i love it but hurts my vocal chords when i hear it oof- ik he's had lots more technique lessons now and sounds a lot healthier- don't want him to injure his voice!
He said in a glamour interview that mercy was the best song for him to do live because it pulls so much extra emotion out of him. After seeing this... I 100% agree.
I feel like this song is the type of song that needs to be sung live, you can actually hear the emotion in the song and gives it so much more meaning and life to it
I love it when artists puts emotion into their singing. It makes them feel real and that they're not just singing for the money. I literally felt like someone stabbed me in the chest hearing him sing. Gawd he's so good.
You can feel all the emotions that he put in the song. He's really great at expressing emotions when he sings, he's really the best. The stage belongs to him, we see his passion for music from his eyes. He’s fantastic, I love him❤️
He is so natural... That's the best in him. I can't find any other person who can sing with that passion, emotions... Unbelievable. That's why in my opinion he is the only one who can be called singer, idol.
03:07 his face is sooo red .... He was breathless at that moment but still managed to keep his voice and tone perfect . Thats what a true singer or idol is.😃
The way he starts backing up at 2:50 and holding his hand like that, you can see the pained expression on his face, maybe he was out of breath or trying to belt the lyrics better- but you can truly see the emotion of the song all over his face in that clip, you can see all the passion, and I love that. He truly is a very talented person
Why do I get shivers when he does the humming bits of the song? The acoustic version of this is my favorite atm and I can't get enough, but when he hums, I literally get shivers. Am I the only one?
Alicia Rose she got a fact wrong, that doesn't mean she's a fake fan. She just may not be as dedicated as others. You can still be a fan of something or someone without knowing every single detail about said thing or someone. She made a simple mistake. Don't be rude.
This is one of the strongest performances I have ever watched It's bass, beat, the way he sings, his body motion, everything is incredible Personally I listen to all kind of live songs And this one is one of them which I get speechless
Lucky KawaiiCat You know, just because you were early to the fandom doesn't make you a "true" fan, as you put it. It just means that some people discovered him late. All his fans love him the same, some (maybe who came late) love him even more than you do. So, please, stop saying things like 'true' fans because we all like the same thing.
Sam Condes ;5)56).56$.56$56).(6$.(6$.56$;656$:6/6546/5):45):56):56$5:7$:57$:55/5(/45(/45)/)544/)54)/4)4/54//4)/4)54554/)/55/5)4/54/5)54/)4)545)445))54)4554)45)54)5)454))545)445)4)45455445454554)4)545))45454)54554)45)45)45)45)45)4545);5)545)54)45)56):5):45)5):5):45):45):45)4::54):54):45):45):45)4:5)4:)/54)5:5):55):65:)6)5:4)5:56
This song really brings out the richness of his voice. It is very rare that an artist sounds so good without anything other than piano. Just incredible and so young still. We are yet to see what he is capable of.
he is absolute perfection in every sense of the word. his quirks ,his voice ,his body,his passion for music is the most beautiful and inspiring thing. this performance was incredible no doubt. and it made me cry to see how far he has come! I love you Shawn!!!!!
I love how natural he is, he just stands there and sings. He is also so casual aswell like look at his clothes.He is amazing and I really want to go to one of his shows.
Potatoes For Life yeas , I mean , most of all singers are having only playback , wearing fancy + expensive clisthes , and have backgroundsingers , damn I love this boy so harddddss
