Haha I realy like this couple of gringos! They are such a kind persons. I almost consider them my friends just for watching all their videos each day. Saludos, amigos! Please take care of both. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼✌🏼
a lot of people in Mexico like to hear movies in their native language, being English, French, German, etc, not everyone, but a lot, and don't really mind subtitles.
Miguel Porras True. And we dislike the dubbing, except in cartoons, because historically it has usually been of a poor quality. Nowadays they’re doing a decent job dubbing, but in the past the voice actors were unnatural, dialogues and phrases were translated literally rather than adapted, and many of the words used were not of common use in Mexico (this perhaps because the audio was often intended to be sold to other spanish speaking countries). As a result, dubbed movies and tv series sounded weird to most people in Mexico and we ended up disliking it.
Cinépolis > Cinemex My gringa really loves the 4DX (seats move, mist, fans) for action movies, and VIP (big comfy recliners + waiters with FULL BAR!) for the rest. Quite an upgrade from $12 tix in the US for unassigned normal seats with expensive popcorn...and no alcohol.
Your simplicity and honesty is what makes you so likeble the opposite of what the perception that most people has around the globe makes you unique keep it that way and we love you more 😁
If they want luxury, they should go to the new mall of Artz Pedregal, the bad thing is that most of the stores aren’t opened, but it has the same brands in Antara (Abercrombie & Fitch, Burberry, Ermenegildo Zegna, etc.) and more brands like Hollister Co., Gucci or Louis Vuitton.
Kinetic Kennons I didn’t mean to diminished your experience .... you haven’t been in a movie theater for the longest time as you said I just recently realized these fancy movie theaters exist as well ... love ya KK guys
Kennons! If you read this i just want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for showing this side of my country and now your country! You have no idea how this is helpping the others to understand what Mexico is really about. As a Mexican living abroad, when i talk to people form european countries they usually ask me if in Mexico we have internet, if we still living in tiny towns and travel by horse (i am not joking), because that is the image that media wants to show to the world about us! Sure we have our problems in Mexico but is getting better every day, little by little.
Omg! You nailed it! You don’t know how many times I have to explain to people how in Mexico there are the same things as here. I work at a Office in California and I have heard all kinds of wrong things that people have said about Mexico. Some people truly imaging all Mexicans living in little huts and always wanting to come to the USA because they don’t have anything. I have told people how the CarlJr’s or McDonalds are way bigger than the ones here and they look at me with disbelief. I also tell them that Mexico is like the USA in the sense that is made of immigrants and the only difference is that we are very racially mix.
Wrong statement !!! Mexico is not made of imigrants. We are FROM AMERICA, we are from here ,we don't come from no where. We come from mayas and Aztecs we are natives. The Spanish people came and mixed with some of us but not all of us ....some of us still are pure Indian people
@Lord you better check yourself before spreading out hate and lies. Check before NAFTA who migrated??? And who came with that brilliant idea of NAFTA?? Yes it was Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, the Chicago Boys etc. The crisis and migration, and inequality its created by Americans(United states elite) don't blame it on people inform yourself!!!
Parque Delta abrió en el 2005 pero hace como 2-3 años tuvo una importante expansión. Si quieren ir a un centro comercial de lujo, deben de ir al nuevo Artz Pedregal al sur de la ciudad.
Thank you guys for showing others what the media doesn't tell us about the true life of what Mexico can be. This is awesome and I appreciate you all showing a video that Mexico is not a bad or poor country.
Me da tanto gusto que gente como ustedes recorran México que comparten estos videos para que la gente se dé cuenta de lado bueno de México desgraciadamente la mayoría de los paisanos que viven en Estados Unidos no conocen lugares así y tienen desgraciadamente la mala idea de que la mayoría de México es como nuestros pueblitos o ranchitos
Jajaja (Spanish for Hahaha) You have no idea how many time I'm in the States and people ask things like, " They have movie theater in Mexico?" Or "why would you go to the movies in Mexico." It's a challenge to explain to some people at times. But definitely one of my favorite things to do in Mexico! Born and raised in Houston, my mom would not allow me to go to the movies in Houston because in her eyes it was too dangerous. But we would spend our summer and Christmas breaks in Mexico were we were encourage to go to the movies ALL by ourselves, as early was 10 years old. We would grab a cab and go to the movies with other underage cousins, it was totally normal and safe. My favorite part of attending the movie theater in Mexico is "VALENTINA" for the popcorn! Funny story: My first time in a AMC theater in Texas, I got in heated argument with the cashier because I thought she was pretending not to know what Valentina was! I shouted at her, "What I'm I suppose to put in my Popcorn?" She replied, "Butter" Needless to say, I was very confused.
My family in Monterrey lives close to one of the malls. We went on a regular basis. I didn't go to the theatre, but my son and his wife do quite often. I did have a Starbucks ;-)
We live super close to a Starbucks and I always want it but I feel guilty for not buying from a local place instead. Though I really love a Starbucks Americano!
