What are your thoughts or experiences with these obvious signs you are an INTP? Tell me your thoughts and stories in the comments below. Thanks for watching! Make sure you subscribe to get more Brain Food. ✔️ Click to Subscribe! bit.ly/S4BYes ▶️ If you have enjoyed our Breakfast Brainfood together, consider Buying Me a Coffee and help support this channel: www.buymeacoffee.com/Success4Brkfst ◾◾ This is the Number 1 tool that I use and what helped me jump-start being able to live my best life and do it on my own terms. ➡️ bit.ly/LvlUpNow I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!
Outside of all the death and negative economic effects that pandemic was awesome. I already worked from home and actually got out of the house more. There were less people everywhere, less traffic, everybody had their kids locked up at home, I lost weight, when I did eat out I noticed every restaurant upped their carry out game, grocery stores were less busy, I got to laugh at extroverts clamoring for attention online, amongst many other benefits. It was a golden era for INTPs.
I am an I NFP and I felt the same way in the pandemic. I found out I am super good at golf, started painting, Neither are things I had ever done. It is amazing how many gifts are in every personality type.
I am an INTP and I've got this friend who tells me about his love problem. I literally gave her answer, option that she could do instead of emotional support. I mean, you're being like that because of some cause so why not cut the roots. Then I found out she's not really looking for an answer but a sympathy which I can't give, I'd rather solve it for her.
I'm the same way. Like when people complain about things I feel the need to give them a solution to what they are upset about not realizing they really just need to vent to me, that's a waste of time effort and energy. Why vent every few weeks when you can just take my advice and solve the problem. Humans are a mystery I don't think I'll ever solve
@@MsTeaAndCrump3ts most want someone to just listen and unfortunately I am not the type that can do that. It's unproductive and pointless. I'll offer advice that I am certain will solve the issues they will ignore it and ignore it until exactly what I say would happen if they didn't take my advice happens then they will say you were right I should have listened. I've even lost friendships I've held in high regard because they get tired of feeling stupid because they say I am always right and they feel stupid for not taking my advice. Seems more logical to just take my advice why throw away a friendship but as I said above humans are a mystery I will never solve.
I had something the other day where someone was telling me about some problems, I tried to suggest a few different solutions and all I got was “just tell me everything’s going to be ok”. It really confused me and still does a bit but maybe I’m just not a person tuned for emotional support
I always do cleanig work coz I hate messy .. I keept cleaning my room but after few hour it become messy again its coz whenever I use things or something I didn't keept it properly most of the time
I was born as a dominant INFJ. As I became a teen and young adult, I incorporated many INTP and other personality traits to compete with everyone else - otherwise I was always exploited and stepped on. But then as I aged and had children and left my long term military career, I very quickly became a strong INFJ again but still hold the values of these other types that I had to learn in order to compete and succeed.
It's like.... what's the greater way to find the correct answer than to turn to the other side and try and disassemble it? If you cant disassemble it, then it must be a very strong answer.
I'm an INTP. However, I am a very empathetic person as well - it may be due to my having dealt with personal, long-term trauma for most of my life. Suffice it to say, you lose me when you say that INTP's are bad people to go to for emotional support. Unfortunately, some people take the four letter typology test so seriously that they forget that there are nuances between individuals of any type. One of my university professors (who's a certified counselor) constantly made that mistake with me. And, unfortunately, they haven't seemed to recognize that reducing me down to my personality type was a mistake - as my fellow students, who had to endure mock counseling sessions from me, happily attest. The point is that, as useful as knowing a person's personality type is (and it is very useful), every individual is more than their four-letter type. Unless professionals understand that, they'll be in no position to help the individual who seeks therapy from them.
INTPs can be very empathetic. It just doesn't necessarily get expressed properly. I used to worry about my bike that I left out in the rain when I find it's raining, and decide to make to make it feel better by putting it somewhere else where it won't get wet. Or I grab a bumblebee, take it inside to see if my mother would let me keep it as a pet. I can laugh at that now, but not way back when I did it! Did I worry about the dog or cat because it was raining? No, because they could take care of it and knew how to scratch at the door to be let in.
I agree with you. My husband is an INTP and he is very empathetic but he has a family member who is narcissistic and growing up like this I think honed his extraverted feeling. He is definitely an INTP in other areas for sure but can be very warm and loving. Granted I am his wife 😂
That’s very true and helpful. I tested several times and still came out as INFP. Despite the hippy-dippy surface, I’m not all sunshine and rainbows. I also had a rough childhood and suffered a lot of trauma. I understand that an unstable life is like, especially it’s on going…
We're entirely CAPABLE of empathy (as opposed to sympathy, which is another matter altogether)... and to an extent, we're quite empathetic by nature. With time and practice, we can be quite GOOD at it... but it's draining and difficult for most of us, and much easier to simply ignore in favor of other pursuits. We have pretty high incidents of mental health issues, and we see things from perspectives others don't, so those of us who DO follow the path of "empathy" have some advantages over other types in that field.
Despite almost never testing as INTP, people have usually assumed that was my type for quite a while now. I never saw it in myself and I have assumed I was INFJ, INFP or INTJ but lately it's occurred to me that my feelings usually do take the back seat in my decision-making. I have also always assumed that making the "perfect" decision is something that everyone can do if only they have enough patience. Likely though that's just me. I do scrutinize all decisions and analyze them from every possible angle. Then when I act I know I could not have acted in other ways. Maybe I never really realized how that's a clear indication that INTP is my type. I've also analyzed MBTI exhaustively for twenty years and never reached a decision about myself in all that time. There is always more information to process. But no other type probably would have the patience for that. It's certainly miles away from a decision based on feeling, let alone sensing. The thing is that I have often thought I had a certain depth of feeling I could use in my creativity and expression, but perhaps the fact that its presence is so all-encompassing when I focus on it, is an indication that it is a much more uncommon part of me. It blocks out everything else. I've been looking for my missing part, so to speak, for a long time... maybe these new realizations will assist me.
