 9 лет назад +170

    Those agents saying 2 of the shots being almost simultaneous proves there was more than 1 gunman. Nobody can reload, re-aim & fire a bolt action rifle THAT quickly!! Nobody ever!!

    • @pjetr100
      @pjetr100 8 лет назад +21

      From the WC Report:
      "..a substantial majority of the witnesses stated that the shots were not evenly spaced. Most witnesses recalled that the second and third shots were bunched together."

    • @Wombah-rc6zz
      @Wombah-rc6zz 7 лет назад +34

      Which indicates that there was MORE than one shooter & hence a CONSPIRACY! The conclusion the W.C. report would NOT reach because it's function was to hide rather than reveal the truth!

    • @kurtgreenwood5441
      @kurtgreenwood5441 5 лет назад

      @@pjetr100or Lier?
      NOT a majority said shots were bunched... Your world seems funny with all those fantasies right?
      Here's a tip, go on and read the report, then, you won't look like a dumbass repeating lies ;-)

    • @bikall1
      @bikall1 3 года назад +19

      @@kurtgreenwood5441 as you can read at least a lot of witnesses stated this therefore this ism't done with one bolt action riffle.

    • @johnnylightning203
      @johnnylightning203 3 года назад +2

      @@kurtgreenwood5441 LMFAO!!!!

  • @brianambrosemcmahon8531
    @brianambrosemcmahon8531 3 года назад +58

    The drivers lack of reaction to the first sound of gun fire always puzzled me , surely he’d hit the pedal to speed out of the line of fire . Instead he turns around and actually slows the vehicle down ? No wonder there are people who say it was a conspiracy .

    • @mizzutigerfan1
      @mizzutigerfan1 2 года назад +16

      The first shot came through the windshield, his lack of reaction was puzzling to me too

    • @txjgb1
      @txjgb1 2 года назад +10

      If I remember correctly Kellerman said he initially thought he was driving into the fire. That caused him to pause.

    • @brianambrosemcmahon8531
      @brianambrosemcmahon8531 2 года назад +13

      @@txjgb1 interesting that he thought the line of fire was not behind him !!

    • @jimmycricket5366
      @jimmycricket5366 2 года назад +16

      @@brianambrosemcmahon8531 Good point, I think he meant Greer, who was driving, not Kellerman, but anyway, back to the point...a professionally trained agent? Even if he did think *all* of the shots came from the front... Did he think he could do a three-point turn and turn around???? It always invokes a comfy and warm feeling inside for some who won't allow themselves think critically that it was just "gross incompetence" on the part of every single agency, but for example, Emory Robert's calling agents away from the side of the limo just a hundred or so yards before jfk entered the kill zone, not to mention the driver Greer *slowing down* during the shooting when every fibre in his body, even if he was a complete novice, would have made him speed up, all doesn't quite fit the comforting *'incompetence'* bill, does it?

    • @GOOCHIElicker
      @GOOCHIElicker 2 года назад +8

      They reacted great! They slowed down to complete stop to figure out what was going on. The president getting his head blown off

  • @peterdixon7734
    @peterdixon7734 Год назад +19

    If Greer had been driving a car through Belfast and heard a shot, even in the 1960s, he would have floored the accelerator and very rapidly buggered off.

    • @JOSED-tg9ku
      @JOSED-tg9ku 10 месяцев назад


    • @PedroDelRio-cm1nz
      @PedroDelRio-cm1nz 7 месяцев назад +4

      Sir i agree with you 100 per cent. What stupid driver only gods knows wlat happen the bad day.thanks.bye.

    • @jimmycricket5366
      @jimmycricket5366 3 месяца назад +2

      Exactly. The slow down to an almost stop was intentional, and we all know why.

    • @edwardcarmody3336
      @edwardcarmody3336 Месяц назад +2

      Instead of hit the brakes, Greer stopped for an instant, there is film on here that clearly show the brake lights on, you only need a second.

  • @onthelam9021
    @onthelam9021 2 года назад +55

    The Secret Service was in on the assassination plot. Kennedy's limo was placed at the front of the motorcade at the most vulnerable place for an ambush.
    It was supposed to be placed in the middle of the motorcade affording more protection. The Secret Service drove the limo into a military style triangulated killing zone. Greer slowed the limo right in front of the stockade fence on the knoll. This was at the closest place for the kill shot. Look at the Zabruder film and you will see Greer look back once he hears the first shot and he sees Kennedy has already been shot in the throat. Greer then turns back forward and slows the limo down instead of speeding up. Greer then turns around again, waits until he sees Kennedy's head explode from the kill shot and then after that he speeds away. He knew JFK was already dead by then. The reporters and photographers vehicle which usually travels in front of the President's limo was this time purposely placed toward the back of the motorcade. The only Secret Service agent to respond properly to the massacre was Clint Hill who was a last minute replacement. Hill wasn't supposed to be there that day. Clint bore that guilt for the rest of his life. Hill knew what truly happened that day. Read the book Farewell America by James Hepburn. The book names names. Over 50 people have been eliminated to keep the truth hidden. A coup happened in America that day.

    • @cobar5342
      @cobar5342 2 года назад +15

      I absolutely agree

    • @bradbackauthor9940
      @bradbackauthor9940 2 года назад +3

      According to the ORIGINAL UNALTERED Zapruder film, William Greer turns around with a gun in his left hand and kills JFK, by shooting him in his head!! It is too bad that most people have never been able to see this version of the Zapruder film, which shows Mrs Kennedy reacting in horror to what she has just seen, as her mouth drops open in horror at what she has just seen, and then she climbs out over the back of the car to get away from the TRUE assassin!!

    • @AkronJosh
      @AkronJosh Год назад

      @@bradbackauthor9940 stop it. Any alteration to the zapruder film actually edited out the SS agents putting their lifes on the line. Wake up....IF anything was covered up its that a SS agent died and they had to edit that out because the magic bullet couldnt turn and go into the damn front seat. 😒 the agents didnt kill JFK or let it happen FFS. Go listen to radio broadcasts that day and they say "confirmed reports have said that a SS agent died in the gunfire."

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад +1

      were they led by the guy from 77 SUNSET STRIP or KOJACK

    • @coxkoala591
      @coxkoala591 Год назад +1

      It s obvious...

  • @ronniebishop2496
    @ronniebishop2496 2 года назад +22

    I can’t believe Greer just stopped. That’s really suspicious for a SS agent that’s been doing it so long.

    • @tubes-lut
      @tubes-lut 2 года назад +4

      Ive been close to being shot by a high powered rifle, if I could have planted my foot to an accelerator pedal I WOULD HAVE

    • @pran7003
      @pran7003 Год назад +4

      They were also patsys of innocents - except Greer.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 Год назад

      @@tubes-lut Talk about Monday Morning QB.

    • @Terry-te1ij
      @Terry-te1ij Год назад +1

      Why not stop the Lincoln and put it in reverse to get closer to TSBD?

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 Год назад +3

      @@Terry-te1ij Greer also said the first shots sounded like a sonic boom! That’s several shots at once!

  • @ElectionFraudHasConsequences
    @ElectionFraudHasConsequences Год назад +10

    My father was a decades long writer for the Hearst corporation newspapers in Boston and was supposed to interview Jackie Onassis in Boston I believe in 69 where she stayed periodically at the Ritz-Carlton, which is now the Taj Hotel. She did not feel well that afternoon and passed on the interview after coming downstairs, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and a magazine saying hello and going back up. Clint Hill met my father at the bar downstairs and they spent a good part of the afternoon throwing back drinks, talking about many things including the assassination which Clint held a lot of guilt about. There have been many theories about the assassination and who was involved, all the way down to secret members. Unfortunately, with records still being sealed, speculation is warranted. Don't think anybody will be finding anything in the line of foul play with Mr. Hill though in the future, when we finally do figure it all out. A true servant was he.

