저는 피아노를 치면서 느낀게 악보를 외우는게 훨씬 편합니다 summer랑 may be(둘다 원곡입니다)를 예전에 치다가 가정문제로 한동안 못치게 됫는데 지금도 피아노를 만지만 몸이 어느정돈 반응을 해주고 악보를 넘길 번거로움이랑 악보를 가지고있어야하는 번거로룸 또 제일 문제인건 악보를 보면 건반을 잘못건들일때가 가끔 있더라고요...20곡에 1번정도?그래서 악보를 외우는 식으로 간건데 저 남성분은 아마 음악전공이라 피아노를 많이 치시면서 그 감각을 완벽하게 익히신것같네요...
Appreciated this comment which make me laugh! English translation: it is fascinating that the lady plays by looking only at her hands and not the score. It is equally fascinating that the guy plays by looking only at the score and not his hands.
이분들은 진짜다.. 사실 연주라는게 정의를 따질순없지만 나는 좀 오버하지않고 조절해서 소리를 듣는걸 선호하는편인데 이분들이 그렇게 침 . 다른 버스킹보면 페달을 거의 눌러붙어놓거나 다른음이 막 묻히거나 ...깨지는 그런게 많은데 강약조절도 좋고 연주자체가 안정감있어 좋은듯 ❣
Once I had to play two much shorter pieces with my sister, and the way we compromise with this/ make it work is by having one person be the pace setter - generally the person with the more complicated part to play or true person who knows the piece better. And the other person needs to match their note pace. Of course you can only begin to do this by practicing a lot - given we were only beginners pretty much.
정말 환상적인 하모니네요. 피아노 듀엣 연주가 이렇게 멋진 줄 몰랐어요. 여학생이 빠른 템포의 어려운 곡을 연주하면서도 여유만만하게 악보책을 앞,뒤로 넘기는 것이 참 인상적으로 보였나 보네요. 실제로는 악보책도 보지 않고 연주하면서... 외국인들이 “page flipping”이란 단어를 써가면서 칭찬하고 있네요. 참 재능이 있는 학생들입니다.
I also played piano and actually if you enjoyed the song while you play your fingers will automatically remembered the notes by it self (just like people dance, the more they dance the more they can relax and remember ...their body can follow the song) even with closed eyes :) and if they know the song pretty well enough your mind knows what is the next notes without thinking No offens✌ a.k.a they are amazing i know🤗
Ya probably just need to reaaallly practice the same song a whole lot. I dont play, but a couple of my friends who are piano majors told me they apparently have to do their end of sem recitals without sheet music. I guess you just get used to it? They didn't seem too upset.
@@saltynacl9344 yes that's true. When ypu're in exam you have to come in the room with bare hands (without the song sheets) i did my exam and that day j have 7 songs to remember and each of them take 4-7 minutes to play. So i practiced every day like...😏
@@charlize_cahyadi Haha yikes. I'm in voice and I only have to know 3 songs. Even the seniors only have 5, and none of them are longer than 4 minutes (I think?). Sounds rough. At least you don't have to hire an accompanist, I guess.
Hahaha. Do they really need it? I love how diva she was just flipping back and forth without even looking. Right!?... Love tje piece. Beautifully done. Bravo and encore!!!!
@@haileychin8436 Its not that hard to remember a song, it is? Every song i played on piano i remember, and i had a C fro math (talk about the memorizing things)
70% of comments: omg her page flipping skills 30% of comments: dayum the talent And here I am in awe of both 😂 Salute to the hours of practice this must have took
Think of it like singing. Most people will memorize a song & are able to sing it right off the bat so even if the lyrics are there you don't necessarily need it
H3jrtjr3jr went hr3jrtjr/h3jrtjrțrh3rjrtjrtjrtjrthr3h3jr3jt3h3jrjrtjrțrțrjryth3h3jrt3rjrtjrțrh3rjrth3jrtjrțrțrjrytjrh3jr ent h3jrtjrth3jrth3h3jrth3jrtjrțrțrjrytjrțr/rh3rh3jr went hr2jrtjr3hr3hr3jrtjrtjrtjr/hr3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3jrtjr3hr3h3jryjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjr ent h3hr3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjr3jrytjrttr3hjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrtjr3jrth3jrt3jrtjrtjrtjrțjyrtjrtjrtjrțryjrtjrțrțrjryth3jrtjr/hr3jrth3jr ent h3jhrth3jrtjrtjr ent h3jrtrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtj3jrtr3yjhrtjrtjrtjrjrtr3yjrtjryjtjrtr3hjrtjrtjrtjth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrtr3yjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jr3jrtjrțrjrytjrtjrtjrtr3yjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjrytjrtjr3y3jh3jrtjrtjrth3h3jrh3h3jrth3h3jr ent hr3jr ent r3jrtjrtjrtjrh33jrtrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrr2rh3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrth3jrth3jrtjrtjrtjryjrtjrtjrtjrțrjryth3jrtjrtjrth3hr3jr3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjhrtth3jrtjrþjrțrjryt3jr ent hr3h3jr3jrtjr/3/rh3rjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjtjrtjr ent hr2hr3jr wot hr3h3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrth3jrtjrțrjrytr3yjr went h3jrtjrtjr ent h3h3jr ent hr3jr effort h3jrtjrth3jrtjrthr3jrtjrțrh3rjrtjrțrțrțrjhtth3h3jrtjrtjr ent h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrțrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrthr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3y3h33jrtjrt3hr3h3jrtr3yjrtjrțrjrytjrth3jrtjrtjr ent hr3jrtjrtjr went hr3h3hr3jrtjr3jrtjrțrjrytjr/rth3hr3jrtjrtjrtjr3h3jr wot hr3jrtjrthr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3hr3jr with h3jrtjrtjrt3rh3jr ent hr3h3jrtjrtjr went hr3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjr/3jrtjrțrțrjrytj3h3jrent h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrth3hrjrtjr3jrtjr3hr3jrtjhrtjrth3hr3jrtjr/hr3jrtjrtj eddy hr3jryr3yjrth3jr went h3jr wot