Has Wargaming gone too far? CV nerfs tested with Z52 and Minotaur in World of Warships Wows Blitz

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • There was nothing more annoying for dds and cruisers than those pesky dive bombers keeping you spotted without being able to do much... but has Wargaming gone too far in reducing their ability to spot in update 7.2?
    Let's see with FDR, Z52, Minotaur, and gameplays with Manfred Von Ricthofen & Jaeger.
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Комментарии • 62

  • @deathfromabove432
    @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад +13

    Hey, another cv vid generating a lot of enthusiasm! Keep posting hateful comments, they’re good for the algorithm and promote the vid even more! I will simply remove the ones that are too offensive and prevent their owners from posting any further comments on the channel - yep, I can do that 😊

    • @sebson5821
      @sebson5821 3 месяца назад

      uum, you hearted your own comment?🧐

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад


    • @admiral_HiHi
      @admiral_HiHi 3 месяца назад +1

      @@sebson5821 why not? 😂

    • @romaint5608
      @romaint5608 3 месяца назад

      That's good. Internet, RUclips, need more of moderation. So many people write without any respect.
      Je dis souvent qu'Internet était une des plus grandes évolutions, mais malheureusement, cela devient une régression. Bien entendu, c'est pour une partie et non la majorité des gens, mais les personnes avec une agressivité virtuelle, qui propagent de fausses info deviennent de plus en plus visible et cela devient pénible. Pour rester sur le domaine du jeu, il serait d'ailleurs judicieux que Wargaming mette en place des modérateurs sur le tchat du jeu (en espérant qu'il n'ait jamais l'idée de mettre un tchat ouvert en bataille...).

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      @romaint5608 hello Romain 👋
      Ici c’est cool, le plus de commentaires, likes etc.. le plus d’attention pour la vidéo! Je retire juste les commentaires insultants, c’est ok, y’en a pas trop.. pour le jeu, pas de modération mais nous signalons les messages insultants pour action auprès de l’équipe WG, qui contacte gentiment les auteurs si ca arrive un peu trop souvent..

  • @BlackUKCRF
    @BlackUKCRF 3 месяца назад +10

    Thank you DFA for the explanation - see CV still much too powerful - if you play a DD or CL with no smoke and strong air defense your are dead after spotting. So Wargaming should nerf the CV‘s much more or give all ships equivalent air defense. CV spoil the fun in the game.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      Hey there 👋 I think everyone agrees they are too powerful, especially at mid tiers. At the higher tiers, with the profusion of AA ships, if you get deleted by a cv it means you’ve done something wrong. Tier 6 is where the balance is about right imo.

  • @TheSoulfire73
    @TheSoulfire73 3 месяца назад +3

    The first thing if planes are getting shot down by a ship they can’t spot. I agree that if planes are getting shot down, then the ship should be detected. But…. Surface ships should have the ability to turn off AA if that mechanism comes into play.
    We are never going to truly “balance” CV’s. The very nature of CV’s automatically make them the strongest class in the game.
    The only other “nerf” that I would like to see in CV’s would be a Dive Bomber aiming mechanic introduced. The click and forget aiming we have now allows for no meaningful counter play. I understand that it would make the class tougher to play but I feel it’s a necessary thing to introduce. Players can dodge torp drops somewhat by maneuvering or smoke, only fair that we have the chance to dodge the dive bomber drops.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад +1

      Hey soulfire, how's it going - I believe we can balance cvs properly, reducing the damage output at the higher tiers. The question is if it will also apply to premiums..
      Tier 6 is my benchmark for CV balance. You really have to work hard to get MVPs with Weser & others (at least I have to :).
      For the DBs, the best counter is to stick with teammates. Surprisingly, I rarely get deleted by CVs... unless I do something stupid. As a cv player, I know how attractive isolated targets are...

    • @TheSoulfire73
      @TheSoulfire73 3 месяца назад +1

      @@deathfromabove432 I don’t think any we have to change any damage output.
      I almost exclusively play regular surface ships, BB’s mainly. I can dodge DD torps, main gun shells, Dutch air strikes and occasionally CV torp drops. I can’t dodge dive bombers. That’s the only thing I ask for with CV balance. Have an aiming mechanic for Dive Bombers so we have some chance to dodge. Ships with smoke could actually use it to aid in dodging bomb drops. CV’s are the only class in the game that have an almost automatic way to get damage with no skill involved. Just click and forget, no ability to really evade the DB drop.