  • @cesarrenevillegasramirez8264
    @cesarrenevillegasramirez8264 4 года назад +32

    Nothing like the secret service to keep one safe!!! 🤓

  • @7071t6
    @7071t6 8 лет назад +23

    Notice the photo at 1:14 how low connolly is sitting in the car & you will also see photos of connolly with his right elbow on the door of the jfk car, so if dale myers thinks that the jump seat is over 6 inches inwards & you sit on the seat, theres no way you can put your elbow on the right door, unless the seat is closer than 6 inches, which the official DC Photos of the inside of jfk's car shows the jump seat is only about 2 inches away from the door panel. So its simply impossible for a bullet to hit jfk in the back 5 1/2 inches down & the bullet moving to jfk's left to go into connollys right arm pit area & also the head shot from the rear, the bullet would have exited jfk's left side of his face & also hit nellie & the back seat of greer if it missed nellie & more importantly they never ever mention the 5 missed shots that caused damage to the car curbs grass concrete drain covers & James Tauge as well which is way off target way down main st curb. So from 2 shots & 1 shot missed caused all the damage to jfk/conolly & the damage to all those areas i just mentioned above with only 3 shots, but wait the official dallas police photos & FBI photos only shows 2 spent hulls, so 2 projectiles did all that damage, i dont think so over 11 shots were fired that day from 4 different firing positions 2 frontal & 2 rear positions
    also the best u tube upload about what happened that day is jfk horsman on Gary King channel please watch it if you really want to know the truth about jfk's killing. all based on the witneses that were there that day, this is a very good upload as well, which is based on statements to the WC.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      You're wrong the fact is the seat us inboard whether 6 inches or less makes no difference the seat was also lower and you forget connally had turned at the time.Its nice to know you know more than 4 commissions who studied this fir months but you are right and they are wrong.The HSCA did an intensive study and verified the si gke bullet theory to a tee.

    • @johnrogan9420
      @johnrogan9420 3 года назад +2

      Connally was never hit...LBJ's boy..."they are going to kill us all"...they???

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      Even if you're right and its not 6 inches inward it's still inward .And Connally had turned to his right.4 commissions studied the single bullet theory and they all verified it even the HSCA so you see Arlen Spector was right.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      @@johnrogan9420 That's a figure of speech you cant take that literally.

    • @enriquerenteria6089
      @enriquerenteria6089 3 года назад +4

      Yeah that james tauge and the drain covers are definitely something more to it.. man its a fishy mess

    @FGTFJT 15 лет назад +12

    Greer was assigned to drive the presidential car in the motorcade Dallas. Several witnesses said that Greer stopped the car after the first shot was fired.This included Jean Hill, who was the closest witness to the car when Kennedy was hot: According to Hill "the motorcade came to almost a halt at the time the shots rang out".

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад

      Wrong the car did not stop it's not in the Z film what happened is Greer turned his head quickly to look in the back seat thata when he slowed down.Facts are important And would you possibly believe anything Jean Hill said she also said there was a small dog in the car.

    • @jenniferw4068
      @jenniferw4068 3 года назад +3

      @@randyharris3175 Zapruder film was edited. The limo also stopped further up Elm St as the driver almost overshot it. THE PROBLEM WITH YOU IS YOU HAVE NO ABILITY TO SEEK TRUTH AND HAVE BEEN SPOON FED FROM THE LYING MEDIA.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      @@jenniferw4068 You're dead wrong that film was studied for weeks by a man named Zavada who was an expert with that film and camera he found it was not edited and explained all the claims of conspiracy buffs like you.Perhsps you schould study the facts instead of being gullible and parroting false statements or people claims if what they seen just like the bullet hole in the limosine.There was no bullet hole in the limosine.

    • @jenniferw4068
      @jenniferw4068 3 года назад

      @@randyharris3175 Search for it. There are lots of doctored/ edited versions but 1 original. Go back to being a clueless arse and do not address me again. I investigate for a living. You are a laughable tool. And some of the bullets found DID NOT MATCH the alleged rifle Oswald used or the pistol he owned to allegedly kill Tippett.

    @FGTFJT 15 лет назад +30

    William Greer died on 23rd February, 1985. His son, Richard Greer, was interviewed in 1991. When asked, "What did your father think of JFK," Richard did not respond the first time. When asked a second time, he responded: "Well, we're Methodists... and JFK was Catholic..."

    • @brendanmcallister9822
      @brendanmcallister9822 Год назад +6

      Says it all.

    • @johnlittle234
      @johnlittle234 Год назад +1

      The stupidity of the Population of the U. S. accept the Warren comm. Crap tells why the Warren Comm. came up with this conclusion.

    • @martinleavitt6094
      @martinleavitt6094 9 месяцев назад +3

      The sons answer speaks volumes......

  • @leftcoaster67
    @leftcoaster67 5 лет назад +32

    How come no one in the Secret Service was reprimanded or fired. They failed in their primary duty? And if the second shot and third shots were "echoes" why did it only echo on the second shot not on the first?

    • @ernestkovach3305
      @ernestkovach3305 5 лет назад

      There was a firing.

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 3 года назад +2

      Actually LBJ didn’t want several of those guys protecting him but you have to understand before this assassination Kennedy visited & campaigned in so many places just like he did in Dallas with relaxed security. Google old photos & you will see…

    • @larrywheeler9917
      @larrywheeler9917 3 года назад +6

      If the deal was played straight, yes there would be firings. Some of Kennedy's security got drunk the night before. But the deal ain't played straight. The point of view of the good ole boys is - they should get a promotion for helping the assassination succeed. They knew it would be covered up.

    • @michaelsterling6163
      @michaelsterling6163 Год назад +3

      William Greere received a full pension just 2 yrs later. Reason was a stomach ulcer

    • @meisievannancy
      @meisievannancy Год назад

      Well the CIA, the FBI and the Dallas pd all failed or succeeded depending on which way you look at it. Actually Dallas pd were told to only observe. You'd think the more manpower the better looking for suspicious characters and coordinating who'd be armed. Seeing someone with rifle from a window is mistakenly not deemed suspicious because they must be secret services. Why would the SS guard the president from afar with a rifle. All seemed very unsynchronized.

  • @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk
    @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk 11 лет назад +45

    The Secret Service failed miserably

    • @adamredfield
      @adamredfield 3 года назад +7

      @Vince Palamara, did they fail or were they complicit? If they were complicit, which I thought was your thesis, then they succeeded.

    • @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk
      @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk 3 года назад +4

      Adam Redfield if you put it that way, then they did succeed. Only three agents were involved (behind mere negligence).

    • @adamredfield
      @adamredfield 3 года назад +2

      @@VincePalamarasecretservicejfk were the three involved in the plot among those who were partying until the early hours of the morning?

    • @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk
      @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk 3 года назад +2

      Adam Redfield no

    • @jesusdanielramirez
      @jesusdanielramirez 3 года назад

      Watch the video, link below. From 1:20 to 1:24, you can see the driver turn around and shoot JFK. This was an inside job. The driver finished him off.видео.html

  • @pekozelenovic1751
    @pekozelenovic1751 3 года назад +16

    The only agent i know that tried to save president kennedys life was clint hill others didnt care at all they should of been all fired but for mr hill i salute him he did his job

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +3

      It did happen very fast.

    • @joshrandall5297
      @joshrandall5297 Год назад

      The only person Hill cared about was Jackie. He was in love with her.

    • @MarkRaymondLuce
      @MarkRaymondLuce Год назад

      Clint Hill did not try to save JFK, his function was to protect Jacqueline Kennedy.

  • @badmonkey2222
    @badmonkey2222 3 года назад +4

    That "double bang" about gives me a coronary every time 😆

  • @kenamaro3942
    @kenamaro3942 3 года назад +23

    Several witnesses stated that two shots came almost on top of eachother after the first shot. Dr's at parkland , who treated gun shot victims regularly described Kennedy's throat wound as one of entry, the massive head wound as blow exit wound.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      Wrong Wrong Wrong.

    • @mizzutigerfan1
      @mizzutigerfan1 2 года назад +8

      The throat wound was an entry wound. It came through the windshield

    • @kenamaro3942
      @kenamaro3942 2 года назад +11

      @@randyharris3175 the throat wound was described as being one of entry. These descriptions came from highly skilled trauma room surgeons who dealt regularly with gun shot victims (are you one ) that were there ( were you there ) .

