@Viktorija Paul because we already know who are! I was having coffee and a donut and my mind wandered into how different it tasted at the top of pikes peak lol
@Viktorija Paul it's not you, it's them. You're already awesome and most simpletons have a problem with that :D even if they don't show it in the beginning . You'll be fine, just do what you like and you'll attract what you like :P
@@waynesworld2534 Tried watching his vids, but could never understand the appeal. But that doesn't surprise me much as my tastes often differ from the majority
to my fellow ISTPs, this one’s for you. 1:30 - Cognitive Functions of ISTP / Dominant Function (Ti) 6:35 - Auxiliary Function (Se) 13:15 - Tertiary function (Ni) 19:35 - Inferior Function (Fe) but thanks man for trying to articulate the cognitive process of ISTPs. rly appreciate it and impressed since it's explained well by a non-ISTP (thought it's a bit too rambly for my taste). I do think that the thought process of ISTPs are under/misrepresented, largely bec i think ISTPs just couldn’t be bothered to explain how our minds work. and from my observation, majority of the content about MBTI are created by NxJs or NxPs. so kudos! would prolly check out your other vids some other time.
ISTP: *listens to 3 minutes of the video* ISTP: This guy needs to get to the point already ISTP: *listens to another 2 minutes* ISTP: *gets bored and finds another video*
As an ISTP I have found it interesting how my mind fits pieces of information together. Sometimes I just know things that other people don't know because of how I analyze the different pieces of information in my mind. Usually how it works is I have information stored in my mind that I already know or have already observed, then I receive some new information and that new information placed with the old information and gives me the final piece of important information that makes everything come together in my mind. One slightly morbid example is that I knew that a co-worker of mine had been killed in a car crash when he didn't show up for work. I had seen on the news that morning that a car similar to the one he drove was in a fatal car crash, I also knew he lived on the side of town the crash happened. It didn't occur to me that it was him at the time I saw the news segment but as soon as he didn't show up my brain put all of the pieces of information together in my mind and I knew that he was the one killed in that crash. My co-workers were telling me not to jump to conclusions but I just knew it was him and sadly I turned out to be correct.
Elizabeth P man that’s really sad about what happened to your coworker I’m sorry about that But yeah you couldn’t have explained more perfectly what my brain does. I’ve noticed that I’ve always been a “good guesser” I suppose you could say and I’ve always been good at correctly jumping to conclusions like that just based off little bits of information I knew and seeing a way for them all to logically be connected
That’s so sad but I get it. I try explaining to people that my brains like a filing cabinet storing info till I need it and my decision making procedure is a flow chart. They don’t get it. They just think a guess things or have esp. I’m like “no, how could you all not see it coming?”
I'm an ISTP female, long videos are hard to get through yes, but I appreciate the information. I relate to everything you've said. Unfortunately for me everyone in my life its extroverted so now I'm trying to learn how to stop coming off so cold, stoic, aloof, disinterested (as they've described it) to them. This helps. Thank you.
@@GeekPsychology But it's we, who decide which talents we develop and in what way :-) Btw - will you agree with me, that MBTI type of a person can change with time, the same way the environment we live in shapes who we are?
Yes, I listened to this video while playing a game online. I'm a female ISTP, and I get very bored, very quickly so I usually like to be doing a couple of different things at one time. It helps me focus so I can pay attention to what I'm doing without zoning out. It keeps the squirrely part of my brain distracted with useful things.
Extremely helpful! I was aware I an an ISTP, and I was aware I had these problems, specially being over emotional over petty things because I made it to be something way bigger in my head, but I never thought the two were connected. Thank you for the tips you shared too, very practical!
I love being around ISTPs! They know how to make me feel better with their extroverted feeling! They like being around me because I ask them about what they think with my extroverted thinking which they like! (INFP)
I'm an ISTP female. I actually watched the whole vid. (I will admit it was difficult to watch without pressing pause because I kept wanting to get into my own thoughts to analyze every other sentence you said.) It was a ranty vid but I did enjoy it as much as anyone with my personality type can enjoy it. I don't know if I'm the only ISTP out there like this but being around people can be exhausting. Especially with things like social ettiquite where I can easily offend an entire room with one blunt comment or inappropriate joke. I have a few "close" friends and out of those there are fewer that I trust fully. I'm lucky to see them maybe once a week or once a month. Socialising and friendship are WAY out of my comfort zone. (But I still play social games (pokemon go and I frequent the local arcade) just for the chance of human contact because I know its healthy for me as a person. This May be a new one for you but I find claw machines/ ufo catchers/ crane games to be an ideal stress relief and a challenge. Especially rigged machines. Beating those is awesome and figuring out how to win is more satisfactory than a rubix cube. But that is jus me. 😁 Thank you for the vid. It made me consider a lot about how to improve myself.
