MultiWii Quick Tip: Overview and demo of the 'GPS Home' function

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 92

    @AFTERBURN001 10 лет назад

    I just built my first multirotor (hex) using the multiwii system. You have no Idea how much I have relied on your videos to get me through all the issues I was having while learning all of this.
    Thanks for taking the time to post all of this and sharing your knowledge!!

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Hi Mark, thank you for the wonderful feedback. That's kind of you to take the time to write the comment. I'm glad the videos helped. Too many videos on RUclips show the results of something not the 'how to' parts that people building need to know.
      Best wishes and happy flying!

  • @billisaacs702
    @billisaacs702 10 лет назад

    I messaged you several months ago regarding initial setup for an octocopter. You advised me to start smaller which, of course, I didn't do (the hat should tell you that was coming, lol). It's been quite a ride. Our prototype taught us a lot about structural parts, etc. I should mention here that the entire frame, from the motor mounts to the landing skids, is 3D printed. I have successfully been able to get the craft to lift off and not make a bee line for someone's window and tomorrow, we'll be going to a wide open field for further flight testing both in horizon mode and using GPS functions such as RTH and flying a mission.
    I want you to know that your videos have been highly instructive. Thank you for sharing your insights and in particular, thank you for placing yourself in the position of the person who knows nothing and then explaining the important concepts in clear language.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Bill Isaacs Hi Bill, I do remember telling you that :)Glad you've got it all working so far, if it hovers - then it'll fly (power system willing)!Have a fun day in the open space, it is a great feeling flying something you've designed, programmed and build yourself. Happy flying!!

    • @billisaacs702
      @billisaacs702 10 лет назад

      Well things went well until I made a mental error. The aircraft hovered and was controllable. I was able to maneuver it well even though being only two blocks from the beach the breeze was a little stiff. GPS hold worked fairly well too. I got so excited about how well things were going that I forgot I only had a little 2.2A battery powering it, my intention being to test how controllable it was before putting one of the larger 5.2A batteries on. I got the copter about 60 ft up, tested GPS hold briefly again, then began a slow descent. At this point the controls became squirrely and I said to myself "uh oh...". The battery was dying and the copter crashed into the grass from about 30 ft altitude, breaking several arms. Fortunately, the entire frame is 3D printed and it's no big deal for me to repair the damage. Other than that, I feel it was a successful flight.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      The first few flights of any model usually end in a little 'bump' ;) Crashing is part of the process, the trick is not to do it from a height or over deep water
      Sounds like you made a great hex. Well done.
      Best of luck with the repairs. I'd like to see a photo when you have it back in one piece..

    • @billisaacs702
      @billisaacs702 10 лет назад

      Painless360 Sure thing on the pic.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Wow, amazing job. nice clean setup through the arms too. Thanks for sending that across..
      Happy flying!

  • @stupotmcdermote
    @stupotmcdermote 8 лет назад

    thanx painless360 been trying to set my runner 250r multiwii config up. your config worked on my runner as i only used gps mid for hold on its own and used gps high for home on ots own and worked.

  • @CookieWithMinecraft
    @CookieWithMinecraft 10 лет назад +3

    Your one of the best youtubers because you reply to amost every comment and your videos make sense keep it up

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад +2

      Thanks for the positive feedback. If we all help each other in the hobby then it's a lot nicer place to grow and learn. Too many keep the knowledge to themselves and make new hobbyists feel daft for asking basic (and sometimes not so basic) questions. Not the way to do it in my book!
      Happy flying..

  • @tonyhodgson6744
    @tonyhodgson6744 9 лет назад

    Fantastic job Lee, well done. Love your vids.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  9 лет назад

      Tony Hodgson Thanks Tony, the way that the Naze32 behaves is almost exactly the same as this... Happy flying (and RTH-ing)!

  • @rahulwatharkar
    @rahulwatharkar 9 лет назад

    +Painless360 I have almost same setup as yours, except the board is MW Megapirate, and I have assigned Aux2 for GPS Hold and GPS Home functions. The problem is, when I flick the switch (ground test), the functions doesn't turn Green on the MultiWiiConf GUI, though I had about 10 Satellites locked on. Not able to figure out why the mode change is not reflecting as Green. Can help?