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 2 года назад

      @@kenamaro3942 My God you're dumb study the true evidence.

    • @mikeivey7167
      @mikeivey7167 2 года назад +7

      @@randyharris3175 What chu talkin bout Willis? You know the throat wound was an entry wound. You WC Nutters are just plain silly!

  • @37Dionysos
    @37Dionysos 6 лет назад +12

    Greer and Kellerman were the worst at fault. All their training and protocol said to get the hell out of there at the first "firecracker" even close to the President. Instead with blood pouring down JFK's chest, Greer slows down, turns and watches the kill shot while Kellerman does absolutely nothing. Then you see how fast that limo could've gone.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      That statement is a damn absolute lie.

    • @37Dionysos
      @37Dionysos 3 года назад +2

      @@randyharris3175 How so? It's only what we see.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      @@37Dionysos Read their Wc testimony they tell you exactly how it went down no use to speculate on your part.

    • @37Dionysos
      @37Dionysos 3 года назад +4

      @@randyharris3175 So what we can clearly see them doing/not doing doesn't count----but we should believe instead what they supposedly told the (joke) Warren Comm.? You're kidding, right?

    • @mizzutigerfan1
      @mizzutigerfan1 2 года назад +4

      That fool is all over every RUclips clip claiming all the shots were fired from the school book depository…he also has the gall to tell you your eyes didn’t see they are telling you. I’ve learned to look at comment he tries to shoot down because it tends to be closer to the truth than what he says! Don’t waste your time going back and forth with him

  • @edhartman2860
    @edhartman2860 2 года назад +7

    According to many eyewitness accounts, the Limousine came to a virtual stop.....That should tell you everything you need to know...

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад

      ' THAT SHOULD tell you " they were wrong many times

  • @tonybarham72
    @tonybarham72 5 лет назад +10

    i have always believed there were three gunman who shot jfk
    malcolm wallace was the main sniper on the orders of lbj

    • @pekozelenovic1751
      @pekozelenovic1751 3 года назад

      Was malcom wallace the badgman or lucien sarti?

    • @MarkRaymondLuce
      @MarkRaymondLuce Год назад +1

      ​@@pekozelenovic1751 Fingerprints belonging to Malcolm Wallace were found on one of the sniper's nest boxes (Box A) on the 6th floor of the TSBD, this was established in 1998.

  • @davidarbuckle7236
    @davidarbuckle7236 Год назад +8

    Wow. Oswald must be really good to make a bolt-action rifle fire so quickly without aiming and hitting both his shots.

    • @ElectionFraudHasConsequences
      @ElectionFraudHasConsequences Год назад +2

      Being the lowest performing shooter that you can be on the rifle range, marksman in the Marines. No way in hell he acted alone.

    • @davidarbuckle7236
      @davidarbuckle7236 Год назад +1

      @@ElectionFraudHasConsequences Exactly.

  • @bobmendez7861
    @bobmendez7861 3 года назад +10

    Greer was in on it and intentionally slow down the car because Kennedy was still remotely alive and by doing so allowed the shooter behind the fence to finish the job

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад

      You could have saved your breath on that dumbass statement

    • @andrewking9761
      @andrewking9761 3 года назад

      @@randyharris3175 It was Files and Badgeman Roscoe White behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll

    • @johncooper7663
      @johncooper7663 3 года назад +1

      @@andrewking9761 the problem with your uninformed opinion is that there were witnesses that could see behind the fence when shots were fired and they testified that nobody was shooting from behind the fence. Names, Bowers, Holland, Rodriguez and Walters.

    • @mazyrun09
      @mazyrun09 Год назад

      Spot on ..Greer must have been under orders to slow the limo right down to almost a stop for the headshot to delivered .
      Any normal agent floors it outta there as soon as the 1st is heard , but he slowed the limo down intentionally .
      It gives me the creeps to this day .

    • @kevinodriscoll3904
      @kevinodriscoll3904 Год назад

      Focus on Greer in the video right at the moment before the head shot … you will never unsee it!

    @FGTFJT 15 лет назад +13

    James Chaney (one of the four Presidential motorcyclists) - stated that the limousine "after the shooting, from the time the first shot rang out, the car stopped completely, pulled to the left and stopped." Mary Woodward, a journalist with the Dallas Morning News wrote: "Instead of speeding up the car, the car came to a halt... after the first shot".

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      Who did Chaney testify that to the Warren Commussion?

    • @GOOCHIElicker
      @GOOCHIElicker 2 года назад

      @@randyharris3175 you are such a troll thats the institution you believe in disregarding evidence

    @FGTFJT 15 лет назад +5

    Ralph Yarborough, who was riding w/LBJ , was critical of the actions of Greer:"When the noise of the shot was heard, the motorcade slowed to what seemed to me a complete stop.After the third shot was fired, but only after the third shot was fired, the cavalcade speeded up, gained speed rapidly, and roared away to the Parkland Hospital.The cars all stopped.'I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but for the protection of future Presidents, they should be trained to take off when a shot is fired"

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      It's always nice to be a Monday morning Qb it happened to him not you .You have no idea what you would have done if in the same situatuon.

    • @palnikolaiisnes7804
      @palnikolaiisnes7804 7 месяцев назад

      You obviously have no idea how much you called the kettle back, mr monday morning quarterback Harris....

  • @J0einOK
    @J0einOK 3 года назад +5

    LBJ later told me I could either fight for “my freedom” or go to prison.

  • @johnrogan9420
    @johnrogan9420 3 года назад +10

    Greer stopped the limo on a signal from umbrella 🌂man...brake lights are visible in the original film.

  • @Nominay
    @Nominay 12 лет назад +27

    Kennedy never said "My God, I'm hit!" The first bullet tore through his throat and left him unable to speak. Connolly was the one saying "My God ..."

    • @johnrogan9420
      @johnrogan9420 3 года назад +1

      Connally was never hit either!

    • @nomadnomad8571
      @nomadnomad8571 3 года назад +1

      Come on.

    • @watermelonlalala
      @watermelonlalala 2 года назад +6

      That WAS one agent's testimony to the Warren Commission. And one of the lawyers asked him, "How do you know it was Kennedy who said that?" And the agent said, "He said it with a Boston accent." Of course, the point is, how could he talk if he was shot through the throat? And the answer would be, the throat shot wasn't the first shot.

    • @sheyalex8406
      @sheyalex8406 2 года назад

      I know 😈 always is waiting to destroy human spirit. And he get it but he only see outside never learning for inside ..he only live in his thirty world .How great God love is ,God's say no worries about the body ,your Gorly is in heaven ❤

    • @sheyalex8406
      @sheyalex8406 2 года назад

      You should following to the God's plan 🙏 we body is little and poor but we spirit is great .they only can destroy our body can't destroy out spirit 🙏 for ever how how I dirty. God stay love me so I have sing how great my God .he is my following. I will following him.🤲thanks our lord God 🙏

  • @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk
    @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk 15 лет назад +5

    Good use of my material :)

  • @thomaspick4123
    @thomaspick4123 2 года назад +14

    The two heard at near the same time were: Nicolleti from the Cal-Tex building, and James Files from behind the Pickett fence on the grassy knoll. The video clip I can no longer find. It shows Kennedy’s head move forward and down, then immediately from the right temple up, to the left, and back. Exactly as Files described.

    • @mezchr
      @mezchr Год назад +4

      Files firing from the picket fence is the reason why Kellerman heard a "sonic boom" that a Fireball gun makes
      "A deafening report shook the Plaza." - Christopher Fulton "The Inheritance"

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 Год назад

      @@mezchr Yea right was Elvis there too.

    • @scottodonnell7121
      @scottodonnell7121 11 месяцев назад

      Files is looney tunes. It is believed he was in Chicago that day.