This is amazing! For a long time I thought I was an ESTP because of the extroverted sensing characteristic, but now I realise that I’m a ISTP who just spends a lot of time in ES land. My real struggle is coming back to introverted thinking so that I can process everything that I’m going through and doing... when I’m overloaded and tired it’s easier to go into intuition mode instead, but as you said that mode is more of a weakness for ISTPs because it creates a feedback loop. Instead, I just need to make sure that I get enough think time to consciously process life so that I can really enjoy my ES time. Have to curb the fear of missing out... Thank you for talking the time to make this! It helped me catch up on some overdue think time :)
For sure. I'm not sure about hippie though... I guess it depends on what makes one a hippie. Going against the norm in a peaceful way? Sounds about right lol
@@GeekPsychology yeah not sure what I meant by that. But you seem like a really cool nice guy. Someone who could just sit and chill and talk about the meaning of life and the universe for hours. Someone who would be nice to anyone you meet. Maybe who rides a Harley and lives in Hawaii ir something. I could see you workin at a surf shop. Idk. Just sayin you seem pretty cool that's all. Really peaceful and calm.
This was an incredibly insightful and helpful video! I really needed that breakdown of leaning on my extroverted sensing more and less on the introverted thinking. In these quaremtimes, the mind does not want to quit. I felt validated by this! And a lil less alone and crazy 😂 thank you!!
You're very welcome! I have another ISTP video coming out soon featuring Hawkeye and Black Widow from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on that one, too :)
Hey. Watching this video is kinda hard for me to understand. But its interesting. I've been feeling down lately and well I remembered that I was marked for this on my personality test. It been on a back burner for me to understand this. Ty for the video if you find this now on a year old video
Infj here. Love my istp friend. Simplistic, fun, out going but also raised with issues of introverted from childhood trauma. Also a Capricorn which makes it even more out going. Doesn't stress my need to want to just chill one on one, includes me in his outings, listens to me and brings my feelings to lame understanding. Can judge me, or my words an distribes my feelings simplistically when I feel overwhelmed, uneasy, or second guess my judging of a person, or something done to me.
They expect you to be dumb (by this I mean we have a very logical mind that can keep up with a lot of their arguments) and when you don't they are upset. Especially men tbh.
I took the Myers-Briggs in college... in 2010. I was rated as ISTP. However, my life has changed for the better. Should I take it again, considering the fact that external changes can alter your rating? Or not? There I go again...being over-analytical..
Lol I got ISTP like 8 years ago and I took it again and can’t get anything but ISTP 😎 if you’re into the “four tendencies” (questioner, rebel, upholder, obliger) that’s cool too. I wonder if there’s a correlation between the two things. My tendency is questioning.
.... yeh and what about when you’re depressed and don’t have the energy to do anything... basically where I’m stuck atm... also as stated below is a little slow going though I’ll get back to it later as background but nice going so far.
I observe in istps that by supressing dealing with their emotions - they become unable to control them when these emotions surface and so they act very impulsively. Bouncing of the walls sometimes even. And then they try to rationalize it. 🤣
Hello! I just figured out or interpreted as an ISTP by my school test....since before that i was interpreted as INTP by a wedsite? Can you explain me why that so? Also you are really catchy....i first saw your vid last last days... But i just now decided to watch your video.... And figured out that you are a good explainer ......also i dont know why but your face is quite distracting ☺️ it kept me look at your face instead of analyzing what you say......hahahah NEW SUB HERE.
