Magnificent! I love Roy Rogers style of music and his unparalleled ability of mastering the slide! One of, if not the best, that I have ever heard playing the slide guitar! Thank you so kindly Roy!
I don't know he is considered THE finest slide guitar player .. There are many out there, and would be hard to choose any one (one that comes to mind personally is that guitarist for Delbert McClinton's band). 😃 But, dang, all these years I thought Roy was Black .. he sure sounds it when talking on his recordings .. In fact, I used to clarify to other people, "the Black man on the guitar, not the white man on the horse" .. oops! 😊
You’re an idiot just because it’s cover it has to sound like rj? I personally know Roy and he wanted to change it up. If he wanted to he couldn’t played it like the original and a million times better the Robert Johnson
Magnificent! I love Roy Rogers style of music and his unparalleled ability of mastering the slide! One of, if not the best, that I have ever heard playing the slide guitar! Thank you so kindly Roy!
Just say Roy and Carlos in Phoenix at the Musical Instruments Museum. Great show!!! Definitely a must seen. Great music and tremendous showmanship.
Amazing location this festival is. Telluride Blues & Brews Festival is now on my bucketlist.
How sweet... thanks guys.
listen to the story..... pure blues
Real musian, wow from Australia
great talents!
Come to the East Coast please
You guys need to check out Bishop Gunn!
That be one purdy resonator 12 string
I don't know he is considered THE finest slide guitar player .. There are many out there, and would be hard to choose any one (one that comes to mind personally is that guitarist for Delbert McClinton's band). 😃 But, dang, all these years I thought Roy was Black .. he sure sounds it when talking on his recordings .. In fact, I used to clarify to other people, "the Black man on the guitar, not the white man on the horse" .. oops! 😊
R op yrogers
This is the most messed up Robert Johnson cover I ever heard...damn, screw up a great song would ya
I think it's a good song but doesn't sound like Johnson at all.
Please respect the tribute, he play for him whtaever, if i was RJ, i will be so amaze
You’re an idiot just because it’s cover it has to sound like rj? I personally know Roy and he wanted to change it up. If he wanted to he couldn’t played it like the original and a million times better the Robert Johnson
Carl Bowden so w where in the rule book does it say it has to sound like the original.
@@rickylehmann2283 Roy can do no wrong in my book.
I just dont know about jean luce ponty violin sounds mixed with slide guitar and harp. I dont care fo this rendering.