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  9 лет назад

      +Rahul Watharkar Not sure as it's not the same board. I've seen this once in the past and the GPS functions still worked great, seemed to be a little 'feature' of the GUI.Best of luck with it.

    • @rahulwatharkar
      @rahulwatharkar 9 лет назад

      +Painless360 ok, I figured out the solution for it. Basically for GPS Hold and GPS Home functions, the Angle or Horizon mode is a must. You cannot configure GPS functions in silos. They must be accompanied with either Angle or Horizon mode, secondly a Magnetometer is also a good to have feature with GPS.
      Another thing required is, the GPS Modes will only be active when you have Enough satellites (5?) locked on and the motors are armed.
      So in summary, you need these 3 things for GPS Modes showing active on MultiWiiConf-
      1) GPS to be configured with some flight mode (Angle/Horizon) and a magnetometer (not very sure if MAG is a must).
      2) satellites locked on (gps_fix is green)
      3) Motors are armed.
      It worked for me, haven't still maidened the quad with this board. Happy and Safe landings :)

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  9 лет назад

      Great detail, thanks for sharing. Best of luck with the maiden flight!

  • @truhlikfredy
    @truhlikfredy 9 лет назад

    Does the mumetal needs to be grounded? I have setup with grounded copper sheet, do you recon it worth of hassle to order it and replace it with mumetal? GPS lock works, and the noise on sensors got much as well, so at the moment I'm reluctant to change my setup, but if this shows worth it I would give it try.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  9 лет назад

      truhlikfredy in my tests I found that copper wasn't a good enough barrier to magnetic fields, even if I did ground it. I've tried other metals (ferrous) and not found anything as good as MuMetal.

    • @truhlikfredy
      @truhlikfredy 9 лет назад

      Ok thanks, will give it a try. What do you recon for the go home, can it fight strong winds? Will it put more effort when I will see more resistance? I have the thing there but 99% fly manually and very close to me (sometimes I'm just happy with hovering couple meters away from me) so I never properly tried them. But I'm worried if some strong wind will pick it up, should I fight it manualy or put it to the GPS go home.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  9 лет назад

      truhlikfredy there is a max speed for the RTL function so high winds could cause issues if it is flying home into the headwind. .
      RTH is a last resort. Not an everyday flight mode. Happy flying!

  • @RichardHadder
    @RichardHadder 10 лет назад

    I have just built a multiwii hexacopter and have it all configured, however the multiwii isn't picking up pitch and yaw. I have tested the receiver so know they are working. Any suggestions?

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      How have you tested the receiver? By plugging a servo into the Aileron and Rudder channel? If so then I'd re-flash the board and reset the accelerometers.
      Sounds daft but check the cables are in the MWB the right way - I've made that mistake myself! Good luck finding the problem..

  • @Azer831
    @Azer831 10 лет назад

    how about Fail Safe? Do you know how to set that up so in case if your transmitter looses signal it returns to home? Thanks.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      You could rebind the receiver so that in the event of a radio disconnection it outputs the RTH channel value. This still wouldn't sort out the throttle though.
      Look at the APM if you want it to fly home all by itself in the event of a radio problem..

  • @fotoamgamgfoto3695
    @fotoamgamgfoto3695 8 лет назад

    It does not have a RTH altitude as APM has? so when triggering RTH will it return starting from current altitude or there is a way to have some ascend first to 50 meters to avoid flying into objects etc?

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  8 лет назад

      +FotoAmg AmgFoto I'd check the latest documentation. The last version of Multiwii we played with (2.3) the RTH altitude wasn't managed by the flight controller. Best of luck!

  • @power-max
    @power-max 10 лет назад

    I have got my RC model up and flying, and when I enabled the GPS return to home, the thing became to fly off far away from me! I had to flip it back to where I was in control and it flipped out and crashed. :( The GPS was locked to my takeoff spot, or so I thought.
    Also I attempted to enable a GPS lock, and while it seemed to worked for a few seconds (it was regulating altitude) when I accidentally gave a nudge to the control stick it immediately began to act like it was in acro mode and accelerated into a tree. By the time I flipped the switch back of to regain control it had crashed breaking my second to last CW prop. :(
    Surely this was something simple I goofed up? Any suggestions? Also is it possible to use the spare audio channel to send down digital telemetry data such as GPS coordinates? A dedicated telemetry transmitter is not very cheap, I would like to be able to record the GPS data from the ground station so that when I crash as lose signal I have a refrence to go by to find where the model was when it last had signal.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Sorry to hear about the crash. Sounds like the GPS co-ords were not locked before arming the board for the return. Odd that it should also fly off when using GPS hold too, it should 'wander' a little but not that much!
      Two things to check first - there isn't too much vibration on the model affecting the board, there isn't any interference with the compass from the power lines..
      Good luck getting it sorted.