My friend just broke up and instead of giving him emotional support I pointed out his issues for the 3time ( as i know why he end up alone each time ) but he doesn’t listen, it’s just irritating because I can’t give emotional support while i know what is the main problem..
My friend came to me for emotional advice once, so there I was gratefully explaining why she feels that way, how its ok, and telling her all the possible things she could do to feel better and not feel that way again based from what I do, observe, and think would work instead of validating what she felt. I just realized now that I made a mistake and I will think about this until I figure out what to do about it.
This is actually freaking hilarious.... we give our friends a solution but not validation.... then we feel bad but then immediatley look for a logicial solution to approch their validation...😂
Oh wait, I do that every time when someone come to me for emotional advice. That, or telling a story about similar life experience to let them know I can understand them. Than I try to make a couple of nice jokes to lighten the mood. I was so proud of my well built empathy and sympathy skills and ability to provide emotional support, but now I’m not so sure... Still for me that kind of support looks much better than “that sucks man” on repeat. It’s useful, it can distract them, keep them from falling deeper into an emotional pit and let them see the situation from another angle.
I thought again and realized that everything we described is actually effective, but as the second step of the process of emotional support. First you need to listen to them, either silently or nodding or saying something like “dude, this is terrible.” It’s easy, but they will feel that you are attentive to their emotions, calm down a little and be ready to take our advice.
I used to give advices all the time. I want people to think and respond logically. Until one point I realized only few appreciate it. Rather I think most of them were annoyed at me. Now I just shut my mouth and nodded. The thing about intp is we do what we think is right rather than what feels right. When I feel emotional, I'll justify my feelings, i.e, because I was hungry or didn't have enough sleep, or just tired. Oh and it's been a year since I'm able to keep my room clean most of the time
I took tests to find out what I was -- no guessing for me. I live by organized clutter. It may seem like clutter to you but I know where everything is and should someone remove something, I spot it. Then they get an even toned, "Tell me when you are going to take my stuff, and then put it back -- where you found it." The last part being very important.
Yup i hate always doing the same things. But I trained myself to do certain things constantly to make life easier. I change my activity focus every 5 to 7 years. I know people who swim, run, or bike all their lives. I can’t. I get restless after I exhausted all the information I could get and itch to find a new activity to learn and do.
I am an INTP-A. I have high functioning Autism, with a high IQ. I don't like or trust people. I never go to malls. Movies. Restraunts. Or most other public places. Also as the other guy says Intps don't clean lmfao. I keep everything on top of my counters the only thing I keep organized is my computer file system. I can take apart build and repair computers and code. I prefer to be alone.
although I think MBTI types are somewhat fleeting, I also think that there's a hidden innate MBTI type inside us, you wouldn't get what I mean until you've taken multiple tests, throughout different years and of different status. For INTPs, I think we've already had it inside us but we just need to build that experience to eventually get to the part where you realized all you've been doing, all your instincts had been screaming at you, all that time, you were actually INTP in sheep's clothing. But anyway, it depends on people so whatever. INTP-A + Dismissive/Avoidant attachment type.
Same type as you. And also good insight. That's actually a very valid valid theory. I was always a intp when I was now that I look back on it but for who I am today is your stereotypical intp. I have a friend that hasn't quite built his personality yet. Theres things he does and it's very small things but linked somehow he is an intp but he has thoughts that are counter productive make things go on in loops. He never listens to himself he dosn't realize what hes doing. But once someone sorts themselves out personality wise I could see your theory working.
Yes very difficult. And trust me there is no word or combination of words to explain solutions that they will understand. I have already concluded that it's not my fault and I communicate sufficiently. I learned to just not talk to people alot. I love talking about my ideas and solving problems though so I wont totally dismiss others as stupid off the bat, most people have something interesting about them I can uncover and converse about in depth. Harder for some easier for others.
Low iq is horrible, the worst for me is i have mental health issues and so far all therapists ive come across werent the brightest. can‘t believe how these people became psychologists
I don't mind people who are more emotional and have lower iqs but I don't like people who cannot align their logic, morality and emotions when it is time too.
Hahaha my friend asked me for advice about their break up. I know both parties so I already had an insight and I knew what was wrong. I told my friend about social dynamics stuff and how (they) just fucked up on that part. It's nonsense to rely on emotions, fix your breakup with exercising those social dynamics skills and be cautious. My friend realized (they) were wrong and stopped talking to me or venting to me. (I think it's because of some embarrassment on their part and that it's pointless to cry and talk to me, when I've already pointed out the wrong things that happened on their part.) In the end, I get to enjoy peace. :>
I recall the time when I was a chemistry student at the university and having my fellow students getting upset with me and calling me a party poopers for refusing to go to any of their parties, or socials. I dreaded them so would refuse to go. -INTP
yea this is true about not liking popularity, rank or station. Maybe that is because we ourselves don't have many titles, but we know that we have skills that nobody recognizes. So when people have good ideas but not a high rank, we don't care, because we see ourselves. What do y'all other INTPs think?
This me it’s reason I come to believe people scared of me. Im emotional support or emotional Empath type guy when problems arise but makes me wonder what personality type that would be. Thank you very much for making this
I dunno man, I like the Christmas shopping mall crowds. Watching all that hustle and bustle is kinda fun. Doesn't hit me the same as interacting with others or speaking to a group
I'm an INTP. Known that for several decades at this point, and was certified when I took a personality test for work. One thing that I can say that might help one understand if you are an INTP or not, is that yes, we INTPs have all the knobs and levers that other people have in RECEIVING emotional support/communication/whatever it is you want to call it. The trouble is, and I managed to get it out in words for my wife (who is an ISTP, and frankly in the same boat as far as I can tell, since we BOTH have inferior Fe) while trying to console me one time is that those knobs and levers just aren't connected in ANY way to anything that changes how I think or feel (if there is truly a difference in us INTPs, I'm not sure about that!) about whatever the issue is. THAT is something that I don't think people understand about us INTPs. And I probably managed to get it worded, and more importantly understood by my wife, since both us have a mature Fe that allows us to express our emotions (usually) without blowing up at each other. And another example of something written indelibly into my brain when I made that statement.
ive consumed youtube for over a decade now, and i never ever felt the urge to "like and subscribe" as soon as the content creator told me to. are there people who do this? mindlessly following such a call?