  • @randolphvanhook5829
    @randolphvanhook5829 3 месяца назад +1

    I’m rather enjoying the update/nerf. CV’s are still very powerful, it just raises the skill threshold for the CV players. I’m definitely seeing more variety of ships, especially DD’s now, and that’s a bit of fresh air.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      Oh I don’t anyone is arguing about this, I play a lot of dds myself but invisible AA is taking it too far.

  • @kardy12
    @kardy12 3 месяца назад +5

    I think it’s definitely healthy - it makes blatantly OP ships for their tier like Kaga and Loewenhardt less OP as they can no longer spot as effectively, while most tech tree ships have at least one fighter squadron that gives them a choice - either spot for the team, or defend the team against the opposing CV.
    It doesn’t change the fact that CVs can still focus down most ships without them having a chance to defend themselves, but at least it reduces the spotting advantage that was an added layer of OP-ness that basically nerfed the ability of most ships that rely on stealth in any game with a CV (and now hybrid BB) in it.
    Also, in the old system you basically got spotted the instant your AA started firing and there was no ability to disable AA like there is in WoWs PC to stop you from being detected so easily. Since there is no such ability in WoWs blitz, at least this way you don’t get instantly spotted by bombers the second AA starts firing. Maybe a more “realistic” system would be to have a “disable AA” button and have plans spot a ship that fires on it, but since there is no such button this is kind of a compromise.
    Good CV players will still be very effective, they just have to be more careful with their squadrons.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      Fair point for Kaga and (to a lesser extent) Loewenhardt. Those really need to be toned down…. But since they’re premiums we know it’s not happening anytime soon.

  • @Evilship994
    @Evilship994 3 месяца назад +2

    Very well explained buddy
    I think now game is more playable 😅😅

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад +1

      Hey thank you very much 👋 yeah it’s about right now, just need to sort that invisible AA thing and we’ll be fine.

    • @Evilship994
      @Evilship994 3 месяца назад

      @@deathfromabove432 yah its required to spot who shoot down your planes atleast

  • @artemartem4285
    @artemartem4285 3 месяца назад +2

    cv's must be nerfed more, and the best idea - kick cv's off the game.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      YT’s algorithm thanks you for your message, making the vid more popular!

  • @a_balloon
    @a_balloon 3 месяца назад

    This update was a blessing

  • @gt2706
    @gt2706 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks DFA…I agree with your point on planes being shot at by undetected ships. With AA being automatic, what do you think about making AA user operated so that a ship can remain undetected by ‘choosing’ not to open up with AA?

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      Would be great but unlikely to happen anytime soon. A few players are already complaining about the new burst fire button... imagine another one. This game will start looking like an old phone :)

  • @romaint5608
    @romaint5608 3 месяца назад +1

    Salut DFA,
    Après la mise à jour du jeu, je dois dire que ma 1ere action a été de sortir mes 2 Graff Zeppelin et de voir ça en batailles...contre les bots 😂
    Alors effectivement, les cercles de détection autour des escadrons...bon c'est visuel, c'est sûr, mais c'est peut être trop visuel. 😂
    Le changement de mécanique est sympa et c'est effectivement bizarre de plus redouter les chasseurs qui arrivent que les bombardiers et torpilleurs. 😂
    Du coup, on peut, peut-être, espérer que certains joueurs de PA vont plus utiliser leurs chasseurs...même si j'en doute. Comme tu l'as notifié, bon point pour les PA avec 2 escadrons de chasseurs.
    Le point que tu as remonté sur les bateaux non détectés, alors que sa DCA abat des avions est magnifique. Je n'avais pas encore fait attention à ça.
    Petite question technique. Sur le PA T8 allemand, tu utilises quoi comme bonus d'élites et équipement 1 (chasseur ?). Pour le 2 et le 3, je pense que je prendrai AA petit calibre et dissimulation.
    J'ai enfin commencé à jouer le T6, 2 ans que je l'avais, et arrêté momentanément à cause du pass avec le California (que j'ai et juste top, même si ultra méga lent). Pas une grande passion pour ce PA, surtout que c'est assez souvent contre des ennemis de T7 que je me retrouve (en croiseur, destroyer, cuirassés, ça ne me dérange pas, mais avec son petit parc d'avion...). Du coup, j'hésite à free exp le reste à obtenir pour débloquer le T8.
    Bonne journée.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад +1

      Hello! Je vais couvrir les PA allemands bientôt. moi je les équipe normal avec chasseurs accélération et détection. Faut pas s'imaginer que c'est le graf! ils sont très différents, plus d'avions, moins de canons.. plus proches de PA "classiques" qui peuvent attaquer un (tout petit) peu vers la fin. Ils sont tous bons.