h3jtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jt3yh3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjr3h3hr3jrtjrtjrtjrțrr3jtjrtjrtjrthr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjrytjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrțrțrjry wot hr3jrtjrțrthr3h3hr3jrtjrțrțrțrjrytjrth3h3jr3jrt3jrth3jrtjrțrjry went hr3jhrwent h3jr3h3jrtjrtjrtjr/h3r2jr ent hr3jrtjrth3jr went h3jr wit h3jrtjrthr3h3jr went h3hr3h3jrtjrtr3yjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtr3yjr went h3jrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrthr3jrtjrth3jrtjrthr3rjyjrtjrțrthr3jr3jrtjțrjrytjr3jrth3jr3h3jhrtyrttrhtjrthr3jrtjrth3h3jrtjrthr3hr3jrth3h3jhrth3h3jrtjrthr3h3h3jrtjrtjrth3jrth3jhrth3jrtr3yjrth3jrtjrtr3yjrtjrtr3yjr ent h3hr3jrth3jrtjrtjr went hr3hr3jrtjrtjtjrțrjry went h3jrtjrth3hr3hr3jr ent hr3jrtjrþjrțr3h3rh3jr wot hr2hr3hr2hr3h3h3hr3jr went hr2jr went h3h3jtjrtjrtjrtjhrtjrtr3yjrth3jrtjr/h3r2jrtjrțrth3jrth3h3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrtr3yh3jrtjrtjr went hr3jtjrtr3yjr ent y3jytjr/hr3jr33tjrth3hr3jrtjrthr3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrthr3jrtjrth3jr2jrtjryjrtjrtjrth3hr3jr ent hr3jr went hr3jrth3h3h3jr wot hr3jhrth3h3h3hr3h3jrtjr/hr3h2jrtjrth3jrth3jrtjrțr3h3jrtjrtjrth3h3jrth3jrth3jrtjrtjr went hr3hr3jrth3jrtjr/h3h3h3jr went h3jrtjr/hr2jr wot h3jr ent h3jr3hr3jr wot h3jr ent hr3jrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțr3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrțrh3rh3h3jr3jrt3h3jrtjrth3jrtr3yjr3jr went h3hr3jr ent h3jr went h3 hurt h3jent h3jrth3jr wot h3jrtjrțrțrth3 hurt h3hr3h3jr wot h3h3jr ent h3jr ent hr3jrt3jrtjrth3h3hrjrtjr/h3jrent h3hr3jr3h3jr ent h3h3h3h3jrtjrtjrtjr/h3h3jr ent hr3jrtjrtjr3h3jr ent h3h3hr3hr3h3hr3h3h3jrtjrth3hr3jrtjr3h3hr3h3jrtr3yjr ent hr3h3jrtjrțrțr2h3jr ent h3jr ent h3jr went h3jrth3jrtjrth3h3h3jr wot hr3jrtjr/hr2jrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrțrțrjrt3jrtjrtjrtjrthr3hr3h3jr wot h3jr ent h3jr3h3jr went h3jr3jrtjrtjtjhrth3hr3h3h3h3h3h3jrtjrțr/h3h3jr wot hr3h3jrth3h3jr went h3h3jr3h3j wit h3h3h3jr ent hr3h3jr went h3jrtjțrh3rh3h3h3jrtjr/h3hr3jrtjrthr3h3hr3jr ent h3h3h3h3hr3jrtjrty3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtr3h3jr ent h3jrth3h3jhrtjrth3jrth3jhrtjtjrtjr/hr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjr ent h3jrth3h3h3h3h3h3jrtjr3th3h3h3h3h3h3hr3jrth3jr3h3jr ent hr3jrtjr3jrtjr/h3jr ent h3jrtr3yjrent hr3jrtjrt3rjrtjr/h3jrtjryjrtjhrthr3hr3jrtjrth3h3h3jrtjrth3jrtjr/h3h3h3jrtjr/h3h3h3jr ent hr3jr went h3jrent h3jrtjrtjrtjrthr3jr3h3j ent h3jrent hr3hr3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jr ent h3jrth3hr3jhrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrth3jhr went h3hr3jrth3jrtjrth3h3jrth3jrth3jr ent hr3h3h3jrtjrþjrr3yjjrth3hr3jr wot h3jrent h3jrtjrthr3jr wot 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ent h3hr3hr3jrwot h3jrtjrtjrth3jrth3h3jhrtjr3h3jr went hr3h3jrtjrtjrtjhrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrth3jrth3jrtjrțrjrytjrtjr ent hr3hr3jrtjrtjrtjhr3hr3h3h3hrhr3jrtjrtjrtjrth3jhrtjrthr3jr wot h3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3jrth3y3h3jrth3jrtjr3jr3jr wot hr3jr3jrtjrth3jrtjrțrthr3hr3hr3jrtjrtjrth3jtrtjr/jrth2h3jhrth3hr3jr wot hr3jrth3h3jrtjrth3jrtjrțryjrtjrtjrtjr/hr3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjr3hr3jr ent h3h3hrh3h3h3jr ent h3h3hr3jrwot hr3h3hrjrtjrtjrtjhrtjrtr3yjrth3h3h3jrth3h3rjyjr3jr3h3h3jr wot h3hr3jrt3rhr3jrtjrtjr went h3hr3jrtjrtjrtjrth3h3hr3jr ent h3h3jrhr3hr3jrtjrthr3jr wot h3jrtjrth3jhrtjrth3h3h3jrtjrthr3h3h3jr3jr ent hr3h3h3jr3jr3h3h3jrwith h3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjr ent hr3jr ent h3jr went hr3jrt3rhr3jrtjrth3jrtjrth3rjyrytjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3jrtjtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3hr3h3jhrtjrth3jr ent h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrthr3rjy0
colecold? // damn thanks for the plug my guy. Ima look it up and find a smoother version (obviously they couldn’t make it sound smoother because they were playing it in the streets. They could definitely work wonders if they got a studio though)
Wow, a surprising amount of non-pianists watching this video. First of all, in a duet, it’s okay to use sheet music usually. But memorizing music usually comes along with practice, so they probably rehearsed this enough to not look at the sheet music as often. Even if she had the music memorized, she still glanced occasionally to the sheet music. Secondly, playing duets with another person is hard, yes, but if both have enough experience and skill of their own playing duets is much easier. It’s also easier when the 2 players know each other better (they’re a couple). They are talented, yes but this is a lot more doable than you think it is.
@_.Ari._ I completely agree that with enough dedication, anyone can play a musical instrument. I myself am no means the best violin player but I have dedicated years of my life to learning the instrument. The difference between me and the other students who can’t play is not that i am more talented, but because I stuck with it while everyone else quit.
Su-go-ke ka-ko-i-i (the tsu was a connector, right?) Gah... I need to learn more. But am I wrong in thinking that it should be sugoi and not sugoke? Correct me if I'm wrong. (Or don't I guess.)