"Hostile to authority," you say...? I wouldn't characterize my reaction to authority as "hostile" so much as occasionally "non-deferential"... but otherwise, yeah, your points were all spot-on. 🤔 Being openly hostile to authority is more trouble than it's worth most of the time. I play along without Fi getting in the way, even when I think the person in authority is a moron, keeping my opinion to myself. Usually, the person in authority will start soliciting my thoughts, and I can steer things in a less-idiotic direction... but even then, I have to choose my battles... and I tend to jump ship after five-or-so years and start over elsewhere.
I don’t know what I am. I took the test multiple times recently and I discovered that I am an intj, but 1 year earlier I was an intp. It’s tricky because I have all assets:))
Everyone should come to us for emotional advice. It will be like "hey, here is your logical option. You could get back together with your ex, but that is really dumb because that relationship sucked and you cannot be productive in a toxic relationship. It is disrespectful to yourself, and my philosophical system says that everyone deserves respect. Therefore don't get back together with your ex. Your best option is to find someone new who respects you"
Pretty much 😂 I've actually had this exact conversation with 2 friends in the past month smh. Of course they didn't appreciate it and found a feeler to spew their emotions to. I do think we give the best emotional support. Take emotions out of it and figure out your next steps.
I am an INTP. I don't like it when people force me to feel. They will tell that I am apathetic, maybe I am, I don't know. But I always see that their problems are double Ds, Dumb and Dramatic, and I don't want to be part of it. Ofcourse I don't want to be seen as an A**H*** so I created a system for my laws of engagement whenever it is unavoidable. Knowing that they will not appreciate my solutions to their problems and just want to be heard, I just go with the flow and just keep quiet while they share if they stop I tell them if I were in their situation I wouldn't know what to do (even if I do most of the time). It's been effective and they treat me better. I also realized that sometimes people doesn't want their solutions to be solve, they just want to feel safe (which i find dumb but ehh... human nature).
I'm a typical INTP , but I can't totally agree to the No. 1 sign in your list cause I think giving emotional supports to emotional people is a logical way to solve problem.
Wow, I mean, I do belong in this classification, but I didn’t realize I met every checkbox mentioned here. Maybe it’s because these are the more obvious traits, but still, wow.
I'm an INTP- A and yeah, for me, this is pretty accurate for the most part... I'm definitely not the friend to go to when you're having emotional melt-downs, but when you want objective, logical feedback on an issue, and ideas on how to solve it... I'm your woman. 😜
Same here , gotta damm it, emotion why they even exist. "World would be a better place if people relied on rationality more than feeling". Do you believe this thought.
I like it when people tell me their issues and what's happening in their lives because I find it intriguing. It's just when they begin to get emotional about it, I don't know what to do and do not like emotion, and will most likely ignore the emotional outburst and freeze up
The thing is that MBTI tests aren't this accurate. I always struggle with the answers because nothing is black and white, and there is always a logic behind the answer. Moreover, your often balanced in some categories. To give an example, I am an INTP. What's correlate : I hate crowds, but I don't care so much about being the center of attention, as long as I choosed to be it. I have a hard time understand feelings, but I can spot them very easily, and as a listener, help them express their feelings. And I like to talk, express what I think, my beliefs, to bring interesting conversations. Because I've learned by experience taht commuication is the key, I communicate when the need is sensed. All of that to say that MBTI can help understand how you are but not why. Does somebody knows where our personnalit types are coming from?
Emotional people are crazy to me lol to be ruled by such erratic things as emotions seems extremely tiresome and unhealthy. I get tired just being around an emotional person
Interesting. Im an INFP, but I find using my intuition and feelings to understand those who follow logic. The majority of my family follow logic, whereas I try and analyze and gather as much information I can to understand someone/something. The thing that’s scary about being INFP (I could be one of the few) that the thoughts or energy of people invade my space and all of a sudden I don’t know why I am thinking of something random or feeling angry/drained/confused/scared. My logic tells me I am very different and skilled in ways most are not. My feelings tell me I can sense things that cannot be explained or how/why I can foresee things that have not yet been revealed. Or just plain weird 😂
@@danamahmoud951 I don't think that's weird at all actually lol I am actually an infp myself I have taken the Meyers Briggs personality test a few times and I got intp once I started to think it didn't quite sound right to me so I took the test again and got infp I've taken it a couple more times just to be sure and have actually gotten infp Everytime since. I'm not an emotional person but I do base allot of my decisions on my feeling and yes I completely understand what you mean by seeing and knowing things most do not. I am the same way. Walking into a room and instantly feeling a heavy tension for no obvious reason yet it's almost as physical to us as a wall. I can tell when people are not quite their Normal selves and can find out why without them ever really knowing what I'm doing. A conversation and cleverly leading the topic towards what is actually going on with them without them even being aware they are actually revealing their issues. I've also seen things that are not quite normal lol lights with no source shadows moving on their own as an infp I think we are tuned into a different frequency then most other's which allows us to see and feel and know things that are not ordinary. I've even gotten into people's minds and been able to pick information out from their heads and tell them exactly what I read from their minds only for them to completely freak out as I was accurate. I don't do that often though lol to invasive and most people's minds are not very nice places to be in lol
I believe you are trying to lable INTPs as introverted people who always stick to themselves and want things perfect. As an intp myself and every other that I've met all agree that it's not so much being shy of people but we just don't care. As much as we are perfectionists we don't clean up very easy lol
The number 4. what exactly do you mean by merit, we totally judge someone by merit and their ability to actually know what they are talking about and their skill instead of blindly respecting someone based on their subjective self-worth, confidence, how people like them or their position. That is all abstract non-sense. If you are my superior and you know less about your position or my position then me. You have loss my respect (professionally speaking). Simple as that. I don't care about your position. As far as I am concerned anyways most people are way too affected by their emotions and tend to treat other poorly based on their subjective like and dislike. At least that has been my experience occupying office work space for over 10 years. I call it a little mafia. Superiors have their small circle of those they like and then however hard you push yourself and work harder than other if they don't like you for any reason you are not getting any promotion. In fact quite the contrary, you will lose your job even quicker than anyone else. They will be on your case as much as they can treating you much harsher than any other employee.
