What a hero 👏🙌 Dr. Fikade May God pour his blessings on you again and again. There are good Dr's but in Ethiopia instruments which is use full for medical treatment is not adequately available please 🙏 Ethiopian rich people and government please make financial aid and buy and improve those important tool. We need to build big hospital to minimise precious human life we lost and money which lost for foreign treatment!!!
You possess remarkable qualities - brilliance, humility, integrity, empathy, and a great sense of humour. Ethiopia is fortunate to have a dedicated and compassionate individual like you, who has saved countless lives and will continue to do so. It's fascinating that we both attended Addis Ketema School, known for nurturing exceptional students like you. We owe our gratitude to Addis Ketema for that. Thank you for this interview, and I hope you'll serve as a mentor to aspiring doctors in the future.
We ethiopian lucky to have great experienced surgical doctors esp cardiosurgeon.....please audience this surgical procedure is costy and need a lot of financial support to keep doing the surgery.......Cabg, MVR,AVR and other procedures are need your help to buy artificial valves and upgrad medical instruments so rich ethiopian please do your finger print to keep many people life comfortable. This Dr is just especialist and does not own the hospital but do surgery for life to keep going....please ethiopian government and rich people, involve inthis life saving milestones
Astogfrulah hakim kamot ayadinim quality of life yiqayiral nabis yemisetewum yemiwosdewum Allah bichaa naw lemanignawum windime fatarih besiraw hulem yirdah
እንኳንም የኢትዮጵያ ልጅ ሆንክ እንኳንም አወኩክ እጅግ በጣም የተደሰትኩበት ቀን የእሱን ኢንተርቪው የሰማው ቀን ነው። ዘመንክ ከነቤተሰብክ ይባረክ
ፈጣሪ ሁሌም እንዲረዳህ እመኛለሁ። በጣም ትሁት ፥ ደግ ፥አዛኝና ስሉጡን ፥ የሥነ ፅሑፍ ሰው ፈጣሪ አብዝቶ ይባርክህ። አትለወጥ።
ዶ/ር ፈቀደ እንዳንተ አይነቱን መልካም ስበእና ያላቸውን የልብ ሐኬሞችን እግዚአብሔር ያብዛልን ቃላት የለኝም እድሜና ጤናውን ይስጥህ እመቤቴ ትጠብቅህ፡፡
ደሀ አይደለህም የበለጠዉ ሐብት አጎናጽፎሐል በርታ አንተ ጥሩ ሰዉ ከአምላክህ ጋር ከእሱ ጋር ተጠማጠም የበለጠ አትርፎ አትረፍርፎ ይሰጥሐል በርታልን ጊዜዉ የፈጠረዉ ሆነና ምን ይደረግ አምላኬ እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ያድልህ ባለቤትክንና ልጆችህን ይባርክልህ ደሀ አይደለህም ሁሉ አለህ ተባረክ
You are our hero. God give you more wisdom and blessing.
Very gentle human being ! God bless you with your family. We Ethiopians are very proud of you.!!
አውነት ነው ፈጣሪ የልብን ያውቃል።
wow great person I wish long live
ዶክተር እድሜይስጥህ ከነባለቤትህ ከነልጆችህ
እጅግ እጅግ ነዉ ማከብርህ
ዶ.ክ ሺህ ዓመት ኑሩልን
እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅልን
Geniuse hero with good heart
What a hero 👏🙌 Dr. Fikade May God pour his blessings on you again and again.
There are good Dr's but in Ethiopia instruments which is use full for medical treatment is not adequately available please 🙏 Ethiopian rich people and government please make financial aid and buy and improve those important tool. We need to build big hospital to minimise precious human life we lost and money which lost for foreign treatment!!!
እግዚአብሔር በሞገሱ ይጠብህ !አንተ የምትናገረው ሁሉ የሚያደንቅ ነው እግዚአብሔር ብር.............ክ ያርግህ
You possess remarkable qualities - brilliance, humility, integrity, empathy, and a great sense of humour. Ethiopia is fortunate to have a dedicated and compassionate individual like you, who has saved countless lives and will continue to do so. It's fascinating that we both attended Addis Ketema School, known for nurturing exceptional students like you. We owe our gratitude to Addis Ketema for that. Thank you for this interview, and I hope you'll serve as a mentor to aspiring doctors in the future.
የዶክተርን አድራሻ ተባበሩኝ በጣም የታመመች ህፃን ልጅ አለች
Bertalen…u're our hero!❤❤❤
We ethiopian lucky to have great experienced surgical doctors esp cardiosurgeon.....please audience this surgical procedure is costy and need a lot of financial support to keep doing the surgery.......Cabg, MVR,AVR and other procedures are need your help to buy artificial valves and upgrad medical instruments so rich ethiopian please do your finger print to keep many people life comfortable. This Dr is just especialist and does not own the hospital but do surgery for life to keep going....please ethiopian government and rich people, involve inthis life saving milestones
የዶክተር አድራሻ ቦሌ ማተሚያቤት ጀርባ አል ዩዜየር የልብ ማእከል ከፈለጋችሁ ስልክ አሰጣችሗለሁ ዶክተር ፈቀደ አግዋር አንድም እራሱን የሚያጋንን ነገር አያወራም እንዳውም እራሱን ምንም ቢያወራ እሱን የሚገልፅ ቃላት የለም ዶክተር ፈቀደ እድሜህ ይርዘም ፈገግታህ ይቆይልን ደክሞህ እንኳን ፊትህ አይከፋውም እናም እኔ አንተን በቃላት መግለፅ አልችልም ዶክተርየ እንዳተ ጀግኖችን ተካልን እባክህ ዘርህ ይብዛልን አመሰግናለሁ
ከይቅርታ ጋር ስልክ ቁጥር መስጠት ከቻልክ
Selkune ebakehen
አድራሻዉን ተባበሩን በእግአዛብሔር
ምሳሌ 4: 23 "አጥብቀህ ልብህን ጠብቅ የሕይወት መውጫ ከሱ ዘነድ ነው" ። ፈጣሪ ይህ አባባል በቃሉ እንዲሠፍር መፍቀዱ ምን ያህል የተገባ ነው።
የዶክተርን አድራሻ ስጡኝ በአላህ
እንዴት የዶ/ር ፈቀደን መጽሐፍ ማግኘት እችላለሁ?
ዶ/ር “healing valve North American “ አባል መሆን ፈልጌ ማግኘት አልቻልኩም እንዴት አባል ልሁን?
አንደኛዋ እኔንኛ ዶክ
አበአላህስልኩን ስጡኝ
መጻፉን ውጪ ላለን እንዴት እናገኛለን?
ያት ነው የማገኝው plis😢
አንተ እኮ ነህ ጌታዬ ሁሉን አድራጊ
Ethiopia tamesegenhalech ante berekeyea Dr neh bezu leboch anten eyetebeku new
Dc how can be like uh wehen in grow up
enem tiyakeye yihe new haha
Astogfrulah hakim kamot ayadinim quality of life yiqayiral nabis yemisetewum yemiwosdewum Allah bichaa naw lemanignawum windime fatarih besiraw hulem yirdah
Edeme ena tena yesetek wendeme
Ebakch aderashew ymwek 6 wer lij amobig new ebakchi
Kadoctor gar bitagnagnugnu turunaw lije batami tamalchi
dr tebrki
Yemigeghewen adrash selkun safulen