@@공부하세은 저는 그냥 파트가 어렵다고 한것입니다. 물론 호흡을 맞춰 치는걸로는 두분 다 어렵겠지만 누구는 빠르고 누구는 느리게 치는 사람도 있듯이 파트가 어려운 사람도 있고 비교적 쉬운 파트도 있다고 생각하기 때문에 적은 것일 뿐 절대 여자분이 남자분보다 쉬운파트기 때문에 못한다 라는 뜻은 아니었습니다..ㅜ
This video just called me untalented
Same here :"(
Same here. it just called me Talentless in 10 different languages.
Lul thats not that hard piece when it play 2 people, one is imposs, two are just hard, not like insane
여자분 악보를 안보고 치는 것도 신기하고 남자분 손을 안보며 치는 것도 신기하고...
저는 피아노를 치면서 느낀게 악보를 외우는게 훨씬 편합니다 summer랑 may be(둘다 원곡입니다)를 예전에 치다가 가정문제로 한동안 못치게 됫는데 지금도 피아노를 만지만 몸이 어느정돈 반응을 해주고 악보를 넘길 번거로움이랑 악보를 가지고있어야하는 번거로룸 또 제일 문제인건 악보를 보면 건반을 잘못건들일때가 가끔 있더라고요...20곡에 1번정도?그래서 악보를 외우는 식으로 간건데 저 남성분은 아마 음악전공이라 피아노를 많이 치시면서 그 감각을 완벽하게 익히신것같네요...
악보는 거의 외울거예요. 다만 손가락 위치를 나도 모르게 잘못 잡을때가 있어서 가끔 확인차 보는거죠. 저는 전공도 아니고, 다른악기 좀 했었는데 연습하다보면 손가락이 저절로 움직일정도로 되거든요. 그만큼 연습했다는 소리임.
Appreciated this comment which make me laugh!
English translation: it is fascinating that the lady plays by looking only at her hands and not the score. It is equally fascinating that the guy plays by looking only at the score and not his hands.
악보 안보고 치는건 손이 저절로 외워짐
그냥 두 분 다 오지게 잘치셔 니네가 훈장질 할게아니야
그건 레알 쌉인정 이지
걍 방구석 피아니스트노
박자유지되는거 진짜 예술이다..
너가 점점 빨라져서 나도 어쩔 수 없었어..
뭔소리야 너가 먼저 빨라져서 내가 맞춘건데
@@guIKzdXx 앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅇㅈ
듀엣을 칠때의 칭찬: 와 너희 한 사람이 치는 것 처럼 잘 맞는다
혼자 칠때 칭찬: 와 너 손 여러개 같다
손은 원래 여러개입니딩 :)
@@ayikes817 맞긴하네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 둘이상이면 여럿이라 하니까
@@ayikes817 그건 손가락이 여러개인거 아닌가…ㅋ
@@ky2277 왼손 오른손.....
이분들은 진짜다.. 사실 연주라는게 정의를 따질순없지만 나는 좀 오버하지않고 조절해서 소리를 듣는걸 선호하는편인데 이분들이 그렇게 침 . 다른 버스킹보면 페달을 거의 눌러붙어놓거나 다른음이 막 묻히거나 ...깨지는 그런게 많은데 강약조절도 좋고 연주자체가 안정감있어 좋은듯 ❣
피아노가 좋아서..
대학에서 전문으로 배우시는분들이니까 ㅎ
대학에서 저거만 하니까 ...
근데 그것도 대단함
하루종일 피아노만 치냐 어케 ㅋㅋ
좋아하니까 하죠
다른건 모르겠는데 악보도 잠깐잠깐 보면서 넘기는 타이밍은 딱딱 맞춰 피아노 치면서 넘기는게 킬링포인트네
원래 오른손, 고음역대가 노래를 담당(멜로디)하고 있기 때문에 대충은 외워서 전체를 리드해가요
오른쪽에 앉은사람이 악보넘기기 편한위치고요^^
반주는 계속 리드하는 노래라인에 맞춰가면서 많은음들을치기때문에 대충외우고는 있어도 악보를 보면서 안흔들리게 받쳐줘야 합니다^^
@@0bbo402 아.. 네^^ ㅋㅋ
막말로 저기서 건반 몇 번 잘못 눌헜더라도 눈치 챌 사람 없었을 듯....
2:30 여자분 치는 손모양 멋지다...
굉장한 능력 .... 듣고 싶습니다 ... 나는 한국인이 아니더라도 한국을 사랑합니다 ..😘😘😘🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰
또 한국인 표준 올랐네...ㅎㅎ
@@히히-w6j5i 앜ㅋㅋ 그러게요 한국인 되기 힘들어요...
Their hands are breakdancing and instead of backflipping, they are page flipping...
Their hands are doing an entire gymnastics routine.
I don’t get it
ㅋ 아니 두 분 손만 보면 무슨.. 배속한 거 같은데 표정은 너무 아무렇지 않고 몸은 가만가만 있고...
@@후뿝 저거 정상속도가 아닙니다..... 엄청 느리게 친 거..... 거의 손풀기 정도.....
@@후뿝 저거보다 빨리 칠 수 있습니다. 초등학생도 한 곡만 연습해서 저정도 속도가 나오기 때문에 한 1년정도 연습만 한다면....
지가 쳐봐서 아는 곡이라 정상속도란건
줄 알았네 ㅋㅋ 인터넷잼
@@후뿝 ???:주연아..이제 그만 넷상에서 나와줘..ㅠㅠ
ㅋㄹㅋㅋㅋ 여기 답글 왜이래 주연님 왤케 커엽냐
피디분들 연주는 게릴라 이벤트성으로만 볼 수 있나요...더 쳐주세요.....더......한번 보면 계속 보게되는 영상...
저런식으로 피아노 처본적 있는데 저게 쉬운게 아니예요..호흡도 잘 맞아야하고...
피아노 8년 다닌
인간 ( 그게 접니다 )
도 어렵습니다..헣헣
저 피아노 전공으로 배우고 있습니다. 그런데 연습을 하는데 선생님이 계신쪽애 소리가 나서 보니 선샌님 두분께서 같이 비슷한 곡으루치고 있엇습니다.(기억력이..)저희 선생님 두분께서 처음하시는거긴 한데 정말로 하나도 안맞습니다.....ㅎㅎ (선생님 죄송해요..)