You are an INTP if you can have dialogue with yourself, and then you realized that you are your best friend your favorite feeling is apathy You know you will fail yourself and you just let it be You were thinking to comment here but you didn't write anything or just oversimplified it because fk whtvr
Mostly sure this is me. Still can't get a job but whatever? Kinda done trying. I do kinda like showing my talents to others. I'm somewhat extroverted because I need a social life. Yup always the devil's advocate. I hate repetitive habits or traits. Hardcore skeptic. Don't like being pigeonholed. Don't like authority. Basically a nonchalant conformist. Open minded to all grey areas. Don't like describing my emotions. I give logical advice and seek it.
i don't think that intps mind doing the same thing all over again . because they want to examine it more thoroughly . or see it through a different angle .
I am only 2:18 into this video and already I do not think the person who wrote this has a clue about INTPs. By the other comments, I am pretty sure I am right and watching the rest of the video is not worth my time. :)
I am an INTP. It was a homeless man from San Francisco whom taught me the value of investing. He told me that one day you could have the perfect job, house, and wife. In the blink of an eye it can be taken away from you. He lost everything in the 08’ crisis. To this day this has been some of the best advice I have ever received.
For Me; INTP were among 2nd natures in work ethics to compare with INTJ INTP were also 2nd natures in terms of sacred empathy to mitigate with INFP INTP were also 2nd natures with problem solving and the other technical aspects on detailing their ideas and part craftsmanship with ISTP INTP were known to be Golden Match with INFJ and INFP and yet also the Golden Companion with INTJ, ISTJ and ISTP (Correct me if I'm Wrong)
Possibly due to the innate skepticism that also connects with anti-authoritarianism? However, this would apply to claims of authority in any side. For me I am indeed a nonbeliever, but on the political quadrant I am only slightly off to the left while heavily away from authoritarian.
True of me. Generally, I think the other options are not fully thought through. As if on mount stupid of the Dunning Kruger graph.. in not saying their stupid.. actually.. yes I am.
I took tests to find out what I was -- no guessing for me. I live in a black and white world. Yes, No. Do it, do not do it. There is no, in-between, for me. This seems to cause problems for other people. But it is their problem, not mine. I function just fine this way. And the ultimate turn off for me is the Drama Queen. I find out you are that, and I am gone. I think "cleaning" is just an outlet for boredom. I find, if I am bored, I will start cleaning. Thing is though, if I start cleaning, I go to extreme. Once I start, I will not stop until every inch of every room is cleaned. It will be the best cleaning job you have ever seen. And it will be done in a precise, logical manner. By the time I have finished cleaning, my mind will have worked through and solved several hurtles I may have had concerning 'projects' I may be working on. All done in silence. And whatever I am doing, I hate my method being questioned. I have thoroughly thought it through, before I got started, and have settled on the best, logical way to approach the task. My son, knows me and is probably the only person I will let help me. He keeps his mouth shut and watches. Then at some point, I will hear from him, "Oh, now I see why you are doing it this way."
What are your thoughts or experiences with these obvious signs you are an INTP? Tell me your thoughts and stories in the comments below.
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I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!
Dude, you talk to intp's. There is nothing we didn't think about 😉😁😂
Outside of all the death and negative economic effects that pandemic was awesome. I already worked from home and actually got out of the house more. There were less people everywhere, less traffic, everybody had their kids locked up at home, I lost weight, when I did eat out I noticed every restaurant upped their carry out game, grocery stores were less busy, I got to laugh at extroverts clamoring for attention online, amongst many other benefits. It was a golden era for INTPs.
I am an I NFP and I felt the same way in the pandemic. I found out I am super good at golf, started painting, Neither are things I had ever done. It is amazing how many gifts are in every personality type.
You know you're INTP when you didn't pay attention to the video the first time you watched it and have to watch it again.
And then watched it on 2x speed cuz no patience 😆
Thanks for reminding me that there's a video.
I got stuck on the cleaning comment. And had to comment.. then I missed the rest and had to watch again
I am an INTP and I've got this friend who tells me about his love problem. I literally gave her answer, option that she could do instead of emotional support. I mean, you're being like that because of some cause so why not cut the roots. Then I found out she's not really looking for an answer but a sympathy which I can't give, I'd rather solve it for her.
I'm the same way. Like when people complain about things I feel the need to give them a solution to what they are upset about not realizing they really just need to vent to me, that's a waste of time effort and energy. Why vent every few weeks when you can just take my advice and solve the problem. Humans are a mystery I don't think I'll ever solve
same I started asking do they want help or just want me to listen
@@MsTeaAndCrump3ts most want someone to just listen and unfortunately I am not the type that can do that. It's unproductive and pointless. I'll offer advice that I am certain will solve the issues they will ignore it and ignore it until exactly what I say would happen if they didn't take my advice happens then they will say you were right I should have listened. I've even lost friendships I've held in high regard because they get tired of feeling stupid because they say I am always right and they feel stupid for not taking my advice. Seems more logical to just take my advice why throw away a friendship but as I said above humans are a mystery I will never solve.
I had something the other day where someone was telling me about some problems, I tried to suggest a few different solutions and all I got was “just tell me everything’s going to be ok”. It really confused me and still does a bit but maybe I’m just not a person tuned for emotional support
Oh yes, I have been door slammed several times for my attempt to solve problems and not giving emotional support
An INTP cleaning up? You've got us all wrong!
