1:21 ngakak sama video sendiri 3:29 mau bikin para bocil kagak bisa tidur mlm 3:37 waduh 3:41 ngagetin 5:11 apaan dah 5:23 uwaaaw 5:34 hehe 5:42 bocil kena rickrool 7:15 film muter² 7:29 boboiboy 7:39 sus
Werdos are one of the Legendary Monsters class and include Parlsona, Maggpi, Tawkerr, and Stoowarb. They were introduced on March 14th, 2017 during version 2.0.4, with them being added one island at a time. They can be purchased for 100 Relics.png and two Werdos are available on each of the Natural Islands. Unlike most monsters, Werdos sing actual lyrics. When added to an island, they also alter its song by lengthening or adding sections. Song Plant Island On Plant Island, the Werdos both sing about growing and raising plants, they also sing about how plants act in diffrent climates and situations. They contribute to the following lyrics: Parlsona: Every monster knows... how the plants grow! And every monster cares! And they know how they shape and they feed them! And they keep them alive! Let's watch plants grow! Let's watch plants grow! Both: Everything here is alive! (X2) Tawkerr: They sleep when it gets cold. And the leaves turn. They turn red and they turn gold. They need sunlight and water and earth and the air to keep them alive. That's how plants grow! That's how plants grow! Both: Everything here is alive! (X4) Parlsona: A note becomes a chord, becomes a phrase, becomes... a melody! And a note... becomes... a monster! Both: Everything here is alive! (X2) Both: You plant a seed, it settles in... and then it bursts! And then it splits, and makes a twin! Then, there were more. Look, across the landscape, and you'll find. It's just a bunch of plants! Cold Island On Cold Island, Tawkerr and Maggpi are the only Werdos currently available. They sing about a completely different topic than Plant Island; being lonely and sad. They also talk about being cold and percived as creepy. In this song, Tawkerr sings in a quite lower tone than any other island’s Werdo. Maggpi: Look at the stars in the big black ink, tell me what you feel and tell me what you think, Is it cold outside? Is it cold out? Tawkerr: This... is what I live for! This... is a wondrous chill! And yes... it can be lonely, but hey... do what you will! Both: Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me. It's because I am... weird. Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me. Its because I'm so... cold. Both: Is it cold outside? (X4) Both: Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me. It's because I am... weird. Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me. It's because I'm so... cold. Air Island On Air Island, Parlsona and Stoowarb sing about the meaning of their life, being discarded as elementary monsters and being outcasts, yet overcoming and motivating each other to be positive and find joy in life.
Lu lagi kamu juga acai Gamespot kan sama aja
@@Squartermoonwitherstorm "aci"iya sama dari dulu nih ada
Gak ada like sama cpiicorn🗿
@IrmaSuryani-zs3kq apa sih gak usah sok baik, hai capriicron salam kenal aku 😊Ezra oktaliffah kls 3 semoga abang cepat sukses ya😊❤😊😊
Wow bisa bikin video sendiri diroblox🗿🗿
Edit:cuma dapet 2 like🗿
Ah lumayan 26 Like 🗿👍
Ah sudah 32 like deh aku like deh juga biar likenya 33 like😊😊😊
Siapa cita2 nya mau pengen ketemu bang copiicron hadir yaa 😊😊
wah aku juga mau ketemu copiicron
@@capiicronWah hebat. Ya
@@capiicronbukan nya itu dirimu sendiri?
@@I234_RAFA_I2klo copicron itu bukan dia dia kan namanya caapicron
@@capiicron masa ketemu diri sendiri
6:23 wkwkwkwkwk 🗿
6:25 Sus capiicron 🗿
Semangat Terus Banh Ngontennya 🗿😀👾
Semangat terus bang bikin video dan juga semoga abang sukses terus Amin.
Cepet banget flimnya
Mau request main MM2 domg bang²😂
Soalnya gw masih bocil
3:54 Bang kayak nya ada hantu
Halo kak capiicron aku fans baru 😊 0:54
Semoga Abang sehat selalu dan mendapatkan 1jt subs
Bang Capricron up video baru
Lagi gass langsung nonton 🗿🗿❤
Bg apakah aku pertama 🗿☕
Tidak tahu *emot batu, 🗿
Siapa yang dans atau penggemar capiicron pencet tombol like
Myself😢 people🎉no😢
Semangat terus Bang Capiicorn...