Ugh, i hate this...I thought I was a infp...i figured out I'm and istp...My personality sounds so careless...and it honestly kinda sounds like me, and i hate it :/ also, my sister, mom or dad are the complete opposite of this...they take responsibility super hard, love following rules, all are super sensative and too nice that i need to be harsh so they know it's a cruel world out there sometimes, but i also wanna be nice, i can be nice...😢😢😢 i don't wanna be a ispt....🙏🙏🙏🙏please Lord. noooooooooo!! I can totally fix this!! And also, why is this guy taking so freakin long getting to the point, just say it my guy!! Ugh i just wanna sleep...🤔🤨
Out there . Baby .I need so bad to walk every day . Can't stay in . Have to have an adventure . I like to drink . Drink pretty hard . But I am a woman . I very much am musically attuned. So , am I not an INFP??
Okay...okay....okay... Okay super intense philosophical Joe Jonas, okay... I'm sorry, i just thought i was a much better personality, this one kinda sucks...🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ no offense....😢😂 can i change? I wanna change....a lot...like i don't like this :/
man I wish he would get to the point faster..... he's smart but damn..... at least he's good looking. okay so never mind I've just been not paying attention
Orson wells. Cigars . Though not these days . Whisky?? Lady's silk stockings ????? Just thinking what your voice would be great at advertising. 😋🍫🍷🧘♀️🧘♂️💍💎You could sell it all darling !!!!!!!
ISTP: *clicks on video, sees its 27 minutes long*
*ISTP has left*
Ha! Too true, I was fast forwarding for more dramatic expressions when I heard about a minute in he was a feeler.
@Viktorija Paul because we already know who are! I was having coffee and a donut and my mind wandered into how different it tasted at the top of pikes peak lol
@Viktorija Paul I'm one that doesn't like pewds. Every once in a while I watch one of his vids and I just don't see how he is funny.
@Viktorija Paul it's not you, it's them. You're already awesome and most simpletons have a problem with that :D even if they don't show it in the beginning .
You'll be fine, just do what you like and you'll attract what you like :P
@@waynesworld2534 Tried watching his vids, but could never understand the appeal. But that doesn't surprise me much as my tastes often differ from the majority
to my fellow ISTPs, this one’s for you.
1:30 - Cognitive Functions of ISTP / Dominant Function (Ti)
6:35 - Auxiliary Function (Se)
13:15 - Tertiary function (Ni)
19:35 - Inferior Function (Fe)
but thanks man for trying to articulate the cognitive process of ISTPs. rly appreciate it and impressed since it's explained well by a non-ISTP (thought it's a bit too rambly for my taste). I do think that the thought process of ISTPs are under/misrepresented, largely bec i think ISTPs just couldn’t be bothered to explain how our minds work. and from my observation, majority of the content about MBTI are created by NxJs or NxPs. so kudos! would prolly check out your other vids some other time.
ISTP: *listens to 3 minutes of the video*
ISTP: This guy needs to get to the point already
ISTP: *listens to another 2 minutes*
ISTP: *gets bored and finds another video*
speeded up also
yup cya
Hahaha that confirms my ISTP results are true
Spot on. You get it dude. Really weird being a female istp.
Cat Kayak same here
Ooohhh...female ISTPs are so sexy...and mysterious.
Sorry, I'm not PC, but....
As an ISTP I have found it interesting how my mind fits pieces of information together. Sometimes I just know things that other people don't know because of how I analyze the different pieces of information in my mind. Usually how it works is I have information stored in my mind that I already know or have already observed, then I receive some new information and that new information placed with the old information and gives me the final piece of important information that makes everything come together in my mind.
One slightly morbid example is that I knew that a co-worker of mine had been killed in a car crash when he didn't show up for work. I had seen on the news that morning that a car similar to the one he drove was in a fatal car crash, I also knew he lived on the side of town the crash happened. It didn't occur to me that it was him at the time I saw the news segment but as soon as he didn't show up my brain put all of the pieces of information together in my mind and I knew that he was the one killed in that crash. My co-workers were telling me not to jump to conclusions but I just knew it was him and sadly I turned out to be correct.
Elizabeth P man that’s really sad about what happened to your coworker I’m sorry about that
But yeah you couldn’t have explained more perfectly what my brain does. I’ve noticed that I’ve always been a “good guesser” I suppose you could say and I’ve always been good at correctly jumping to conclusions like that just based off little bits of information I knew and seeing a way for them all to logically be connected
That’s so sad but I get it. I try explaining to people that my brains like a filing cabinet storing info till I need it and my decision making procedure is a flow chart. They don’t get it. They just think a guess things or have esp. I’m like “no, how could you all not see it coming?”
