This is the video I've been waiting on since I discovered you a few months back! Thank you. Quite possibly the most polarising card in the Thoth deck - particularly for readers who switched over from the RWS system.
For the record, your Aquarius interpretation is from Modern Psychology, rather than Traditional astrology. Traditional Aquarius is more concerned with synthesizing the past (versus Modern's interpretation of always being concerned with the future), and is more like a fortress of efficiency.
This is the video I've been waiting on since I discovered you a few months back! Thank you. Quite possibly the most polarising card in the Thoth deck - particularly for readers who switched over from the RWS system.
Excellent. Thank you. ❤
Thank you.
I love Science! The fact that the 6 of swords represents the decan of my natal sun is pure coincidence I assure you lol. Thank you!
Thank you for your content, Beata.😊 I have searched for the major arcana The Star, but I couldn't find it. Is it available in someplace?
For the record, your Aquarius interpretation is from Modern Psychology, rather than Traditional astrology. Traditional Aquarius is more concerned with synthesizing the past (versus Modern's interpretation of always being concerned with the future), and is more like a fortress of efficiency.
Queen Elizabeth wants me in Jerusalem ASAP
Unconventional solutions, huh