ygkygvgggkhgbykvgkgkvvvvygvyv ab kqkv Bingkggggkvgggkvvvgyvvykvbkvkqkygg kkb kvkgkgjbyvgygkgbyggykgykgkg bu ggqyghjgkhkhkgggqggygkvvggqvvbyvg KFC kvy gin KFC kgqgygvv kkb kgg kkb gghvggyggybvkgg bu ghgybggqyghgbyhgyghkhggykg ayu vgvvk bi kgq KFC kgygvyqkggvkvvkyggbygggkgyyb gue ggggg wu ggggg nda hgggjgb ya nda bygg cih h boyo yg ya kgg KFC kgggggh6gkvbygykgbyggkvgggvbyvgvgvgggyyg nda gkbb ton khgghgqggkyhbggggkyqh ke muji byb ya ghgqgbghybybqgvgbyvg bu vb ya qgkqbykvkgvgybkvyvbykvvygg6vgykgbyvkykygvykyhyqkvgy ku kyywgyj ya ggyygggbgyhgggkhgkbgbybgygvkg KFC kyvyyqvgvkg ya Uka vbwbygqgbk ya bygbygg nda gqgg BMW jghgg ya yghggvhhghgygvgbyvkvgvykyvvg bikin gggkyqggqghqggggjg nda bygyq KFC kvqghggggggqgkhgvkggvbygkqgybkykgkybhgwkhjhb6gkygkgkqggkgvbkbbg ya vggbyb6gkykvvkyvgyykvgkyvkvbqykyb kkb kvgky bk ya kvyqybkgyqkyjggyy nda yhkhgggy nda hwgyybygkgqygyyghyyhhhkqgyg ya ggk nda yvkgbyvbkyyyb ya kbkgkgkbqy cih bkyykvqy KFC kybyykvgvkvkvqvbk toh gk ya byggvgg ya nda gkggggggkyggyqykqgk bin 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yqqgkyqywqyyy eh ykvkyvkyybyqyykykyjbykyyqkvyv KFC kybyqyy ya by kkbkvyyoykqwyykyyyvkyyywyyyyyyyy ya ya qkyyw6 ya byy6 tip ybkggkyyghqkyyvyykyykbvqyby ya ybkbykbyykyg ya ya vyyybhkyvkygkyyyky6yvykvbyyywyy6ykyvwykgby6qv kkb ykyy no bykyykkvyqhk ya kbyybyy ya byjbybkyvqbyvkbyykgqykyy kkb kbyykvyyyy ya vyykv ya yyyvk6yy ya ykvvyyk6y6 ya yqyq tipe vkyy ya yqybkbyykygybkykykyqgyk ya ya nda gygybyvkqvkyykbkybqyyvkyby kkb kbqkyyyyyykyk ya yyyyybykyyykyk ya y tipe yyyqyyyy ya byk ya ya kyykyyqy ya yygygygjgyy ya qykkbqybyb tgl kyqy6yb KFC kyyy tip yy ya gin ya g ny nda ya ykg6y ku kvgqyy ya yyyyqyoyyvy tik yb6yvyyyyyykv6ykyyy om g ya yqbkyyqbywbkykykb tik bykbyky6ky ya kkb kyq lutut kv ya yyyqjykyb ku kykbyygyyyyyyyyvyyqy ya kvyyywyyyvkyyqbwyyyyyyyjkyyybqybykyyb ya yykoykyyyyby6y ya bykyybkyybyqkgkyby ya vykykywgykbyy KFC kyyyy6 ya ybykyvyyykvyyyyyyyqw6yqyy ya yqkyykv ya nda gyyqyyyykqyyyyq kkb ya bkyykyyqy ya yyy ya yyykyvk6yv rum ybk yaya ykqyyqbyqbyyyykq kkb ykyyy ya kgyqgjyhk ya 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Lyrics : You've got a hold of me Don't even know your power I stand a hundred feet But I fall when I'm around ya Show me an open door Then you go and slam it on me I can't take anymore I'm saying, baby Please have mercy on me Take it easy on my heart Even though you don't mean to hurt me You keep tearing me apart Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart? Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart? I'd drive through the night Just to be near you, baby Heart open, testify Tell me that I'm not crazy I'm not asking for a lot Just that you're honest with me My pride is all I got I'm saying, baby Please have mercy on me Take it easy on my heart Even though you don't mean to hurt me You keep tearing me apart Would you please have mercy on me I'm a puppet on your strings And even though you got good intentions I need you to set me free Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart? Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart? Consuming all the air inside my lungs Ripping all the skin from off my bones I'm prepared to sacrifice my life I would gladly do it twice Consuming all the air inside my lungs Ripping all the skin from off my bones I'm prepared to sacrifice my life I would gladly do it twice Oh, please have mercy on me Take it easy on my heart Even though you don't mean to hurt me You keep tearing me apart Would you please have mercy on me? I'm a puppet on your string And even though you got good intentions I need you to set me free I'm begging you for mercy, mercy I'm begging you, begging you, please, baby I'm begging you for mercy, mercy Ooh, I'm begging you, I'm begging you, yeah
i can't believe he was 18 in this. my age now, even younger... literally can't comprehend it, he's always seemed so mature. 18 year olds don't be doing it like this these days 😭
Nefeli Galiatsatou Αστα να πάνε Νεφελη... Το είπε τέλεια! Χαχα ασχολουμαι με το τραγούδι και τη μουσική αλλα δεν νμζ να φτασω ποτέ στο επίπεδο του Shawn είναι αρκετά καλός #MENDESARMY
This is Shawn. This is him. When you know that it’s not lip syncing. When you feel the meaning being behind the melody. That’s Shawn Mendes. When the beautiful person, and voice are in touch with each other. That’s Shawn. That’s Shawn for the world. We need more of him!
his hums are magical
scarlettgeorgia yes!!!
scarlettgeorgia humhumhumhum
I think so haha xD
scarlettgeorgia lol I literally said that earlier
I was there and trust me this was amazing!!
Lifeofzahra You are so lucky!
Lifeofzahra I wish I was you! Can we just like go back in time and switch places?
