
  • Опубликовано: 4 май 2024
  • 貴州黔東南歌手 楊祖桃,從小生活在苗寨,美麗的黔東南大山深處養育了她,她在外婆的歌聲中長大,從小就喜歡唱歌、跳舞,鍾情於大山的雋美,熱愛自己的民族,喜愛自己的家鄉,她對家鄉有著深厚的感情,她的每首歌曲中都融入了對家鄉的元素與依戀,她用自己獨特的風格歌唱苗疆的故事和美好的生活。
    西江千戶苗寨是一個保存苗族 “原始生態” 文化完整的地方,由10餘個依山而建的自然村寨相連成片,是中國乃至全世界最大的苗族聚居村寨。它是領略和認識中國苗族漫長歷史與發展之地。西江每年的苗年節、吃新節、十三年一次的牯藏節等均名揚四海,西江千戶苗寨是一座露天博物館,展覽著一部苗族發展史詩,成為觀賞和研究苗族傳統文化的大看台。西江有遠近聞名的銀匠村,苗族銀飾全為手工製作,其工藝具有極高水平。
    Being the largest gathering place of the Miao in China and even the world, about ten natural Miao ethnic villages exist in Xijiang Town and the Miao culture is best preserved in this area. According to the latest statistics, there are about 1,288 families with a total population of around 6,000 people living there. 99.5% of the local people are Miao nationality.
    In Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, layer upon layer of closely connected wooden-stilted houses are built along the contour of the hill with the Baishui River passing through the bottom of the mountain. Wind-rain bridges connect the banks of the river. During the day the sunlight makes the red wood board shine brightly, and in the evening, smoke from the chimneys spirals, forming a white belt around the mountain's waist.

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