    • @power-max
      @power-max 10 лет назад

      The MWC FC is lying in-plain with the power distro board, and the ESCs sort of surround the FC. I suppose I will need to get a compass and tape it down onto the board close to the FC and see how much deflection is achieved. I do have some magnetically permeable materials like sheet metal that might work as a substitute for mo metal, hopefully.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      You can test the deflection of the compass easily. Connect to the MultiWiiConf and remove the props, power up and arm the copter and run the motors up and see how much the heading changes on the PC. Hope this helps.
      I guess you've already seenвидео.html
      Good luck..

    • @power-max
      @power-max 10 лет назад

      [facepalm] such a simple solution! lol! I'll have to test it when I get around to it. I wonder if I can make the power distribution wires into a 'twisted pair' to allow the magnetic flux to cancel out between the positive and negative. (theoretically they should since electrical current is flowing in opposite directions and the direction of the magnetic field produced should be opposite.)

    • @power-max
      @power-max 9 лет назад

      Painless360 After rebuilding the frame and far more practice flying and FPV, I have worked out many almost all problems. I still have 2 major known issues:
      The GPS hold does not seem to hold very well, although altitude control works fine and is surprisingly good. My last test showed the thing kept drifting to the south. It does hover fine when just in angle mode, or self leveling mode. (I generally avoid acro, I do not like it for the big quad.) And until I can get that to work well, I am too scared of testing GPS RTH. I have not noticed any magnetic deflection in the multiwii GUI at all.

  • @ShiftLikeAlex
    @ShiftLikeAlex 10 лет назад

    Please help me. I ordered a kit off of eBay and I'd like to know if I use the same procedure with it as you do with your video on how to setup the wultiwii 2.0. I ordered the multiwii 2.5 and I2c and gps along with the bluetooth. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Hi, exactly the same and you should be fine. Watch all of the videos in the playlist for Multiwii - to see all of the steps and troubleshooting guides.
      Good luck with the build!

  • @accord727
    @accord727 10 лет назад

    So I have followed all of your videos on the GPS setup, very helpful. I still seem to be missing something. When I arm I don't see the home position change on my GUI. It still wants to show home at 0°lat 0°long. Any suggestions? It seems to want to fly into the direction as well, the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Hi Eric, if the coordinates are showing as 0°lat 0°long then the GPS isn't being heard by the Multiwii. if you use an I2c board is it flashing three times? If it isn't then watch CN06 troubleshooting if it does then it sounds like the GPS has a problem or the MultiWii isn't configured correctly. Does the MultiWiiConf program show lots of i2c errors?

    • @accord727
      @accord727 10 лет назад

      Painless360 I will look for the i2c errors tonight. funny thing is that it does show the quad in the correct area when looking at it on the map

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Interesting, what software are you using to see the model on a map?

    • @accord727
      @accord727 10 лет назад

      Painless360 MultiWii WinGUI 2.3, 2.2. And the Android App version MultiWii EZ-GUI v3.98. It has always done this. running a Crius MultiWii SE V2.5 and 2.0

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      OK, does the standard MultiWiiConf also show the same 0 degrees for lat and long?

  • @dronesapiranga3452
    @dronesapiranga3452 10 лет назад

    hello friend, I would like to know what functions should enable me to use the RTH. PLEASE HELP ME. (angle, baro, mag, gps hold)?

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад +1

      You can see what I have clicked by watching the video at 7:16.
      Happy flying!

    • @dronesapiranga3452
      @dronesapiranga3452 10 лет назад

      Painless360 thank you my friend, and for the GPS function hold? (Angle, barotrauma, and gps hold?)

    • @dronesapiranga3452
      @dronesapiranga3452 10 лет назад

      drone sapiranga thank you my friend, and for the GPS function hold? (Angle, barometer, and GPS hold?)