I don't want to offend nobody, but the reason people in USA think so low of Mexicans , is because most of the ones that move permanently there, is poor people. Mexico is beautiful and full of potential, unfortunately there is lots of corruption with in the government, but most of the people don't want to leave Mexico, they have to .When they have family and there is a few opportunities for them to seek for a better future . Hopely in a future nobody will have to make this choice and be able to subsided with in Mexico's. With that said, if I was rich Mexico city would be my residence of choice. Keep the videos coming. And hopely you guys can make it one day, to Los altos de Jalisco.
Really appreciate you guys giving your audience and the world the true colors and virtues, the country with all its flaws, has to offer! THANK YOU!!! 🙌🏼❤️👏🏼
Hola weros, tengo mucho tiempo que no voy al cine, esta bonito el mall y esta mejor la sala bien limpio porque lis cines en USA limpian al hasta que acaba el día cuídense 😁😁
Guys do you know why that Mall is called, Parque Delta? Because there was the historic Baseball Park called Parque Delta. Was an icon in Mexico City and the baseball fans before 2003. Was the home of the two most important teams in LMB (Liga Mexicana de Beisbol).
When I was your age I traveled a ton and noticed a lot of the same things about societies. It is wonderful to watch you guys experience the world. Thank you.
Guys you should watch the pixar movie coco at home, i think its already available for rent through youtube or apple tv , but I think you will enjoy it very much given that you’ve been to beautiful towns like Vallarta,Puebla, Queretaro, Cholula, give it a try, its a good movie
Thank you guys for making these videos! They rock and so do y’all! Thanks for pointing out the “things” you do!! The stereotype things!! Its so refreshing to hear about everything straight from you guys experiences!!
There are also movie theaters for kids in Cinepolis. There's a playground inside and a big slide. You can also choose seating in regular seats, beds or a puff.
Congratulation guys, you are educating people in a very subtle way, you made a really good point in saying that people in Mexico don't have a beef when given options between English or Spanish. In the states many people don't even want to hear Spanish, let alone having options in fact many get so offended to the point of saying, speak English this is America, a double standard for sure. Keep up the good work, believe it or not, you are educating us all from the one sided view of an egocentric society. Thanks
Robert M Do those people react the same to speakers of other languages such as French, German or Italian? or is that reaction only triggered by people speaking Spanish?
Hi, I been watching your vids like this last two days and it's crazy to see all this things that ik about or done, been to, from the view of americans, I find it particularly special the grow in the getting the vibe of mexico, the way you start finding out what your favorite food or places are it's all such a beautiful thing, I'm glad your opening your mind to this country, and having a good time. My best wishes. -Mariana (from CDMX)
Just a bit of history on that mall. Parque Delta used to be a ¨béisbol¨ (baseball) stadium called Social Security Park owned by the Mexican Institute of Social Security. First opening its doors in 1955, hosted two local teams Diablos Rojos del México and Tigres capitalinos. It closed in 2000 to later be demolished in favor of mall Parque Delta.
I have family in Mexico City and I remember going to a theater to see War of the Worlds (2005 I think). I too was surprised by how nice everything was and enjoyed the movie the same way I would here but far cheaper of course haha this video brought back those memories. Keep up the great work. God bless!
Yeah, you were right, didn't watch that part. Fun Fact!: In the mall site there used to be a Baseball stadium, built in the 50s, now more famous to be the place were all the 1985 earthquake víctims were stationed. So some people says the mall is cursed. Greetings!!
Perhaps I am wrong, but Cinepolis and Cinemex have some locations in USA and in India, India is the biggest cinema market. Great video and great words about Mexico style of living.
Hey Greg. Thanks for showing the world what's Mexico really is. You make me proud to be a Mexican 👍 You deserve more subscribes. Great video 😉 Love it.
Creo que es un error señalar Parque Delta como Lujoso, creo que es bueno y común, Lujosos pueden ser Antara, Santa Fe y Paseo Interlomas, en la Cd Mx, tal vez
I love ur videos! I moved to Dallas 2 years ago I used to live in Veracruz, Mexico and I tbh love ur videos really Interesting and I’m not trynna make u mad gringo but la güera está muy bonita haha
Your videos very valuable in showing Mexicans, especially big cities, having a wonderful lifestyle (plus the great food). There are 130 million Mexicans and while many like to visit the U.S., they'd never consider leaving home. Movies: In middle and upper class movies, nearly every U.S. movie shown in English with subtitles. In lower class neighborhoods, the movies are often dubbed, while others show both dubbed and English versions of same movies, so wise to check.
You should make a video in El Palacio de Hierro Polanco, and as for luxury movie theaters, Cinepolis VIP in malls like Carso, Samara o Arcos Bosques are really nice. Good video, keep it up : )
In Mexico City, there is a mall called Mundo E, it is located in Satélite. On the second floor, the ceiling is painted as the sky. I hope that you can go to that one and see it 😃
I'm half Mexican and half American, so I've lived in both places my whole life, and I can recommend you to go to Plaza Andares in Mexico Guadajalara, that's one of my most favorite malls and they have a luxury movie theater too that's pretty cool called "Cinépolis", yo get waiters and all that, you can also visit Plaza Galerías, it's not my favorite but it's really big and pretty too, if you're gonna be living in Mexico, I'd be glad to give you a tour around Guadalajara if you want (: right now I'm in France, but I'll be back around august, Cheers! I'm glad you're liking Mexico
Hilaria y Gregorio, one movie that you might enjoy and will help you become more fluent in spanish is "Como Agua para chocolate". It's a "girly" movie but do it for her. It also goes into detail about the magic in mexican cooking. If you can get a copy, look for the one with English subtitles. Maybe you can see it in a retro movie theater in cdmx. Either way bring out the palomitas con valentina y limon and you can thank me later.