피아노 듀엣 해보신분은 아는데 정말 생각보다 많이 어려운것이 두명이 호흡을 완벽히 맞춰야함 조금이라도 타이밍 어긋나면 곡 완성도가 많이 떨어져서 둘이 서로가 이해하는 박자에 범주내에서 절대 벗어나면 안됨
키 크시고 안경쓰신 회색옷 입으신분 손..ㅋㅋㅋ
이들의 연주앞에서는 저절로 공손해진단 말인가...ㅋㅋㅋ
근데 키커서 좀 민폨ㅋㅋ 뒤에 다 볼려고 빼꼼해오ㅡㅋㅋ
@@방상방 ㅋㅋㅋ 키크면민폐라는건 무슨논리
조금만 앉아 주시지
@@gofras7199 저 상황에서는 민폐 맞음 ㅋ
This takes a frigging lot of muscle memory and trust in your partner playing this bc boy i can't even try to play the first 10 seconds
Me too.. I wonder how many hours they've been practicing.. unbelieveable!
Nah, I can't even play the first second.
Once I had to play two much shorter pieces with my sister, and the way we compromise with this/ make it work is by having one person be the pace setter - generally the person with the more complicated part to play or true person who knows the piece better. And the other person needs to match their note pace. Of course you can only begin to do this by practicing a lot - given we were only beginners pretty much.
@@김온아-x3h Its years
@@김온아-x3h Welp maybe 10000 hours idks
도대체 페이지 몇번을 넘기는거야....ㄷㄷㄷㄷ
그래서 세어봤습니다
15번 넘기셨습니다....ㄷㄷ (도돌이표 포함) 정확하지 않을 수도 있지만...ㅎㅎ
No Talentless or Untalented
Just Practice 40 hour per day!!
Only Ling Ling can do that 😂
When there aren’t 40 hours in a day:
There s only 24 hours a day though.
@@haleygraw r/woooosh
@@jeayjeay709 r/woooosh *x2*
언니랑 해봤는데 싸우고 끝남.
곡이 뭔데요 요거ㅠㅠㅠ???
저도 맨날 그러는디ㅜㅜ
@@jedonglee4640 숀 추의 피에스트라바간자(Fiestravaganza) 입니다
아이디랑 댓글 귀엽네. ㅎㅎㅎ
쉭쉭 조망울만한 주먹뻗으며 싸우셨나요
전 갠적으로 피아노소리 사이에 종이 넘기는 소리도 너무 좋네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뭔가.. 나 이렇게 치면서 악보도 넘긴다(시크) 이런느낌ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 멋져요ㅜㅜ
to everyone putting themselves down, it's not just talent, it's months of hard work, years of learning. nobody was born a master.
Yeah its really funny they don't even wanna try...
I am learning the piano my self since 2months and I play every day 2h but it Needs so much of work
@@laurapenz280 don't feel bad people (masters) who have been playing for 20 years still need work and practice
It takes patience
@@pianosnoosh I know but thanks
I totally agree with You. They could be born with talent but that talent needs to be trained
정말 좋다 진짜ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 피아노 음표들이 정말 머릿속에서 춤추는것 같애
악보만 보고 치는 사람도 신기한데 악보가 머리속에 있는 사람도 신기하고 근데 왤케 잘하냥 미쵸
they are faster than my wifi
Faster than yoongi's raps
@@jojosthottiejr6545 ...
@@mingenius3451 sorry bae
Moo hahahaha
It really amazes me when someone turns the page while still playing
Its literally a skill all in itself.
@@kookaburanu-nu waouh yes true
they read the notes ahead of their hands. their mind move that fast.
Actually you can skip some notes to flip the page. Thats what I do with my sister or the piano sheet is made with a rest on the end of the page.
두분다 잘치시는데 뭔가 학생과 선생님같음ㅋㅋ
여자분 뭔가 여유넘치는게 눈에너무보인다랄까. ㅋㅋ
누가 쌤인 것 처럼 보여여??
@@summer3980 여자분이 선생님가따고 하는듯요
비교적으로 왼쪽에 앉는 반주부분이 더 어렵긴하죠
뭔가 선생님같은 느낌이 있음ㅋㅋㅋ
둘다 여유잇구만
If my boyfriend and I aren’t playing piano together on the streets, he ain’t my boyfriend
I hope you are joking because that would be a dumb reason to turn down a guy
@@thedivineofsin she's joking, i think. Lol
@@thedivineofsin she's joking.
lf my boyfrien and l aren't playing piano
together on the streets, he ain'r my boyfrend
정말 환상적인 하모니네요. 피아노 듀엣 연주가 이렇게 멋진 줄 몰랐어요. 여학생이 빠른 템포의 어려운 곡을 연주하면서도 여유만만하게 악보책을 앞,뒤로 넘기는 것이 참 인상적으로 보였나 보네요. 실제로는 악보책도 보지 않고 연주하면서... 외국인들이 “page flipping”이란 단어를 써가면서 칭찬하고 있네요. 참 재능이 있는 학생들입니다.
I love how the girl remembered her whole part
My confidence in playing piano went down to -1,000,000
K R that's impressive. I can barely remember over a minute of a piece
I also played piano and actually if you enjoyed the song while you play your fingers will automatically remembered the notes by it self (just like people dance, the more they dance the more they can relax and remember ...their body can follow the song) even with closed eyes :) and if they know the song pretty well enough your mind knows what is the next notes without thinking
No offens✌ a.k.a they are amazing i know🤗
Ya probably just need to reaaallly practice the same song a whole lot. I dont play, but a couple of my friends who are piano majors told me they apparently have to do their end of sem recitals without sheet music. I guess you just get used to it? They didn't seem too upset.
@@saltynacl9344 yes that's true. When ypu're in exam you have to come in the room with bare hands (without the song sheets) i did my exam and that day j have 7 songs to remember and each of them take 4-7 minutes to play. So i practiced every day like...😏
@@charlize_cahyadi Haha yikes. I'm in voice and I only have to know 3 songs. Even the seniors only have 5, and none of them are longer than 4 minutes (I think?). Sounds rough. At least you don't have to hire an accompanist, I guess.
I was too focused on the page flipping more than anything else
Wtf same😂😂
Me too! 😅
Reminds me of pager the web drama
I was focused on the National Geographic shirt for a few secs for no reason
@@itsdili5756 are you talking about page Turner darama ???
재능과 노력이 합쳐질때😭
피아노가 부드러운거야 저 분들의 연주가 부드러운거야.. 피아노 건반 스므스 하게 눌리는거 기분 좋다
피아노학원 다닐때 가라로 연습했다고 체크한 내가 한심해진다...
좋아요를 안누를수가 없네요..ㅋㅋ 저도그랬........