  • @DKetch1966
    @DKetch1966 14 лет назад +9

    @backthisway Indeed Kellerman claimed JFK gasped, "My God! I'm hit!" WR Commission asked how he was so sure (knowing if JFKs' windpipe had been ripped by a bullet he would have been unable to talk). Kellerman replied that "there was only one man from Boston in the rear seat and accents carry well." Kellerman also stated he saw JFK reach for his back after the first shot. So either he was lying or was a terrible witness. Warren Commission dismissed his observations.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 Год назад

      He could hsve been mistaken since nobody else in the car heard him utter a word. He was in a highly agitated situation. The Z film does not show Kennedy grabbing for his back.

  • @laroudoune
    @laroudoune 2 года назад +15

    this man played an essential role in the assassination of the president.
    the fact that he decelerated and even braked the limo when the sound of two gunshots had previously been heard by many people, some even believing in firecrackers, should have prompted him to accelerate immediately and move away of the risk area.
    this is precisely what is taught to all personality drivers, especially in the USA where firearms are in abundance.
    This guy was part of the plot because by acting the way he did, he gave the other two shooters plenty of time to adjust their shots and blow the president's head off. it was premeditated and well organized.
    Kennedy had a very slim chance of making it out alive.
    Only if Greer had accelerated....

    • @denniss1044
      @denniss1044 2 года назад +3

      Agreed. Plus, the front seat passenger, SS Agent Kellerman, reacted immediately and told Kellerman they were hit and to get out of there. Greer ignored the directive and turned to watch JFK be murdered while hitting the brakes. Only then did he accelerate, which, by the way, could have also resulted in Jackie and Clint Hill's death as well. Clint Hill, the only SS Agent to ignore the command from the followup car not to move.
      Sure seems as though there was SS complicity in the man's death.

    • @hessu4410
      @hessu4410 Год назад

      If you are driving a car and something happens in backseat. You turn around to look toward you really accelerate the car...or brake? I think that braking was spontaneous action for the driver.

  • @mikegee5623
    @mikegee5623 4 года назад +7

    Yep the driver was in on the plot

    • @jenniferw4068
      @jenniferw4068 3 года назад

      Regular driver died of a heart attack 1 month prior.

  • @TrueNovice
    @TrueNovice 12 лет назад +4

    @BlueWolfe38 The SS driver Greer was originally from Northern Ireland, a Protestant who probably hated Catholics like most of the Protestants in Northern Ireland. Greer testified that he sped the car up during the assassination and was either lying or mistaken. Well he was definitely mistaken about that according to all the films of the assassination, unfortunately he was never confronted with the truth.

  • @Jeffotos
    @Jeffotos Год назад +5

    Later they discovered first shot scraped the light post arm below the TSBD, and was the bullet found on the pavement immediately. There’s a video on that too.

    • @meisievannancy
      @meisievannancy Год назад

      For a crack marksman there were a lot of scrapes and misses and rounds hitting the pavements, drain covers, grass mole, ricochets. Even a 45 slug found on the grass amongst skill matter. It must have been a slow subsonic handgun to release a 45. Are there 45 rifles, never heard of one. Lone gunman shooting 6.5 rifle and 45 pistol then later shoots officer Tippit with 38 and 38 auto rounds. Really strange testimonies.

    • @scottodonnell7121
      @scottodonnell7121 11 месяцев назад

      @@meisievannancy how does even a poor shooter miss a car from less than 200 feet? An entire car.

    • @meisievannancy
      @meisievannancy 11 месяцев назад

      Haha, yes that is the question. Maybe Oswald did shoot one shot after all. His friend at the U2 radar station said he did shoot Maggie's Drawers, which means all his shots missed at the shooting range.
      Seriously, such a miss must have been deliberate. Take shot and still collect the assassin fee. Loy Factor in Glenn Samples account eventually revealed he didn't want to shoot Kennedy in his team. Still got paid

  • @themeaningoflife38
    @themeaningoflife38 15 лет назад +11

    In the Zapruder film it doesnt look like Kellerman turns around at any point.Greer turns around and watches JFK get shot and only speeds up AFTER he is hit.Emory Roberts was in charge or the follow up car and ordered agents to stay put during the shooting.Roberts was a good buddy of LBJ.

  • @larrywheeler9917
    @larrywheeler9917 3 года назад +9

    Take car around tight corners in front of tall buildings that weren't locked down. Especially in a hostile city like Dallas. Kennedy's political enemies were based in Dallas. And they controlled key parts of the parade exposing him to danger. You had the John birchers the .minutemen the cia connected Texas oilman General Waller- these were Kennedy's real enemies not the left. Anybody whose has just a basic understanding of military intelligence will recognize this assassination as the work of a domestic operation sponsored by those who believed Kennedy a national security threat. They intervened.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад

      taking corners !! .... TALL buildings !! .... OH AAAGG-O-NEEEE

    • @jeffh58
      @jeffh58 Год назад

      Kennedy went into the crowds against Secret Service orders in Fort Worth and Dallas before the motorcade. Kennedy insisted on being in the convertible limo any time weather permitted and ordered the secret service off his car. The responsibility rests on his shoulders. If he didn't care about his safety any more than that, he should have cared about Jackies.

  • @lucky44124
    @lucky44124 12 лет назад +13

    watch the nix film, you can see the break lights come on a few times before the headshot! frame by frame, the break lights are clearly on

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      Brake lights on doesnt mean the car came to a complete stop it absolutely did not.

    • @larrywheeler9917
      @larrywheeler9917 3 года назад +4

      There is a still photo that shows the brake lights were on. Clint hill ran up and jumped on the back.

    • @jimmycricket5366
      @jimmycricket5366 2 года назад

      Brake lights coming on is 100% proof, 100% conclusive "prima facie" evidence in any court of law in the entire world that Greer *intentionally* slowed down as he entered the kill zone and then sped up the moment he looked and saw the obvious fatal damage of that kill shot... misson accomplished. Greer and Roberts, 100% complicit by virtue of video footage (Roberts, among other things, calling away agents from the side of the limo only a hundred yards or so before they drove into the kill zone). Let's move on now, surveys show at least 80% of America believes it was an inside fix. Not much has changed, sadly.

    • @stddisclaimer8020
      @stddisclaimer8020 2 года назад +1

      @@larrywheeler9917 The wheels have come off the Larry-Mobile again. There are also no lights on, upstairs.

  • @Dogheadj
    @Dogheadj 9 лет назад +10

    At least 2 or 3 SS Agents admit to having seen a shot hit JFK in the back. Why did they not react at that time?
    At the moment Clint Hill ran to the limo to protect Jackie, SSA John Ready (on the right sideboard of the Queen Mary) started to leap off to run to the limo. He was ordered by SSA Emory Roberts (front passenger seat of Queen Mary, next to Ready on the sideboard) to stay put.
    Vince Palamara has some very good insight into the SS behavior that day. Unfortunately, as Vince and I seem to have differences about some of his conclusions, he has blocked me. But his presentations are worth looking into. Hopefully, he will someday put aside his injured ego, and we can begin a constructive dialogue again.

    • @jimmycricket5366
      @jimmycricket5366 2 года назад +2

      Haha.... and then they gave Clint Hill an award for bravery as a distraction and to give the public the impression that there was an heroic response... Clint Hill clearly wasn't in on it, but he hardly acted heroically... his 'response' was an "after the event", "too little too late", "I'd better just do something' kind of reaction, -but I guess he tried. It is beyond obvious that certain individuals' blatant behaviour like Emory Roberts and Greer (eg calling agents away from the side of the limo just before the kill zone and slowing down in the kill zone respectively) prove they were in on it. It's not hard to see.

    • @AkronJosh
      @AkronJosh Год назад

      FFS hill was already on the back of the limo. Go look at photos one block from houston st. And there he is on the back of jfks limo.

    • @Dogheadj
      @Dogheadj Год назад +1

      @@AkronJosh Yes, Hill had been on and off of the limo while traveling through Dallas. However, at the time of the shots, he was on the SS follow-up car. He had to run to catch up to the limo, reaching it just as JFK received the head shot.

    • @wmw3629
      @wmw3629 Год назад

      Why was it necessary to go through Dealey Plaza at all? The limo had only to avoid the plaza and head straight to the Trade Mart.

