Always love Daedalus Maneuver. Literally a case of "Well, we can't fire the big gun, all our small stuff isn't strong enough to break through that armor... Can we punch it and unload inside? How many nukes do we have?"
I always wondered if the Stargate series did homage to this show by having Earth's first two space battleships known as the Prometheus class and the Daedalus class?
@@amitakartok That happened once, but the Macross crew actually did successfuly use a variation of the Daedalus Maneuver on Dolza's flagship much later in the series.
TM Films commander Bretai of the Centraedi (one eye)... He let them attack his ship that way to defeat their attack and defenses and insert infantry inside the SDF1... Lisa is a genius... Bretai is as much but with infinitely more experience.
Actually they used it once more successfully when on Earth later in the series though Rick was injured when he got caught by friendly fire. The third time was when they were back in space and Breetai used it to board the SDF-1. After that they didn't use it anymore and the following Robotech series never again used it. That said. The later Macross Series have used variations of the Daedalus Attack, called Macross Attack, a few times with one double attack during the final battle in Macross Frontier done by the Macross Quarter, which destroyed an enemy ship's main gun, and then the larger Battle Frontier did it destroying the ship. Another similar instance is used during both the series version and movie version of Macross Delta. Though I prefer the movie version of that attack.
It's still crazy that the SDF-1 just took out a ship longer than she is and yet she only caused minimal structural damage to Breetai's ship with the same maneuver but I guess that's because Breetai's ship is larger than the other ships in his fleet as his ship is classified as a Dreadnaught at nearly over 4 kilometers long over 2 or 3 times the length of the SDF-1.
This is what I loved about the Robotech series, people died. When you watch other action toons, everyone stays alive no matter how close they are to an explosion or a firefight.
This would be like a boxing match: 'And the SDF-1 lines up a punch and it's a T.K.O. with the lengendary Daedalus punch and the winner is and still Universal Galactic Champion the SDF-1'.
Probably cause there was a serious tone the majority of the time. Some shows now dont have the same maturity and consider childish things funny. Sure there are good moments now and again with more current shows, but they usually dont convey the severity of the situation.
Classic. And epic too seeing a giant transformer battleship just punch an enemy battleship and to add insult to injury has a bunch of mechsuits fire missiles insidem
There are at least two version of this flash from explosions at this time point 0:42 In the other version we can see the shadow of the VF-1. When we see the videos frame by frame we find a lot of easter eggs :)
@@GaldirEonai yes for sure...and they were facing 12m tall giants...still I think a 4km sdf1 would have made more sense..and would have fit proportionally if you look at macros city inside the holds of the ship..also making the zentraedi soldiers around 60%the size of a valkyrie would have been better . Also dropping the armada size from 4.8m to a couple of hundred thousand rather. Small adjustments I would have made. Still my favourite show of all time.
Not to wade into a debate with Americans, but Ellen Ripley IS a Hollywood SJW. Everyone hated Asoka until season 3. It doesn't stop being an SJW just because you happen to like it. Weaver was cast in the first alien in what was specifically meant to be a male role. But the director wanted to add more women to appeal to a wider audience. Otherwise known as SJW'ing. It wasn't until the second movie, after Weaver negotiated a new contract and gave stipulations to the script that an Icon was born.
Also known as the time your dad asked in complete seriousness, "Did that robot just punch a spaceship in the face with an aircraft carrier?“
"no Dad, it was punched in the face by a submersible landing craft full of destroids."
"The aircraft carrier is on the other arm."
Oh yes it did, dad!
I mean, what better way to tell an alien army "we don't need our main guns to f*** you up"
Always love Daedalus Maneuver. Literally a case of "Well, we can't fire the big gun, all our small stuff isn't strong enough to break through that armor... Can we punch it and unload inside? How many nukes do we have?"
The Daedalus Maneuver. Such a classic scene.
They concentrated the Pinpoint Defense System on the front of the front of the Daedalus
An attack so awesome it rendered the bad guys speechless
I always wondered if the Stargate series did homage to this show by having Earth's first two space battleships known as the Prometheus class and the Daedalus class?
I always thought so
This was always my favorite scene to watch. The SDF-1 was so badass.
1:31 Bruno Gloval's body language seems to say as much, or at least, "That's my crew!"
A stupidly fantastic tactical maneuver that only works once then immediatley backfires when used later.
@TM Films I seem to remember something about the enemy baiting them to use it again and boarding the Daedalus while it's inside the enemy's ship.
@@amitakartok That happened once, but the Macross crew actually did successfuly use a variation of the Daedalus Maneuver on Dolza's flagship much later in the series.
Ram a hole through & then attack inside; tried & true.
TM Films commander Bretai of the Centraedi (one eye)... He let them attack his ship that way to defeat their attack and defenses and insert infantry inside the SDF1...
Lisa is a genius... Bretai is as much but with infinitely more experience.