한번 완주하고 여러개 체크하기도.. 쌤 없거나 안보면 가라로 무조건 체크...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 격공하고 가욧
그러다 버벅거리면 자로 손 맞고요? ㅠㅠ
@@rachelkim307 쇠자로 피터지게 맞았죠 ㅠㅠㅜ..
2:14부터 좋아..
Me: *watches this video* everyone has a special talent to them
Me: *to god* WHERE’S MY TALENT?!
Turquoise Girl
Like me , the only instruments I can play is Radio, and Smart Phone 🤣
Still can't find it
you will find it, cheer up!
kei hehe thanks 😇
work for it
00:53 종이 넘기는 소리까지 좋네요
다시봐도 보고십고또보고싶어요~~♡♡♡
너무 부럽습니다~~♡♡^^!!!
보러 올께요~~^^!!!!♡♡
연주해서 올려주세요~
엇박을 왔다갔다 하는 부분에서 박자를 이탈할까 조마조마한데 어느순간 다시 정박으로 돌아와있고 박자감이 너무 소름돋네요
why do i remember twosetviolin everytime they flip the page 😂😂😂😂
shawtyimmapartytilldasundown twosetter here! haha
and they don’t need roasting cos this is legit 😂
Because twoset are sight reading linglings and they panic when they turn the page skskksks
Go Practice.... something...!
🤣🤣🤣same thoughts
Hahaha. Do they really need it? I love how diva she was just flipping back and forth without even looking. Right!?... Love tje piece. Beautifully done. Bravo and encore!!!!
계속 치다보면 손 진짜 빠르다...ㄷㄷ..
뭐 여자가 잘한다 남자가 잘한다가 아니라
둘다 쩜
여자분은 근데 악보 안보시는데 때되면 꼭 넘기시네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 신기하다
제 생각인데 옆에
남자분이 보고계셔서 그런거 아닐까요?
나도 피아노 쳐봐서 아는데 한곡만 많이 치면 외워지긴 하는데 사람이 많고 그러면 까먹을 때도 있고 힐끔힐끔 봐서 박자도 보고 그런거임 그리고 외웠다고 하더라도 악보있으면 약간 안심이 됨
걍 팀웍 좋은거임
@@신호성-f9r 이게 팩트
여자분도 악보본다 거지들아
Wish there was a better system for page flipping, probably something digital but yk tech
I know right...i feel you
ugh it's such a pain in the ass when you're in the middle of the intense part of a piece and there's a fricking page turn.
There actually is, it's a peddle connected to a tablet.
@@RatedMelis Wait really? That actually sounds pretty cool...
@@haileychin8436 Its not that hard to remember a song, it is? Every song i played on piano i remember, and i had a C fro math (talk about the memorizing things)
70% of comments: omg her page flipping skills
30% of comments: dayum the talent
And here I am in awe of both 😂 Salute to the hours of practice this must have took
1st reply
if I see one more person talking about talent or something like that im gonna flip my shit
They have so much talent woooohooo I suck because Ive seen them play now 😭😭
그냥 부러우면 부럽다고 말하면돼지..
여자가잘치네 남자가잘치네왜..이러는걸까요?
전 두분 다 잘치는거 같은데!
솔직히 좀 많이 부럽네요^^;;
잘 보고갑니다^^
좋아요 도 눌렀습니다~~~♡♡♡♡
This video just slapped me across the face and called me untalented
Did the same to me😭😭😭
경쾌한 피아노연주소리와는 사뭇 다른 두 출연진들의 표정이 너무 멋있네요 ㅜ
5:04 I love how they were so synchronised
시선 아래쪽 두면서 악보 쓱 넘기는거 카리스마 오지네 ㅋㅋ
love how this video called me untalented and single at the same time 🤷
Is she even looking at the pages half of the time?!?
littleserein many pianists tend to learn things off by heart, i do it too after i fully learn a piece, it’s quite a normal thing for most pianists
when you have the piece memorized its actually easier to play and practice it
When I played the piano I could always memorize everything too. That's so much easier than looking always to the pages.
Most pianists will memorise it and the pages are in front of them in case they forget anything.
Think of it like singing. Most people will memorize a song & are able to sing it right off the bat so even if the lyrics are there you don't necessarily need it
와 스무개의 손가락이 마치 한 사람의 손인 것마냥 움직이는 모습이 환상적이네요. 특히 마지막 엔딩이 소름이에요
진짜 여즘 젊은 사람들 보면 정말 멋지게 사는 것 같아 부럽다
지금부터 하세요 할수있어요
사람이 저렇게 잘 맞을수도 있구나...
The crowd watching: 😶
Me of I were in the crowd:😶😯😟😳😨😦😫😮✋😲
헉 피디님!! 피디님도 영상에 자주 출연해주세요 매력 터져 저 시크함 ㅠㅠ 연주도 잘하시는데 자주 보고싶어요ㅠㅠ
Both of them casually playing with both hands a difficult piece and on top of that they can still find the chance to flip pages!