    • @peterdixon7734
      @peterdixon7734 7 месяцев назад

      Only one agent, Glen Bennett, claimed to see the bullet strike JFK in the back. However, the Willis and Betzner photos show Bennett looking off to his right at that moment. His whole body is slumped round to the right. Also lied about presence on previous motorcades. Came from a good Freemason Lodge, just like Greer.

  • @rogerramjet7567
    @rogerramjet7567 Год назад +1

    Since there were two shooters, whether the car slowed or sped up would make no difference. That’s why there were two shooters. The government took everything into account.

  • @jackmackenzie2482
    @jackmackenzie2482 11 месяцев назад +2

    First and foremost- the bubble top should have been on the car itself. After hearing many different recounts of that day. That and the fact that there was a prior assassination attempt just a few months before November 22, 1963 and another that they felt would definitely occur in Florida ( I Believe ) that they scrubbed the entire mission. This was in September I believe. The failed attempt was not long before the Florida trip.
    Everything about that day sickens me to my stomach to this day. Many precautions could have been taken going into Dallas. But, from all I’ve either read or heard, nothing could have prevented President Kennedy from assassination.
    The Warren Commission was an Absolute Joke!! Arlan Spechter and Alan Dulles were both despicable human beings.!! Just a Very Dark day in History. With no one ever being held accountable for the open assassination of a U.S. President-- just plain disgusting!!! I’ll never believe that President Johnson’s hands were clean either!!

  • @jacklynsalleh6033
    @jacklynsalleh6033 2 года назад +3


    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад

      the " way things LOOK " indicates ya have NO FACTS OR EVIDENCE

  • @sphmusak
    @sphmusak 13 лет назад +7

    @couchdr I just finished the book by Blaine. I think it finally answers alot of the questions people may have had over the years. For me, I couldn't put the book down. A true, inside look at the incredible lives of the men that helped keep or country safe by protecting the man that was a huge piece of that pie.

    • @kenb3552
      @kenb3552 2 года назад +1

      Really??? They were a group of incompetents. If they had been in the military, they each woudl have been court-martialed for dereliction of duty. Blaine's book is self-serving, nothing more.

  • @glockumollie1230
    @glockumollie1230 2 года назад +10

    There were definitely more than four shots, remember the car was hit by a flurry of gunfire. The shot in JFK'S throat was an entrance hole from the front like the bullet hole in the windshield. There was another shot in the chrome molding around the windshield fired from the front. There were two more hits in the cabin of the car. The unaltered ZAPRUDER FILM shows at least 3 bullet holes fired into the Stemman street sign fired into the sign as the film progressed. The sign was cut down and disappeared by sunset on Nov 22. There are photos of smoke from gunfire lingering in the trees in front of the picket fence on the grassy knoll. Frame 313 of the Z-film shows the vapor trails of two shots being highlighted by the blood mist in the air when the President's head was hit by a bullet. Think Silencer or Suppressor when contemplating how many bullets were fired that day. They did exist. Don't you think the people that concocted this Assassination conspiracy would include their use in such a plan.

    • @wallacebell4311
      @wallacebell4311 Год назад

      Pure Bullshit and you know it!

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад +1

      no facts or evidence in 59 years ....

    • @scottodonnell7121
      @scottodonnell7121 11 месяцев назад

      I have thought for years that those were bullet trails in frame 313. You can clearly see the tract of one before the President's head explodes. I was afraid I was the only one.

  • @7071t6
    @7071t6 12 лет назад +1

    Vince, do you know what was Kellerman putting in the GG-00 at the airport when they were getting in the car, Kellerman had a big Box ?

  • @themeaningoflife38
    @themeaningoflife38 14 лет назад +15

    JFK's usual driver Thomas Shipman died on 10-14-63 of a "heart attack".The driver of the follow up car Mr Kellerman told Vince Palamara that Emory Roberts told agents to "stay put" during the shooting.Roberts also ordered agent Henry Rybka to stay behind at Love Field.That incident is on film for all to see as well.

    • @hv3926
      @hv3926 3 года назад +7

      It shows Henry throw up his hands dumbfounded and pissed at the airport. Emory Robert's showed he was in on it. In particular he is seen standing in the Queen Mary and calling agents away from their normal positions on the side of JFKs limo.

    • @themeaningoflife38
      @themeaningoflife38 3 года назад +5

      @@hv3926 Emory Roberts was also good friends with LBJ.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +2

      Kellerman was not the driver of the backup car he was in the passenger front seat of the presidential car.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад

      All to see well you're talking about the hit raising his hands that was explained by Clint Hill stop the untruths.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад

      @@hv3926 Him throwing up his hands was explained by Clint Hill you're dead wrong.

  • @autoad
    @autoad 13 лет назад +2

    what some people heard were echos and Dealey Plaza is an ideal environment for echos. Keep in mind that Harold Norman heard three shots from above when he watched the motorcade from the 5th floor of the TSBD and he heard three "hulls" hit the floor. He says the three shots were evenly spaced. Earwitness testimony differs on total shots fired, location of the shots and the spacing of each shot. That's why we rely on physical evidence to establish the number of shots and their location.

    • @morganthomas1576
      @morganthomas1576 2 года назад

      Paid tax payer money to try and baffle with BS huh?

    • @autoad
      @autoad 2 года назад

      @@morganthomas1576 I'm paid Millions. And it's working!

    • @autoad
      @autoad 2 года назад

      @@morganthomas1576 Absolutely!!!

  • @ScrawnyRonnie89
    @ScrawnyRonnie89 3 года назад +2

    The music is a bit too much, but I really enjoyed this Thank you

  • @11DNA11
    @11DNA11 15 лет назад +12

    It's kinda strange that even the alleged sniper from the grassy knoll (James E. Files) described the last 2 shots nearly on top of eachother.

    • @GEDDY37
      @GEDDY37 2 года назад +4

      Yes I read Primary Target, seems most plausible

  • @chiplooper4359
    @chiplooper4359 2 года назад +2

    If the secret service men heard the sound of gunfire it couldn't have been Oswald

  • @jamesdrynan
    @jamesdrynan 3 года назад +3

    Watch " The Zapruder Film Mystery. " Dino Brugioni's testimony is vital to understanding how convoluted and secretive the JFK assassination was treated.

  • @AkronJosh
    @AkronJosh 2 года назад

    Where us this last photograph from? Who took it and where did you find it?

  • @TrueNovice
    @TrueNovice 13 лет назад

    @couchdr Can you site the source that says it was a "coffee house" open from night until the morning hours that didn't serve alcohol beverages at all. Help us out with that. Give us a source. Somehow, I think you won't be able to.

  • @mariaestay5005
    @mariaestay5005 3 года назад +5

    Anteriormente dije que vi a la señora Kennedy sola y aterrada si sus guardaespaldas al primer disparo en la garganta lo hubiesen cubierto con sus propios cuerpos, JFK sé habría salvado. De esa forma le salvaron la vida a Ronal Reagan sus guardaespaldas cuando sufrió el atentado, con sus propios cuerpos lo cubrieron. Ellos sí que fueron valientes profesionales expusieron sus propias vidas para proteger fielmente a su presidente JFK ríp.

  • @ronniebishop2496
    @ronniebishop2496 5 лет назад +5

    How many shots does the book say you should hear before you react? 1 2 3, or 4.?

    • @mikehood3424
      @mikehood3424 4 года назад

      13 to 19 shots in 6 second span from at least 8 locations

    • @tula1433
      @tula1433 2 года назад +1

      @@mikehood3424 you really think it was that many? What is your theory?

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 2 года назад

      @@tula1433 SS agent in the limo said it sounded like a sonic boom.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад

      how many of the " eight locations " were fired from the troposphere

  • @bobharris77
    @bobharris77 15 лет назад +5

    There is a reason why Greer slowed the limo and why Hill jumped from the running board just prior to the headshot at 312-313. They were both reacting to the shock wave of a near miss that went on to strike the pavement on Main St, where it shattered, sending a chunk of lead to strike the curb and a piece of debris to nick Tague.

  • @Sarastarlight100
    @Sarastarlight100 12 лет назад

    I totally agree Vince.

