When you said my protection is like electricity, I felt chills, move all the way through my body up through my crown.⭐️ thank you once again for bringing medicine to us. This is very, very powerful what you’re talking about. Most of my life I was in the dark about these energies. But the last three years I’ve been able to gain my site and I’ve been putting things in their right place. I am ready for my magic to flourish to be able to help many many many people. Thank you for your assistance.⭐️💛⭐️🌸⭐️
Yes he is medicine and poison. The pain never gets easier. Working so hard to let go as I want NO part of this mess and yet I can't shake it. Been in No Contact since October and still can't let go. Sick of it.
When you said my protection is like electricity, I felt chills, move all the way through my body up through my crown.⭐️ thank you once again for bringing medicine to us. This is very, very powerful what you’re talking about. Most of my life I was in the dark about these energies. But the last three years I’ve been able to gain my site and I’ve been putting things in their right place. I am ready for my magic to flourish to be able to help many many many people. Thank you for your assistance.⭐️💛⭐️🌸⭐️
I started this year by walking with intention ..and I see how things just come to me. I’m seeing a lot. Thanks for this reading. 🎉🎉
You are truly gifted. Keep doing what you do. Bless you!
Thank you,always accurate.....
Thank you. You have no idea how much you are helping right now.
I fully agree. Love from the Netherlands ❤
Yes he is medicine and poison. The pain never gets easier. Working so hard to let go as I want NO part of this mess and yet I can't shake it. Been in No Contact since October and still can't let go. Sick of it.