생각 날 때마다 보러 옵니당 ,, ㄷㄷ
여자분...악보 넘길때랑
다리에 맞춰쿵짝 쿵짝 하는
모습이 너무나 멋지십니다^^
그리고 피아노도 잘치시구요~~
너무 부럽습니다^^
저도 오빠랑
저렇게 피아노
I was fascinated by her page flipping while still playing! :0
H3jrtjr3jr went hr3jrtjr/h3jrtjrțrh3rjrtjrtjrtjrthr3h3jr3jt3h3jrjrtjrțrțrjryth3h3jrt3rjrtjrțrh3rjrth3jrtjrțrțrjrytjrh3jr ent h3jrtjrth3jrth3h3jrth3jrtjrțrțrjrytjrțr/rh3rh3jr went hr2jrtjr3hr3hr3jrtjrtjrtjr/hr3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3jrtjr3hr3h3jryjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjr ent h3hr3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjr3jrytjrttr3hjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrtjr3jrth3jrt3jrtjrtjrtjrțjyrtjrtjrtjrțryjrtjrțrțrjryth3jrtjr/hr3jrth3jr ent h3jhrth3jrtjrtjr ent h3jrtrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtj3jrtr3yjhrtjrtjrtjrjrtr3yjrtjryjtjrtr3hjrtjrtjrtjth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrtr3yjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jr3jrtjrțrjrytjrtjrtjrtr3yjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjrytjrtjr3y3jh3jrtjrtjrth3h3jrh3h3jrth3h3jr ent hr3jr ent r3jrtjrtjrtjrh33jrtrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrr2rh3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrth3jrth3jrtjrtjrtjryjrtjrtjrtjrțrjryth3jrtjrtjrth3hr3jr3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjhrtth3jrtjrþjrțrjryt3jr ent hr3h3jr3jrtjr/3/rh3rjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjtjrtjr ent hr2hr3jr wot hr3h3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrth3jrtjrțrjrytr3yjr went h3jrtjrtjr ent h3h3jr ent hr3jr effort h3jrtjrth3jrtjrthr3jrtjrțrh3rjrtjrțrțrțrjhtth3h3jrtjrtjr ent h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrțrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrthr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3y3h33jrtjrt3hr3h3jrtr3yjrtjrțrjrytjrth3jrtjrtjr ent hr3jrtjrtjr went hr3h3hr3jrtjr3jrtjrțrjrytjr/rth3hr3jrtjrtjrtjr3h3jr wot hr3jrtjrthr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3hr3jr with h3jrtjrtjrt3rh3jr ent hr3h3jrtjrtjr went hr3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjr/3jrtjrțrțrjrytj3h3jrent h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrth3hrjrtjr3jrtjr3hr3jrtjhrtjrth3hr3jrtjr/hr3jrtjrtj eddy hr3jryr3yjrth3jr went h3jr wot h3jtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jt3yh3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjr3h3hr3jrtjrtjrtjrțrr3jtjrtjrtjrthr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjrytjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrțrțrjry wot hr3jrtjrțrthr3h3hr3jrtjrțrțrțrjrytjrth3h3jr3jrt3jrth3jrtjrțrjry went hr3jhrwent h3jr3h3jrtjrtjrtjr/h3r2jr ent hr3jrtjrth3jr went h3jr wit h3jrtjrthr3h3jr went h3hr3h3jrtjrtr3yjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtr3yjr went h3jrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrthr3jrtjrth3jrtjrthr3rjyjrtjrțrthr3jr3jrtjțrjrytjr3jrth3jr3h3jhrtyrttrhtjrthr3jrtjrth3h3jrtjrthr3hr3jrth3h3jhrth3h3jrtjrthr3h3h3jrtjrtjrth3jrth3jhrth3jrtr3yjrth3jrtjrtr3yjrtjrtr3yjr ent h3hr3jrth3jrtjrtjr went hr3hr3jrtjrtjtjrțrjry went h3jrtjrth3hr3hr3jr ent hr3jrtjrþjrțr3h3rh3jr wot hr2hr3hr2hr3h3h3hr3jr went hr2jr went h3h3jtjrtjrtjrtjhrtjrtr3yjrth3jrtjr/h3r2jrtjrțrth3jrth3h3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrtr3yh3jrtjrtjr went hr3jtjrtr3yjr ent y3jytjr/hr3jr33tjrth3hr3jrtjrthr3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrthr3jrtjrth3jr2jrtjryjrtjrtjrth3hr3jr ent hr3jr went hr3jrth3h3h3jr wot hr3jhrth3h3h3hr3h3jrtjr/hr3h2jrtjrth3jrth3jrtjrțr3h3jrtjrtjrth3h3jrth3jrth3jrtjrtjr went hr3hr3jrth3jrtjr/h3h3h3jr went h3jrtjr/hr2jr wot h3jr ent h3jr3hr3jr wot h3jr ent hr3jrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțr3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrțrh3rh3h3jr3jrt3h3jrtjrth3jrtr3yjr3jr went h3hr3jr ent h3jr went h3 hurt h3jent h3jrth3jr wot h3jrtjrțrțrth3 hurt h3hr3h3jr wot h3h3jr ent h3jr ent hr3jrt3jrtjrth3h3hrjrtjr/h3jrent h3hr3jr3h3jr ent h3h3h3h3jrtjrtjrtjr/h3h3jr ent hr3jrtjrtjr3h3jr ent h3h3hr3hr3h3hr3h3h3jrtjrth3hr3jrtjr3h3hr3h3jrtr3yjr ent hr3h3jrtjrțrțr2h3jr ent h3jr ent h3jr went h3jrth3jrtjrth3h3h3jr wot hr3jrtjr/hr2jrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrțrțrjrt3jrtjrtjrtjrthr3hr3h3jr wot h3jr ent h3jr3h3jr went h3jr3jrtjrtjtjhrth3hr3h3h3h3h3h3jrtjrțr/h3h3jr wot hr3h3jrth3h3jr went h3h3jr3h3j wit h3h3h3jr ent hr3h3jr went h3jrtjțrh3rh3h3h3jrtjr/h3hr3jrtjrthr3h3hr3jr ent h3h3h3h3hr3jrtjrty3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtr3h3jr ent h3jrth3h3jhrtjrth3jrth3jhrtjtjrtjr/hr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjr ent h3jrth3h3h3h3h3h3jrtjr3th3h3h3h3h3h3hr3jrth3jr3h3jr ent hr3jrtjr3jrtjr/h3jr ent h3jrtr3yjrent hr3jrtjrt3rjrtjr/h3jrtjryjrtjhrthr3hr3jrtjrth3h3h3jrtjrth3jrtjr/h3h3h3jrtjr/h3h3h3jr ent hr3jr went h3jrent h3jrtjrtjrtjrthr3jr3h3j ent h3jrent hr3hr3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jr ent h3jrth3hr3jhrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrth3jhr went h3hr3jrth3jrtjrth3h3jrth3jrth3jr ent hr3h3h3jrtjrþjrr3yjjrth3hr3jr wot h3jrent h3jrtjrthr3jr wot hr3jr3jrtjrțryjrtjrțr/h3jr3jr3h3jhrtjr3h3h3jr wot