  • @nevsart5884
    @nevsart5884 Год назад +2

    Can anyone say anything about the vehicle ahead of the presidential limousine? I have a picture of it just after the shooting and it looks like there’s a large mark on the photo. This is suspicious, to me, as when the presidential limousine was at the hospital, there were reports of a bullet hole in the mid-centre of the windshield, that would give it a trajectory to JFK’s head……….. any thoughts?

  • @TheFrogger15
    @TheFrogger15 11 лет назад +7

    I'm sorry but did you interview this agent? I am very familiar with the man who interviewed many of the agents who were in Dallas on the President's detail that day and they all told him that the President NEVER interfered with with their duties or told any of them not to ride on the back of the car. If you are using the book "The Kennedy Detail' as a reference then you should know that the author of that book was in Austin, TX at the time of the assassanation.

  • @marcostar57
    @marcostar57 13 лет назад +2

    @couchdr Most of us don't need to read Blaine's book -- we can see films & photos of the agents' actions -- and their glaring mystifiying inaction in Dallas.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад

      Thsts complete nonsense they only had 6 to 8 seconds to react talk about a Monday Morning QB.

    • @marcostar57
      @marcostar57 3 года назад

      That was their one ONLY duty! But after going out till 4 AM drinking -- in complete violation of the rules of conduct -- must've bern hard to react quickly. Pathetic!

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад

      @@marcostar57 Not even Superman could have reacted to save Kennedy how do you outrun a bullet going 2000 ft a second ?Old debunked theory.

  • @luigam1
    @luigam1 2 года назад

    whose music is it?

  • @entheosvillacencio3085
    @entheosvillacencio3085 3 года назад +5

    My grandma,who was a texas school book depository employee said that she heard 3 shots coming from the upper floor while she was having lunch in the 3rd floor...after thr shooting she was questioned by 2 police about the shooting,she only said no,but i heard 3 shots from above...minutes later she encountered oswald in the hallway holding a soda with a dark brown coat ,she followed him and the last time she saw him was him exiting the back door loading dock .

    • @jenniferw4068
      @jenniferw4068 3 года назад

      The lunchroom was on the main floor.

    • @entheosvillacencio3085
      @entheosvillacencio3085 3 года назад +1

      @@jenniferw4068 she brings her lunch at the 3rd floor to have clear view of the motorcade dummy

    • @jenniferw4068
      @jenniferw4068 3 года назад

      @@entheosvillacencio3085 you look and smell like a fraud.

    • @entheosvillacencio3085
      @entheosvillacencio3085 3 года назад +1

      @@jenniferw4068 go cry

    • @morganthomas1576
      @morganthomas1576 2 года назад

      BS. He was on the first floor standing in doorway next BWF holding a camera and taking photos. Paid disinformationalists getting weaker and weaker.

  • @thomasclinton5875
    @thomasclinton5875 Год назад +1

    If you were driving and a bullet came through the windshield from the front and whizzed past your right shoulder would you speed up or pause to figure out which way to get out of the line of fire.

  • @kuriaki71
    @kuriaki71 12 лет назад +3

    Secret Service did not do there job

  • @nancysanders2398
    @nancysanders2398 3 года назад +2

    How come none of the secret service agents did Not come to protect President Kennedy's body,as one agent did for VP Johnson? I have wondered about that for a long time,isn't that what they are suppose to do?

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 3 года назад

      Go look at old pics of JFK campaigning & visiting American towns / cities. You would be shocked at how candid he was & how vulnerable he would have been to a assassination. Nobody back then would have ever thought someone would assassinate Kennedy, he was a young & charismatic president & a great leader. It was the end of innocence in many ways here in America.

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 2 года назад

      @@Ur2ez4me81 Oh he had kinds of threats and was begged not to even go to Texas. Chicago was called off because of a tip of an assassination might happen and in Miami you can see the SS in total different positions than Dallas.

  • @meisievannancy
    @meisievannancy Год назад +1

    People say double bang was an echo. Well then all three shots would have same echo. Should have been three double bangs. Not convinced of echo. Open grass field, many people all absorb and short distances. Sound travels at about 300 m/s. What is size of Plaza in meters ? People are better at locating source of sounds than credited.

  • @wrap10
    @wrap10 12 лет назад +1

    Let's assume for the sake of argument that all four agents on the running boards react to the first shot (about Z155) within 1 second, jump off the follow-up car and race to protect the president. They'd have to do so by Z173. Kennedy is first hit about Z223. That gives them just over 2.5 seconds to reach, on foot, a car moving away from them at about 11 to 12 mph, jump on, and cover the president. And that's under the best of circumstances, with a near instantaneous reaction. Not good odds.

  • @reefergladness
    @reefergladness 13 лет назад

    what's that photo of @ 3.00? never seen that one before..

    • @peterdixon7734
      @peterdixon7734 2 месяца назад

      One of two Mel McIntire photos. Not to be confused with Tim McIntyre, the Secret Service agent on the left rear running board of the follow-up car.

  • @tregoj1
    @tregoj1 12 лет назад

    @VincePalamara Who did?

  • @snevissniffle7905
    @snevissniffle7905 Год назад +1

    Lots of people with the surname 'Hill' in Dallas that day

    @FGTFJT 15 лет назад

    yeah i copied and paste quotes. why would i re-write what someone else wrote? you still didnt answer my question Mr. Right?

  • @padre4306
    @padre4306 Год назад

    No one was “responsible”, but Kennedy himself, for insisting on riding in all those open motorcades simply for Political Purposes. There was Zero way for anyone to “Protect” him and it Amounted to playing pure Russian Roulette with his own life! No way that he should have even been allowed to do that!…

  • @CityBoy5705
    @CityBoy5705 Год назад +2

    I cannot believe that most people think there was only two shooters. More half a dozen. Two or three shots missed the car completely. One hitting the kerb on the underpass. A chip of the sidewalk cut James tagues face. One hit a concrete manhole cover on the left. Another hit the grass and went along like a ground mole. Another hit the windshield Chrome on the inside of the care one went through the windshield through and through front to back probably hitting JFK in the throat. That was from a shooter on the underpass bridge in the corner where it meets the grassy knoll fence. Final shot grassy knoll or storm drain or both. The storm drain was 6 to 7 inches high back in the 60s but isn't no now because of asphalt laid on top of asphalt over the years. Shooters on the dal tex building roof. Probably one on the firescape leaning out the window on the side of the building too. Possibly two shooter's on the 6th floor school book depository. One at either end.
    Do your homework watch a lot of videos you can generally decipher the wheat from the chaff.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад


    • @mikeberg5003
      @mikeberg5003 Год назад

      @@jb-vb8un OMG I can't believe people think he did it.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад

      The ZAPRUDER film was used as evidence in the case against Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy from a sixth-floor window at the Texas School Book Depository. When the Warren Commission issued its report on the assassination in 1964, it concluded that Oswald had shot the president from behind.
      A study published in the journal Helios corroborates that conclusion. Nicholas Nalli, senior research scientist at IMSG, Inc., created a model of the mechanics of the gunshot wound itself to explain where the bullet may have come from.
      When Nalli studied the Zapruder film, he noticed that the president’s head snapped forward at the moment the bullet hit his skull. This, he hypothesized, meant the president had been shot from behind. Plenty of information about the crime has been public for years, and Nalli drew from that well of data to create a model of the physical processes of the gunshot wound. Nalli’s model took things like the mass and speed of the bullet and measurements into account. He combined that information with the shutter speed of the film that documented the shooting. The model then calculated how the bullet would have acted when it entered President Kennedy’s skull if it came from behind.
      It confirmed Nalli’s theory-and shows that it’s unlikely that the president was shot from the “grassy knoll” in front of him.
      “The President’s reactions just after the projectile impact were physically consistent with a gunshot wound caused by a high-energy Carcano military rifle bullet fired from the vicinity of the Texas School Book Depository,” Nalli writes. When the president was shot, he says, Kennedy’s head exploded, as the film so graphically shows. Nalli’s model shows that the wound wasn’t where the bullet exited, but where it entered. It demonstrates that a temporary cavity formed inside the president’s soft tissue as the momentum and kinetic energy of the bullet smashed into his skull, causing his head to snap forward.
      Based on his model, Nalli also thinks that the theory of a second shooter and that of the president being shot by hollow-point or soft-point bullets are also unlikely. Not only were such bullets never recovered, he writes, but the movements of Kennedy’s head are only consistent with a shot from the back.
      Nalli’s not the first person to use physics to model the bullet’s trajectory-the head wound and ballistics are covered in-depth in the Warren Report. But, writes Nalli, his model is unique in that it focuses on the forward motion of the president’s head after he was shot.
      “The Zapruder film shows President Kennedy being shot from behind and not from the infamous grassy knoll, in corroboration of the official autopsy findings,” says Nalli in a release. “That’s the only ‘smoking gun’ in the film.”