Well parque delta is not actually a luxury mall, more like the average, but anyway, glad you like it!, i've always said that the ratio between what you get and what you paid, is pure gold, going to the movies here it's super cheap it's like a must do if you don't have a lot of money to hang out on a weekend and you don't wanna go drinking or to antros
Funny fact: We mexicans don't like translated movies, we always enjoy the original voices, even half of the time with kids movies. When I went to see Toy Story 3 at the movie theater, I was so glad that I could find it in English. It is so good that you finally took the time and went to the movies as well. Regards from Monterrey!
Saw Trainspotting 2 the last time it was in CDMX and it was packed with way more people than i expected for a matinee. The movie theatre i went to was really plush too.
Buen video parque toreo también es muy grande ahí ayer estuvo mark Ruffalo presentando Avengers y también fue la premier de wonder woman y también estuvo ahí gal Gadot es una bonita plaza de las recomiendo saludos
Andares Cinepolis VIP FTW! They have waiters that take your order while you are in these super comfy seats (not standard theatre seats). I think there is something similar in Mexico City but my leisure days I was in Guadalajara :p
When I lived in Mexico many years ago, there were high tariffs on imported stuff, so that only the wealthy (and foreigners) could afford to shop in malls like this. All of that changed with NAFTA and the elimination of tariffs. Now, Mexico's growing middle class can also enjoy the things that used to be luxuries. I'm not promoting consumerism per se, but it's a healthy sign for an economy when ordinary people have access -- not just the wealthy. Yes, there is still poverty in Mexico, but life is much better today for many people, thanks partly to NAFTA.
Dear Bob. NAFTA has been a beneficial treaty for all the parties, but do not forget the fact that the big international corporations pay misery salaries in Mexico. Mexico is an emerging market with an increasing number of graduates, and it has Cantarell Field that is the most significant oil field in Mexico and one of the largest in the planet, which makes Mexico the eleventh largest producer of oil in the world and the thirteenth largest concerning net exports. Besides, the country enjoys privileged weather conditions -in various states of Mexico, it is possible to grow maize, beans, tomatoes, squash, avocados, cacao, multiple kinds of spices, and more all year long,- which gives to its agriculture sector many advantages regarding exportation. The problem with Mexico has always been corruption among politicians of the PRI party. This party kept democracy in the dark for about 100 years. That is recently changing because we have access to more reliable information and the leading TV companies are losing control of fake news. All of this has promoted democracy an as a consequence the government is obligated to concentrate resources in development.
Bob Robertson You are right in a certain way, although your comment is not completely accurate. Yes, now it is easier to acquire many imported products, but that doesnt mean that before NAFTA people didn't go to the cinema or buy clothes, appliances, etc. The 60's and 70's was the golden age of the Mexican economy, there was a large middle class that enjoyed great prosperity, the cinemas and theaters were always full, the national tourists were the majority in any Mexican beach. Probably you were in Mexico in the 80's that was a time of recurrent economic crises, in that period the currency was devalued and buying imported products was a luxury that only a few could afford. In the 90's NAFTA arrived and the economic situation didnt change much, the only difference was that now people could buy cheaper unnecessary products.
Nacho, actually, I was living and going to school in Mexico in the late 1960s and early 70s (in Cuernavaca and Puebla). I know of the turmoil which followed. Yes, those earlier days were a kind of golden age as well!
Hola Greg y Hillary, como se los dije en un correo que les envié, felicidades por su trabajo me parece excelente lo que hacen y la verdad ayudan a exponer al mundo un país bonito como este desde el punto de vista de un extranjero pero viviendo como un local, esa formula es esplendida y me da mucho gusto ver el trabajo que hacen aquí, me gustaría conocerlos y pues cuando vengan a Sonora no se olviden de visitar San Carlos y de avisarme que andan aquí jajajajaj les mando un abrazo cuidense
Hi guys!! Parque Delta isn't a luxury Mall, if you want to visit a luxury mall you must to go to the Palacio de Hierro in Polanco or Antara. There the most expensive brands.
I get teased alot for being mexican in the US but since i know how much history, culture, great food, geography and people we have i laugh at them for missing out on what i have and am. Now u know how lucky i feel for being mexican american.
Yeay Ready Player One, just saw this movie the other day. I really liked it. Was the movie dubbed or Subs? Funny thing I was about to ask about the whole movie experience in Mexico, in a previous video. Thanks guys for answering my questions with this video.