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад +1

      Yep :)

    • @dronesapiranga3452
      @dronesapiranga3452 10 лет назад

      Painless360 thank you friend, you helped me very worked perfectly, I used your comfiguraçoes, I was afraid when he returned. came back with a lot of speed, but came back perfectly, not have some form of it back slower?

  • @gregrob20
    @gregrob20 10 лет назад

    How do you get it to default to GPS RTH, such as when disconnecting the transmitter? I tried this on mine and found it to stay in which ever mode I was in when I turned off the transmitter. Thanks for the video!

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      You need to use a receiver with failsafe and bind the Tx with the mode switch in the 'RTH' position. Check that the receiver you are using supports failsafe, some of the original 'orange rx' do not have it. See (5/8) APM 2.5/2.6 - Throttle Failsafe Setup for details on how I set it up on an APM.
      Hope it helps, happy flying!

    • @gregrob20
      @gregrob20 10 лет назад

      Painless360 Thanks a bunch, I'm running the Frsky Taranis and X8R reviewer combo. I'll look into getting it setup, the Taranis has RSSI telemetry so it may even be possible to trigger it at low signal strength.

  • @tekyguy
    @tekyguy 10 лет назад

    Hi I wonder can I run i2c with GPS, LCD, minimOSD, and bluetooth adapter all at the same time with the Multiwii 2.5 SE? Thanks!

  • @MrHandsomejackuk
    @MrHandsomejackuk 9 лет назад

    ordered my gps ublox going to be a few weeks, i have had real good success with my d.i.y flight controller, even managed to get the pwm - ppm receiver conversion done with another arduino nano board... i need to get another nano board for the i2c conversion this i did a while ago and i pretty much think i can get that code to work too...anyway i was going to ask... running multiwii ver 2.2 will i be able to use gps rth, and gps hold..? also i need a foolproof way of setting up and making 100% its working... was going to try gps hold first a few times, also need to make 100% my mag is working spot on... is there anyway to test my mag at moment without gps...? if i switch mag on should it lock the heading..? thanks AL...

  • @tommybennett5702
    @tommybennett5702 10 лет назад

    Painless360...I just bought mu metal, where should I mount it? I can't really tell on you videos. Thanks.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Hi Tommy, I cover this in one of the unpublished videos that I use to help subscribers. Watchвидео.html around 6:05 to see the MuMetal in place on a 450 class quad..
      Hope it helps. Happy flying!

    • @tommybennett5702
      @tommybennett5702 10 лет назад

      Painless360...Thanks a bunch. I watched that video and your others several times and I just overlooked the part about the mu metal under the top deck. Much appreciated.
      BTW: You are videos are very easy to follow and understand.

  • @paulham
    @paulham 10 лет назад

    Do you have a source of the MuMetal? or do we need to harvest it from a old cathode ray tube?

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Hi Paul, I got mine through eBay. Bought a sheet and cut what I needed. I will be adding this to all of my Multiwii model from now on - works much better. Happy flying!

  • @EvertonLeiteC
    @EvertonLeiteC 8 лет назад

    Besides hold and return to home, is there any other thing I can do with my GPS + crius se 2.5?

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  8 лет назад

      +Everton Leite the latest version of the code supports simple waypoint navigation. Check out the release notes. Best of luck!

    • @danitinez85
      @danitinez85 8 лет назад

      +Painless360 Hi, great videos! I could configure my multiwii with your help. A question: Does this simple waypoint navigation work with 328p based MW boards? I've read that it needs a bigger processor to run. Thanks!

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  8 лет назад

      Not sure - that will be covered in the release notes. I'd use an APM/Pixhawk/CC3D revo if this is what you want to do..

  • @josepedraza4563
    @josepedraza4563 8 лет назад

    First of all thanks for all the instruction videos. I installed the gps and i2c on my multiwii 2.5 and have followed all your instructions but when in angle mode and not gps hold the craft goes on its own and I cant control it. Any ideas of what im doing wrong? I have only 2 mode switches on my transmitter and have angle and gps hold on one switch and off and gps home on the other switch. I always have 7 to 8 satelites when i try it.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  8 лет назад

      +jose pedraza only have gps mode on one switch position. Best of luck!

    • @josepedraza4563
      @josepedraza4563 8 лет назад

      I have 2 switches which are only 2 mode each one, so should I only have gps hold and off on one and angle and off on the second one?