Pastinya 😊
6:25 coba deh pause secepat-cepatnya
Lagi dong bang lucu soalnya😂😂😂
bg rmh lu di mana
😑Dcjhhhhg🙄unin yg yuyu
@@KenzieKhairiAlZhafran mau ngapain bang
Capicorn: Tolong aku
Di otak gw: Kerja bagus, hati hati🗿
Semangat bang uploadnya semoga bisa 1jt suscriber🎉🎉
amin makasih ya toni
@@capiicron nama gemenya apa
@@viped_indo-avationnama gamenya roblox
@@annisaferdeaniwidyastika1126 gw udh tau
@@annisaferdeaniwidyastika1126 kebalik maksudnya dalam game robloxnya
gg 1:17
Bang coba bikin film kartun avatar pasti filmnya sedih
Semoga bang capi sudah nyampe 1 juta subscribers
Bang semangat ya ngontenya😊😊
Bg Capiicron. Gw mau Tanya, Kenapa PC gak ada Di Live ( Video Panjang )?. Adanya di Shorts aj ( Video Pendek )
1:21 ngakak sama video sendiri 3:29 mau bikin para bocil kagak bisa tidur mlm 3:37 waduh 3:41 ngagetin 5:11 apaan dah 5:23 uwaaaw 5:34 hehe 5:42 bocil kena rickrool 7:15 film muter² 7:29 boboiboy 7:39 sus
Werdos are one of the Legendary Monsters class and include Parlsona, Maggpi, Tawkerr, and Stoowarb. They were introduced on March 14th, 2017 during version 2.0.4, with them being added one island at a time. They can be purchased for 100 Relics.png and two Werdos are available on each of the Natural Islands. Unlike most monsters, Werdos sing actual lyrics. When added to an island, they also alter its song by lengthening or adding sections.
Plant Island
On Plant Island, the Werdos both sing about growing and raising plants, they also sing about how plants act in diffrent climates and situations. They contribute to the following lyrics:
Parlsona: Every monster knows... how the plants grow! And every monster cares! And they know how they shape and they feed them! And they keep them alive! Let's watch plants grow! Let's watch plants grow!
Both: Everything here is alive! (X2)
Tawkerr: They sleep when it gets cold. And the leaves turn. They turn red and they turn gold. They need sunlight and water and earth and the air to keep them alive. That's how plants grow! That's how plants grow!
Both: Everything here is alive! (X4)
Parlsona: A note becomes a chord, becomes a phrase, becomes... a melody! And a note... becomes... a monster!
Both: Everything here is alive! (X2)
Both: You plant a seed, it settles in... and then it bursts! And then it splits, and makes a twin! Then, there were more. Look, across the landscape, and you'll find. It's just a bunch of plants!
Cold Island
On Cold Island, Tawkerr and Maggpi are the only Werdos currently available. They sing about a completely different topic than Plant Island; being lonely and sad. They also talk about being cold and percived as creepy. In this song, Tawkerr sings in a quite lower tone than any other island’s Werdo.
Maggpi: Look at the stars in the big black ink, tell me what you feel and tell me what you think, Is it cold outside? Is it cold out?
Tawkerr: This... is what I live for! This... is a wondrous chill! And yes... it can be lonely, but hey... do what you will!
Both: Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me. It's because I am... weird. Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me. Its because I'm so... cold.
Both: Is it cold outside? (X4)
Both: Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me. It's because I am... weird. Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me. It's because I'm so... cold.
Air Island
On Air Island, Parlsona and Stoowarb sing about the meaning of their life, being discarded as elementary monsters and being outcasts, yet overcoming and motivating each other to be positive and find joy in life.