I'm an ISTP female, long videos are hard to get through yes, but I appreciate the information. I relate to everything you've said. Unfortunately for me everyone in my life its extroverted so now I'm trying to learn how to stop coming off so cold, stoic, aloof, disinterested (as they've described it) to them. This helps. Thank you.
Don't get me wrong, but you make an excellent background noise. You probably know by now, how a great radio speaker you are.
lol. I’m starting to accept that people enjoy my voice. Or my drone. Or whatever it is lol
@@GeekPsychology But it's we, who decide which talents we develop and in what way :-)
Btw - will you agree with me, that MBTI type of a person can change with time, the same way the environment we live in shapes who we are?
Yes, I listened to this video while playing a game online. I'm a female ISTP, and I get very bored, very quickly so I usually like to be doing a couple of different things at one time. It helps me focus so I can pay attention to what I'm doing without zoning out. It keeps the squirrely part of my brain distracted with useful things.
Just figure out I’m an ISTP. I’ve watched about 20 videos and have looked at so many charts. This has by far been the most enlightening. Great video👏
D’aw. Thanks! Happy to help where I can.
Extremely helpful! I was aware I an an ISTP, and I was aware I had these problems, specially being over emotional over petty things because I made it to be something way bigger in my head, but I never thought the two were connected.
Thank you for the tips you shared too, very practical!
I love being around ISTPs! They know how to make me feel better with their extroverted feeling! They like being around me because I ask them about what they think with my extroverted thinking which they like! (INFP)
I'm an ISTP female.
I actually watched the whole vid. (I will admit it was difficult to watch without pressing pause because I kept wanting to get into my own thoughts to analyze every other sentence you said.)
It was a ranty vid but I did enjoy it as much as anyone with my personality type can enjoy it.
I don't know if I'm the only ISTP out there like this but being around people can be exhausting. Especially with things like social ettiquite where I can easily offend an entire room with one blunt comment or inappropriate joke.
I have a few "close" friends and out of those there are fewer that I trust fully. I'm lucky to see them maybe once a week or once a month. Socialising and friendship are WAY out of my comfort zone. (But I still play social games (pokemon go and I frequent the local arcade) just for the chance of human contact because I know its healthy for me as a person.
This May be a new one for you but I find claw machines/ ufo catchers/ crane games to be an ideal stress relief and a challenge. Especially rigged machines. Beating those is awesome and figuring out how to win is more satisfactory than a rubix cube. But that is jus me. 😁
Thank you for the vid. It made me consider a lot about how to improve myself.
beating rigged games is one of my favorites too. maybe Istp just search for hard challenges. I also play video games only on super hard difficulty.
Gol D. Roger same all my friends hate it online but I actively try to do the hardest difficulty to overcome the challenges.
As an INFP I fully understand your way of explaining things.
I tend to change the playback speed in most videos but your voice sounded soothing and calm I actually watched the whole video :p
To all my ISTPs quitting the video early, learn two things: (1) patience with listening (2) 2x speed
Everything he has said relates a lot to me, it’s like he is in my mind and knows what I am thinking
I am.
I think I just found the best channel out there
This is amazing! For a long time I thought I was an ESTP because of the extroverted sensing characteristic, but now I realise that I’m a ISTP who just spends a lot of time in ES land. My real struggle is coming back to introverted thinking so that I can process everything that I’m going through and doing... when I’m overloaded and tired it’s easier to go into intuition mode instead, but as you said that mode is more of a weakness for ISTPs because it creates a feedback loop. Instead, I just need to make sure that I get enough think time to consciously process life so that I can really enjoy my ES time. Have to curb the fear of missing out...
Thank you for talking the time to make this! It helped me catch up on some overdue think time :)
The mood I get from your video and you is so zen. You seem so in tune w your emotions. Almost hippie?