We clean other people's things, not ours.
@@remuskynsaber1165 ikr bro im always cleaning my sisters shit but my room is full of coffee cups plates and shit
@@zackjohnson9204 me too, i cannot focus when is messy around me
My room is a complete mess. Even when i try to clean it, after an hour, it just gets worse than before i cleaned it😅
I always do cleanig work coz I hate messy .. I keept cleaning my room but after few hour it become messy again its coz whenever I use things or something I didn't keept it properly most of the time
I was born as a dominant INFJ. As I became a teen and young adult, I incorporated many INTP and other personality traits to compete with everyone else - otherwise I was always exploited and stepped on. But then as I aged and had children and left my long term military career, I very quickly became a strong INFJ again but still hold the values of these other types that I had to learn in order to compete and succeed.
They call it passive aggressive- standard setting from factory. No cure or update coming to change 😂
I thought everyone played devils advocate in their head when it came to every issue, but talking with others about it, almost no one I know does it.
It's like.... what's the greater way to find the correct answer than to turn to the other side and try and disassemble it? If you cant disassemble it, then it must be a very strong answer.
I'm an INTP. However, I am a very empathetic person as well - it may be due to my having dealt with personal, long-term trauma for most of my life. Suffice it to say, you lose me when you say that INTP's are bad people to go to for emotional support. Unfortunately, some people take the four letter typology test so seriously that they forget that there are nuances between individuals of any type. One of my university professors (who's a certified counselor) constantly made that mistake with me. And, unfortunately, they haven't seemed to recognize that reducing me down to my personality type was a mistake - as my fellow students, who had to endure mock counseling sessions from me, happily attest. The point is that, as useful as knowing a person's personality type is (and it is very useful), every individual is more than their four-letter type. Unless professionals understand that, they'll be in no position to help the individual who seeks therapy from them.
INTPs can be very empathetic. It just doesn't necessarily get expressed properly. I used to worry about my bike that I left out in the rain when I find it's raining, and decide to make to make it feel better by putting it somewhere else where it won't get wet. Or I grab a bumblebee, take it inside to see if my mother would let me keep it as a pet. I can laugh at that now, but not way back when I did it! Did I worry about the dog or cat because it was raining? No, because they could take care of it and knew how to scratch at the door to be let in.
I agree with you. My husband is an INTP and he is very empathetic but he has a family member who is narcissistic and growing up like this I think honed his extraverted feeling. He is definitely an INTP in other areas for sure but can be very warm and loving. Granted I am his wife 😂
That’s very true and helpful. I tested several times and still came out as INFP.
Despite the hippy-dippy surface, I’m not all sunshine and rainbows. I also had a rough childhood and suffered a lot of trauma. I understand that an unstable life is like, especially it’s on going…
You’re the exception. Most INTPs are as described.
We're entirely CAPABLE of empathy (as opposed to sympathy, which is another matter altogether)... and to an extent, we're quite empathetic by nature. With time and practice, we can be quite GOOD at it... but it's draining and difficult for most of us, and much easier to simply ignore in favor of other pursuits. We have pretty high incidents of mental health issues, and we see things from perspectives others don't, so those of us who DO follow the path of "empathy" have some advantages over other types in that field.
Despite almost never testing as INTP, people have usually assumed that was my type for quite a while now. I never saw it in myself and I have assumed I was INFJ, INFP or INTJ but lately it's occurred to me that my feelings usually do take the back seat in my decision-making. I have also always assumed that making the "perfect" decision is something that everyone can do if only they have enough patience. Likely though that's just me. I do scrutinize all decisions and analyze them from every possible angle. Then when I act I know I could not have acted in other ways. Maybe I never really realized how that's a clear indication that INTP is my type. I've also analyzed MBTI exhaustively for twenty years and never reached a decision about myself in all that time. There is always more information to process. But no other type probably would have the patience for that. It's certainly miles away from a decision based on feeling, let alone sensing. The thing is that I have often thought I had a certain depth of feeling I could use in my creativity and expression, but perhaps the fact that its presence is so all-encompassing when I focus on it, is an indication that it is a much more uncommon part of me. It blocks out everything else. I've been looking for my missing part, so to speak, for a long time... maybe these new realizations will assist me.
This is a classic INTP response
The weird thing about me is that I don’t discussing and getting exposed to other people’s emotions, but absolutely hate discussing my own. -INTP
My friend just broke up and instead of giving him emotional support I pointed out his issues for the 3time ( as i know why he end up alone each time ) but he doesn’t listen, it’s just irritating because I can’t give emotional support while i know what is the main problem..
My friend came to me for emotional advice once, so there I was gratefully explaining why she feels that way, how its ok, and telling her all the possible things she could do to feel better and not feel that way again based from what I do, observe, and think would work instead of validating what she felt.
I just realized now that I made a mistake and I will think about this until I figure out what to do about it.
This is actually freaking hilarious.... we give our friends a solution but not validation.... then we feel bad but then immediatley look for a logicial solution to approch their validation...😂
Oh wait, I do that every time when someone come to me for emotional advice. That, or telling a story about similar life experience to let them know I can understand them. Than I try to make a couple of nice jokes to lighten the mood. I was so proud of my well built empathy and sympathy skills and ability to provide emotional support, but now I’m not so sure... Still for me that kind of support looks much better than “that sucks man” on repeat. It’s useful, it can distract them, keep them from falling deeper into an emotional pit and let them see the situation from another angle.
I thought again and realized that everything we described is actually effective, but as the second step of the process of emotional support. First you need to listen to them, either silently or nodding or saying something like “dude, this is terrible.” It’s easy, but they will feel that you are attentive to their emotions, calm down a little and be ready to take our advice.
You can always ask. Now I ask, you want me to listen or to give advice or both. Usually I do all these regardless cause it works best.