SO COOL YOU BOTH WENT TO PARQUE DELTA PLAZA/MALL! Yeah, its kinda weird & surreal we in Mexico have movie theatres within plazas/malls. You should have lived in Narvarte (which is the colonia Parque Delta is located in). In fact, for historical fact, Parque Delta was built over what was before a baseball stadium. Now, a luxury mall (next time you come back to Mexico City) is Oasis Coyoacan... is so beautiful, lots of stores, underground stores, cafés, luxury restaurants and a wall-based waterfall, and also has a movie theatre. I also sew “Ready Player One” at Parque Delta! Most big screen theaters are for film premieres and blockbuster movies, so its amazing you had your first Mexican movie-going experience! I live a few blocks away from Parque Delta and is the best, and for going to movies really rocks, and the street tacos around the corner are also top-notch (there’s also a Casa Toño pozole restaurant in the same block as Parque Delta)! You’ve earned my RESPECT!!! Have FUN in Mexico, Güeros!! Saludos! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
jaja don't quite remember this video but sometimes i forget words in English! OR i know the word in Spanish but not in English. That happens more so with foods, drinks, and things that we say all of the time here that we never said in the US.
Mexico is So beautiful country no question about it...
We completely agree :)
Happen is that you really love this country, is for that I appreciate you both so much, welcome to Mexico thousand times
Haha I realy like this couple of gringos! They are such a kind persons. I almost consider them my friends just for watching all their videos each day.
Saludos, amigos! Please take care of both. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼✌🏼
Thank you so much! We are definitely your friend!
Kinetic Kennons thnx!!! 🙏🏼😁
a lot of people in Mexico like to hear movies in their native language, being English, French, German, etc, not everyone, but a lot, and don't really mind subtitles.
Yeah, as a Mexican I can confirm that.
Agree x2. We are so open to new things. In the US its really hard for people to open to new things, they dont care i think
Miguel Porras 100% will agree as mexicams we prefer to have it as original as possible, that applies to tv shows to
True, subtitles always please!
Miguel Porras True. And we dislike the dubbing, except in cartoons, because historically it has usually been of a poor quality. Nowadays they’re doing a decent job dubbing, but in the past the voice actors were unnatural, dialogues and phrases were translated literally rather than adapted, and many of the words used were not of common use in Mexico (this perhaps because the audio was often intended to be sold to other spanish speaking countries). As a result, dubbed movies and tv series sounded weird to most people in Mexico and we ended up disliking it.
Cinépolis > Cinemex
My gringa really loves the 4DX (seats move, mist, fans) for action movies, and VIP (big comfy recliners + waiters with FULL BAR!) for the rest. Quite an upgrade from $12 tix in the US for unassigned normal seats with expensive popcorn...and no alcohol.
No sé si han visitado Yucatan pero deberían de hacerlo algún día, la comida, las zonas arqueológicas, la ciudad, todo está buenísimo. SALUDOS!!
Your simplicity and honesty is what makes you so likeble the opposite of what the perception that most people has around the globe makes you unique keep it that way and we love you more 😁
Im glad this video was made. Mexico is hidden paradise..
We completely agree-so many hidden treasures!
You should also go to "Antara" in Polanco, beautiful plaza, way too expensive and luxurious, but beautiful jajaja
we will have to check that out!
If they want luxury, they should go to the new mall of Artz Pedregal, the bad thing is that most of the stores aren’t opened, but it has the same brands in Antara (Abercrombie & Fitch, Burberry, Ermenegildo Zegna, etc.) and more brands like Hollister Co., Gucci or Louis Vuitton.
I think they were there when the earthquake. May be I am wrong.
you should go to my house..
Parque Delta isn't a luxury mall, but i'm glad you enjoyed your visit, I love shopping malls!
BELENHAYES It is nice but no luxurious and there’s much better movie theaters ....with reclinable seats and food and bar service
Well it was nice to us :)
Kinetic Kennons I didn’t mean to diminished your experience .... you haven’t been in a movie theater for the longest time as you said
I just recently realized these fancy movie theaters exist as well ... love ya KK guys
min 1:10
This video explains much better what I always want to explain to my gringo friends here in Houston tx.
You guys must see a movie in Cinepolis (Mexican company) and see a movie in (Macropantalla) they are huge! More than you saw in Cinemex!
we will have to check those out!
No go to the VIP in cinepolis. Oustanding experience!
kelsey rodgers It is most expensive, but you have better chairs and your own service.
Les recomiendo que vayan a cinepolis 😍
lo malo es que todo lo de la IMAX está en 3D TT_TT
Kennons! If you read this i just want to say THANK YOU!
Thank you for showing this side of my country and now your country!
You have no idea how this is helpping the others to understand what Mexico is really about. As a Mexican living abroad, when i talk to people form european countries they usually ask me if in Mexico we have internet, if we still living in tiny towns and travel by horse (i am not joking), because that is the image that media wants to show to the world about us! Sure we have our problems in Mexico but is getting better every day, little by little.
