Great lesson. Got another light bulb moment. Many people don’t realize the circle of fourths of CAGED and it’s laid out for ya on the fretboard. Move the root note over a string (a fourth) gives you the next CAGED shape in fourths order GCEADG instead of every other string which is the usual CAGED order. 5 frets is a fourth musical distance. 7 is a fifth. As you shift away from you one string and move up 7 frets to the same root note you play the next shape in fourths order maintaining the same scale. You also just moved a fifth up the fretboard so you can also see yourself at the V chord and keep the same shape you played in the beginning to match that chord. That I didn’t notice or realize until now. Thanks man! Keep em coming.
Great lesson Shane .........big yhanks Paul from Ireland
Great lesson. Got another light bulb moment. Many people don’t realize the circle of fourths of CAGED and it’s laid out for ya on the fretboard. Move the root note over a string (a fourth) gives you the next CAGED shape in fourths order GCEADG instead of every other string which is the usual CAGED order. 5 frets is a fourth musical distance. 7 is a fifth. As you shift away from you one string and move up 7 frets to the same root note you play the next shape in fourths order maintaining the same scale. You also just moved a fifth up the fretboard so you can also see yourself at the V chord and keep the same shape you played in the beginning to match that chord. That I didn’t notice or realize until now. Thanks man! Keep em coming.
Awesome glad you liked ! Thanks for commenting!
Nice lesson. Sounds great
Thanks Mark! 😃
Meant thanks
Very welcome Paul!