    • @gardencornrobber
      @gardencornrobber Год назад

      @@jb-vb8un you better do some more homework.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад

      @@gardencornrobber thanks for the empty words - - - As a result of failed DEMOCRAT PARTY policy, South Vietnamese intellectuals and other potential enemies of the revolution were rounded up and shipped off to “reeducation” camps, which were really forced labor camps designed to break the will of the South Vietnamese and indoctrinate them with communist ideologies. Many residents of Saigon, the former South Vietnamese capital, were forced to move to the countryside to labor on collective farms. In neighboring Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge seized power and began a brutal campaign of imprisonment and mass executions of its enemies.

  • @edwardanthony7283
    @edwardanthony7283 10 месяцев назад

    That explains the bullets that missed. 2 Knoll shooters at or near Knoll fired kill shots at the same time after the TSBD shots were fired & they clearly had a different sound as well.

  • @liability69
    @liability69 14 лет назад +5

    @liability69 Following the execution LBJ appointed Dillon as member of Special Committee to study the Warren Report. Dillon later served as Chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation (former CIA director William Colby, who was perhaps the ONLY DCI ever to speak frankly with Congressional investigators in secret session, when asked about the JFK assassination said that the shooter teams in Dallas took orders from the Rockefellers). Dillon was named Undersecretary of State, reviewing CIA activities.

    • @adamredfield
      @adamredfield 3 года назад

      @James Woolley Colby was ousted from the CIA in 1975. He died in 1996. That’s 21 years, not “less than two weeks.”

  • @mr.sherlockholmes6130
    @mr.sherlockholmes6130 Месяц назад

    Greer and the other secret service agents failed him , they were in on it . The only man who tried to help was Clint hill . The rest were in on it . They controlled Dallas and it was the perfect murder scene. My God so sickening to think they killed that great man .

  • @Dark_Asteroid
    @Dark_Asteroid Год назад

    Why did he slow down?

  • @reefergladness
    @reefergladness 12 лет назад +1

    helmer, you are the champ..

  • @edwardanthony7283
    @edwardanthony7283 10 месяцев назад

    Why the driver didn't put the peddle to the metal immediately is a mystery. Could have avoided the whole fiasco.

  • @reefergladness
    @reefergladness 12 лет назад +7

    helmer, i love your work..
    however, how would Kennedy be able to exclaim: "My God, I'm hit".. or anything (for that matter) IF he was hit in the throat?

    • @TheWilferch
      @TheWilferch 6 лет назад +3

      Jackie was quoted as saying, "My God they will kill us all". Or maybe it was Connolly.....certainly not JFK which makes other claims here on this vid suspect

    • @7071t6
      @7071t6 6 лет назад

      When he was shot in the back is the only reason i can think of, or the bullet did not penetrate into his neck and damage it that badly ? which the shot was from the commerce st side and went through the windshield and hit jfk in the neck and you can see john connolly move his left shoulder upwards as if it was struck by a bullet and then hit jfk in the altered z film. :)

    • @rebeccapardue8438
      @rebeccapardue8438 4 года назад +2

      @@TheWilferch It was Connelly who said that. Mike Pardue

    • @rebeccapardue8438
      @rebeccapardue8438 4 года назад +2

      Jackie, in her statement to the Warren Commission, said that President Kennedy never made a sound. Yet Agent Kellerman said he heard Kennedy say, My God, I'm hit. In another statement Kellerman said Kennedy exclaimed, Get me to the hospital. Although Governor Connelly was directly behind Kellerman, Kellerman didn't hear Connelly say anything. And we know Connelly yelled, My God They're going to kill us all. Connelly thought they were being fired at by an automatic rifle.
      In the Zapruder film, frames 257-260, I see President Kennedy pointing at his throat wound with his left index finger. Find the Slow Motion Close Up version of the Zapruder film, the frames are numbered and watch. I have never heard any researcher talk about this, I have not read about this in any books. Check it out and tell me what you see. Frames 257-260. Mike Pardue

    • @sarsfield1952
      @sarsfield1952 3 года назад

      Those were Kennedy's last words as he was hit in his back, the throat shot came a second or two later from the Grassy knoll...

  • @jesusmarquez7587
    @jesusmarquez7587 Год назад +1

    William Greer the shooter who killed the president some videos will show this just keep your eyes on the driver the whole time

  • @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk
    @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk 12 лет назад

    hahaha--blue wolfe: thanks for your support! :O)

  • @genenovak2717
    @genenovak2717 Год назад

    This is what we call American exceptionalism

  • @jantaljaard835
    @jantaljaard835 3 года назад +1

    There were more who heard FOUR shots than those who heard three; the Newmans heard FOUR, all from the grassy knoll.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      Wrong most heard 3

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад +1

      The Newmana never said they heard 4 where you get this from?

  • @IwshIcldstrtover
    @IwshIcldstrtover 13 лет назад

    @MOXWELLDIAMOND Have you ever fired a carcano into an object? That is exactly the sound produced.

  • @a.deewai3181
    @a.deewai3181 Год назад +1

    If not the driver -> Kellerman should have make him speed up the car !!
    To many, incl. me, the impression is that he was in on it too !! And if I remember correctly: both of them are photographed with that photo of JFK... Almost like a trophy 😖‼️

  • @irish89055
    @irish89055 11 лет назад +1

    perhaps.. kellerman didn't seem like much.. nor Granny Greer..

  • @condorc72
    @condorc72 2 года назад +2

    Greer was a great shot

    @FGTFJT 15 лет назад +1

    in painc? think about what you are saying. if you hear shots are you going to stop and look and see where they are coming from if the car you are in is being shot at? i dont think so. this men are trained to put the petal to the metal in cases like this. its not like he is a everyday person. makes you think twice about if he was innocent.

  • @michaelcarlson7403
    @michaelcarlson7403 5 лет назад +5

    Here's the guy that took half of Kennedys head off "William Greere himself"! You can see it plain and clear in Zapruders film 312,313 watch Greere turn to look over his right shoulder once and then a second time and the as he turns the second time you can see him moving his left arm over towards his right with a "metallic" object in his left hand must've been a south paw and at the time the moment of his arm stops is exactly when Kennedys head explodes then keep your sharp eye on Greere as he ducts down and at the same time so does "Kellerman" as if Greere's passing the weapon off to Kellerman to stash it either in the glove compartment or somewhere under the dash! So watch the footage and see if you all see the same thing I do? Bottom line is it was a conspiracy several were involved and Kennedy was basically in a Turkey shoot! And it was also said if they didn't get him in dealey plaza they had hit men that would've got him at the Trade mart!

    • @philwright2480
      @philwright2480 3 года назад

      You are dumb AF

    • @DavidBrown-bp4iq
      @DavidBrown-bp4iq 2 года назад +1

      Michael Carlson. "They" would not have had the driver turn and shoot the president in broad daylight with people a few yards away watching and filming.

    • @bridgetcameron3691
      @bridgetcameron3691 Год назад

      I've been reading through the comments to see if anyone else saw the same thing you are commenting. Because I watched a film documentary that I saw exactly what you are describing. I believe the fatal head wound came from the driver as you described it. He shoots him with a pistol that he had in his left hand that he brought up over his right shoulder then he kinda ducks then accelerates the car. Finally someone else describing exactly what I saw in that film.