Omg! You nailed it! You don’t know how many times I have to explain to people how in Mexico there are the same things as here. I work at a Office in California and I have heard all kinds of wrong things that people have said about Mexico. Some people truly imaging all Mexicans living in little huts and always wanting to come to the USA because they don’t have anything. I have told people how the CarlJr’s or McDonalds are way bigger than the ones here and they look at me with disbelief. I also tell them that Mexico is like the USA in the sense that is made of immigrants and the only difference is that we are very racially mix.
patsy Pats. you are absolutely correct. its exactly as. you describe it .hugs patsy
Don't tell em lies
Wrong statement !!! Mexico is not made of imigrants. We are FROM AMERICA, we are from here ,we don't come from no where. We come from mayas and Aztecs we are natives. The Spanish people came and mixed with some of us but not all of us ....some of us still are pure Indian people
@Lord you better check yourself before spreading out hate and lies. Check before NAFTA who migrated??? And who came with that brilliant idea of NAFTA?? Yes it was Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, the Chicago Boys etc. The crisis and migration, and inequality its created by Americans(United states elite) don't blame it on people inform yourself!!!
Parque Delta abrió en el 2005 pero hace como 2-3 años tuvo una importante expansión. Si quieren ir a un centro comercial de lujo, deben de ir al nuevo Artz Pedregal al sur de la ciudad.
i seen Mexican VIP theatres that have nice leather couchs instead of the regular seets, and waiters to order snacks, food and drinks
We didn't pay for those upgrades haha. Even though they were still pretty affordable
Delta is not luxury tho, go to Antara, Santa fe, Patio Coyoacan, this last one you will love.
Been to all of them actually- parque delta is just close and has Which Which haha
Thank you guys for showing others what the media doesn't tell us about the true life of what Mexico can be. This is awesome and I appreciate you all showing a video that Mexico is not a bad or poor country.
Me da tanto gusto que gente como ustedes recorran México que comparten estos videos para que la gente se dé cuenta de lado bueno de México desgraciadamente la mayoría de los paisanos que viven en Estados Unidos no conocen lugares así y tienen desgraciadamente la mala idea de que la mayoría de México es como nuestros pueblitos o ranchitos
Hey guys, Parque Delta is a regular mall, you have to go to Centro Comercial Santa Fe, by example
That's our point. A 'regular" mall is pretty dang nice haha
Loving those closing comments. Thank you for being so open-minded and hearted
Jajaja (Spanish for Hahaha)
You have no idea how many time I'm in the States and people ask things like, " They have movie theater in Mexico?" Or "why would you go to the movies in Mexico."
It's a challenge to explain to some people at times. But definitely one of my favorite things to do in Mexico!
Born and raised in Houston, my mom would not allow me to go to the movies in Houston because in her eyes it was too dangerous. But we would spend our summer and Christmas breaks in Mexico were we were encourage to go to the movies ALL by ourselves, as early was 10 years old. We would grab a cab and go to the movies with other underage cousins, it was totally normal and safe.
My favorite part of attending the movie theater in Mexico is "VALENTINA" for the popcorn!
Funny story: My first time in a AMC theater in Texas, I got in heated argument with the cashier because I thought she was pretending not to know what Valentina was! I shouted at her, "What I'm I suppose to put in my Popcorn?" She replied, "Butter"
Needless to say, I was very confused.
hahahahaha I can see that argument now!! That is hilarious!
My family in Monterrey lives close to one of the malls. We went on a regular basis. I didn't go to the theatre, but my son and his wife do quite often. I did have a Starbucks ;-)
We live super close to a Starbucks and I always want it but I feel guilty for not buying from a local place instead. Though I really love a Starbucks Americano!
You should go to Cinépolis VIP; that’s the real luxury experience 👌
maybe we can try that next time!
I think Goyo already went to one when they lived in Puerto Vallarta.
Isnt a luxury cinema, is a common one, the luxury ones have another kind of seats, another kind of food.
I think the same!!
Kinetic Kennons Do try it. It’s something very rare to find in the US. You will be surprised.
Ese mall esta bien chido!!!
I don't want to offend nobody, but the reason people in USA think so low of Mexicans , is because most of the ones that move permanently there, is poor people. Mexico is beautiful and full of potential, unfortunately there is lots of corruption with in the government, but most of the people don't want to leave Mexico, they have to .When they have family and there is a few opportunities for them to seek for a better future . Hopely in a future nobody will have to make this choice and be able to subsided with in Mexico's. With that said, if I was rich Mexico city would be my residence of choice. Keep the videos coming. And hopely you guys can make it one day, to Los altos de Jalisco.
Rosio PerSot saludos cordiales
Not necessarily rich I would add. But if we had better salaries then it would be another story.
Really appreciate you guys giving your audience and the world the true colors and virtues, the country with all its flaws, has to offer! THANK YOU!!! 🙌🏼❤️👏🏼
Thank YOU Carla:)
What's the best movie you have seen lately?
Kinetic Kennons coco.
Love Simon is a good one
Hola weros, tengo mucho tiempo que no voy al cine, esta bonito el mall y esta mejor la sala bien limpio porque lis cines en USA limpian al hasta que acaba el día cuídense 😁😁
Player ready one
Guys do you know why that Mall is called, Parque Delta?
Because there was the historic Baseball Park called Parque Delta. Was an icon in Mexico City and the baseball fans before 2003. Was the home of the two most important teams in LMB (Liga Mexicana de Beisbol).