I used to give advices all the time. I want people to think and respond logically. Until one point I realized only few appreciate it. Rather I think most of them were annoyed at me. Now I just shut my mouth and nodded.
The thing about intp is we do what we think is right rather than what feels right. When I feel emotional, I'll justify my feelings, i.e, because I was hungry or didn't have enough sleep, or just tired.
Oh and it's been a year since I'm able to keep my room clean most of the time
I took tests to find out what I was -- no guessing for me. I live by organized clutter. It may seem like clutter to you but I know where everything is and should someone remove something, I spot it. Then they get an even toned, "Tell me when you are going to take my stuff, and then put it back -- where you found it." The last part being very important.
I'm an INTP, and I have no trouble asserting myself and telling others what I think.
Yup i hate always doing the same things. But I trained myself to do certain things constantly to make life easier. I change my activity focus every 5 to 7 years. I know people who swim, run, or bike all their lives. I can’t. I get restless after I exhausted all the information I could get and itch to find a new activity to learn and do.
I am an INTP-A. I have high functioning Autism, with a high IQ. I don't like or trust people. I never go to malls. Movies. Restraunts. Or most other public places. Also as the other guy says Intps don't clean lmfao. I keep everything on top of my counters the only thing I keep organized is my computer file system. I can take apart build and repair computers and code. I prefer to be alone.
although I think MBTI types are somewhat fleeting, I also think that there's a hidden innate MBTI type inside us, you wouldn't get what I mean until you've taken multiple tests, throughout different years and of different status. For INTPs, I think we've already had it inside us but we just need to build that experience to eventually get to the part where you realized all you've been doing, all your instincts had been screaming at you, all that time, you were actually INTP in sheep's clothing. But anyway, it depends on people so whatever.
INTP-A + Dismissive/Avoidant attachment type.
Same type as you. And also good insight. That's actually a very valid valid theory. I was always a intp when I was now that I look back on it but for who I am today is your stereotypical intp. I have a friend that hasn't quite built his personality yet. Theres things he does and it's very small things but linked somehow he is an intp but he has thoughts that are counter productive make things go on in loops. He never listens to himself he dosn't realize what hes doing. But once someone sorts themselves out personality wise I could see your theory working.
I bet the dismissive thing goes for a lot of INTPs.
I’m an INTP person. I do find emotional task or expressing my emotions very exhausting.
INTP with a 145 IQ. I’ve always had a problem with emotional people who have lower IQ’s … especially when they will not accept a logical conclusion.
Yes very difficult. And trust me there is no word or combination of words to explain solutions that they will understand. I have already concluded that it's not my fault and I communicate sufficiently. I learned to just not talk to people alot. I love talking about my ideas and solving problems though so I wont totally dismiss others as stupid off the bat, most people have something interesting about them I can uncover and converse about in depth. Harder for some easier for others.
Low iq is horrible, the worst for me is i have mental health issues and so far all therapists ive come across werent the brightest. can‘t believe how these people became psychologists
I’m okay with those people because I sometimes need to hide behind them to fit in.
I don't mind people who are more emotional and have lower iqs but I don't like people who cannot align their logic, morality and emotions when it is time too.
But who do you truely know your IQ?
Hahaha my friend asked me for advice about their break up. I know both parties so I already had an insight and I knew what was wrong. I told my friend about social dynamics stuff and how (they) just fucked up on that part. It's nonsense to rely on emotions, fix your breakup with exercising those social dynamics skills and be cautious. My friend realized (they) were wrong and stopped talking to me or venting to me. (I think it's because of some embarrassment on their part and that it's pointless to cry and talk to me, when I've already pointed out the wrong things that happened on their part.) In the end, I get to enjoy peace. :>
What is empathy?
I recall the time when I was a chemistry student at the university and having my fellow students getting upset with me and calling me a party poopers for refusing to go to any of their parties, or socials. I dreaded them so would refuse to go. -INTP
It's nice to be invited, but even if I do attend, it'll be to play with their pets.
yea this is true about not liking popularity, rank or station. Maybe that is because we ourselves don't have many titles, but we know that we have skills that nobody recognizes. So when people have good ideas but not a high rank, we don't care, because we see ourselves. What do y'all other INTPs think?
This me it’s reason I come to believe people scared of me. Im emotional support or emotional Empath type guy when problems arise but makes me wonder what personality type that would be. Thank you very much for making this
There is a lot of "what's" and "why's" in the life onf an INTP.
Sir, you are correct.
I dunno man, I like the Christmas shopping mall crowds. Watching all that hustle and bustle is kinda fun. Doesn't hit me the same as interacting with others or speaking to a group
I'm an INTP. Known that for several decades at this point, and was certified when I took a personality test for work.
One thing that I can say that might help one understand if you are an INTP or not, is that yes, we INTPs have all the knobs and levers that other people have in RECEIVING emotional support/communication/whatever it is you want to call it. The trouble is, and I managed to get it out in words for my wife (who is an ISTP, and frankly in the same boat as far as I can tell, since we BOTH have inferior Fe) while trying to console me one time is that those knobs and levers just aren't connected in ANY way to anything that changes how I think or feel (if there is truly a difference in us INTPs, I'm not sure about that!) about whatever the issue is. THAT is something that I don't think people understand about us INTPs. And I probably managed to get it worded, and more importantly understood by my wife, since both us have a mature Fe that allows us to express our emotions (usually) without blowing up at each other. And another example of something written indelibly into my brain when I made that statement.
Yep! You are an INTP. I had to read this multiple times to understand it lol!
I'm an INTP. Tiresome is the abstract thinking, I can't just accept reality.
Then you're not an INTP.
Perhaps it’s more the madness from knowing how much better the system COULD be, rather than not accepting reality.
This vid explained the other parts that a lot of other creators don’t go into on INTP. 👍🏻
Was told to take this test and I got this personality type. I'm starting to understand why others think I'm odd.
As INTP i can tell you we clean once per 1-2 months. When you create video about some Mbti type at least check your data.