I love you Shawn even thought I don't know what love really is you are a ★
I wish I was in your place
+fuzail irshad RITEEEE
It comes so naturally to him!!!! This is definitely his best live performance
i agree
yeah that's true
I love all his peformences are perfect like him 😍😍😍😍
Katelyn Thomas
Yes it is, but Treat you better was in the video of capital fm too amazing😁
The "almost growl" in his voice is perfection.
Kamille Marie Guillermo 2:49 your welcome
Yeah i absolutely love that distortion too
omg yes
i love it but hurts my vocal chords when i hear it oof- ik he's had lots more technique lessons now and sounds a lot healthier- don't want him to injure his voice!
I love that yesss
He said in a glamour interview that mercy was the best song for him to do live because it pulls so much extra emotion out of him. After seeing this... I 100% agree.
same, it's beautiful
Wow you really shock me every time to the point I really think I am falling in love with you
Emily Cortese so true
Have you seen him performing Roses in Glasgow?
@Emily Cortese Yeah he did say this also the music video is intense too he is singing with a lot of passion and emotion in this song
It seems like he gives so much when singing!! Just amazing !! I need to see him live !!
Melanie De La Cruz me tooooooooooo I want to go sooooo bad
That's the influence from James Arthur, his singing style is heavily influenced by James as of recent
just seems he sings with his heart.. I love it
Leh Tedeschi Like James Arthur, he sings the same as him, guts with his technique
He's even aid James is his biggest influence, then he drops an album using all his tricks
4 years later I’m still obsessed with this performance
Im leaving this comment at 69 likes, because its perfect as everything should be.
Im leaving this comment at 69 likes, because its perfect as everything should be.
Love your comment
Same, i can't stop watching it
I feel like this song is the type of song that needs to be sung live, you can actually hear the emotion in the song and gives it so much more meaning and life to it
Yessss! Basically, Mercy to Shawn is what All Too Well is to Taylor Swift! ❤️
If look at a video of him reacting to people covering his songs he says this song is the best to sing live cuz it pulls emotion out of him
The difference between mendes and unknown singers is that he sings with true emotion and passion which is something you simply can't replicate
I love it when artists puts emotion into their singing. It makes them feel real and that they're not just singing for the money. I literally felt like someone stabbed me in the chest hearing him sing. Gawd he's so good.
Angie Pham yeahh.. And even ed sheeran's singing does that
couldnt agree more
Shawn Mendes is like wine, Gets better with time
But alcohol makes u drunk. Shawn makes me whoozy
The word you’re looking for is ‘wine’
@@darrenspeed7365 ok senpai
yeah he makes me addicted exactly like alcohol
@@ursoshrexy7873 q
I feel like I'm listening to an angel singing
Eduardo Soares you are..❤️😍
moço, ce tem cara de br
Eduardo Soares yh me to
mas eu sou kkkkkkk
more than an angel...!!!!!
Am I the only person that gets the chills when I listen to him HUMMING?, like dang, TALENT RIGHT THERE.
Karina M. Duarte F. IK😋😋❤
i get goose bumps
Karina M. Duarte F. I get love in my heart
he goes crazy
Karina M. Duarte F. SAME HAPPENS TO MEEEE😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😍😘😘😘
You can feel all the emotions that he put in the song. He's really great at expressing emotions when he sings, he's really the best.
The stage belongs to him, we see his passion for music from his eyes.
He’s fantastic, I love him❤️
Ok muito lindo. As mudica. Ok. Bay bay
I love him too
I can’t even see his eyes. They’re closed for most of the performance
S de las dos primeras hojas de vida lo pasé a contestar este correo es para que te envié el día de mañana de
This is the most beautiful version of mercy.. will never be tired of this song..
He is so natural... That's the best in him. I can't find any other person who can sing with that passion, emotions... Unbelievable. That's why in my opinion he is the only one who can be called singer, idol.
Josh Groban, Charlie Puth, Ed Sheeran, and Bruno Mars come to mind....
No hate to Shawn but....One Direction
mrs leto how bout Sam Smith?
Enrique Iglesias 😍😍
@@amrapalichandra1727 one direction literally has NOTHING on Shawn hun back up
He's getting better day by day it's amazing!
so true
He is my hero
Amelia Hughes he is already better
Sean Goode HE IS MY HERO too.
this man is a fucking artist, he has a great voice and the way he performs makes you feel and believe every single word that he's singing
nobody can deny how good his voice is...that raspiness he has when he's singing is remarkable
03:07 his face is sooo red .... He was breathless at that moment but still managed to keep his voice and tone perfect . Thats what a true singer or idol is.😃
ive watched this more than 50 times and everytime it gets better
Me too😍😍😍😍
I mean what about watching it all day everyday?😂😍😍😍😍😍😍
Mee too....