I heard that! I want to go to a Diablos game!!
Right! Go to the infierno escarlata this season! I would like you make a video experience about baseball in Mexico City!
When I was your age I traveled a ton and noticed a lot of the same things about societies. It is wonderful to watch you guys experience the world. Thank you.
Guys you should watch the pixar movie coco at home, i think its already available for rent through youtube or apple tv , but I think you will enjoy it very much given that you’ve been to beautiful towns like Vallarta,Puebla, Queretaro, Cholula, give it a try, its a good movie
we have seen it! We loved it!
Thank you guys for being so nice, humble and honest...your videos are so informative.
Thank you guys for making these videos! They rock and so do y’all! Thanks for pointing out the “things” you do!! The stereotype things!! Its so refreshing to hear about everything straight from you guys experiences!!
There are also movie theaters for kids in Cinepolis. There's a playground inside and a big slide. You can also choose seating in regular seats, beds or a puff.
Congratulation guys, you are educating people in a very subtle way, you made a really good point in saying that people in Mexico don't have a beef when given options between English or Spanish. In the states many people don't even want to hear Spanish, let alone having options in fact many get so offended to the point of saying, speak English this is America, a double standard for sure. Keep up the good work, believe it or not, you are educating us all from the one sided view of an egocentric society. Thanks
Robert M Do those people react the same to speakers of other languages such as French, German or Italian? or is that reaction only triggered by people speaking Spanish?
Thank you guys you are fun to watch. It's so good that americans like you appreciate latinos culture and you like to hang with us. Great videos!
It's great that you guys enjoy the mall and the cinema. All my best wishes to you!
My dear, parque delta is not a luxury mall. It is normal. Antara and plaza carso or Palacio de hierro in Polanco are luxury.
Hi, I been watching your vids like this last two days and it's crazy to see all this things that ik about or done, been to, from the view of americans, I find it particularly special the grow in the getting the vibe of mexico, the way you start finding out what your favorite food or places are it's all such a beautiful thing, I'm glad your opening your mind to this country, and having a good time. My best wishes. -Mariana (from CDMX)
Delta is not a luxury shopping mall, Antara in Polanco is or Santa Fe. Cinepolis has the best VIP theaters VS Cinemex. Just a comment!
I really enjoyed this video. Thanks Güera and Greg!!!
Thank you, guys
I really enjoyed the video, keep them coming.
Just a bit of history on that mall. Parque Delta used to be a ¨béisbol¨ (baseball) stadium called Social Security Park owned by the Mexican Institute of Social Security. First opening its doors in 1955, hosted two local teams Diablos Rojos del México and Tigres capitalinos. It closed in 2000 to later be demolished in favor of mall Parque Delta.
I have family in Mexico City and I remember going to a theater to see War of the Worlds (2005 I think). I too was surprised by how nice everything was and enjoyed the movie the same way I would here but far cheaper of course haha this video brought back those memories. Keep up the great work. God bless!
I saw The Dark Knight there. The mall is huge. We went every weekend because we would have dinner and go to a movie. Wow, you guys are taking me back.
All my family members are subscribed to you we love your content !! Keep up the good work
Delta isn't the most luxorious one in the City...it really is kinda standard.
For sure, I think we said that in the video actually. That only proves our point that malls in Mexico are nicer than any gringos would ever expect!!
Yeah, you were right, didn't watch that part. Fun Fact!: In the mall site there used to be a Baseball stadium, built in the 50s, now more famous to be the place were all the 1985 earthquake víctims were stationed. So some people says the mall is cursed. Greetings!!
I would even say Parque Delta is below standard!
Nice mall and movie theater!! I love to go to the movies. Too bad about the Dairy Queen! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Still loving you guys... so much! Güera is funny af!
Mexico theater is one of the things I miss so much. Here in Michigan we don’t have many options, they’re ok but nothing like Cinépolis VIP
Did I hear RED LOBSTER??
Finally, I totally love it there!!
Perhaps I am wrong, but Cinepolis and Cinemex have some locations in USA and in India, India is the biggest cinema market. Great video and great words about Mexico style of living.
Volja is true
For general culture, the actual Parque Delta' s location,used to be a baseball stadium.
Benditos amigos ..gringooos...saludos mucha luz y hhappyppy..vherygood
Thanks for sharing your experience, I love you videos!!
Son lo máximo.... gracias por mostrar parte de mi país.
Hey Greg. Thanks for showing the world what's Mexico really is. You make me proud to be a Mexican 👍
You deserve more subscribes.
Great video 😉
Love it.
Creo que es un error señalar Parque Delta como Lujoso, creo que es bueno y común, Lujosos pueden ser Antara, Santa Fe y Paseo Interlomas, en la Cd Mx, tal vez
I love ur videos! I moved to Dallas 2 years ago I used to live in Veracruz, Mexico and I tbh love ur videos really Interesting and I’m not trynna make u mad gringo but la güera está muy bonita haha
Great video guys thanks for show my beautiful country God bless you
Your videos very valuable in showing Mexicans, especially big cities, having a wonderful lifestyle (plus the great food). There are 130 million Mexicans and while many like to visit the U.S., they'd never consider leaving home.
