Seeing the survivability of Crusadge makes me really want to build one but DA is very agile and can avoid most mechanics. Well played, can't wait to see the new runes in action.
What I appreciate on top of the quick gear showcase is that you hover over the nerf icon. It's interesting (IMO) to see how much one's stats are gimped at high Labyrinths. It's the lil things 👍.
Seeing the survivability of Crusadge makes me really want to build one but DA is very agile and can avoid most mechanics. Well played, can't wait to see the new runes in action.
crazy stuff!! OP as always
Lakasa doy 💪🏼
narah-naraah-prenku-anidin cimpoli-naraah-naraah
What I appreciate on top of the quick gear showcase is that you hover over the nerf icon. It's interesting (IMO) to see how much one's stats are gimped at high Labyrinths. It's the lil things 👍.
OMGG!! papa merickk so op
sanaol merickk-san -/\-
breath of fire bgm?
+14 prime earring dapat tsk
qaqo ka haha
how many ur cr?
can you carry me TDN 17 sir pls