That moment when ur live performance is better then ur studio one
@ed and shawn
True Shawn it was. ✔✔ⓕⓘⓡⓔ
new generation go Shawn Mendes ur the best 💕
NF is also better at live concerts
0% nudity, 0% foul language, 1% autotune (since people are saying every song has it) , just 100% talent
The way he starts backing up at 2:50 and holding his hand like that, you can see the pained expression on his face, maybe he was out of breath or trying to belt the lyrics better- but you can truly see the emotion of the song all over his face in that clip, you can see all the passion, and I love that. He truly is a very talented person
ah I know it's beautiful
His voice defines perfection.
he is better than Justin Bieber
I was here and it was magical
you is gay boy
gelu4in how dare you?that is none of your business and so what?NOTHING IS WRONG WITH GAY PEOPLE,THEY ARE NOT DIFFERENT!
Swaiba Faisal yep
Why do I get shivers when he does the humming bits of the song? The acoustic version of this is my favorite atm and I can't get enough, but when he hums, I literally get shivers. Am I the only one?
No way ur not alone
no, u r not 😂😂
He started from youtube and now he's here. I'm so so proud of him.
He actually started from Vine then he went to RUclips
Alicia Rose she got a fact wrong, that doesn't mean she's a fake fan. She just may not be as dedicated as others. You can still be a fan of something or someone without knowing every single detail about said thing or someone. She made a simple mistake. Don't be rude.
Alicia Rose dang I was just informing you, no need to get so defensive. 🙃
Alicia Rose my sincere apologies.
Rosie Lewis i know
This is one of the strongest performances I have ever watched
It's bass, beat, the way he sings, his body motion, everything is incredible
Personally I listen to all kind of live songs
And this one is one of them which I get speechless
you can just tell his singing that from the heart. His is truly talanted.
I must admit. This boy has mastered all of it. Looks, voice, and posture. Well done human.
He's come so far...who remembers him when he was on his vine days!!
yasssss I'm a true fan I was here when HandWritten was here, not HandWritten Revisited
Lucky KawaiiCat You know, just because you were early to the fandom doesn't make you a "true" fan, as you put it. It just means that some people discovered him late. All his fans love him the same, some (maybe who came late) love him even more than you do. So, please, stop saying things like 'true' fans because we all like the same thing.
Pɦaռɖօʍ! At Mʏ Cɦɛʍɨċaʟ Daʏ me, when I went to his concert he was still known as a vine star
Hey phandom
2021anyone? cant get tired of this performance!
So much talent in just one person
Sam Condes ;5)56).56$.56$56).(6$.(6$.56$;656$:6/6546/5):45):56):56$5:7$:57$:55/5(/45(/45)/)544/)54)/4)4/54//4)/4)54554/)/55/5)4/54/5)54/)4)545)445))54)4554)45)54)5)454))545)445)4)45455445454554)4)545))45454)54554)45)45)45)45)45)4545);5)545)54)45)56):5):45)5):5):45):45):45)4::54):54):45):45):45)4:5)4:)/54)5:5):55):65:)6)5:4)5:56
He definitely pours his heart and soul into every note... And his angelic voice. Omigod!!!!!
Shawn Mendes is a perfect role model for our generation, let's face it. Congrats to one of the greatest Canadians alive today. Like if you agree
*the greates
Lukevin99 tru
i am caniden
6 years after, im still obsessed 😩😫
Reminded of this song
Same 😩
This is one of the best performance he ever made
Se ha mostrado la ciudad y de los mismos y de los mismos de la ciudad en la vida lo pasé a contestar el presente
Like every other one
This song really brings out the richness of his voice. It is very rare that an artist sounds so good without anything other than piano. Just incredible and so young still. We are yet to see what he is capable of.
i just keep staring at his muscles 😻 zayuuum
reyy dallas 😍😍☺️😏😏😲😲
reyy dallas me too 😹😻
me toooo he is sooo sexyyy i wanna hug him
Yes! I remember when he was only the cute Shawn. Now is a sweet but HOT boy... Puberty:(((
Jamileth Lino ohh yes!!!!😍
He’s literally my favourite singer ever I love him so much! And this song will literally never get old!
2:36 I could literally feel it in his veins!!! Shawn has the best live performances 💜💜💜💜
We Love a talented and passionate king 👑💜
My soul has been cleansed THIS IS BEAUTIFUL
Otaku Neko I know he's my fav singer
I like turtles don't judge same here :)
Wow he sings his soul out !! Big fan of you ❤️
literally the best live performance i've ever seen shawn
he is absolute perfection in every sense of the word. his quirks ,his voice ,his body,his passion for music is the most beautiful and inspiring thing. this performance was incredible no doubt. and it made me cry to see how far he has come! I love you Shawn!!!!!
Yes 😍
Samantha manley
so true 😍😍😙😘😚
The lighting and setup is so beautiful
What does your comment have to do with the song??