  • @power-max
    @power-max 10 лет назад

    Why can't the GPS lock better in the sky? Is it due to low accuracy of the sensors and the multiwii trying to compensate to the noise seen as well?

    • @ssj8256
      @ssj8256 9 лет назад

      Power Max Hi, have get any update?

  • @Docencino
    @Docencino 9 лет назад

    Hi mr. Painless
    One question. Can you tell us where to buy the "mu metal" ? I tried to looking at ebay with no results.
    Thanks for many good quality introductions.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  9 лет назад

      Search for mumetal (all one word) on ebay. Comes up now and again

  • @subhamroy5619
    @subhamroy5619 7 месяцев назад

    Have u used aurdino mega/uno for this build?

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  7 месяцев назад

      I've not. Multiwii is very old technology now.. Happy flying

  • @TheSkyPod
    @TheSkyPod 10 лет назад

    Hi Painless, I was wondering if you have in any of your videos show the exact way how to turn your quad , using a Multiwii system , on all of the axis's to get your GPS Home set? Just want to know how to hold the quad while turning in circles to get it locked in. I have mine with Bluetooth and use a android app and either my Samsung Note 3 or Nexus 7 to try and calibrate , but I am not sure if I am doing it right. I can figure out holding it straight out and turn them turn it with the front facing down and turn , but then what ? The app gives me 30 seconds to perform the moves . Any help would greatly be appreciated . Big time subscriber to your videos . Keep up the Great work.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      The GPS Home co-ordinates are set when you arm the board and have a good GPS lock. Apart from leaving the GPS for 40-60 seconds on first startup to get a good GPS lock you shouldn't have to do anything.
      Hope this helps.

    • @TheSkyPod
      @TheSkyPod 10 лет назад

      Painless360 OK , but what about the Mag calibration then ? Is that something that needs to be done before flying your quad with the Multiwii? Because thats where it asks you to rotate your quad on all axis points. I see others perform certain tasks with DJI Phantoms.

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад +1

      Fallguy1959 mag calibration needs to be done once by clicking mag calibration in MultiWiiConf and following the instructions. Multiwii doesn't need the same level of 'magnetometer calibration boogie' that boards like the APM and others do ;)
      Happy flying!

  • @sainthi525
    @sainthi525 7 лет назад

    Hi! Can I ask … if gps home is all working properly … if just in case I lost signal with the craft … will it also rth? I can't find this feature on the sketch .. Thanks again .. all your videos are really very very helpful. :)

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  7 лет назад +1

      Set the fail-safe on the radio receiver to put the mode switch into the RTH position. Best of luck!

    • @sainthi525
      @sainthi525 7 лет назад


  • @Starlite123
    @Starlite123 9 лет назад

    Hello anybody! I have a Walkera Runner 250 and I have added a Walkera QR X350 GPS antenna. I have plugged it into my Runner and I have all my GPS info on the Multiwii but not on the OSD/FPV goggles. Does anyone know what I may need to do to show the GPS info on my OSD/GOGGLES?????

    • @stupotmcdermote
      @stupotmcdermote 8 лет назад

      +prodezignz hi you need a barometer on the main controller board they dont come standard. you can pick them up from ebay.

    • @stupotmcdermote
      @stupotmcdermote 8 лет назад

      +prodezignz plus you need the osd r for the info on the goggles

  • @Grex0
    @Grex0 10 лет назад

    i've just subbed a few days ago, your videos have helped me a lot while i was setting up my crius board :). can you give me more info about your quad hardware (motors,esc,propellers, .. )?. I'm planning to do a new quadcopter like yours for fpv ( currently i'm using a warthox frame but for fpv there isn't enough space to place all the electronics).
    keep up the good work!

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  10 лет назад

      Hi Grex, The model in the video is using 450 DJI Flamewheel clone frame, 20A SimonK ESCs, A2822-12 1800KV Outrunner Brushless Motors with 7045 props and a 3700Mah 3S LIPO battery. Gives me just over 7 minutes of flight time and excellent performance. For longer flights use a lower KV motor with a larger prop.
      Hope this helps. Good luck with the build.

  • @fastfridaysfacts3694
    @fastfridaysfacts3694 6 лет назад

    What kind of range do you have?

    • @Painless360
      @Painless360  6 лет назад

      That depends on a lot of factors - Google 'how far can I fly painless360' to find my video on it.. Hope it helps..