    • @romaint5608
      @romaint5608 3 месяца назад

      ​@@deathfromabove432ah oui, je sais que ce n'est pas le Graff, c'est pour ça que j'ai mis autant de temps avant de commencer cette ligne. 😊
      Cool pour la future revue, j'ai hâte. 😊
      Finalement, j'ai ressorti le Weiser et puis bon du plaisirs au final. Du coup, je vais finir les honneurs de batailles, pour garder mon expérience libre sur une autre ligne (probablement pour free exp un T9 et ainsi conserver...des plans 😂).

  • @daruma56563
    @daruma56563 3 месяца назад +2

    Even the planes can't trace the AA that shooting at them came from? A bit unrealistic.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      I have no problem calling that downright stupid :)

  • @sebson5821
    @sebson5821 3 месяца назад +1

    Minimap only spotting... ez fix which would remove basically all spotting problems

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      What do you mean? Ships ppotted by cv only visible on minimap?

    • @sebson5821
      @sebson5821 3 месяца назад

      @@deathfromabove432 yep

  • @jclorden
    @jclorden 3 месяца назад

    Seems like it would be an easy fix to say that only "spotted" surface ships will shoot AA... I'd prefer that to ship fires AA and is then auto spotted

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      or deactivate AA like on PC, but we'll never get that I guess. Another button on an already crowded screen.

  • @mikaminskas
    @mikaminskas 3 месяца назад

    Sad i didbt finish all th t10 CV bhs. Because it looks like ruined game, a lot of ships will delete your squadrons before your spot them + shimas will be a cancer again not just for cv. The spoting range equal for all classes looks strange, it's definitely easier to see twice bigger so from the skies.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      It's weird indeed, but it's not that bad. CV's still good, just watch out more for the flanking Shimas and searching for them means leaving your team without air cover.

  • @imashovel2747
    @imashovel2747 3 месяца назад +1

    Oh no the carriers are nerfed what a tradegy
    Okey nuff with the jokes
    I think overall the nerf to spotting is a positive change although the execution seems a tad jank. CV spotting before was perhaps a tad too powerful because it can really ruin tactics that rely on concealment like using islands to close the distance or letting your conceal go back down to disengage
    This was especially bad for ships that rely heavily on concealment to do work like a good chunk of DDs, some cruisers, and even some battleships are practically at the mercy of the carrier lighting them up and ruining their game plan. With the fear of being ruined by the CV when attempting something aggressive, it resulted in matches becoming passive and unfun
    With the spotting nerf, stuff that needs concealment are now less likely to get ruined making aggressive plays that rely on conceal more feasible in CV games
    And besides, even nerfed, spotting will still be a very powerful tool for carriers in addition to their other strengths like attacking anyone anywhere and creating crossfires on demand
    For fixing planes being shot down by invisible surface ships, yeah thats perfectly reasonable. I think someone else mentioned having the ship be spotted once AA starts firing and if we are going that route, i think its fair if we also get the option to turn off AA and secondaries so the surface ship gets the choice to shoot down the planes or stay hidden

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      Like on PC, would be nice indeed. Thanks for the long and constructive comment!

  • @Nuts1975
    @Nuts1975 3 месяца назад +3

    I completely agree with your analysis of the CV nerf. If your planes are shot down, that ship should be visible. In addition, I believe that a further nerf like Slai and BobLyn want is beyond all bounds. If you ask me, the root of their hatred of cv's is the fact that they are not good at that class. They rely on surprise and this does not work so well with a CV in play. But this is the nature of the game. Rock, paper, scissors and capture the flag. That's all it is. You can't just take away the fun of players purely for your own gain.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад +4