StormRhexx 24 lol
Mmmm... No thank you.
the song and the lightening are so beautiful ..really i felt good ❤❤
can you belive he did that! what a king!
such a work of art.
+TinyGame Play NOO MINEEE
+ozge yalcinkaya guys chill hes mine
i'll never get tired of hearing this masterpiece
He is just........a perfection
Romdhani Khadija yaaaassss!!!😍😍😍😍
(also u right u right)
Romdhani Khadija
Jimin 😍
OMG Jimin
Romdhani Khadija I wish jk or jimin or V or jin could make a cover of Mercy 😍😍
I love how natural he is, he just stands there and sings. He is also so casual aswell like look at his clothes.He is amazing and I really want to go to one of his shows.
I hope you'll get concert tickets soon!
Thankyou! I hope I do too
@@KJ-ns3ew You sure will, I got some recently and I never thought I would! Good luck :)
Congrats! hopefully im as lucky :)
Potatoes For Life yeas , I mean , most of all singers are having only playback , wearing fancy + expensive clisthes , and have backgroundsingers , damn I love this boy so harddddss
His voice is enough to make someone in Australia in summer be cold with goosebumps for a week
The Howler wow
Even when it’s like 40 degrees in Darwin!
i'm freezing in victoria right now but shawn makes me 10x colder
2:36 my heart went:🥺🥺🥺💔❤
even the camera is shaking😍 defenition of perfect❤😍
Gosh the way he holds the microphone ...
Travis Sker I bet the mic stand is taller than me
Lové Alexander well he’s like 6’2
jealous of the microphone
I have my many fantasy whith Shawn too.
I wish I was I was the microphone
His voice is a gift. Love him!
Shawn Mendes is one of the best artist of this generation! This is a masterpiece!
This remains one of his very best performances yet. I cried the first time I watched this
ygkygvgggkhgbykvgkgkvvvvygvyv ab kqkv Bingkggggkvgggkvvvgyvvykvbkvkqkygg kkb kvkgkgjbyvgygkgbyggykgykgkg bu ggqyghjgkhkhkgggqggygkvvggqvvbyvg KFC kvy gin KFC kgqgygvv kkb kgg kkb gghvggyggybvkgg bu ghgybggqyghgbyhgyghkhggykg ayu vgvvk bi kgq KFC kgygvyqkggvkvvkyggbygggkgyyb gue ggggg wu ggggg nda hgggjgb ya nda bygg cih h boyo yg ya kgg KFC kgggggh6gkvbygykgbyggkvgggvbyvgvgvgggyyg nda gkbb ton khgghgqggkyhbggggkyqh ke muji byb ya ghgqgbghybybqgvgbyvg bu vb ya qgkqbykvkgvgybkvyvbykvvygg6vgykgbyvkykygvykyhyqkvgy ku kyywgyj ya ggyygggbgyhgggkhgkbgbybgygvkg KFC kyvyyqvgvkg ya Uka vbwbygqgbk ya bygbygg nda gqgg BMW jghgg ya yghggvhhghgygvgbyvkvgvykyvvg bikin gggkyqggqghqggggjg nda bygyq KFC kvqghggggggqgkhgvkggvbygkqgybkykgkybhgwkhjhb6gkygkgkqggkgvbkbbg ya vggbyb6gkykvvkyvgyykvgkyvkvbqykyb kkb kvgky bk ya kvyqybkgyqkyjggyy nda yhkhgggy nda hwgyybygkgqygyyghyyhhhkqgyg ya ggk nda yvkgbyvbkyyyb ya kbkgkgkbqy cih bkyykvqy KFC kybyykvgvkvkvqvbk toh gk ya byggvgg ya nda gkggggggkyggyqykqgk bin khkgbkygkyyygkvbky jin gbygqgykggvgkqggby ku ke ykb ya gv gkyykvvvqygy tgl g6vv KFC kyvvvggykqv nda byk ya gk ya ggvvyv gue jggkbkybby boyo gyh ya g BMW go gyvwyhygqbyyjgyvbyggyyb ku kgybkgyyvvbkyykgkhkqy kkb gue vkbbyykgkggvkvyhygq BMW yqkgk ngga byb ya qvvygy ke ybk ya vkj nda gbyvykgyvkyyvbykvy bi vk ya byv KFC kkb kbyovkbyvkbykgyvgkbybb nda ykgkg nda g nda kkb kgkygggy wu kkb q kkb kkb kyggyhqbk6vyvykbkyg nbybykykyykyyvbbyvyovv6yvyg KFC kq KFC kvgy kkb kkb kyqggb KFC kkb kvgyvqkgqybgvkykgkybvbykyggbyyghbykgkv cih kv nda ybbqggkb kkb bkybqky kkb kbgkybv bik b kkb ykbyqvkvkyqy6v ya vkvv KFC ygkyvkvbkykygkqgky