For sure. I'm not sure about hippie though... I guess it depends on what makes one a hippie. Going against the norm in a peaceful way? Sounds about right lol
@@GeekPsychology yeah not sure what I meant by that. But you seem like a really cool nice guy. Someone who could just sit and chill and talk about the meaning of life and the universe for hours. Someone who would be nice to anyone you meet. Maybe who rides a Harley and lives in Hawaii ir something. I could see you workin at a surf shop. Idk. Just sayin you seem pretty cool that's all. Really peaceful and calm.
ISTP: sees this video is more than 2 mins long
ISTP: playback speed --> 3
As an istp idc but I like his voice
This was an incredibly insightful and helpful video! I really needed that breakdown of leaning on my extroverted sensing more and less on the introverted thinking. In these quaremtimes, the mind does not want to quit. I felt validated by this! And a lil less alone and crazy 😂 thank you!!
You're very welcome!
I have another ISTP video coming out soon featuring Hawkeye and Black Widow from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on that one, too :)
ISTP. 🙋♀️ 👩💻👩🔧 Great video.
Thanks for explaining types well in your videos! Idk if you have already made a video on it but I’d love to see “isfp explained” some day✨
Oh you have nvm!
Yeah. I’ve done explanations for all types, but not quite in this format.
Great insights brother. Keep it up
Thank you. Happy it was helpful.
Hey. Watching this video is kinda hard for me to understand. But its interesting. I've been feeling down lately and well I remembered that I was marked for this on my personality test. It been on a back burner for me to understand this. Ty for the video if you find this now on a year old video
Thanks bro. You put all the pieces to their places.
w00t. I’m happy to know I’ve accurately got a small peek into the world of ISTP :)
Yeah, it was really good. Btw what is your peronsality type? it is the first video I've seen so far, so don't know your type.
That's a very ISTP compliment
@@operationblackbishop4785 btw he said at the start of the video that he was Infp
@@SpikeLawliet thx, I wasn't really focused at first. Never met infp male.
Infj here. Love my istp friend. Simplistic, fun, out going but also raised with issues of introverted from childhood trauma. Also a Capricorn which makes it even more out going. Doesn't stress my need to want to just chill one on one, includes me in his outings, listens to me and brings my feelings to lame understanding. Can judge me, or my words an distribes my feelings simplistically when I feel overwhelmed, uneasy, or second guess my judging of a person, or something done to me.
Previous test i took, i was an INFP. Took a new test and i got ISTP. 😄😄
I'm an INTP typically I'd never watch videos about other types besides mine but goddamn your looks lured me in and your voice made me stay
That was amazing! Thank youuuuu! 🙏
As an istp a lot of this makes sense.
Love your videos! Have you ever narrated books?
Thanks. Nah. The closest thing is hypnosis tracks.
Yes. Yes. Yes. You gave me goosebumps hearing you talk about me 😂🙃
Awesome video
Thanks! I wasn’t going to release it because it felt too rambly. I’m glad it was helpful.
Not not complain too much LMAO but I think being an istp female is hard af. I found very few people who get me.
They expect you to be dumb (by this I mean we have a very logical mind that can keep up with a lot of their arguments) and when you don't they are upset. Especially men tbh.
Me: Sees that the video is over 20 minutes long, the guy needs to the point.
Also me: Sets the video to x1.75 speed to make it beareble
Fo sho.
The way I approach life is only three outcomes, negetive, positive, and nul point (nothing happen/ something unexpected )
I took the Myers-Briggs in college... in 2010. I was rated as ISTP.
However, my life has changed for the better.
Should I take it again, considering the fact that external changes can alter your rating? Or not?
There I go again...being over-analytical..
Lol I got ISTP like 8 years ago and I took it again and can’t get anything but ISTP 😎 if you’re into the “four tendencies” (questioner, rebel, upholder, obliger) that’s cool too. I wonder if there’s a correlation between the two things. My tendency is questioning.
.... yeh and what about when you’re depressed and don’t have the energy to do anything... basically where I’m stuck atm... also as stated below is a little slow going though I’ll get back to it later as background but nice going so far.
very helpful
Thank you!!!
Thank you :)
I observe in istps that by supressing dealing with their emotions - they become unable to control them when these emotions surface and so they act very impulsively. Bouncing of the walls sometimes even. And then they try to rationalize it. 🤣
This is what I do . I am intuitive . But I like to get o it there .