h3h3jrtjrthr3h3jrtjrth2jhrtjr3h3jhrtjrh3jrth3jrth3jrtjr3h3jhr ent h3jrth3h3jrtjr/h3jr3jrtjrtjrtjryjrtjrthr3jrth3jr wot h3jrth3jrtjrth3jrtjryjrth3h3jr ent hr3h3h3jrtjrth3jrtjtjrtjrth3h3h3rjyjrtjrtjrth3jrtjr/h3jrtjrþh3h3jtjryjrtjrt3h3hr3jr ent hr2h3jrtjrthr3jr wot h3h3jr ent hr3jrtjrtjr went h3jr3jr3jr wit h3h3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjryth3jrtr3yjrtjrth3jr ent h3jr ent h3hr3h3hr3jrth3jrth3hr3jrth3hr3jrth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjr3jrtjrt3rjrtjrtjrtjr/hr3jrtjrtjr ent h3jrent h3jrth3h3jrtjrtjrtjrțrțrjhtrtjrtjtjrthr2h3jr went hr3jrtjrtr3jh3h3h3jrtjrthr3h3h3jrth3jr ent h3jrtr3yhr3h3jrtjr/hrþjrth3h3y3h3jrtjrth3rjyhr3jrtjrtjr went h3jr ent hr2h3jrth3h3j ent hr3hr3jrt3rjrth3jrtjrțrjry went hr3hr3jrtjrtjrtjr3h3hr3hr3jrtjr/h3h3jrtjrth3hrjtjrt3h3jr ent hr3hr3hr3jrth3hr3h3hr3h3jrth33jrjr ent hr3jrth3h3h3jrth3jr went hr3jryjr/rth3jrent h3hr3jr3h3h3jrth3h3h3jrtjr/hr3h33h3h3h3h3jrtjrtjr ent hr3h3jth3jr ent hr3y3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrțrțrjrytjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jr ent hr3hr3jrth3jrwent h3jrth3h3jrth3jhrth2jrtjrtr3yjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjhrtjrth3jrtjrtjrt3jhrtjrtjrtjrthr3jrtr3jjrtjrth3h3jr wot hr3jrtjrtjrtjrth3h3h3jrtjrth3jr ent y3h3h3h3h3jr ent hr3jrtjrth3jr3h3y3jrtjrtjrtjr3jrtjrth3jrtjrtr3yjrtjrțr3 err h3h3jrent h3h3h3y3jrtjrtjrtjr3hr3jr went y3h3jrtjrtjr went h3hrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrțrjryrh3h3y3jrt3h3rjyh3h3jr went hr3jr3jrtjrtjr3jrtjrțțrth3jrth3h3hr3jrtjrth3jrth3hr3hr3h3jrtjr/h3h3h3jrtjrtjtjrțțrjryth3h3jrtjrth3h3h3jrth3h3jrth3jr ent h3jrent hr3h3h3jrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3h3jrtjr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrth3h3jrtjr/h3jrtjr3hr3jrtjrțr/hr3jr3h3jrtjrthr3jrtjrtjr went h3jrtjryjr went h3jrh3h3h3jrtjrțrjryth3h3h3jr ent hr3jrth3jr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjr33rh3jrtjrtjhrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtr3yh3jrtjrtjr ent hr3h3jrwot hr3jrth3jrtjrtjrtjrt3rjrt3rjedit hr3jryjrtjrtjr3y3jhr3jrth3jrtjrtjhrtjrthr3hrjtjr3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrth3jrtjrtr3yh3h3rjyjrtjrtj why hr3jth3jrth3jrent h3jrtjrtjrtjr3jr ent h3jrth3h3hr3hr3jrtjrtjr ent h3hr3jrtjrtjrwent h3h3h3jr3h3jrth3jr ent y3h3h3hr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjr/h3h3hr3jr ent hr3jrtjrtjrth3jhrth3jrtjr3jrtjhrtjr3jrtjrtjhrtjrthr3hr3jrtr3yjrt3r3jyh3h3jrth3h3jrth3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjr ent hr3jtjrth3h3jrtjrthr3jryjrtjrtjr/hr3jrtjtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrt3jrtjr/hr3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjrthr3hrjrtjrțrthr3jrt3rh3hr3h3jhrtjrțr/3jyrwent hr3hr3hr3h3h3h3h3jrtjrth3jrth3jrtjrtjrtjrthr3jrtjrth3h3jrtjr3yrjjr wot h3jhrtjrth3jrtjrtjrth3jhrth3rjy3rh3jrtjr33jrtjrth3h3jrtjrțrþjrth3jr went h3h3h3rjyjrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjhr/h3hr3jrtjr/hr3hr3hr3jr wot h3hr3hr3h3jr ent hr3h3jrth3jrtjrth3jrth3h3jrtjrtjr3hr3hr3jrth3h3jrtjrth3hr3jr wot h3h3jhr ent h3jrtjrtjrth3jrwot h3jth3jhrth3h3jrtjrth3tjhrth3jrth3h3jrtjrþjr/h3h3jr3jr ent hr3jrtjrtjrwent hr3jr ent hr3jr ent h3jrwot h3h3h3jrtjthr3jrtjhrtjrtr3yjrtjr3jrtjhrthr3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrth3hr3jrtjr3yjrtjhrtjrtjrt3rh3jrtjrth3h3hr3jr ent hr3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjr3h3jrtjrțr/h3h3h3jrtjrțr3h3jrtjrtjrth3jrth3h33jrtjrth3jrtjrtjrtjr3h3h3jrtjrþjrjrytjrtjr went hr3h3jhr ent h3jrent h3h3h3jrtjrtjhr ent hr3hrjrth3h3jr ent h3hr3hr3jrwot h3jrtjrtjrth3jrth3h3jhrtjr3h3jr went hr3h3jrtjrtjrtjhrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrth3jrth3jrtjrțrjrytjrtjr ent hr3hr3jrtjrtjrtjhr3hr3h3h3hrhr3jrtjrtjrtjrth3jhrtjrthr3jr wot h3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3jrth3y3h3jrth3jrtjr3jr3jr wot hr3jr3jrtjrth3jrtjrțrthr3hr3hr3jrtjrtjrth3jtrtjr/jrth2h3jhrth3hr3jr wot hr3jrth3h3jrtjrth3jrtjrțryjrtjrtjrtjr/hr3jrtjrtjrth3jrtjr3hr3jr ent h3h3hrh3h3h3jr ent h3h3hr3jrwot hr3h3hrjrtjrtjrtjhrtjrtr3yjrth3h3h3jrth3h3rjyjr3jr3h3h3jr wot h3hr3jrt3rhr3jrtjrtjr went h3hr3jrtjrtjrtjrth3h3hr3jr ent h3h3jrhr3hr3jrtjrthr3jr wot h3jrtjrth3jhrtjrth3h3h3jrtjrthr3h3h3jr3jr ent hr3h3h3jr3jr3h3h3jrwith h3jrtjrth3jrtjrtjr ent hr3jr ent h3jr went hr3jrt3rhr3jrtjrth3jrtjrth3rjyrytjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrth3jrtjtjrtjrtjrth3h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3hr3h3jhrtjrth3jr ent h3jrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrtjrth3jrtjrthr3rjy0
This piece is called fiestravaganza by shaun choo
colecold? This song is very cool
Oof... Its such a long name I took legit 15 minutes trying to read it
colecold? // damn thanks for the plug my guy. Ima look it up and find a smoother version (obviously they couldn’t make it sound smoother because they were playing it in the streets. They could definitely work wonders if they got a studio though)
Thank you so much
@@BennyBrown00 there is a studio version by the composer
she’s so confident like she already has it all memorized and she’s just helping the guy flip the pages like damn
Ok, now i have the mood to learn to play professional piano.