ya vygvqkbkbyvqv kkb kvgqvgkggbyqbygy ya gbyybqykbygqgggvhy ku kbkyby nuh kkb y kkb kkb gkvgybkwky bi kbvvbjvyvvygyvykvgkybvq bi vgvkbbvkbyvvvyywyywkvvkby ya gyykbkbyykykyvvygkvkyy kkb kb KFC kkb kvykvkvygvkvk6ggky cih byg ya kybkgkyvjbqyqb ke kyqyky kkb kyvvk kkb y kkb kkb kyvw tua 6yvy ya byqqy KFC kbyvkyvkybyykyyyqb ya vjg ya kvjgvvgybkykgwy ya vqgvkyggkbybykbgkyby BMW gyyqbkkg ya qbyk nda b ya gokbvyyg ya gyvy nuh kqvq ya ybqbyykw kkb kkb kyvkvkybykyvkvgywyq go v ya vkyyy KFC kgqkyk ya yykvqyg KFC kkb kqvkv6ykyb nda ya kg kutub q KFC bkvkyyvkbvyk nda byvvkybyv ya kyvbyb ke ky ya bkyvyovvb ya vvyy tip byw ya g ya kykyykygkkb ya ykgyggbbk nda vkgkgqgvgkbyqbkyq itu ya kggvbgy BMW byk ya kyyykby nda bykbyqbykbyqb8 nda y ya wu k Bing bkyky ya vvkvyvkkvyvvkyvyyk ya byykvybyykqyvybyvkyk6qbykkyky tgl gygq KFC k6kg nuh qk ya vg ya ky ke kqybb ya vkvy bi yh kkb ykykyykyvkvy KFC kby6v ya kb6byyyqvkyyvykyybyq kkb vkyb ya ykgykyybyyby bung b6ykbyk bik q bu BMW bun ybbkbgk ya kqkkykkb kkb kyqykyk ya bybqvy nda v ya bbbkvbkvykyyyvbyykybvqkyyok cm kyyyqbkykvgyqgyk no ggyyggykbg ya kybgvkyybkgk6y ke bk batu yqvk6 ya kyyybyyyyvy ya y teh ykby kkb ykb jung kwyvkqyybykbyyk6k ya g ya kykgkyykbyyykyybky kkb kybbyky bi bbqkbyyy ku kygqykyykyvyykyvqkyy ya kyyykybybyykyyvkyv6yvyyyyyvoyy ya vyyyyykbyyyyok ya yygyykykkby gue ku ky ku ku bi gkyvyyyqb KFC kykyyyqyby ya yqqgkyqywqyyy eh ykvkyvkyybyqyykykyjbykyyqkvyv KFC kybyqyy ya by kkbkvyyoykqwyykyyyvkyyywyyyyyyyy ya ya qkyyw6 ya byy6 tip ybkggkyyghqkyyvyykyykbvqyby ya ybkbykbyykyg ya ya vyyybhkyvkygkyyyky6yvykvbyyywyy6ykyvwykgby6qv kkb ykyy no bykyykkvyqhk ya kbyybyy ya byjbybkyvqbyvkbyykgqykyy kkb kbyykvyyyy ya vyykv ya yyyvk6yy ya ykvvyyk6y6 ya yqyq tipe vkyy ya yqybkbyykygybkykykyqgyk ya ya nda gygybyvkqvkyykbkybqyyvkyby kkb kbqkyyyyyykyk ya yyyyybykyyykyk ya y tipe yyyqyyyy ya byk ya ya kyykyyqy ya yygygygjgyy ya qykkbqybyb tgl kyqy6yb KFC kyyy tip yy ya gin ya g ny nda ya ykg6y ku kvgqyy ya yyyyqyoyyvy tik yb6yvyyyyyykv6ykyyy om g ya yqbkyyqbywbkykykb tik bykbyky6ky ya kkb kyq lutut kv ya yyyqjykyb ku kykbyygyyyyyyyyvyyqy ya kvyyywyyyvkyyqbwyyyyyyyjkyyybqybykyyb ya yykoykyyyyby6y ya bykyybkyybyqkgkyby ya vykykywgykbyy KFC kyyyy6 ya ybykyvyyykvyyyyyyyqw6yqyy ya yqkyykv ya nda gyyqyyyykqyyyyq kkb ya bkyykyyqy ya yyy ya yyykyvk6yv rum ybk yaya ykqyyqbyqbyyyykq kkb ykyyy ya kgyqgjyhk ya ybykykyyqybyyyvkyqkyywyyyw6 tewas wyyvyy KFC kyvyy ya y6yy ya yyy ya yy ya yvyyyo ya yybkygwgyyyybkyoywykqykyykyyyqybkyqb ku kyyy top yyygwkgvyykbykbyqvy top kvyykyvqykyyvyykyyyyyyyyyb ku ywkyykbyyyqyyyb kkb bkyqyyyyybk ya yyyyb tip yby bu ykbyqyyyyyqyykybyokykwyykb ya ybyybyi wu bybyybyqgyykyqkyyyyyyyvyyybyy tipe 6ykyyyyyyyyyyyyyyoyywyq top kvyyyyyyyyyqyyyqbkyykqvyyyvkyyyyqyqvyvkyyykyyq ya kvkgygkkqy6yyykbbbyyg6yqy toh yyvbkyoyyky bkyyyyyyyybkyygy top yybkyyqyokyb top ykyyqykgbyy ya y ya yygkyjybykoybykqybgkykykyykbyoyq66yqyykyyy ion eh ygkyykoy ya y ya y ya y6yyyqyyy6ykyyyyyyykyvkyyqyyyyyyvyvykyvky ya ywygwykvywyyy6y topi ybyyby wu kbkyyky6ybyqyyyyyy ya qgy ya yy iya ybykyykbyyyqyykbyyyyyyyyyyy6yy6 ya ybyvyoyyy ya byyyyyykyykyvyvkyyqyyyyyyyyy tip yyvybbkyyywyyky PT vyy tipe kb ya yyqokyyyyywyyyyyywyyby ya yyyyqyybyyyyvykyk ya byyyyywyyyyyqyykwyykbyywyykyyyykyyyyyyqoykvyyyykbyyyyybyybqyyky kkb kqkyyyoywyvk tip bybkyyqyyy ya ybqyyybyyyyyybkbyyykyyqbykyyyyyqyyyyykbkyykykbyyyyyyyyybykyy 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This is the best live performance that I have ever seen 💗💗💗💗💗💗