I always test out as INFJ and I resonate with 90% of the videos but I also resonate with about 95% of INTP videos.. I don't know what I am.
INTP, I either freeze up or completely ignore those who get emotional around me.
ive consumed youtube for over a decade now, and i never ever felt the urge to "like and subscribe" as soon as the content creator told me to. are there people who do this? mindlessly following such a call?
I always knew when a roommate wandered into my room.
"Hostile to authority," you say...? I wouldn't characterize my reaction to authority as "hostile" so much as occasionally "non-deferential"... but otherwise, yeah, your points were all spot-on. 🤔
Being openly hostile to authority is more trouble than it's worth most of the time. I play along without Fi getting in the way, even when I think the person in authority is a moron, keeping my opinion to myself. Usually, the person in authority will start soliciting my thoughts, and I can steer things in a less-idiotic direction... but even then, I have to choose my battles... and I tend to jump ship after five-or-so years and start over elsewhere.
#4 Yes! Status doesn’t matter
this cycle describes my research on myself:
im an INTP -> doubt -> sources say im an INTP
(and then it goes back to the first part)
I don’t know what I am. I took the test multiple times recently and I discovered that I am an intj, but 1 year earlier I was an intp. It’s tricky because I have all assets:))
You might have an mental disorder my friend. Or feminine traits because they have no fu*king clue what’s going on etc. 😅
Everyone should come to us for emotional advice. It will be like "hey, here is your logical option. You could get back together with your ex, but that is really dumb because that relationship sucked and you cannot be productive in a toxic relationship. It is disrespectful to yourself, and my philosophical system says that everyone deserves respect. Therefore don't get back together with your ex. Your best option is to find someone new who respects you"
Pretty much 😂 I've actually had this exact conversation with 2 friends in the past month smh. Of course they didn't appreciate it and found a feeler to spew their emotions to. I do think we give the best emotional support. Take emotions out of it and figure out your next steps.
I am an INTP. I don't like it when people force me to feel. They will tell that I am apathetic, maybe I am, I don't know. But I always see that their problems are double Ds, Dumb and Dramatic, and I don't want to be part of it. Ofcourse I don't want to be seen as an A**H*** so I created a system for my laws of engagement whenever it is unavoidable. Knowing that they will not appreciate my solutions to their problems and just want to be heard, I just go with the flow and just keep quiet while they share if they stop I tell them if I were in their situation I wouldn't know what to do (even if I do most of the time). It's been effective and they treat me better. I also realized that sometimes people doesn't want their solutions to be solve, they just want to feel safe (which i find dumb but ehh... human nature).
I'm a typical INTP , but I can't totally agree to the No. 1 sign in your list cause I think giving emotional supports to emotional people is a logical way to solve problem.
As an INTP myself.... My greatest discovery so far is that I have two middle fingers to show all the A-holes who seem to populate general society.
Wow, I mean, I do belong in this classification, but I didn’t realize I met every checkbox mentioned here. Maybe it’s because these are the more obvious traits, but still, wow.
The stock footage imagery of happy well suited rolemodel business people is irritating in regard of the characterization of INTPs.
I'm an INTP- A and yeah, for me, this is pretty accurate for the most part... I'm definitely not the friend to go to when you're having emotional melt-downs, but when you want objective, logical feedback on an issue, and ideas on how to solve it... I'm your woman. 😜
as an INTP I do hate it when my friends start dropping emotional stuff at me
Same here , gotta damm it, emotion why they even exist. "World would be a better place if people relied on rationality more than feeling". Do you believe this thought.
Ah yes. I don’t mind emotion, but it’s not my go-to for comfort.
@@sangeetasingh4430 Yeah, because your reaction is also void any emotion /s
I like it when people tell me their issues and what's happening in their lives because I find it intriguing. It's just when they begin to get emotional about it, I don't know what to do and do not like emotion, and will most likely ignore the emotional outburst and freeze up
Quitely cleaning up??
I just felt a disturbance in the force.
The thing is that MBTI tests aren't this accurate. I always struggle with the answers because nothing is black and white, and there is always a logic behind the answer. Moreover, your often balanced in some categories. To give an example, I am an INTP. What's correlate : I hate crowds, but I don't care so much about being the center of attention, as long as I choosed to be it. I have a hard time understand feelings, but I can spot them very easily, and as a listener, help them express their feelings. And I like to talk, express what I think, my beliefs, to bring interesting conversations. Because I've learned by experience taht commuication is the key, I communicate when the need is sensed.
All of that to say that MBTI can help understand how you are but not why. Does somebody knows where our personnalit types are coming from?
Emotional people are crazy to me lol to be ruled by such erratic things as emotions seems extremely tiresome and unhealthy. I get tired just being around an emotional person
Interesting. Im an INFP, but I find using my intuition and feelings to understand those who follow logic. The majority of my family follow logic, whereas I try and analyze and gather as much information I can to understand someone/something.
The thing that’s scary about being INFP (I could be one of the few) that the thoughts or energy of people invade my space and all of a sudden I don’t know why I am thinking of something random or feeling angry/drained/confused/scared.
My logic tells me I am very different and skilled in ways most are not. My feelings tell me I can sense things that cannot be explained or how/why I can foresee things that have not yet been revealed.
Or just plain weird 😂
@@danamahmoud951 I don't think that's weird at all actually lol I am actually an infp myself I have taken the Meyers Briggs personality test a few times and I got intp once I started to think it didn't quite sound right to me so I took the test again and got infp I've taken it a couple more times just to be sure and have actually gotten infp Everytime since. I'm not an emotional person but I do base allot of my decisions on my feeling and yes I completely understand what you mean by seeing and knowing things most do not. I am the same way. Walking into a room and instantly feeling a heavy tension for no obvious reason yet it's almost as physical to us as a wall. I can tell when people are not quite their Normal selves and can find out why without them ever really knowing what I'm doing. A conversation and cleverly leading the topic towards what is actually going on with them without them even being aware they are actually revealing their issues. I've also seen things that are not quite normal lol lights with no source shadows moving on their own as an infp I think we are tuned into a different frequency then most other's which allows us to see and feel and know things that are not ordinary. I've even gotten into people's minds and been able to pick information out from their heads and tell them exactly what I read from their minds only for them to completely freak out as I was accurate. I don't do that often though lol to invasive and most people's minds are not very nice places to be in lol
Got the notification, late to check it out. Let's roll it.