First lesson: how to turn one page in less than a second
Wow, a surprising amount of non-pianists watching this video. First of all, in a duet, it’s okay to use sheet music usually. But memorizing music usually comes along with practice, so they probably rehearsed this enough to not look at the sheet music as often. Even if she had the music memorized, she still glanced occasionally to the sheet music.
Secondly, playing duets with another person is hard, yes, but if both have enough experience and skill of their own playing duets is much easier. It’s also easier when the 2 players know each other better (they’re a couple).
They are talented, yes but this is a lot more doable than you think it is.
why can every person in the comments speak Korean AND Japanese?? I should start studying now, because I feel very untalented XP
The boy should have used his third hand for flipping page.
Although, master player
He'll use it to flip her
lol xD
That was the girls hand bro....
Laura-Marianie. Bassette r/wooosh
@@qk8913 wdym?
악보잡는 승엽이 기요워요!!
댓글침투력....인스타에서 자주보이던 프사...♡
와 두분 합이 너무 좋아서 이 조합 계속 보고 싶네요...!!! 곡도 좋아서 자주 듣게 될거 같아요ㅎㅎ
2:12 이부분너무좋다 재즈느낌으로 바뀌면서 ㅠㅠ
요즘 A.I 기계들이 진짜사람같구려
4:25 와~하하하하하ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 잘 치셔요ㅠㅠㅠ
Wow so talented ...amazing
we need to invent a page turner. Everytime it hears the last note on the page, it automaticly turn the page.
how i wish i was that talented in playing musical instruments
@_.Ari._ I completely agree that with enough dedication, anyone can play a musical instrument. I myself am no means the best violin player but I have dedicated years of my life to learning the instrument. The difference between me and the other students who can’t play is not that i am more talented, but because I stuck with it while everyone else quit.
You definitely can, trust me. Start practicing. You don’t have to wish for it, you can do it.
You will never be if you only just whising
@@cristinachin9584 but that is a talent in itself, going on and on !!!!!
오늘 피아노 제대로 주인을 만나네요 광기어린, 피아노의 선율에 저도 함께 미친듯이 열광합니다 저의 손목과 몸에 소름이 돋네요 감기인가요? 감사합니다
Рекомендации Ютуба: два студента играют на уличном пианино кАК *ГЕРМ А Ф Р О Д И Т*
Да тоже не понял, перевели чтоль неправильно?
@Str1k3 вы точно знаете, что такое гермафродит?:D
@Str1k3 тогда вы бы понимали, что в этом слове упор идёт на половые признаки, а не единость движений и умение играть на фортепиано)
Как одно целое
Более идиотского перевода я не встречала!
Su-go-ke ka-ko-i-i (the tsu was a connector, right?) Gah... I need to learn more. But am I wrong in thinking that it should be sugoi and not sugoke? Correct me if I'm wrong. (Or don't I guess.)
악보 보고친다는게 리스팩 크레센도 스타카토 장조 플랫 샾 몇분음표 그런거 보고 친다는게 진짜... 피아노잠깐 배웠지만 저런난이도있는 악보보면 음표가 보이나 싶음
*she flipped the pages so fast, wow talented*
Omg that's amazing they're so talented and looks very difficult to even focus on!!!!
👏🏽👏🏽😍from London 🇬🇧🇵🇰Pakistan
막 두들기는데 예술이네 헐....
ok but can they play flight of the bumblebee in 35 seconds 🤔
if you can play it slow, you can play it fast loll
If you practice 40 hours a day, you can plan anything
@@dcchan5407 their is only 24 hours in one day
@@shahmd4334 go twosetviolin
@@shahmd4334 It's an inside joke for twoset fans
everyone’s talking about how well they page turned but they literally have a page turner why did they still page turn by themselves 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
恩恩 because sometimes the page turners can get lost at where they are and can’t turn it at the right time
He is not page turner but one of spectators. But it was windy day so they need someone just fix up the sheet music😄😄
suga: i have tongue technology
and now...they have finger technology
とても凄く素敵な演奏でした(((o(*゚∀゚*)o)))手を、なんというか交互(?)にするところかま個人的に一番好きです( *´艸)あと、言い遅れましたが、
日本人おる( ・◇・)??
미친 음대생의 클라스 ... 지려버린다...
재능과 노력의 힘이겠지 ㅎㅎ 언니오빠 저 ㄹㅇ 반했어요
진짜... 남자분 파트도 어렵고 건반 안보는거 어려운 일인데 흔들림없이 잘하시고ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
여자분은 쉬운파트지만 악보 전체 다 외우고 타이밍맞춰 악보 넘기시는거 크.... 저는 도레미도 몰라욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
피아노의 피자도 모른다는거ㅋㅋㅋ (피자...?) 두분다 반했어요 사랑해요ㅜㅜㅜ
됴됴한새끼 누가 더 어렵고 이런건 없습니다 ㅜ 두명에서 호흡을 맞춰 치는것은 악보보는 것 만큼 두분다 어려워요
@@공부하세은 저는 그냥 파트가 어렵다고 한것입니다. 물론 호흡을 맞춰 치는걸로는 두분 다 어렵겠지만 누구는 빠르고 누구는 느리게 치는 사람도 있듯이 파트가 어려운 사람도 있고 비교적 쉬운 파트도 있다고 생각하기 때문에 적은 것일 뿐 절대 여자분이 남자분보다 쉬운파트기 때문에 못한다 라는 뜻은 아니었습니다..ㅜ
됴됴한새끼 아하ㅏ 제가 너무 못되게 말한것 같군요 ㅜㅜ 충분히 이해됐습니답 !!! 기분 나쁘셨다면 죄송해요
정말. 멋지고 대단합니다. 너무 아름답네요.~🎉🎉🎉
신나는 연주 감사합니다.
넘 좋아요^^
이런분들과 학식을 먹습니다 저는
맨날 음대 놀러갑니까
제가 음대생입니다>
@@saeeunkim3123 헐ㅋ
이분들 어느학교에요?
@@또배가고파서 hanyang!
Oml I didn't think this was real for a sec lol😅🙏👌👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Weebs when they see the title:
I feel like this is a moment in Your lie in april
Hisoka Morrow hahahaha... *sad flashbacks*
**is crying now**
두분 호흡이 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
My mom saw this video the other day and she share it with me.