The same here.......My God!!!!!!!!
damn his live performances is dope! vocals on point
Just thinking what'd be the moment if I would have been there live...!
Money: Humanity's Biggest Illusion -true 100%. Cause MONEY WAS NEVER REAL NOR HAD ANY VALUE. ruclips.net/video/MFO6OtnmEDo/видео.html
Invest in GOD and no man made money will you ever need. GOD shall provide, if you and i only trust and believe.
Luke 12:22 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. Matthew 6:25 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Matthew 6:31 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
“From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
Psalms 61:2 (KJV)
The more you get to know, the better for you. Christ is soon returned, RAPTURE is soon to take place.
i have also some playlists, if yet haven`t seen, all of them are filled with useful channels, study, learn as much as you can.
Hear the gospel, read and study THE BIBLE and search about FREEMASONRY.
Learn to do the WILL OF GOD:
My playlists are filled with useful and evil exposer channels. - take a tiny look and HUNGER FOR TRUTH.
2 Corinthians 13:8 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.
3 John 1:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.
2 Corinthians 7:14 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
For if I have boasted any thing to him of you, I am not ashamed; but as we spake all things to you in truth, even so our boasting, which I made before Titus, is found a truth.
Matthew 5:6 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
im over here cryinnn😂
He sings with so much passion... Love it... Best singer of my generation 😍😍
Lipika Bisht Of EVERY generation
Keypers Keys absolutely right
best singer ever 😍😍💕❤💕❤
Lipika Bisht best singer of THIS AND EVERY GENERATION 😍😍😍
He works hard for live performance.he needs to scream without missing the words .he is one them who doesnt need autotune
Rajendran T exactly
Miko Chan there’s actually no need to scream in a microphone sooo....
When the singer doesn't need autotune cause his voice its a bless:
fuck yes
Mahleesi _ agree yo7 guys should check out Selena Gomez voice she does need auto tune
Without a doubt this is the best live of this song, the voice was perfect, captaincy sound great, and various techniques perf
he's just as good live !!!!
Lanee Acosta better
Cu nesei a ovi a muzica otei
E gostei
Lanee Acosta vai se fuder
Lanee Acosta i
you aint showing us no mercy cos youre killing us with those vocalss dammmnnnn
wow just wow,this performance was AMAZING😍😍😱😨❤❤❤
so right😍😍😍😍😍
Lucija Pucko Não entendi nada q VC escreveu mas tem coração e tá no comentário da música de Shawn já curti
Naiany Fernanda ela escreveu "wow, apenas wow, essa perfomance foi incrível"
It’s 2022 and I am still freaking amazed with this song!
An artist that actually sounds the same, matter of fact ..BETTER live! This guy is life.
Missed out on JB?
FantazyVideos go fuck yourself jb don't care about his fans fucking spitting on them and shit
Lol go on with life, the one he spitted on probably wasnt a fcking fan anyway, just some annoying fuck
Snowy 683 nice tmz lies, go believe them some more
Antiyanna Hall zayn too
Wow, his voice is just so amazing and he's really cute!