Apa sih
Artinya apa bang mesi¿
@@BancCecepcok bukan fan msm
6:24 seketika senyum capicron hilang
semangat BG capiccron🎉🎉🎉
Bang cobain kasih roshade ke rolling thunder dijamin pc disamber petir
dah pernah kayanya
@@capiicron bang coba kasih roshade di game nuke sim auto ada NUKLIR di rumah abang
Ngakak yang kucing bang Capiicorn wkwkwkwwk😂
Nama game nya apa banh
My movie
8:09 apaan tuh pojok kiri bawah
Semoga Abang sehat selalu dan mendapatkan 500k subs amin
Gw kalo main tuh game selalu bikin Video Analog Horror ama Meme 😂😂🗿🗿🗿
Capricorn bagus semua filmnya 😊
6:04 🤨🤨🤨🤨
2:13 lagu nya kenapa gk rick roll aj bang😌😌
Mau nonton Tapi mati lampu edited: ditambah malah jatuh dari tangga saya:(
6:25 sus banget❤
bangcoba kasih roshade ke war simuatlorr auto pc abang kemabli ke perang dunia ke 2
Gabisa pake roshade lagi bang udh di hapus sama roblox
@@Mieaatemg iya?
Gw ngakak tawa di moment ini 🗿 5:27
Bang nama gamenya apa🗿🗿🗿🗿
My movie 1:32
Film saya
@Frostdiamond_912 Lol @frostdiamond_912
Mý mœvį
0:23 emosi
2:31 hahahah
Arara malah 😂😂😂😂 6:24 😂
Halo bang 😇
Bang semoga sehat selalu
lanjut ke part 2 nya bang soalnya lucu
Hadir bang(0_0)
Bang capiicron, pas di gambar videonya itu yang di ujungnya teman ku loh :)
pertama bg
youtuber kesukaan gua itu CAPIICRON
Aku yang pertama sumpah bang
Bang buat part2 soalnya seru vidoe nya
Bg semangat terus bikin kontennya
6:22 ara-ara~😭😭🗿🗿
Hadir bang beacon cream eh copiicron
Bang capicoorn ini sub ber mu ❤😂🎉🎉🎉
Coba nonton rewind roblox 2023 Ada elu dan mereka pake suara Asli lu semoga dibaca
Lucu banget Muka lu bang Lucu ada wibu 😂😂
7:29 salfok sama Boboiboy
Arti anak-anak tidak bisa tidur
Great video ♥️ I can’t speak your lenguage but I have subtitles
5:27 Ngakak Brutal 😔☝🏻
terakhir bg tampan
Hahaha mr bes lucu suara nya
3:33 3:34 3:35 3:36 3:36 3:37 3:38
Semangat terus bang
bg main game my singing monsters bg gamenya seru bet bg
bang makasi udah nemenin aku pas aku lagi sendirian 😢
Pertama bg btw pin dong semoga sehat selalu ya bang Capricorn
Gw yg pertama 🗿
Kak boleh lanjut gak karena seru ples :'( bikin ketawa wkwkwkw 🤣😂
Aku pernah main itu tahu aku suka ntar aku main bareng kamu dong Aku udah lama nggak ketemu kamu
Semqnfat terus bg
1000 subscribers lagi
kakaaa gantenggg bangettt😵💫😵💫🤏🏻
bang main my movie lagi dong soalnya ada update ez bgt juga bikinnya =)
0:39 0:40
0:19 kena Rikrol😅😅
6:25 sus sekali ya😅
Apalagi jika palestina sama Indonesia ❤️ palestina 6:53
Aku hadir
Mr beast: Aku akan melawan 10k skibidi toilet
Skibidi toilet: oh tidak
Yang wow keren banget ya
Bg kalo udah 1juta suscriber lanjuta ya bg
bang gua pertama nonton
Gw yg pertama yg nonton🗿
6:23 sus banget 🤨🤨
I foto ini sangat bagus 😊
Kocak bener ini cok
6:26 melongok momen
Like 👍🏻
#bahasmimin coba main barengan capiiro setiap hari bilang oke
Ngakak banget bang film yang spider man😂
bang bikin film di my movie dong yg darah darahan smg yg like banyak
7:09 hahahah