Movies: In middle and upper class movies, nearly every U.S. movie shown in English with subtitles. In lower class neighborhoods, the movies are often dubbed, while others show both dubbed and English versions of same movies, so wise to check.
You should make a video in El Palacio de Hierro Polanco, and as for luxury movie theaters, Cinepolis VIP in malls like Carso, Samara o Arcos Bosques are really nice. Good video, keep it up : )
In Mexico City, there is a mall called Mundo E, it is located in Satélite. On the second floor, the ceiling is painted as the sky. I hope that you can go to that one and see it 😃
Mexico beautiful country!! Nice people! The food is delicious!! I love!!
I loved the final thought of this video! Stop complaining everybody and enjoy more.
I'm half Mexican and half American, so I've lived in both places my whole life, and I can recommend you to go to Plaza Andares in Mexico Guadajalara, that's one of my most favorite malls and they have a luxury movie theater too that's pretty cool called "Cinépolis", yo get waiters and all that, you can also visit Plaza Galerías, it's not my favorite but it's really big and pretty too, if you're gonna be living in Mexico, I'd be glad to give you a tour around Guadalajara if you want (: right now I'm in France, but I'll be back around august, Cheers! I'm glad you're liking Mexico
Hilaria y Gregorio, one movie that you might enjoy and will help you become more fluent in spanish is "Como Agua para chocolate". It's a "girly" movie but do it for her. It also goes into detail about the magic in mexican cooking. If you can get a copy, look for the one with English subtitles. Maybe you can see it in a retro movie theater in cdmx. Either way bring out the palomitas con valentina y limon and you can thank me later.
Well parque delta is not actually a luxury mall, more like the average, but anyway, glad you like it!, i've always said that the ratio between what you get and what you paid, is pure gold, going to the movies here it's super cheap it's like a must do if you don't have a lot of money to hang out on a weekend and you don't wanna go drinking or to antros
Funny fact: We mexicans don't like translated movies, we always enjoy the original voices, even half of the time with kids movies. When I went to see Toy Story 3 at the movie theater, I was so glad that I could find it in English. It is so good that you finally took the time and went to the movies as well. Regards from Monterrey!
Saw Trainspotting 2 the last time it was in CDMX and it was packed with way more people than i expected for a matinee. The movie theatre i went to was really plush too.
Mexican Movie Theaters are ABOVE first world for sure. You should take Wera to a 4D movie next time!
They have 4d here!?!?
Yeah they've been around for a while now. Search for Cinepolis 4DX in your area.
Kinetic Kennons its obvious theres 4dx, its Mexico...
Buen video parque toreo también es muy grande ahí ayer estuvo mark Ruffalo presentando Avengers y también fue la premier de wonder woman y también estuvo ahí gal Gadot es una bonita plaza de las recomiendo saludos
Andares Cinepolis VIP FTW! They have waiters that take your order while you are in these super comfy seats (not standard theatre seats). I think there is something similar in Mexico City but my leisure days I was in Guadalajara :p
In Houston there are a few theaters that offer Spanish option but they are usually in an area with large Hispanic demographics
I just found your channel and wow, gotta love the things you do! Greetings from a new Mexican subscriber =D
When I lived in Mexico many years ago, there were high tariffs on imported stuff, so that only the wealthy (and foreigners) could afford to shop in malls like this. All of that changed with NAFTA and the elimination of tariffs. Now, Mexico's growing middle class can also enjoy the things that used to be luxuries. I'm not promoting consumerism per se, but it's a healthy sign for an economy when ordinary people have access -- not just the wealthy. Yes, there is still poverty in Mexico, but life is much better today for many people, thanks partly to NAFTA.
Bob Robertson exactly!
Accurate comment!
Dear Bob. NAFTA has been a beneficial treaty for all the parties, but do not forget the fact that the big international corporations pay misery salaries in Mexico. Mexico is an emerging market with an increasing number of graduates, and it has Cantarell Field that is the most significant oil field in Mexico and one of the largest in the planet, which makes Mexico the eleventh largest producer of oil in the world and the thirteenth largest concerning net exports. Besides, the country enjoys privileged weather conditions -in various states of Mexico, it is possible to grow maize, beans, tomatoes, squash, avocados, cacao, multiple kinds of spices, and more all year long,- which gives to its agriculture sector many advantages regarding exportation. The problem with Mexico has always been corruption among politicians of the PRI party. This party kept democracy in the dark for about 100 years. That is recently changing because we have access to more reliable information and the leading TV companies are losing control of fake news. All of this has promoted democracy an as a consequence the government is obligated to concentrate resources in development.
Bob Robertson You are right in a certain way, although your comment is not completely accurate. Yes, now it is easier to acquire many imported products, but that doesnt mean that before NAFTA people didn't go to the cinema or buy clothes, appliances, etc. The 60's and 70's was the golden age of the Mexican economy, there was a large middle class that enjoyed great prosperity, the cinemas and theaters were always full, the national tourists were the majority in any Mexican beach. Probably you were in Mexico in the 80's that was a time of recurrent economic crises, in that period the currency was devalued and buying imported products was a luxury that only a few could afford. In the 90's NAFTA arrived and the economic situation didnt change much, the only difference was that now people could buy cheaper unnecessary products.