It's official
I'm addicted
I mean seriously
It's called the mendes magic I'm stuck here too
This man is a legend. I went to his concert, and trust me, it was GREAT
I listen to this song so freaking much!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
one of the rare singers who dont need auto tune
he uses auto tune TUNES BEATS
Ariana too
In canada, mendes auto tunes you
Loved ur comment💕
Do you only listen to mainstream music?
why is this my favorite video rn? someone tell me why I can't stop watching this😍😭💔
bc shawn is everything DUHH
maha mendAAAmn yaas
Becuase he has so much emotion when he sings
Ashna Khetan it's mine too
When you hurd that, you can't stop listening it, That's contagious xD
Lyrics :
You've got a hold of me
Don't even know your power
I stand a hundred feet
But I fall when I'm around ya
Show me an open door
Then you go and slam it on me
I can't take anymore
I'm saying, baby
Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
I'd drive through the night
Just to be near you, baby
Heart open, testify
Tell me that I'm not crazy
I'm not asking for a lot
Just that you're honest with me
My pride is all I got
I'm saying, baby
Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy on me
I'm a puppet on your strings
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?
Consuming all the air inside my lungs
Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice
Consuming all the air inside my lungs
Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice
Oh, please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy on me?
I'm a puppet on your string
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free
I'm begging you for mercy, mercy
I'm begging you, begging you, please, baby
I'm begging you for mercy, mercy
Ooh, I'm begging you, I'm begging you, yeah
I love how he feels his music. It makes me cry
Damn, what an incredible performance. I just started listening to his music but I can see why everyone is so obsessed with him. He's very talented 👏
Jaz same, just started too, and I think this is the best I've heard him singing, and I'm 37, I have mad respect for this dude
Jaz same
i can't believe he was 18 in this. my age now, even younger... literally can't comprehend it, he's always seemed so mature. 18 year olds don't be doing it like this these days 😭
My dream...meeting Shawn!
Annanas Met twee n'en My dream...meeting my dad
Farabi Seiilbek not..he died😔
S de la misma y sólo podrá aportar sus conocimientos con respecto a las dos primeros y segundos de la vida y la vida lo pasé a retirar el cheque la
He sings like an Angel. He's perfect! Love the song so much :) :) :)
Oh my God! Look at his face.....he is The BEST!!! #MENDESARMY
Nefeli Galiatsatou Αστα να πάνε Νεφελη... Το είπε τέλεια! Χαχα ασχολουμαι με το τραγούδι και τη μουσική αλλα δεν νμζ να φτασω ποτέ στο επίπεδο του Shawn είναι αρκετά καλός #MENDESARMY
S de los dos primeros de septiembre y octubre de la misma y sólo podrá en cualquier lugar del
One of the most incredible talented artists of this generation. Beautiful souls sing like this.
best performance ever. who’s still watching in 2024
Im wathching in CORONA VIRUS time
He's SO FUCKING TALENTED, the fact that he is handsome is a plus. C'mon guys.
this is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my entire life...
IKR u are correct so much it is who says yes put a like then ; ) =)
Shawn is perfect on stage. Words can't express how perfect he is. He is driving me crazy...
My mom came upstairs because I was crying, and when she asked me what was wrong, I showed her the screen, and she rolled her eyes.
Ellie Loves Music sqjsj😍😍😍😍😍😍😍qxbsvjyf
Ellie Loves Music 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ellie Loves Music same😭😭
Sounds exactly like my mom 😂
Ellie Loves Music
honestly really like this version better than the original. a truly amazing performance.
2021 and this still rocks I love it. His voice is so beautiful and powerful.
when is live better than studio version.
only shawn mendes can do this.
P R O U D.
Hes one of those few singers that sound the same live as they do in the professional version.. You go Shawn👏👏
life_is_great there’s not a “few” lol a sizable percentage of artists sound like their album
his voice perfoming live is seriously killing me
all the people there didnt know how lucky they were to witness this outstanding performance
All i can say is.........DAYUUUUM ❤️😍😍
Jess Parra same
His legs tho...
Jess Parra what means dayum
He sure knows how to make me get the chills😍
This guy sing very pretty.
what do u expect?!?!! It's Shawn Mendes!!! Of course he's good umm no he's phenomenal!!!! 😚😚😚😚😙😙😙😙😙😙
¡really!i never heard a perfect voice but i found it is Shawn!:0
+if was l1 true man so true
This is Shawn. This is him. When you know that it’s not lip syncing. When you feel the meaning being behind the melody. That’s Shawn Mendes. When the beautiful person, and voice are in touch with each other. That’s Shawn. That’s Shawn for the world. We need more of him!
He doesn't know how to sing
I beg to differ