Anyone else think that him and Brendon Urie could pass as brothers side by side? 😅
What is good for istp..?
Carpenter or woodwoker...??
Always enjoyable videos. :) Do you do skype, or any individual talking? I am more than happy to pay for it.
I fancy you like mad !!
Its too late, already explode 💥🔥
nice hair
I've just gone boss eyed . Fuck . What the hell . ?????? BREATH . BREATH . No, it's okay . I have regained control .
he reminds me of joe jonas
Unless someone is dangerously intense ..I don't really fancy them .
Hello! I just figured out or interpreted as an ISTP by my school test....since before that i was interpreted as INTP by a wedsite? Can you explain me why that so?
Also you are really catchy....i first saw your vid last last days... But i just now decided to watch your video.... And figured out that you are a good explainer ......also i dont know why but your face is quite distracting ☺️ it kept me look at your face instead of analyzing what you say......hahahah
When you take tests by yourself you will very likely have personal bias working against the truth. This is why people mistype themselves so often
Do u meant website or weedsite ;D sry I couldn't resist 😅
Ugh, i hate this...I thought I was a infp...i figured out I'm and istp...My personality sounds so careless...and it honestly kinda sounds like me, and i hate it :/ also, my sister, mom or dad are the complete opposite of this...they take responsibility super hard, love following rules, all are super sensative and too nice that i need to be harsh so they know it's a cruel world out there sometimes, but i also wanna be nice, i can be nice...😢😢😢 i don't wanna be a ispt....🙏🙏🙏🙏please Lord. noooooooooo!! I can totally fix this!! And also, why is this guy taking so freakin long getting to the point, just say it my guy!! Ugh i just wanna sleep...🤔🤨
You remind me , just a teeny tiny weeny bit ... of Charles Manson. Just a teeny bit . Now , I always fancied him . No , not good , but true .
Out there . Baby .I need so bad to walk every day . Can't stay in . Have to have an adventure . I like to drink . Drink pretty hard . But I am a woman . I very much am musically attuned. So , am I not an INFP??
Your face is kinda distracting bwahaha lol
Anyways, nice video. 👍
It's a joke LOL
I enjoyed the video and subbed too. Hopefully to see more content about ISTPs 😊
Ikr. Hes too handsome ugh
Edit: imma hide your face in the background so I could concentrate to what youre saying
@@hardlybreathe93 that's what i was saying LOL
@Hey finch! By far my favorite youtuber LOL
Okay...okay....okay... Okay super intense philosophical Joe Jonas, okay... I'm sorry, i just thought i was a much better personality, this one kinda sucks...🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ no offense....😢😂 can i change? I wanna change....a lot...like i don't like this :/
OMG You are gorgeous .😍😉
It's weirder for me as a transwoman ISTP. All these make sense, though.
Hang in there, Sister. I'm hetro, but I support your rights to flourish and prosper.
I am laughing like a drain . Why ?? Because I sound so bonkers!
man I wish he would get to the point faster..... he's smart but damn..... at least he's good looking.
okay so never mind I've just been not paying attention
Lol I’ve seen so many comments like this. That’s what you get when an NF makes a video intended for ISTP’s lol
You're not organized enough for an ISTP like me. Lol. Oh wait... did I make an innapropriate, offensive, off-timed joke? Oops I did it again.
At the end you are encouraging ISTPs to be more INFP.
I am your generic ISTP-T
You are not getting to your point quick enough....too wishy washy....couldn’t watch more than 4 minutes. 😐
You look like V
like... from the TV show V? She's hot, I'll take that. lol
@@GeekPsychology haha no , V from devil may cry 5 , your hair and the face , but not the details.
@@MetalGearIV he has same voice kinda
@@AB-ro3fu ya some how :D
Orson wells. Cigars . Though not these days . Whisky?? Lady's silk stockings ????? Just thinking what your voice would be great at advertising. 😋🍫🍷🧘♀️🧘♂️💍💎You could sell it all darling !!!!!!!
100% man ISTP Male
Is the percentage of women ISTPs that low? It would explain a lot 🤔
*first comment
Ok first off, before I watch this video: I’m sorry but you look a *lot* like Joe Jonas
to long
I know you are married. It's okay . I am just flirting with you . Shame on me .🍉👍🤣