  • @rollotomassi6374
    @rollotomassi6374 2 года назад +1

    So, something is keeping the real story from being explained, otherwise they had no reason to suppress and seal so many documents for 75 years…..hell, they may push it back then, especially if Caroline is still around…..

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Год назад

      files released on Oct 26 implicate a JFK plot to kill Castro

  • @matts1364
    @matts1364 Год назад

    Said he felt it was… feelings isn’t evidence.

  • @signtruth666
    @signtruth666 12 лет назад +4

    Vince Palamara is a superb researcher whose work destroys these frauds

  • @RJN8580
    @RJN8580 13 лет назад +1

    @liability69 Dillon was a 'great' friend of President Kennedy. He made have been the boss but clearly wasn't in charge of the detail..Gerald Behn was the lead agent..who happen to take a vacation for the first time in 3 years.

    @FGTFJT 15 лет назад

    here we come. be ready

  • @labluvr32
    @labluvr32 12 лет назад +3

    how can you speak when your mouth instantly fills with blood from a high velocity laceration all he could do was point to his throat and cover his mouth. watch zapruder film in close up and you will see that as zapruder starts filming almost simultaneously with the first shot and if you look closely youll see the driver, passenger and jfk look towards zapruder maybe they thught he was the shooter.

    • @johnrogan9420
      @johnrogan9420 3 года назад +1

      Zupruder and his wife babuska lady were part of the plot.

    • @enriquerenteria6089
      @enriquerenteria6089 3 года назад

      @@johnrogan9420 facts

    • @DavidBrown-bp4iq
      @DavidBrown-bp4iq 2 года назад

      I don't think blood was in JFK'S mouth nor that he was pointing to his throat.

  • @7071t6
    @7071t6 8 лет назад

    Landis & Clint hill were the 2 agents that were in jfk's car when it was heading towards PARKLAND & jfk's car stopped just before it got onto the stemmons freeway entrance, which a police officer seen who was stationed on a bridge just before the entrance to the freeway, which is all part on the upload jfk horsemen. cheers :) Thats why you only see 8 men on the queen Mary in the photos on the entrance to the freeway, when there should be 10 men on the follow up car the Queen Mary 679-X.

    • @Wombah-rc6zz
      @Wombah-rc6zz 8 лет назад +2

      +7071t6 Clint Hill was over the back seat following the shooting as he'd run up & climbed onto the back of Kennedy's car [GG300] but William Greer was driving with that other agent beside him & although they could see & clearly knew what was unfolding in the back seat they did NOTHING until the fatal head shot was delivered! How long does it take a driver to jump on the gas pedal & speed away from danger? Only a fraction of a second! But in just one of its numerous 'slip ups' the Warren Commission investigators felt no need to do this! In the W.C. report it says"The Secret Service acted with their 'usual efficiency.'" If that WAS true how come JFK was killed???

    • @Wombah-rc6zz
      @Wombah-rc6zz 8 лет назад

      +Wombah 0070 When I referred to the W.C. 'slip up' in my previous comment I meant they failed to question why the Secret Service hadn't taken immediate action when the shooting started.

    • @7071t6
      @7071t6 8 лет назад +1

      Wombah 0070 Well said the WC report is nothing but a complete & utter cover up of what really happened, they even have the witness right next to the GG-300 saying that the shots came from the TSBD & only 3 shots, yet the FBI said the first shot hit jfk, then connolly 7 then jfk in the head, yet the WC staff said re: alen spector said jfk was shot & connolly shot with the same bullet & then jfk was shot in the head, yet the Z film even through it was altered & i know why to make it look like it was a mgic bullet hit, but they forgot the Connolly het he was holding & also when the GG-300 turned onto elm st where greer almost turned into the side road on the corner of elm, Roy Truley said the driver almost hit the curb on the corner of elm as he turned that 8,000 pound car & thats when the first shot missed meaning it hit the road surface & witness said they seen roadway fly up & even sparks from something, which they all described as firecrackers, but not it was a missed shot & if you look through the snipers window & scope, how anyone can miss the car & hit the curb on main st to hit james Tague is more evidence the WC wanted to not take notice off & thats why the single bullet started when all the witness said that the first shot missed & they had to hide the bullet striking the roadway in the film & also other shots that missed as well, which a total of 5 were witness & evidence & photos to prove that those shots did miss.
      so if you count those missed shot's & the hits to jfk/connolly there's over 10 shots easy & yet the WC wants the world to believe that only 2 bullets did all the damage to jfk/connolly & 1 missed shot did all the damage to those missed shots that were documented. What a load of crap, jfk was killed by the secret service sniper teams, thats what i believe they would have the best rifles with scopes & also the badges to make sure they were allowed to pass in dearly plaza as well, but the official secret service protection division & reports were all destroyed when the ARRB asked for them especially for the trade mart & other areas in Dallas like the airport & they say the only secret service agents were those riding on the Queen Mary, i dont think so, i cant imagine a MOB hit even if they had the right rifles you need very skilled snipers that know what to do if something goes wrong & also the regress for the team as well, notice that the official first viewing of the Z film Dan Rather said jfk's head move violently forwards & also that connolly turned around with his left arm extend outwards as well, which you do not see in the current Z film & also very importantly the official TIME LIFE u tube channel has the Z film on it & its the best & clearest version of the film, better than the MPI version which was made into a DVD from the so called original from NARA, now how on earth can that be, it should have 100% the same content, in the time life upload you can see the rear deck aerial on jackies side of the car, yet in any other version you cant see it at all, so you cant trust the Z film at all, why because of the 2 NPIC events & official government & other witness that said jfk's head was almost blown off, yet in the film you dont see that, no blood so much was done to the film its not funny & as a 7 year old i had seen a totally different film which showed the car stop & jfk's head basically shot at least 2 times from the front, there was no back to the left, just like the witness in elm st, they all said they did not see jfk's head move like they seen in the so called z film.
      cheers buddy. :)

    • @Wombah-rc6zz
      @Wombah-rc6zz 8 лет назад +3

      The fact that Zapruder's camera ran at 18 frames per second & yet in the publicly available Zapruder film, the head explosion lasts just one frame[1/18th of a second] should tell you something. Douglas Horne who was employed by the ARRB, tracked down the man who processed the original film[he's in his early 90s now] & he confirmed alteration. He said the head explosion lasted over several frames, was white in colour & went straight up in the air. He said it really shocked him when he first saw it. Clearly by altering this film they were trying to hide the fact that some shots had been fired from the front, like the fatal head shot & JFK's throat wound. Governor Connolly also confirmed that he was shot SEPARATELY to JFK & footage of him saying this is available here on RUclips, so there was more than just the"magic bullet" wounding Kennedy & Connolly which also means there WAS more than one shooter & so by definition a conspiracy to kill JFK.

    • @7071t6
      @7071t6 8 лет назад +1

      Wombah 0070 Well said. :)

  • @patrickw8302
    @patrickw8302 Год назад

    How could they drive threw a motorcade with all the windows open? Are you kidding me ?

  • @UhtredRagnarsson1949
    @UhtredRagnarsson1949 Год назад

    If the second and third shots were almost simultaneous, then that puts paid to the theory of a lone gunman doesn't it.

  • @robertallen8542
    @robertallen8542 3 года назад

    How hard would it be to just narrate this instead of running a crawler across the picture?

  • @themeaningoflife38
    @themeaningoflife38 14 лет назад +2

    @TheDudleyheathens Henry Rybka,who was ordered by Emory Roberts to stay behind at Love Field.Watch the video "Secret Service Standown" here on youtube and see for yourself.

    • @randyharris3175
      @randyharris3175 3 года назад

      The video dont show what he was saying and why he was doing it.Come on Man.

  • @cynthiamhocevar5575
    @cynthiamhocevar5575 2 года назад

    At that time everyone was getting a bit too lax. Then this happened. It was like nothing like this would happen. But then it did.

  • @kevinodriscoll3904
    @kevinodriscoll3904 Год назад +2

    If ‘shells’ were landing in the car, that means that bullets were being fired from inside the car. ‘Shells’ are brass casings that contain gunpowder to fire bullets. That is very unusual for a secret service man to use that language.