      Hello, first of all, thank you! Leaving the personal comments aside - I also am the first to admit CVs are overpowered. Just watch my tiermaker with Slai. One look at my mvp rate with cvs is enough to tell me something is wrong. Tier 6 is about right for CVs - lower they are too week, higher they become too strong.
      We cc's discussed this recent nerf with WG and we approved it but I had no idea it would lead to stealth ships shooting down planes. That's downright stupid indeed. Just like I advocated for AA buffs... at mid tiers (there's already plenty of AA at 9 & 10... yet, that's mostly the ones they buffed ofc)
      Where I completely agree with you is that, for most, the hate comes from players not being able to yolo freely around the map (or doing so and getting deleted). I for one know that when there's a CV in front, I do not want to be caught like an idiot alone in the middle of the pond. So I stick around teammates with AA, ask my cv for cover and never really have any problem turning back if I get focused. Rock paper scissors indeed - it's not rocket science. And yet...

    • @Nuts1975
      @Nuts1975 3 месяца назад

      Hi DFA, I would like to say one more thing. Not so much about CVs but an exploit (that's how I see it) made possible by this class and the reason I mainly play in T10. Anchoring. If you could take something with you to WG is whether they can make this practice impossible. Have a nice day and keep up the good work!​@@deathfromabove432

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад +1

      @@Nuts1975 oh yeah, this one is really annoying... I've asked for it to be removed a couple of times, don't worry. We'll see.

  • @admiral_HiHi
    @admiral_HiHi 3 месяца назад +1

    Fdr? 🤔🤔lotsa debate around that thing

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      it's because it's downright stupid - no hard counter for any CV or ship classes. It will get you no matter what.

    • @admiral_HiHi
      @admiral_HiHi 3 месяца назад

      @@deathfromabove432 I hope Wargaming will come up with a good Fdr counter ship because it’s really annoying to deal with

  • @jasonbuentiempo6823
    @jasonbuentiempo6823 3 месяца назад

    No they did not so have fun LOL.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      Hey, thank for your comment, you've just made the video and the channel more popular! keep them coming!

  • @Mr_mime2387HK
    @Mr_mime2387HK 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for summing up DFA.
    A change to the current CV gameplay is a good idea, but this has tipped the balance a bit too much.
    By cutting the spotting range for DBs and TBs, meaning fighters have to do the chores of spotting as well(as if they aren't already occupied for destroying enemy attack aircraft).
    And now we will have situations where a squadron can be shredded by Halland AA before you can even spot it, which is weird to say the least.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад +2

      Thank you Mime! Weird indeed… what’s even weirder is that this nerf actually makes cvs like FDR, Saipan Enterprise and Sanzang even more powerful… not sure they needed that 😮

    • @kardy12
      @kardy12 3 месяца назад +2

      I think the new system is definitely better. If they added a “disable AA” function like they have with PC, I’d agree that you should be able to spot a ship that fires at you, but that mechanic does not exist in WOWSB. Because if you don’t have that, automatic AA means you still wreck the ability of any ship relying on stealth to do so just by flying within AA range of them.

    • @kardy12
      @kardy12 3 месяца назад

      Well, it’s a relative nerf for CVs with fewer squadrons vs CVs that have more of them - so nerfing Kaga vs not just Saipan but also any CV with a fighter squadron. But it also means you kind of have to choose between defending your team and spotting.
      FDR certainly doesn’t need a relative buff, but it’s not the only CV at the tier with 2 fighter squadrons.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад

      @kardy12 I generally agree with you - but just look at the list of cvs with 2 fighter squadrons - don’t think any of them needed any ´help’. Quite the opposite if you ask me, but here we are.

    • @kardy12
      @kardy12 3 месяца назад +1

      That’s probably fair, but it’s still a relative buff as all CVs will be less effective at spotting overall. It’s just that those that have more fighter squadrons are relatively less affected than those with fewer fighter squadrons.

  • @AFTEMA7711
    @AFTEMA7711 3 месяца назад +1

    Skill issue much?
    They need to add modular decks on CVs.
    CVs can sh*it on anyone without any counterplay.
    So its a step in the right direction.

    • @deathfromabove432
      @deathfromabove432  3 месяца назад +2

      I don’t think anyone is arguing against that - and if you’ve watched I certainly haven’t.. but planes mysteriously falling from the skies is taking it a bit too far, maybe?

  • @Bis_Lin
    @Bis_Lin 3 месяца назад +1

    thx for nice information Video 🫡