Nacho, actually, I was living and going to school in Mexico in the late 1960s and early 70s (in Cuernavaca and Puebla). I know of the turmoil which followed. Yes, those earlier days were a kind of golden age as well!
I’ve been following you guys kinetic kennons you guys are the best!!!!
Wow it’s beautiful there México City!!🇲🇽👍🏼❤️
Thanks for this kind of videos!!
Hi gueros Iam glad that you experience yourself Mexico and see that is only a stereotype the way they see Mexico from USA enjoy your trip
El 24 de Abril Inauguran un nuevo centro comercial "Las Antenas" con un parque de diversiones, deberian de ir!
Try to see an action movie in the "Pantalla MACRO" or in the "Megapantalla IMAX" at "CINÉPOLIS", the sound and the visuals are pretty amazing!! 😍😊
I recomend you Cinépolis vip in oasis coyoacan
Also on the VIP theatre the seat are of leather and if you order something a waitress comes with your food you order.
Son siempre bienvenidos amigos ; gracias por visitar mi patria y están en su casa
Keep going up guys good job
They give me a heart 😍😍😍😍😊😊😊😊
You should go to xcaret you will love that place
También están las salas 4DX , IMAX y VIP
Hola Greg y Hillary, como se los dije en un correo que les envié, felicidades por su trabajo me parece excelente lo que hacen y la verdad ayudan a exponer al mundo un país bonito como este desde el punto de vista de un extranjero pero viviendo como un local, esa formula es esplendida y me da mucho gusto ver el trabajo que hacen aquí, me gustaría conocerlos y pues cuando vengan a Sonora no se olviden de visitar San Carlos y de avisarme que andan aquí jajajajaj les mando un abrazo cuidense
I used to live really close from parque delta!! Enjoy the weekend in the most beautiful and biggest city in the world CDMX 🇲🇽
Hi guys!! Parque Delta isn't a luxury Mall, if you want to visit a luxury mall you must to go to the Palacio de Hierro in Polanco or Antara. There the most expensive brands.
The palacio de Hierro in polanco is called The palace of palaces, you know what i mean?
I think we said about was much in the video- for CDMX standards it's not luxury at all- but it's still pretty nice for my standards haha
I love you guys, bless you both every where you go.
You should try Santa Fe Mall. And if you go to the far western part of it, you will see how a real Luxury Mall in Mexico looks like .
Great video guys 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Should go to a bigger mall called Toreo parque central on the outskirts of the city, it's definitely twice the size of parque Delta
You must to try salas VIP or 4DX, are al little bit expensive but is a very nice experience and totally different. Good luck amigos
I love you guys....You know more about Mexico than me.
You are very cool and must take my hat off to you both.
Hey Hillary and Goyo! You're about to hit the 50K subs: 49,938! Only 62 more... :-)
I get teased alot for being mexican in the US but since i know how much history, culture, great food, geography and people we have i laugh at them for missing out on what i have and am. Now u know how lucky i feel for being mexican american.
Yeay Ready Player One, just saw this movie the other day. I really liked it. Was the movie dubbed or Subs?
Funny thing I was about to ask about the whole movie experience in Mexico, in a previous video. Thanks guys for answering my questions with this video.
hola, les recomiendo visitar EL NIDO DE QUETZALCOATL muy cerca de la ciudad de México, saludos!
Parece muy bonito! Pero es mas que dos horas fuera de la ciudad verdad?
I live in Ciudad Juarez, and we actually complain about the movies not being in english in almost any theater.
That;'s super interesting! Im surprised they don't have them in English there!
SO COOL YOU BOTH WENT TO PARQUE DELTA PLAZA/MALL! Yeah, its kinda weird & surreal we in Mexico have movie theatres within plazas/malls. You should have lived in Narvarte (which is the colonia Parque Delta is located in). In fact, for historical fact, Parque Delta was built over what was before a baseball stadium. Now, a luxury mall (next time you come back to Mexico City) is Oasis Coyoacan... is so beautiful, lots of stores, underground stores, cafés, luxury restaurants and a wall-based waterfall, and also has a movie theatre. I also sew “Ready Player One” at Parque Delta! Most big screen theaters are for film premieres and blockbuster movies, so its amazing you had your first Mexican movie-going experience! I live a few blocks away from Parque Delta and is the best, and for going to movies really rocks, and the street tacos around the corner are also top-notch (there’s also a Casa Toño pozole restaurant in the same block as Parque Delta)! You’ve earned my RESPECT!!! Have FUN in Mexico, Güeros!! Saludos! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
“Insecurity” lol dude you’re forgetting your native language hahaha. Anyway I thoroughly enjoy your videos. Great job!
jaja don't quite remember this video but sometimes i forget words in English! OR i know the word in Spanish but not in English. That happens more so with foods, drinks, and things that we say all of the time here that we never said in the US.