I literally would just ask the people complaining to me if they want moral support or suggestion. Because I can't tell but can do either.
I believe you are trying to lable INTPs as introverted people who always stick to themselves and want things perfect. As an intp myself and every other that I've met all agree that it's not so much being shy of people but we just don't care.
As much as we are perfectionists we don't clean up very easy lol
Yes exactly. I just don’t care that much about the outcomes of most social interactions to make an effort.
Welcome to the comment section where suddenly everyone is an Intp with high iq.
The number 4. what exactly do you mean by merit, we totally judge someone by merit and their ability to actually know what they are talking about and their skill instead of blindly respecting someone based on their subjective self-worth, confidence, how people like them or their position. That is all abstract non-sense. If you are my superior and you know less about your position or my position then me. You have loss my respect (professionally speaking). Simple as that. I don't care about your position. As far as I am concerned anyways most people are way too affected by their emotions and tend to treat other poorly based on their subjective like and dislike. At least that has been my experience occupying office work space for over 10 years. I call it a little mafia. Superiors have their small circle of those they like and then however hard you push yourself and work harder than other if they don't like you for any reason you are not getting any promotion. In fact quite the contrary, you will lose your job even quicker than anyone else. They will be on your case as much as they can treating you much harsher than any other employee.
This is 100% true and me all the way
‘Why’ is my favorite word!!
…also, do NOT touch my stuff…😂
You are an INTP if
you can have dialogue with yourself, and then you realized that you are your best friend
your favorite feeling is apathy
You know you will fail yourself and you just let it be
You were thinking to comment here but you didn't write anything or just oversimplified it because fk whtvr
Mostly sure this is me. Still can't get a job but whatever? Kinda done trying. I do kinda like showing my talents to others. I'm somewhat extroverted because I need a social life. Yup always the devil's advocate. I hate repetitive habits or traits. Hardcore skeptic. Don't like being pigeonholed. Don't like authority. Basically a nonchalant conformist. Open minded to all grey areas. Don't like describing my emotions. I give logical advice and seek it.
i don't think that intps mind doing the same thing all over again . because they want to examine it more thoroughly . or see it through a different angle .
I found my true MBTI after live 28 years 😅 thank to Ur My Type app
We can be great speakers and communicators …
I think I’m INTP…because that was the result of the test I did before.
10years ago I got the same results…must be true :)
I could honestly care less about peoples status. If you suck, you suck
I am only 2:18 into this video and already I do not think the person who wrote this has a clue about INTPs. By the other comments, I am pretty sure I am right and watching the rest of the video is not worth my time. :)
I am an INTP. It was a homeless man from San Francisco whom taught me the value of investing.
He told me that one day you could have the perfect job, house, and wife. In the blink of an eye it can be taken away from you.
He lost everything in the 08’ crisis.
To this day this has been some of the best advice I have ever received.
This is all make since this is why I always lie on my personality test for work I knew something was up.
For Me;
INTP were among 2nd natures in work ethics to compare with INTJ
INTP were also 2nd natures in terms of sacred empathy to mitigate with INFP
INTP were also 2nd natures with problem solving and the other technical aspects on detailing their ideas and part craftsmanship with ISTP
INTP were known to be Golden Match with INFJ and INFP and yet also the Golden Companion with INTJ, ISTJ and ISTP
(Correct me if I'm Wrong)
Breaking through denial?
People with the INTP profile are usually atheist or irreligious. They also are often left leaning politically in my experience.
Possibly due to the innate skepticism that also connects with anti-authoritarianism? However, this would apply to claims of authority in any side. For me I am indeed a nonbeliever, but on the political quadrant I am only slightly off to the left while heavily away from authoritarian.
@@wiwaxiasilver827 The way things look in the USA (Where I am) Being a lefty is the choice I've made because the Right has gone absolutely insane.
The right is too emotional at the moment, and ignoring science is not possible for me.
True of me. Generally, I think the other options are not fully thought through. As if on mount stupid of the Dunning Kruger graph.. in not saying their stupid.. actually.. yes I am.
Why are there exactly-only 9?
INTP perfectionist
While u just want make it be done and go back to vibe alone
The T stands for turbulent
Which makes for interesting conflicts 🤦🏻♂️
I am 100% an INTP.
3-5% of 7 billion is a lot of people
Simply by existing? No. We don't appreciate flattery.
I'm introverted but I ain't painting
That doesn't make any sense. Nothing makes the world better by simply being alive. What you define as better doesn't mach my definition. Nonsense.
Yeah, no.
I took tests to find out what I was -- no guessing for me. I live in a black and white world. Yes, No. Do it, do not do it. There is no, in-between, for me. This seems to cause problems for other people. But it is their problem, not mine. I function just fine this way. And the ultimate turn off for me is the Drama Queen. I find out you are that, and I am gone. I think "cleaning" is just an outlet for boredom. I find, if I am bored, I will start cleaning. Thing is though, if I start cleaning, I go to extreme. Once I start, I will not stop until every inch of every room is cleaned. It will be the best cleaning job you have ever seen. And it will be done in a precise, logical manner. By the time I have finished cleaning, my mind will have worked through and solved several hurtles I may have had concerning 'projects' I may be working on. All done in silence. And whatever I am doing, I hate my method being questioned. I have thoroughly thought it through, before I got started, and have settled on the best, logical way to approach the task. My son, knows me and is probably the only person I will let help me. He keeps his mouth shut and watches. Then at some point, I will hear from him, "Oh, now I see why you are doing it this way."