Actually they used it once more successfully when on Earth later in the series though Rick was injured when he got caught by friendly fire. The third time was when they were back in space and Breetai used it to board the SDF-1. After that they didn't use it anymore and the following Robotech series never again used it. That said. The later Macross Series have used variations of the Daedalus Attack, called Macross Attack, a few times with one double attack during the final battle in Macross Frontier done by the Macross Quarter, which destroyed an enemy ship's main gun, and then the larger Battle Frontier did it destroying the ship. Another similar instance is used during both the series version and movie version of Macross Delta. Though I prefer the movie version of that attack.
The pilots of those smaller robotechs basically just phoned this one in.
It's still crazy that the SDF-1 just took out a ship longer than she is and yet she only caused minimal structural damage to Breetai's ship with the same maneuver but I guess that's because Breetai's ship is larger than the other ships in his fleet as his ship is classified as a Dreadnaught at nearly over 4 kilometers long over 2 or 3 times the length of the SDF-1.
Rick Hunter is always in the damn way when they use the Daedalus Attack.
This is a very underrated/kinda brutal scene in robotech this anime is amazing
This is what I loved about the Robotech series, people died. When you watch other action toons, everyone stays alive no matter how close they are to an explosion or a firefight.
Some giant: what is that?
SDF-1: your demise
A big batch of “fuck you!” from humanity!!!
This would be like a boxing match:
'And the SDF-1 lines up a punch and it's a T.K.O. with the lengendary Daedalus punch and the winner is and still Universal Galactic Champion the SDF-1'.
I knew Misa was into some sick stuff.
lol they got smoked why are older si-fi shows/games so good
Because people only care about money now.
Probably cause there was a serious tone the majority of the time. Some shows now dont have the same maturity and consider childish things funny. Sure there are good moments now and again with more current shows, but they usually dont convey the severity of the situation.
@@cuddlebloops5217I wouldn't call Macross serious most of the time
"what is that?"
huh, like they did not see a giant mech-fist rip into their ship
"Because nothing says f**k you like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier." (Or a troop landing ship but you get the point)
There is no show I love more then Robotech , even though the animation is almost half a century old now it’s still beautiful.
The fist is mightier than the sword ..
"Perhaps it's time we called in reinforcements"
Also the one time Destroids were being useful instead of being just cannon fodder
Classic. And epic too seeing a giant transformer battleship just punch an enemy battleship and to add insult to injury has a bunch of mechsuits fire missiles insidem
Bretai speechless sounds: UGH...
That was most Zentradi for me, that distortion in their voices always bugged me
*SDF-1 fists a Zentradi Battleship*
Zentradi Battleship : *1:19*
LMAO!!!! was thinking that.....
As a kid this was simply incredible
Good ole Daedalus Maneuver!
You do the Chapter proud. Keep on Fistin' Cato Sicarius
Hey, Zentradi? You're insisting on a Fisting!
...oh, so THIS is where Captain Wilder learned that trick from!
I call this scene: "When you've finally had it with someone's BS!"
There are at least two version of this flash from explosions at this time point 0:42 In the other version we can see the shadow of the VF-1. When we see the videos frame by frame we find a lot of easter eggs :)
"Because nothing says 'Fuck up' like being punched in the face with a battleship."
Holy crap that was brutal 😂
Surprise! There's a battleship here to see you!
They could have made the sdf1 bigger...even a zentraedi scout ship is slightly bigger
The point was that the super-advanced scary giant alien ship that fell to Earth was, by galactic standards "only" a fairly unimpressive patrol ship.
@@GaldirEonai yes for sure...and they were facing 12m tall giants...still I think a 4km sdf1 would have made more sense..and would have fit proportionally if you look at macros city inside the holds of the ship..also making the zentraedi soldiers around 60%the size of a valkyrie would have been better . Also dropping the armada size from 4.8m to a couple of hundred thousand rather. Small adjustments I would have made. Still my favourite show of all time.
The SDF-1 is bigger...on the inside ;)
Love that explosion
Really though, as a warrior race, they’ve probably never been rammed like that before
So Lisa came awfully close to killing Rick Hunter.
Shit just got real!
Lisa rules!
Another female hero, like Asoka and Helen Ripley
If only Hollywood and SJW's understood women and also men
Rebecca Campbell who is “Helen Ripley”?
@@paulbrozyna3006 I think she means Ellen Ripley from the *Alien* franchise. Though it could be Helen Zilwicki who is also an awesome character.
Not to wade into a debate with Americans, but Ellen Ripley IS a Hollywood SJW. Everyone hated Asoka until season 3. It doesn't stop being an SJW just because you happen to like it. Weaver was cast in the first alien in what was specifically meant to be a male role. But the director wanted to add more women to appeal to a wider audience. Otherwise known as SJW'ing. It wasn't until the second movie, after Weaver negotiated a new contract and gave stipulations to the script that an Icon was born.
are you high?
Wow. Elbow deep in there. Lol
Sdf1 wins.... Fatality
Daño colateral
Sorry bub. That's not a battleship. That was just a destroyer.
Huh what is that/ yer death
Hehehehe. Fists. Hehehe
God i hade the remasterd version's soundeffects. They are complete and utter trash compared to the original.
@@TaoJoannes Have you seen to originals from before the remaster? If not, do. The sound effects are 10x better.
@@nimrath cool I guess