Excellent! Each instrument, from low to high one, makes clear beats and tones, and makes this piece of music by Seiichi Suzuki, which referes to the martyrdom in Nagasaki, 1597, when 26 persons, 20 Japanese men including some children, 4 Spansh men, 1 Porguguese men and 1 Mexican man were killed in Western Hill which place was reequested by them because it resembles the hill of Golgotha, really picturesque and tragedic.
Excellent! Each instrument, from low to high one, makes clear beats and tones, and makes this piece of music by Seiichi Suzuki, which referes to the martyrdom in Nagasaki, 1597, when 26 persons, 20 Japanese men including some children, 4 Spansh men, 1 Porguguese men and 1 Mexican man were killed in Western Hill which place was reequested by them because it resembles the hill of Golgotha, really picturesque and tragedic.